Is there a company with more wasted potential?

Is there a company with more wasted potential?

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>went from being one of the greatest game companies of the 90s to being a laughing stock

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>implying anyone but Bethesda/Bioware right now
meanwhile SEGA has been drawing huge dimes for the past few years, Kiwami 2 and Judgment are already in the Top 20 sellers in Japanese video game sales over the past 5 year period.

Sonic 2006 was over 10 years ago now user, stop posting.

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sega could kill nintendo
signal flow: sega release all their arcade ports to switch, pc, ps4 and xbox > make lots of cash > create sonic adventure 3 using the staff behind sonic generations > make lots lots lots of cash > partner with sony to release the Playstation Dreamcast console > PS Dreamcast more powerful than gtx 1070 for only 399 dollars > Nintendo bankrupt

Square Enix and Konami maybe even Ubisoft.

>shitload of dormant IPs
>stupid console making decision

Yup, it's pretty much Sony these days.

plenty of studios
plenty of money
plenty of varied ips
decide to make them all formulaic open world garbage

Sony or Capcom.
The two have abandoned almost as much ips if not more than Sega.

Sega is too in bed with Nintendo to kill them.

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>literally no cross-promotional shit outside of Smash since the Wii U deal ended

>dormant IPs
yes that's usually what happens when you stop being a big production company

Where the fuck is my remake/hd re-release?

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WHY DID YOU SEND US A C&D? Yes, I'm still mad.

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Yakuza 0 is the only 10/10 game released since 2015 or so, they are doing fine. Finally started publishing shit on PC and even removed Denuovo from those games. They are pretty based now.

nigga what?

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Sega was literally one of the 1st 3rd parties to put games on Switch
Though they were mainly sonic games and Puyo Puyo Tetris

Persona 5 is easily 9/10 too

user, they're surviving on about 4 IPs right now while their greats are died.

Yeah, hopefully new edition of P5 can fix some of it's flaws.

Well shit, that's what I get for switching to phone to take a shit.

sup woolie, maybe some day bro

>4 IPs
when your 4 IPs are Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry and fucking Street Fighter that's completely okay

>BOF is dead
>Darkstalkers is dead
>Ghosts and Goblins is dead
>Joe is dead
>Power Stone is dead
>all of those beat em ups are dead
>Dino crisis is dead

>only have Resi, MH, SF as active series
He's not wrong, Capcom have all of these IPs under their belt that cover so many different genres but they don't use them at all.

You do know what the topic of the thread is right?
It's not "they're still making money so it's fine".

Switch will probably get the "Remix" treatment like DQXI has, it sucks but that's re-releases.

if hes woolie im bender

i'll make my own game company, with blackjack and hookers!

>they don't use them at all
making games costs money and they've JUST developed 2 of their big 4 IPs using a newly developed RE Engine

do you seriously not expect more projects using it in the not so distant future?

okay Yea Forums so what company today is capitalizing on their potential or are gaining it steadfastly?

tfw expecting Yea Forums to make a positive comment

They can't do all those IPs at once. It makes no sense to try to do all of them right now. Ghosts and Ghoblins is basically Dragon's Dogma now. I don't know why they don't do Dino Crisis anymore since they can just copy-paste RE assets to it. Joe would probably sell well on Switch and even PC but it's Capcom. If they are smart they will focus on big sellers like MH and SF and play it safe.

Are you being retarded on purpose?
If they intended to make any games in those series they would have done it years ago.

Also did it ever occur to you that selling more games means you get more money?
How about the fact that not every game needs to be a big budget release?

Larian studios, CD project, Rockstar

>They can't do all those IPs at once
No one is saying they should but some of those have been dormant for well over ten years without so much as a port or collection. They're dead outright.


>company thats doing fine compared to many other companies treatment of IP's already mentioned in the thread
what's your point?

New Skies of Arcadia when?

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if they return to hardware, they could replace Sony

Blizzard and Valve, but I agree that Sega and Square Enix are dumpster fires as well.

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So you don't know what this thread is about and just came in to defend capcom despite the fact they they're the epitome of wasted potential.

google says witcher 4 was the biggest flop of 2018

why is google lying to me? i havent even played the game and i know its sauce

I don't know, they are getting pretty based right now.

Well, why make a Dino Crisis game when you can make a RE game instead? They won't do it just to please the fans, they were good games and ended on a good note. There was no Monster Hunter in PS1 era, that's where most money and staffing probably goes to, especially with World. It took Nintendo million years to resurrect Kid Icarus, maybe we'll get another BoF or Joe game some day too.

I wish they would, Sony still doesn't know a thing about making good consokes.

If you had full ownership and total control of the company, what would you do to save SEGAs ass?

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I'm just impressed they managed to save the RE franchise. RE7 was a fucking godsend and it BTFO of the tasteless retards that liked 4,5,6 as well.

I wish KH3 was better than it ended up.

Sony has shit ton of revenue from TVs and other multimedia devices, does Sega have anything other than pachinko machines?

Dude, Sony bleeds money from everything that isn't insurance or games. Its why they only make twice as much as Nintendo rather than rivalling apple and Microsoft.

I'd like to see Shinobi or Ristar again.

It's definitely Konami. At least Sega still puts out Sonic games, occasional remasters and genesis compilations along with newer franchises. Konami has not put a single Castlevania, Contra, Goemon Gradius, Rocket Knight Adventure, Silent Hill or Suikoden game this generation or even longer for some. They've only destroyed Metal Gear Solid series and put out a remaster of Zone of Enders 2. Oh, and a mediocre Bomberman game since they own Hudson Soft and plan on doing nothing else with them.

>If they intended to make any games in those series they would have done it years ago
>did it ever occur to you that selling more games means you get more money?
are (You) retarded user?

>not every game needs to be a big budget release
sure, when they're already making other games they know will likely sell more that isn't going to be made a priority by any developer, this isn't hard to comprehend mate

That's not true


Capcom is running on fumes. They haven't made a new IP in 7 years. The last one was DD.

Square enix was never good. You're thinking of SquareSoft

Wrong quote

>Overall, Sony recorded a 12.4% increase in revenue at $78 billion for a profit of $6.7 billion, a staggering 154% increase. This beat its February forecast of $77.8 billion in revenue and $6.6 billion in operating income, making it the most profitable year for Sony since 1998 when the PlayStation 1 was helping cement the company as the new king of the hill.

Same company, different name. Literally the only difference is they own Dragon Quest now. They were good as Squaresoft, and became a laughing stock as Square-Enix.

they choose to make DMCV over a new DD, it's better they wait until Monster Hunter is completely done selling units to work on DD again desu

I unironically want Sega back

They became a different company when the merger happened.

>they're the epitome of wasted potential
this thread literally proves there are by far worse out there, stop posting brainlet

Dude, don't try and act like you know everything when you're trying to say to him that making less games with a higher budget nets more money. On top of that a lot of the people who made games like VJ don't even work at capcom anymore, it's clear they have no intention of making more.

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That was only due to the president having a choke hold on projects. Maybe some of their other franchises finally get released and something good will happen with them. I am enjoy their new turn with more SaGa games being remastered, made, and localized.

Only developer that is wasting everything is Konami, and it hurts knowing how damn good they use to be.

>same company
>different head of company
>most of the creative team laid off after the merge
it isn't you fucking retard

Umm, squee-enix is from 2003, friend ;)

>making less games with a higher budget nets more money
when that is literally the case within the industry right now, stop posting moron

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Is Sega not the same company then? Pretty much the same thing happened to them after the Sammy merger.

Sega does have the most franchises when it comes to the capability to make some really exciting shit and shake things up. Imagine a Crazy Taxi sequel with a VR mode and late 90's punk rock soundtrack, an ECCO game developed by a proven indie dev, a high budget Phantasy Online sequel that would be in spiritual competition to Moster Hunter or Destiny, a new fucking Rez sequel, a Shinobi game developed by Platinum or just a Virtua Fighter 6 after a decade plus since 5. All of those things would drum up more excitement than the usual by the numbers open world shit or FPS games we get nowadays. Sega just needs to realize people still remember and love most of their older franchises more so than most.

>when that is literally the case within the industry right now
>saying this while posting a company that not only makes comparatively low budget games but makes money on microtransactions

You know rockstar puts most of their budget into marketing, right?

No, Sega are getting amazing again.

They're doing alright, but I'm still missing someone very important.

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>a Shinobi game developed by Platinum
pls no. I like Platinum just fine but I'd rather Shinobi stay away from them.

I wish they were honest with Deep Down already and said that it was cancelled, there's no use in lingering on that now.

>Sega isn't the epitome of wasted potential.
>When Pic related will for ever be known as the time they blatantly fucked up.

Every thread I'm doing my part to inform the good people of one of, if not, sega's most biggest blunder when ever someone makes such claims about Sega being competent and/or "based" as video game company.

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PSO2 ain't for gaijin normalfags

They're not a laughing stock. Not sure what you're smoking.

That's normal what the fuck were you expecting lol

Oh yeah they are.

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I remember that last thread talking about SoJ/SoA's battle. Anyone wondering why SEGA is in the state they are now needs to read up on their run in the console business and Tom Kalinske's role in the company. A tl;dr version is Dynamite Headdy's secret boss.

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Nintendo, honestly.

Sega is doing pretty well for themselves all things considered.

I remember Sega of America didn't allow a fuckton of 2D games over to the west. And they released the Saturn before it was ready.

PSO2 is an excellent game though. Are you perhaps butthurt about it not being put on a silver gaijin platter? Are you going to trot out the 'dressup' and 'advertising' arguments again>

Whats wrong with Monolithsoft?

Xenoblade 2 in general, and the baffling decision to put 1 and X on dead consoles.

They are wholly owned by Nintendo.

>PSO2 could be Sega's answer to Destiny and Anthem
>They refuse to bring it to the US and Europe.
At this point I would settle for a PSOHD.

I'm talking about when they could have released it world wide, pulled in a much bigger player base and kept it's integrity, but didn't, making a deal with some literal who Chinese company to handle and English version instead of their own overseas branches, who then proceeds to butcher that version into some official bootleg version of a Phantasy star, which hemmeraged them even more money to keep open, forcing actual pso2 to whore itself out to every collab it can get, then began the destruction of the games Identity all together with likes of Ep4 and even worse Ep5 when Pso2 had more than enough going for to make it a hit, all they had to do was market it probably. It's literally wasted potential in it's purest form and testimony to how shit Sega can be when it comes to handling and IP seconded only by Sonic

>They refuse to bring it to the US and Europe
The tested it with the SEA version and it failed.


that said, the way PSO died in the west... I want all of sega and sonic team flayed.


They didn't even let Billy be a racing in Transformed. Kept his stage at least

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That was Bernie "Five Star Policy" Stolar, who had this Five Star Policy that more or less fucked up the Saturn's library in America and eventually they got some 2D games on the platform but it was already too late. He tried to say Tekken was dead when Soulcalibur released on the Dreamcast and finally got fired. There's also a DYKAG relating to him and an employee in an airport who said he couldn't forget the man that killed Shenmue. Another piece of material is Segagaga, trying to shift the blame of SEGA's downfall on Sony.

After a while, you realize that Sonic really is the most hardy IP in existence if it can still get games under SEGA's incompetence. Only Archie Comics proved to be above them in bullshit.

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The Nights Wii game was underrated.

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To be fair I don't think the Saturn's library would have enraptured the West. It's a shame those games were not brought over, but nevertheless I don't think their localization would have rescued the Saturn. The Saturn was a misfire from the ground up even if you ignore the Playstation's role in its demise.

They fucked up Phantasy Star Online 2 by never localizing it and they butchered Valkyria Chronicles 4 with half assing its budget and not letting you pick the girl to marry while forcing blonde shit heroine. SEGA had to close a shit town of offices years ago as they went to push for digital growth, it's why SEGA in Europe is synonymous with Euroshit soccer sim and Total War strategy series. SquareEnix may be top 5 worst material of all time, but SEGA is top 3 because they really didn't release anything of praise during the PS4 remaster generation of recycling old PS3 gen games. I mean, come on, SEGA took that ill fated Sonic Boom from the Wii U and stealth released it on the PC. That was cute but sums up SEGA as a whole, incompetent.

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Kinda makes me admire the dreamcast more. They knew it was their last hurrah, so they decided to go all in and create some real gems.

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"Hey, let's release a console with less features than the previous one and let's also force everyone to buy the same games again, our fans are so retarded they will see no problem"
And their fans proved them right

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True, that stunt with the 32X and the Saturn's surprise release already doomed it, but if nothing else you would have had those games come to the west. Still, emulation has advanced since then, so running them on your PC shouldn't be too much of a hassle now.

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>Sega could kill nintendo

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>so running them on your PC shouldn't be too much of a hassle now
You'd be surprised. AFAIK Saturn emulation is still pretty shit.

Again, who the hell makes test version of a product for a region that isn't related to there actual target region in almost anyway? If they wanted to test how well Phantasy star would stick overseas as an international IP then they shouldn't have never bothered with the SEA version and just localized Phantasy Star Nova. SEGA wasn't testing shit they were trying to cut corners, because way before they even came up with the SEA server, they announced pso2 and then announced it was coming west within weeks of the Japanese announcement, website trailer and everything. And the SEA server didn't become a thing until mid Ep2, which was a good year or 2 afterwards initial release. If you aren't sure an IP is gonna take off overseas, why the hell would even allow a trailer and official announcement for it before testing waters?

>Pretty much all of Valve's releases were something to look forward to in some way
>Act almost like the Nintendo of PC gaming and every release or info on one their IPs caused the internet to be spammed with shit almost to the extent of Smash Bros
>Responsible for some of the biggest multiplayer titles on the market and each one of their IPs was some sort of vidya icon that even nerd kulture casuals were putting them next to Mario and Zelda
>A lot of their titles good enough to have an active playerbase 10 years later, even when support of them pretty much has ended
>Just suddenly stops making games altogether right as we're expecting a conclusion to their flagship
>Don't even update their existing games, leaving everything they made to die and fade to obscurity
>Continues to still just sit their doing nothing even while major PC releases leave their platform left and right
Companies like Valve and Konami need to just sell of their IPs since they have no plans for them

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Not sure what this has to do with the thread user, unless you believe the rivalry between them is still going and that Sonic and Sega is beating Mario and Nintendo.

The people who bought the Switch didn’t buy the Wii U.
But I’m still pissed about a number of good features they dropped from the Wii U and how they’re fucking over those of us who fucking bought the Wii U.

It is a company that is wasting its potential due to their fans having low standards when it comes to them

They never could. Had their chance in the 90s and failed.

I dunno the fans are kind of bitchy to me

Sega is an incompetent company with regular, brief flashes of brilliance
It's always been that way

Nah. Sega is the king of all retards.

Dude the switch outsold the WiiU in less than a year.
Most of the people who buy WiiU ports are people who never owned a WiiU to begin with

Well, I did, now what?

>ended on a good note
That's bullshit and you know it

>brought us franchises like Metal Gear, Silent Hill and Contra
>absorbed Hudson and all it's IPs
>focused only on MGS until they eventually went full slot machine
>now just sits on their IPs while worrying about their next pachinko garbage

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Sonic was never fucking good, you autistic furries.
>inb4 zoomer
I played the original on the genesis. It was shit. Got 3 as a gift: shit. Played a bit of CD at a friend's house: shit.
Bought a gamecube and thought Adventure 2 might be different, but no, more fucking shit

That's cool and all (you're wrong) but there's more to SEGA than Sonic, even if SEGA themselves sometimes don't remember this.

>you're wrong
No, I am not. Sonic is a fucking laughing stock, and rightly so. His games are shit, and now they're autism friendly shit.

>and now they're autism friendly shit.
Then why don't you like them?

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Projection. Stay mad, furry



Sega has been releasing some good games the last few years, SE is way worse except for their DQ games

>Darkstalkers is dead
>Ghosts and Goblins is dead
>Joe is dead
>Power Stone is dead
>all of those beat em ups are dead
nobody cares about those
Dino Crisis and BOF should be rebooted tho

>nobody cares about those
I think it's more that you don't care about those. Dino Crisis isn't any more popular.

Pretty sure Dino Crisis is more popular than memes and memelins, memejoe and memepower memestone

also Dino Crisis is probably twice your age

>Dino Crisis is probably twice your age
And Ghosts 'n Goblins is three times yours, you turbo-teen.

I want a SEGA Saturn Classics collection so bad!
The SEGA Genesis Classics collection is fucking amazing. And I want one for Saturn!

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Even though they dropped out of the console race and have had some really dark years. Are SEGA unironically the company that most respects their videogame properties among SEGA, Microsoft, Sony, Capcom, and Konami?

Sonic game every year.


>Are SEGA unironically the company that most respects their videogame properties

I want to say Telltale but they dropped the ball due to following that same boring story formula instead of expanding.
I'll say Nintendo with not trying to directly compete with the PS3 and Xbox360 and instead putting out that bullshit WiiU

No offense, but I would have sent you one too if it were up to me.
Protecting the IP is the responsibility of the IP owner. Letting random people do what they want with your IP without your involvement and quality control, even if you don't ask money in return, is not ever in the interest of the IP owner.
Sonic right

They've got tons of properties, plenty of which they keep alive.
Sony does not have a SINGLE classic franchise alive. Microsoft has never really been that successful in ever acquiring recognizable brands aside from Halo to begin with.
Konami are fucking dead as far as videogames are concerned. Fucking R.I.P.
Capcom are in something of a resurgence of sorts, but they're still a complete ghost of their former selves.

SEGA are still keeping life in a surprising number of classic brands, while still cultivating new ones. Brands that they don't just discard after one game or two.

In terms of games, it has a legendary legacy game catalog. In terms of management of said games, probably the single worst company.

>In terms of management of said games, probably the single worst company.
That would be Capcom.

Reminder Jet Set 3 will happens

Please tell me your serious.

>are still keeping life in a surprising number of classic brands
I can't think of many aside from Sonic, Yakuza, and the Atlus stuff which doesn't exactly count. They are pretty good about ports/collections, though.

Sad what happened to them every console they released was the best of its respective generation. No one does arcade kino like Sega.

>They are pretty good about ports/collections, though

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