He's right you know

He's right you know.

Attached: 1551004871429.png (544x749, 333K)

Other urls found in this thread:


oh look it's the tranny thread

begin the circlejerk

Yea Forums has always been anti-tranny.

Since when is that website trans?

trannies make threads about this "oneangrygamer" faggot and then circlejerk about him for an entire thread
it's been happening for a few weeks or so

What are you on about?

Anime trannies seetheing over based MK

do people really prefer MK9 jade over MK11 jade? just bc you have huge fake looking melons doesn't mean it's "sexy", she looks fucking comical lmao. zombified jade is still lame af but she looks 10x times better

Okay but the guys are still hot and that's all that matters

i doubt they will add bigger tits and alternative good looking face.

discord tranny is the new boogeyman

I fucking hate you westerners, but thats what I get for being one of the few Korean MK fans. Fuck my choices.

Prefer MK9 Jade over MK11 Jade, but Jade sucks anyway. Kitana beats her in terms of normal, Mileena beats her with that fetish mouth.

You like MK9 man faces when MKXI Jade looks decent?
Koreans are weird, why do you fags shave your jaws and get so much plastic surgery. You should learn to appreciate natural, healthy bodies fit for survival instead of shit peddled in anime made by fat, sickly otaku.

sexy gear? this is Muslim Kombat not Mortal Kombat, you would get stoned to death if you put any kind of lewd stuff in this game

Why do you call them "boogeyman"? You're as evil AND retarded as the subhumans that dismiss any possibly valid theory or criticism as either tinfoil hat, conspiracy theory, or racism. It's been proven plenty of times that there ARE shills in Yea Forums, that there IS a discord group that has a bunch of trannies going through HRT trying to "sissypill"/"pinkpill" boards in Yea Forums (they're a fucking plague in r9k). Whenever someone says /pol/ is invading Yea Forums they're right in one thing: /pol/ browsers do also browse here; what they don't understand is that "/pol/ culture" is actually the rule in Yea Forums, rather than the progressive bullshit narrative of current age

There aren't any "boogeymen" these are real things, the problem is allowing undesired ones to feel at home in here


This, they gave up and started to pander to Muslim loving sjws

Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes. Fuck white people. Fuck jannietrannies. Fuck gookmoot. But most importantly: Fuck YOU

Fuck sjw cancer, OAG is based

>t. faslefalgging tranny
Nice try, but you need something new. You tried this routine two months ago already.

You can change those awful faces?
Dumbass. Bad character design is bad character design.

Remember, if you're not a cuck electionfag you'd use daily Stormer for your true vidya news. They're not held hostage by weebs and cucks like OAG

Invest in glasses. May I suggest America's Best.

nuJade's face looks great, though.

Bro Jade's Dave was so bad Google is filled with revised faces. I can't even find the original unless I reinstall MK9. Looks like Kitana's ugly Micheal Jackson mug

Attached: original.jpg (426x577, 24K)

And here is Jade's new feminine face. Nu-Jade looks better because her face and boobs aren't hard from plastic surgery. Her boobs look really natural

Attached: DzZgXS1X0AEY_Qn.jpg (718x925, 48K)

>I can't play this game unless I can jack off to it
Seek help

Then explain all the futa and femboi circlejerking.

He's right ya know

Attached: boomers.jpg (584x1200, 120K)

Wait, what?


What is this? I have datacaps.

>What is this?
Onionboi "opinion".


Attached: a0QjVgB_700b.jpg (700x1045, 55K)

This video is reddit

the new version looks like a kingdoms of amalur character, you can't be fucking serious

I agree, escapism with using attractive avatars is my right.

Lack of sexy armor is less important in the grand scheme of SFM porn. You can just make them wear French maid outfits or even full nude. But not much can be done about the beastly faces the girls have now. Jade is the worst one yet in that regard. Why did they make her a nigger? Why?

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for the sequel story

Attached: 1547787635978.jpg (465x391, 81K)

That is the most retarded roundabout shit I've seen so far today.
This sort of mental gymnastic befit of a mentally ill person, or retarded as I would like to call them.


Attached: feminist.jpg (714x405, 150K)

She's been one since the beginning. The "actor" for her sprite was a black woman.

She looks like your average woman in her 30s-40s, most of my teachers growing up looked like her. This is how a functioning member of society looks. Meanwhile the person who posted this image is probably a homunculus living on their parents' paycheck, screeching about feminism on the internet instead of getting a job or doing something productive. Get a life.

>less important

I love trannies but only fictional ones that I can wank to in my incase doujins

>She looks like your average woman in her 30s-40s

You know how I know your american? In Europe we call people looking like that morbidly obese, not average woman.

I love how this image focuses on the breasts while conveniently ignoring everything else of the character models that looks god-awful. 11's girls may be covered up but at least they don't look like shitty muscular superhero drawings and their faces aren't as mannish.

fuck, I physically cringed.

boner culture

>morbidly obese
First of all I am not american and secondly she isn't morbidly obese and you don't know what that even means. She is obese, yes, but not morbidly so, and a lot of middle-aged women are this way after they had a kid or two. Sure it's not a positive trait but if you're going to screech about someone far more successful than you (probably married with children, a stable job ect.) because they could lose a few kilos, why don't you post a pic of yourself to see how you compare? You can block out the eyes if you want.

>Their faces aren't as mannish
I wouldn't really say that.

>everyone who isn't me is a tranny

user, come on, use your critical faculties.

>this post
Fuck, I physically cringed.

Kill yourself.

As opposed to what, metaphysically cringed? Cringing is a physical action. Don't be redundant.

>sexy time
>Boner culture
Anyone who thinks this isnt a false flagging SJW should be euthanized

Not an argument.

>boner culture
based retard

>no u
cake boy


Isn't that site satire?

>one angry gamer
>boner culture
>he's right
no, he's not. You're only allowed to be roughly that retarded right here, on 4chins

Attached: 1549225135551.gif (245x245, 764K)

Teacher isn't a succesful job faggot, stop projecting your sad life on others

>there are cringy people in my side like in any other political movement
>this must be a false flag