Everything post 0.7 beta is GARBAGE

Everything post 0.7 beta is GARBAGE
Don't even debate this

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What would you like me to do then


>0.7 beta

ok let me sage your thread then

I'd say post 1.8 was the downfall of minecraft

World gen went to shit. and villages were added removing the feeling of being alone in the world

Just use mods, motherfucker.

>he wants the world to be empty with nothing to discover
wait what
always felt like mc had too little to discover making exploration unrewarding. interesting to see it the other way around

I prefer to find cool world gen.
But I'm fine with stuff like desert and jungle temples, I just think they shouldn't have added humans.

Attached: glacier_1.png (854x478, 546K)

Every release of mineycrafta is garbage. Play wurm instead.

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That's the problem with minecraft, procedural generation doesn't stop the world from being stale and boring. Aside from trying to find a woodlands mansion and take it over, there's basically nothing out there. Hell, I've tried to grow a village, but everyone died because the AI is retarded as balls and the multiple golems I made all sat in one area.

t. retard

Anyone past the age of 15 still wasting hours on this virtual lego builder needs to seek help.

Fight me.

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I wont debate you, instead I will just say you are wrong. Because you are wrong.

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God what the fuck happened to terrain generation in 1.8? 1.7 was the nicest the game had ever looked and then all it took was one update to ruin it all.

you mean the villagers? I don't even consider these guys humans, they look too different from the normal player model, they look like Squidward

Boy do I love slowly bobbing up and down in the water

They added the option for similar terrain in 1.12 but then just decided to uhhhhh fucking remove it in 1.13

Attached: worldgen.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

do you believe Smashautists of Minecraft coming to Smash or is it all shitposting?
i honestly expect a Creeper to get in first

I don't think it will ever happen but I would like creeper to join in the fun.

Attached: 2019-01-17_03.57.18.png (854x480, 689K)


Vanilla in general is garbage.

you retards think you can go around pretending as if the terrain generation is fucked but HEY LOOK INTERESTING TERRAIN WOW HOW BOUT THAT!
have some imagination

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Will it be good?

How does it feel to be factually wrong?

Oh sorry, i meant it's garbage for people without asperger's.

Good thing you are not retarded and meant autistic.

[Last Version of the game I played] was the last version before Minecraft went to shit.

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go back to your power creep mod, you unappreciative faggot

That's because I used custom world gen to mimic b1.7.3 (the option is no longer available without mods). So yeah the world gen is fucked, mods fix it, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem.

*raids you*

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1.13.2 still has cool world gen the fuck are you going on about? world gen has only gotten better since the adventure update.

What even is that

I wish there was a competitive CTF thing for Minecraft. That would be fun.

Single player is just boring, and those "comfy servers" where literally nothing happens are almost worse.

Maybe I'm just extraordinarily oblivious, but I've been playing the game since 2011 and I never even noticed they changed the world gen until someone told me. I still find interesting terrain in vanilla 1.13.

I want steve in unironicaly with a smash bros mash up pack.Add a durability bar to his moveset,he starts out with a wooden sword and it breaks and becomes stone,then iron.He gets a diamond one eventually and then back to wooden

It looks like the rapebaby of Skyrim and Minecraft, so yes.

Sadly the case.

Minecrafts normal world gen now is ass just use amplified

I wish they added human, instead of walking vending machine

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I'm not talking about whether it's necessarily interesting, the point is that the new terrain generation just looks fucking ugly

>no floating chunks of land
Complete shit


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Attached: 2019-02-05_21.27.08.png (854x480, 777K)

what has microsoft done with the minecraft IP?

Attached: 2019-02-03_19.51.38.png (1600x838, 1.9M)

1,7.10 official release pvp was kino. Don't even debate this

It's coming back for 1.14

Minecraft xbox one version is the best version, they stopped updating it a few months ago and left it in a pretty good state without all of the stupid shit that's now getting added.

What the heck does that even mean?

the version that added hunger made the game suck, fuck hunger

Attached: 2019-02-03_19.11.17.png (854x480, 958K)


>Getting mad over added content


It really is way to easy to get to diamond level and just get all the damn diamonds ever.

Hunger is whatever, peaceful mode solves it but what’s the fun in that
Also it’s 1.8 beta that introduced it with the adventure update

>Hunger is whatever
It's pointless, nothing about it is challenging so it doesn't add anything to the survival aspect, it just creates a tedious maintenance mechanic.

If you use good food like mutton you do not have to worry about it and it's not tedious what are you eating seaweed?


Attached: 2019-02-26_15.13.42.png (1536x960, 1.53M)


Bread and meat, it's still tedious. There's no reason why food shouldn't just restore health like in the old days, having to constantly eat food in order to sprint and stay alive the regeneration threshold. It's a pointless mechanics added for the sake of "muh survivalism". They might as well make it mandatory to sleep every night, forcing you to not the play game and abandon any exploring done close to 10 PM. Wouldn't that make for an immersive survival mechanic? As long as you use a good bed it wouldn't be tedious.

That’s actually pretty rad

Bread is a shit food stick to pork beef or mutton as for the bed thing they did phantoms and its fucking neat.

>he cant just click the box that disables villages
The absolute state of pseudo boomers

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This is from a vanilla 1.13 server so I don't know the settings. The rest of the world seems fairly flat and generic

Looks weird for 1.13.2 which is what I play. Tiz the magic of Minecraft world gen.

Bedrock edition has massive draw distance while running better than java version ever did
Old versions can't compete

>Bedrock edition

>guys look at my sick terrain like in
>draw distance ends at pissing distance

>Thinking that terrain looks anything but shit.
Wew lad.