Why don't PC games come out on blu-ray?
Why don't PC games come out on blu-ray?
Because optical media is dead. Movie and music industries are lagging behind a decade, like always.
Because that makes very little financial sense
I haven't had an optical drive in the past 15 years and games just come with the steam installer on disk now and not the actual game.
game companies managed to succesfully convince zoomers they don't need to own games at all and turned entire gaming industry from respectable media to something more like newgrounds or other shitty flash games but with 1000000x more budget
Because even 10+ years ago PC games had little to no shelf space. This is why hardly any console games came to PC, and why PC gaming exploded in popularity after Steam and other stores became the norm for distribution.
I have a DVD drive but I dont know why I even got it since I have used it exactly once: to install Windows.
The gaming industry was never respectable media, and a piece of plastic is not a mark of respectability
Most PC players use Steam.
It's sad, but true.
The drive isn't necessary for the function of the pc game and hasn't been since like cd-rom days. Was probably cheaper during early blu-ray days just to have shit on a bunch of dvds and nowadays it's all digital so there was never any real incentive for it.
step 1. PC games cannot be easily resold due to so many of them being tied to a non-transferable key like a steam key
step 2. gamestop doesn't want to sell them because they know they can't resell them
step 3. that's basically the biggest point of sale for physical games, wal-mart et al. don't even come close
But the biggest reason is because, if you could sell a game for full price but not even have to release it physically and pay out all those cuts, why the fuck wouldn't you? Shit-eating retards who are perfectly happy owning nothing but a digital license are what killed physical PC games in the US. Europe still gets them because Europe still buys them, but outside of a few select publishers, no one bothers releasing physical PC games anymore. Even companies like Limited Run have only done three PC releases, and two of them were deals done with the publisher. Indie Box basically went out of business because not enough people subscribed. The costs don't seem to justify the meager sales, from what I've been able to gather just from observation.
giving out keys is more beneficial
>no CD production costs
>kills off the sharing market
>can upload it to steam and don't bother it
>music industries are lagging behind a decade, like always
the music industry is the first one who was confronted by piracy and online stores and now streaming. Music is pretty much the first medium that will be affected change on the internet, sadly it is lead by 50+ year old boomers in suits who know jack shit about the internet besides porn and facebook so it'll lag behind and probably die even more
>still costs the same as a physical release
>>no CD production costs
That's not a benefit for the consumer. It's the same price.
>>kills off the sharing market
Yes goy, now you're not allowed to share!
>owned a blu-ray disc drive for my computer for years now
>probably used it less than 5 times
I still think that computer cases without any front panels for the sake of aesthetics are retarded though. There's some actually useful shit on can put there.
should've phrased it different.
I meant more beneficial for the industry, the consumer gets fucked with this
>>kills off the sharing market
If anything, Steam made it even easier to share. Just give your friend your login.
>There's some actually useful shit on can put there.
Like what? Have one of those sata to usb things and have never used it for my dvd drive or anything else that would occupy a front bay.
Fan controllers, card readers, extra USB ports.
Boxed PC games are just fucking steam keys now. Its why I don't buy physical PC games anymore.
Because more people own DVD drives than BD drives, and having to switch DVDs while installing isn't that much of a hassle.
I literally only use my BR player to watch movies, and not even very often.
Next case probably won't have a player and I'll keep an external one.
eroge market still produces tons of physical releases every year but they stuck with DVD-ROM