Monk class

>Monk class
>punch skill
>shitty heal skill
>aura/buff skill

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know, why do you need buffs when you can just use more punch skills?

who is this abs lady?

Is she wearing gauntlets?

>monk class
>no special skills
>punches good

>archer class
>flame arrow
>poison arrow
>triple arrow
>sniper arrow
>arrow rain
Every single time

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don't fix what ain't broken

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Ragnarok online shura class

>Monk class
>it's one of the worst class in the game

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why wouldnt she be?

>monk class
>no weapon cost
>minimal armor cost
>still just as good or better than other dps classes in the same game

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name three (3) examples

blade and soul i guess?

>Monk class
>"Unarmed" skillset
>equiping a murder gauntlet with a chainsaw attached counts as unarmed
>it boosts kick damage

I was thinking of Tree of Savior when I posted that.

>monk class
>always some ching-chongs shaolin clown
>isn't fat french alcoholic

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>the cheapest class (money wise) is the strongest with enough grinding autism
thats horrid game design

didnt some guy rated every team with a monk on FF1 a 0/10 or something

A solo monk can beat the game, so that guy is probably retarded.

>No rpg where the monk class is a western burly religious old man trained in both unarmed self defense combat and divine spells

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Come back Koenig

whats wrong user

>punching class is always a monk so they can dump healing on me and i have to look like a dumbass

>martial arts
>never punches, does palm thingy
Not even sure what martial art is shown in kenshi

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Did you know that your legs are a stronger muscle than your arms? So, wouldn't it be better to have a kick skill?

a healer monk will NEVER outdo a dedicated priest in any game,i hope

This. Almost every game's design team has no idea how to make fist weapon visual progression, so they all turn into katars and various loosely defined "punch daggers". WoW had some of the worst with fucking canoes strapped to your forearms.

Legs are more important than your arms i guess? cant use them too much else you are crippled

>Body Relocates behind you
>Summon Anal Beads
>Body Relocates in front of you
>Finger Guns
>Body Relocates away

Why were RO monks so based?

Is it fanart? can't find anywhere

>monk class
>it's always fruity """""martial arts""""" warrior priest monk
>never just a brawler or wrestler

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I loved the class. They were honestly kinda shit at farming/grinding which was the main task of the game (Other than their obvious sustainability). But, jesus did they shine in MVPing and PvPing.

How about an entire kick class?

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Why would "wrestler" pop into your head when you hear "monk"?

it was the guy who made 8 bit theater


Is there any class like that?

I should have said 'unarmed class', not monk class, I'm dumb

I just posted it...

>monk class
>most fun class to play in the entire game
>absolutely bottom tier in all endgame content cause it doesn't have any utility skills or broken damage output

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I don't know about kick, but any class I play is a report class.

TK was such a weird fucking class design. It was shit unless you happened to be one of the 10 top ranked on the server, forcing you to choose between upgrading to a support mage hybrid that ditches almost all your previous skills, or better baseline TK but only one a couple maps against a couple mobs and maybe permanent blind if you're that ASPD crazy.
Even Gunslinger and it's upgrades seem like less of a meme, and far more viable if you've the zeny.

I was about to post him,oh well

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Also strong on alchemy skills.
1. Strong alcohols to sell or bribe people with
2. Potions for buffs and poisons
3. Gunpowder.

Western style monk would pretty much be the "craftsman" class for everything non-smithing and -carpentry related.

Besides ridiculously high knowledge in basically everything (from lore to science).

lots of fast punches
slow big damage punches

which do you prefer?

Lots of fast punches into a slow big punch

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Lots of fast big damage punches

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reminder these pieces of shit and their one hit kill PVP skill never got nerfed in FLYFF

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Wasn't F/MStriker nerfed into oblivion again with a new patch?


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old shura art

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New female

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>monk class artwork
>has those beads
That's when you know you're in for the real shit

New male

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Would you a saint?

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thats it for now anons

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worthless character btw

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Is there any game, RPG, action, etc. where it feels as good to punch and combo people as God Hand? That's not rhetorical, I've been dying for other games that have that feel. There's a lot of really good action games but not a lot of hand to hand ones.

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Dungeon Fighter
WoW for Brewmaster

Best monk.

I thought she was an archer


Pick one and only one, you scrub

yare yare daze

Archer, monk or rogue.

DMC3 Beowulf only run

>meanwhile in etrian odyssey
>pugilists can specialize in disabling foes via crippling blows to the head or limbs
>can deliver paralyzing attacks
>make their allies more resistant to disabling bind effects
>deliver crushing blows at the cost of their own life force
>retaliate automatically to all health loss, whether caused by their own attacks or not
>punch a motherfucker so hard they get electrocuted


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why not both

>monk class
>skills that allow you to break hands, legs and crack open the skull of your enemies, with multiple combo abilities related to them
>punch so powerful it gets infused with thunder and hurts you if target doesn't die from it
>punch so powerful it creates an aoe explosion or is designed to murder tough foes
>punch that literally crushes the souls of your enemies and heals you
>a charge ability that increases you damage next turn up to 6 times depending on how well you got healed

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>some buff fighter that uses his punches and kicks as weapons
>not a detective that solves crimes thanks to his ocd

Beowulf was painfully boring actually. By far the least fun gauntlet weapon in series.
Ifrit is where the true fun is. The shit had fantastic DT abilities and turned you into some fucking Evil Ruy.
Belial soon, too.

So basically Gragas in lol in a stylish robe.

What are some games where I can be a monk with those beads and smack people?

I disagree but respect your opinion.
I'll agree that Vergil's Beowulf was more fun but it didn't have Rising Dragon with the Tatsumaki after and the rapid punch combo from Dante

WoW monks are consistently mid tier to straight up OP. If they're ever bad it's only for one patch before they get buffed again

>monk class
>can only use convoluted fist weapons like claws, katars and weird brass knuckles
>can't even actually fight barehanded

Also DMC4SE Beowulf is basically DMC3 Beo+Ifrit

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>Wizards learn spells by using concentration, knowledge about the nature of the world, and needs to master both body and mind to complete the spells
>Monks master body and mind by using concentration and knowledge about the nature of the self, ends up learning bootleg spells as a result
>Endgame wizards unravel the fabric of the multiverse
>Endgame monks punch harder
With the way both classes work you'd think they crossover often, but monks always ends up being relegated to martial hell.

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Brewmaster was OP for challenge mode dungeons. Windwalker owned without gear and was fotm in 2v2. Monk wasn't as OP as DK at his initial release but still became top of the ladder.
Here's a video if you don't believe me. Also maxing the gauge on the top left gives a third charge level for every hit

SEAL Online

>arrow arrow

barefoot female fighters are the best

so can a solo white mage.

I feel like I’d have a hard time walking around with all that loose raggedy shit. It’s like forgetting to tie your shoe laces x100.

Literally okay when elves do it

yeah that guy is full of shit. The only time BRM has ever been bad was after Blizzard "bug fixed" one of their main mitigation mechanics out of the game

its just priest.

DFO did the monk class the best.

People were talking about DMC3 Beowulf only run and Dante's Beowulf is beyond boring

Yeah, my mistake.
DMC4 Beowulf only run, then. Avoid his Trick completely too if you want.

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>starts shitty
>ends up most powerful class
>literally beat the shit out of the game

>monk class
>doesn’t actually fight unarmed

That is the based version of monk.

Staff should always be a viable monk choice.

Haven't played EO3 very much, but isn't the Monk class in that game exactly like OP described?

We're talking about Pugilist from 5 and it's the single best class in the game and possibly whole series.
So good in fact that you can take TWO of them and focus one on dealing damage and another on binding enemies and they will carry your entire fucking team.

>priestess party member
>the skimpier her armor was, the more potent her healing would be
>replenishing her mana in between battles involve long cutscenes where she sucks you off
>getting her best spells require you to impregnate her
>you have to do it multiple times until she actually leglocks you while you're on top of her
>you get prompts from her whenever you rest at a city inn to go back to her private room and fuck until morning
Man, that game was fucking strict with how her character growth was.

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And I'm trying to change the topic to the Monk in EO3. Everyone knows how good Pug is in 5 (and how garbage it is in Nexus).

I dont believe you,post proof

Haha, this girls look is so cute. Where is she from?

Fuck you for even making me imagine that a game like this exists.

EO3 is monk is more like
>heal skill
>shitty punch skill

>tfw no fantasy monk game in the vein of Yakuza
As shit as d&d 5e is,monks and it's versions in it are really cool at least fluffwise.Wish we got a game based on that.

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How is tree of savior doing past rework?

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It’s still tree of savior

neat skills

So not worth coming back?

Is ToS really so shit that it's not worth playing f2p even if you are not a ''hardcore'' mmo fan and just played vanilla wow and some trickster online back in the day?

Too bad they're all shit. SHIT!.

The class system has been simplified so you just pick up to 3 additional classes besides the one you start with as you level. It's sorta fun to push buttons and blow up enemies, but it gets boring kinda quick.

>monk class
>9000 more martial art kung fu punch/kick variations with cool effects and names
>holy god powers that buff self and heal others while doing insane damage
>no gay buff only skills
>no gay palm shit
>no boring hamon holy light punch stuff that's been seen a million times before
>can wear armor

name 1 game that gets monk right

>ro nostalgia hits again
>install some random private server
>play for an hour and quit
I want to go back.

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did they fucked?

It’s almost criminal how they made combo monks so shit in this game.

This i played it with a controler and watch some movies but after 10h its just the same over and over again

No you pervert.

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>no games with grappler class

I just want to play shit like King and Zangief in more epic settings. I have a concept in my mind of a grappler character who uses chains on their wrists in wide sweeps to control a battlefield and also snag and reel in foes to suplex them and shit. I imagine it as a character who can try to trap and shut down foes one-on-one but needs to use AoE attacks created from bodyslams to space out other enemies so they don't get ganged up on.

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It sounds like you're looking for a brawler instead of a monk

Lei-Fei from Virtua Fighter minus the armor

Dfo grappler

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>he didn't beat FF1 with 4 monks

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>trickster online
Next you'll say you liked B.o.t.s online,s4 Leauge,Ragnarok Online,Gunz,Mini Fighter and Grand Chase

Someone recommend me some games where I can play as an OP monk

Wish games had better/more fun Monks.

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Daily reminder to read the fucking thread before posting in it


EOV comes to mind; was posted earlier in thread.

name 20 games

So where's he come from in the first place?

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>blocks your prejudices

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What in the fuck is this and where the fuck do I buy it?

>Monk class
>it just heals because other classes are better at punching

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What f*cking game

New Dungeon Fighter game in development, this is from the announcement trailer.

FUCK hope that shit is good atleast if it ever releases

>still no news
>not even any small details
>just the announcement trailer

2 years minimum for the launch, koreans are famous for taking their time so much that the hype dies down.

>monk class

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But Guillotine Fist was amazing.

Would I go through the process of unifying mind, body, and soul under God and to consummate our union under the blanket of night?
Of course.

Look up Project BBQ on youtube. It's just a concept, but it could become DFO2.

>earth magic skill line
>it's about plants and nature instead of rocks

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>Make cute girl
>Pick Monk/Druid class
>Start barefoot
>Endgame gear is barefoot.
This is my fetish

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>mfw killing the final boss with 1 punch
EOV was super fun

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Blame Dragonball Z and FotNS for the Aura thing.

>tfw fist-based weapons are your favorite weapons but you like the full armor aesthetic more
It's a complicated feeling

what anime

Any good fighting game.

Well in that pic there you have some variety of kung-fu/taekwondo.
Center guy is punching from horse stance.
His posture would incline me to believe the next strike will be stepping through with a right punch, knocking the robo off the ledge.

I did this in DS3. full armor with the biggest sword I had on my back, but I only used the caestus.

>asura/tss skill


Rape slayer

It's piss easy to do in DS3 since caestus is one of the best offhands in the game for parries alone.
It's hilarious how many hosts i've managed to mow down because they tried to trade against perseverance

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Fighting games.

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Baldurs gate 2

Speaking of monks, do we have any news for DFO 3D ?

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Play 7th Dragon VFD
VFD stands for very fucking dragon

I never played any 7th Dragon games but I really like the character designs.

Play FFT, make a knight and give them Monk's job skills

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>punch skills
>shitty heal

>Archer class
>uses dual swords

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I know a rpgmaker game which story goes on something like that, its shit and ntr.

Ok I didn't read the thread, it was already posted.

>Rework the entire game 3 times
>Monk goes from bad to mediocre to bad

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I don't think you would like the feet of someone who's always barefoot.

My fetish is for girls who always go barefoot, especially if there is some kind of "practical" reason like gear that leaves them barefoot but has really good stats or they need to be barefoot to do magic or something. Feet as an actual fetish is secondary to that. Also I go barefoot all the time I still fap with them.

She's a retarded zombie, though
Zombie Land Saga

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>I go barefoot all the time I still fap with them.
alright, that's enough redd-- I mean Yea Forums for me today


I want to play on JRO does anybody knows how can i play in that cursed and cool server?

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