Damn, halo was almost saved.
Damn, halo was almost saved
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Post yfw you aren't Randy Pitchford
>Halo by Gearbox
I dont even want to imagine
>Cortana is a loli now
>Master Chief has now more one liners than bullets
weird, but could work
Halo 4 had at least some good stuff going for it, if it would be made by Gearbox, it would have ended like CM or DNF and no one wants that.
literally the only ""good"" (and even thats debatable) thing about 4 was the TLOUS movie game styled story about muh cortana.
4's visuals and gameplay sucked, theres no way gearbox would have fucked that up as hard as 343 did.
>Forgetting Battleborn exists
The Combat Evolved PC port was done by Gearbox. They did some neat shit like adding the cut content to the multiplayer.
But the Borderlands games are shit too.
BL2 has fun gameplay.
Who cares about the cringe shit
>BL2 has fun gameplay
No it doesn't. Enemies are bullet sponges and guns feel like ass.
they ported the original game to PC.
It was a good port, surprisingly
>Enemies are bullet sponges
And? are you telling me halos arent either?
>guns feel like ass
so do halos.
Apart from the lack of local co-op Halo CE on PC was vastly superior.
Battleborn didn't have anywhere near the ammount of rule 34 bait overwatch has, and no where near as good a marketing.
Yeah, but Halo has fun gunplay, Borderlands doesn't.
>guns feel like ass
Don't know about the recent ones but I played all Halos up to Reach and the guns seemed fine to me.
>be me
>read this post
>cock hardens
>on brink of blowing when I read ‘the’
But would we have gotten a sexier Cortana than 4’s? I wouldn’t take the risk.
They should’ve taken over after 4 though, they could have saved the franchise from the fuckery that was 5
>Yeah, but Halo has fun gunplay, Borderlands doesn't.
you cant say that while not explaining, you seem extremely biased, do you have babbys first FPS syndrome?
covenant guns generally feel like ass and so do all of the unsc weapons that are not BR, sniper or rocket launcher
>Halo 4 had at least some good stuff going for it
Is this bait?
I knew as soon as I did the quick time event IN THE FIRST MISSION it was riding a garbage truck
>Halo 4 ending
You're entitled to your opinion user, but I'd guess you probably weren't old enough to buy Halo CE on release? but nvm that
Halo was never about Chief as a character, that was the whole point... he was supposed to be a blank slate so the player could envision themselves in Cheif's armor
As for Cortana, the events of Halo 1-3 happened over a very short period of time
to think she fell in love with Chief after watching him sleep for several years is kind of creepy tbqfh
>Halo with Borderland's writing
the series would of fucking died
I only like halo because of saggy natual tits cortana.
Sure, but the games still have a handful of satisfying weapons, you said so yourself.
Borderlands doesn't have any satisfying weaponry at all.
>You're entitled to your opinion user, but I'd guess you probably weren't old enough to buy Halo CE on release?
Man youre a brainlet.
It was done well so i see why it is liked, although i dislike the hollywood bait styled direction.
Halo had always revolved around the chief since CE and thats just fine, changing protagonists doesnt automatically make games fresh.
It has anyway.
or literally everything else not borderlands with their names on it in the past decade.
gearbox is a trash studio that struck gold once with a shitty meme-fest game where they basically ape call of duty's gameplay, but everyone loves it because of "how do you do fellow kids" witty reddit tier humor and a bunch of the same fucking guns in rainbow colors which dupe some morons into thinking its deep because TECHNICALLY there's hundreds of different weapons.
also pitchford is a smug SJW jackass who got caught with child porn on a flashdrive so i look forward to reading about him getting assraped in jail. maybe he can write a shitty song about THAT
>Who cares about the cringe shit
*Cortana dabs to the sound of a Srkrillex song*
>written by Anthony Burke
>memes And gays
>playing halo
>saying BL has bad guns next to fucking halo
is this bizarro world
If playing Halo makes you pleb, what does playing Borderlands makes you?
>Gearbox receives Halo
>add in RPG elements just because
>could've made Destiny before Bungie
MCC is never coming to PC, is it?
Destiny outblands both of em tho.
wouldn't have mattered. halo was a dead game by 2010 with cuck of duty replacing it and now fagnight replaces cuck of duty.
face it you only played halo cuz it was popular with normiefags like yourself
BL2 was shit compared to 1 and 1 was a 6.5/10 at best
CE on PC is the best Halo.
this would only be a gotcha for people who switched from Halo to COD. most people stopped playing Halo because Halo 3 got old and underpopulated, and they didn't move to COD, COD was successful side by side with Halo. if you didn't bother with MW why would you bother with BO2 or whatever? AW is the only COD game that kinda plays like Halo, maybe there's some overlap there.
what are the chances they wouldn't fuck up MCC?
what are the chances they would've ported it to PC?
>It was a good port, surprisingly
no it fucking wasn't
yeah but they didn't have to write anything
Dodged a bullet
It ran like absolute shit, my man. Only like 5 years later everyone had PCs strong enough to brute force it for good performance.
Multiplayer was ok, though. I have to admit.
i ran it with intel integrated graphics from 2002
randy pitchfork's 'child porn' was a video of an 18 year old and you shouldn't go along with that false claim just because you don't like him
not at a playable framerate you didn't. it's true, Halo CE ran horrendously.
i was certainly using low settings but i remember it being enjoyably playable.
i still have that computer in working order, with halo installed. dare i take out the graphics card and reexperience halo as i first played it?
Do you have any idea how fucking easy that is compared to making a game out of nothing?
>And? are you telling me halos arent either?
Wtf, yes? Have you even played halo? Do you know ANYTHING about enemy design?
install fraps (it's free nowadays) before you do it. kids are very resilient when it comes to low framerate. I played through Crysis at 15 fps. now I wouldn't play any game under 50 fps, it's just too painful after years of playing shooters at 100+ fps.
>only gameplay is important
Mass Effect Andromeda.
This is what I meant, the story and the interactions between the characters was better than the barebones military bro stuff Bungie was doing. Also I dig the visuals.
But I agree that 4 had some of the worst levels of all Halo titles. The fucking hacking sequence and the "hold the enemy" back level in the jungle were awful and straight up not fun to play.
Forget MCC, it's time to look forward to Halo 3 Anniversary.
it only runs in fixed function mode so it is dramatically uglier than i remember, but it does run over 30fps most of the time. i played on blood gulch for a few minutes and some angles rendering most of the map would drop below 30, but it was mostly fine. i got a couple kills and feel i was enjoyably playing halo and not just suffering for memes. i'm putting my radeon HD 3850 back in now to play with ground textures that aren't two color blobs.
Halo couldn't be saved. They just should have let it died
Giving it to anyother team is just going to ruin it