why does this triggers weebs so much?
Why does this triggers weebs so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because if Leon is a perfect prettyboy then Claire should be presentable too.
Damn, Claire looks like THAT?
It is disgusting. It's like going to a hospital full of kids with down syndrome and asking them to make a video pretending they are hollywood actors/actresses
For instance, every time I see Sarah Silvermann I get she is a mentally ill jew pretending to be super urban and fashionable and despite the fact she is not totally dumb no one would ask her to play a high IQ beautiful girl in a movie
I think Yea Forums glorifying the 56% face like Nico Goldstein and nuClaire is horrible and degenerate
she doesn't have a triangular face like their animes
why are weeb posts always so low quality?
Weebs just made their own Claire: nexusmods.com
It's ugly man
am I right or wrong?
right: original prototype
left: 56% treatment to please american and european reviewers
it looks like shit
>Nico Goldstein
Why did they give her the most jewish last name?
This is the same bait as the Horizon Zero Dawn threads, take an average looking female and call them ugleh then wait for hordes of whiteknights to get salty about it
you're wrong and have awful taste, typical for a weeb
t. seething incel weeb
Where have all this fags come from who think the original is acceptable?
Did resetera get shut down or something
she is related to a character that appeared in DMC3 and/or DMC anime
I don't remember actually. I played DMC 1, 2 and 3 like 12 years ago and I hated DMC 2 and 3
I always liked hack n slash though so it wasn't totally worthless.
But in the end let's face it I think Capcom wanted to have a jewish girl in their game
>merely pretending to be an incel!
man shes so ugly holy shit
She looks the fucking same.
You just have shit taste
You're just blind
where have all this incels come from who think a weeb virgin mod is acceptable?
did Yea Forums shut down or something
Agnus from DMC4 is her dad.
Also her grandmother was in the DMC1 prequel novel and was the one who built Ebony and Ivory (Dante's guns)
Stop spamming your shit mod, it 's so bad
stick to Yea Forums, you're awful at modding
fucking retards
Sure kid
after 6 months of no fap I can say that 3d realistic polygons were a mistake
Video games were never meant to show skin imperfections and disgusting pores
post feet