World of Warcraft: Rifts of K'aresh (leak)

WoW is currently going to hell in a handbasket and even us at Blizzard know it. Going to post the basic details of the next expansion because fuck it, it'll hopefully help soften the blow of Battle for Azeroth at least until we can get 8.2 out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Great Rift emerged over the Sunwell in the Isle of Quel’Danas and from this portal emerged monstrosities of the Void and soldiers of pure Light. Once these competing forces were pushed back by the now united elven forces, the truth that the battle of the divines was about to unfold and it was up to the champions of the former Horde and Alliance to prevent this war from spilling over into our reality. The heroes of Azeroth travel to K’aresh to close the rifts once and for all and to end the Naaru and Void Lord’s use of this plane as their own personal battlefield.

>New World: K'aresh
Venture to the world of K’aresh, native home of the mysterious ethereals. This arid world has become a battlefield between the forces of Locus-Walker’s Flayers and the Lightbound led by High Exarch Yrel of Draenor. While much has been corrupted in a world already shattered long ago by Dimensius, many places on K’aresh have been preserved and ancient kingdoms thrive in the warped desert lands and mad things wait in the fae-like realms to the east.

Main Foes

>Locus-Walker and the Flayers
When the divine rifts emerged, he knew it was his time to answer his calling. Locus-Walker, the former mentor of Alleria Windrunner, has returned to K’aresh to command armes if the Void known as the Flayers. He seeks to aid the Void Lords in their entry into Azeroth via this weakened veil.

>Yrel and the Lightbound
After the conquest of Draenor, the Light Mother instructed Yrel to reactivate the Dark Portal and travel to K’aresh to aid in the Naaru’s resurgence. With the help of her and her Lightbound, the Light Mother seeks to flip the balance in the universe and allow the Light to take control of the Twisting Nether and the Great Dark Beyond.

>New Hero Class:Tinker
Play as the new Tinker hero class and serve as either a tank, healer or DPS. This class controls wandering healbots, can wear large mechasuits for protection, place traps and mines and set automatic turrets to decimate their enemies. Tinkers start at level 108 in an instanced zone version of Tempest Keep in the Twisting Nether. Create your Tinker as either a human, dwarf, gnome, draenei, lightforged draenei, mechagnome, orc, undead, blood elf, goblin, mag’har orc or redeemed undead.

>We Fight Together
You are no longer barred from playing with your friends on the opposing faction. You can now group with, guild with, raid with, trade with and do anything with the opposing faction that you could your own. So long as you have warmode disabled, you are now able to visit each other’s cities in peace and perform quests formerly available only to the other side. For Azeroth!

Prestige Classes
Unlock prestige classes through new K’aresh content. Prestige classes are new classes modeled off of other playstyles with new lore, spell effects, fantasy and flare. These characters start at level 20.

>Necromancer (Warlock)
Play as a necromancer and control disastrous plagues, drain the blood from your foes and command powerful undead. Create your Necromancer as either a human, dwarf, gnome, draenei, worgen, void elf, dark iron dwarf, orc, undead, troll, blood elf, nightborne, mag’har orc or zandalari troll.

>Druid of the Fang (Druid)
Play as a Druid of the Fang and spread spores and uncontrolled growth, change into the form of a viper, spider or bat and wash over your allies with healing waters. Create your Druid of the Fang as either a night elf or tauren.

>Chronomancer (Priest)
Play as a Chronomancer and use the wheels of time to reverse damage on your enemies, twist time to inflict damage upon your foes and warp the power of the Bronze Dragonflight to take control of battlefields. Create your Chronomancer as any race.


The Lightmarch are a band of heroes of the former Horde and Alliance that seek to battle Locus-Walker and Yrel in the name of Elune. Now fearing that direct worship of the Light leaves them susceptible to being led astray by beings such as the Light Mother, they focus their attention on the Kaldorei Goddess Elune. It is a wonder, however, if all of these peoples can cling to the same faith, or if this worship shall splinter. They revere Elune as the Goddess of Justice and Mercy. Among their champions are Tyrande Whisperwind, Calia Menethil, Baine Bloodhoof, Alonsus Faol and Liadrin.

The Unshackled are a group of dabblers of dark magic who view the Void as liberators from the constraints of the Arcane and the Light. They believe in a balance between the two divinities and see the madness of the Void as evidence of its truth, not of its malevolence. They reject the Old Gods and Void Lords, instead revering the Void itself as an aspect of Knowledge and Freedom. Among their champions are Lilian Voss, Umbric, Wrathion, Moira Thaurissan and Talanji.

>Divine Rifts
As the veil between the realms of the Void and the Light thin, anomalous creatures from both dimensions rip into both Azeroth and Outland. When you enter a zone at level 130 that is currently experiencing a rift, you will be asked if you wish to be phased into the rift assault phase. Doing so will place you in a separate instance from those leveling and will prevent you from flying until you leave the zone. Experience these new assaults at level 130 for an alternative to dungeons, raids and battlegrounds.

>Item Changes
Item levels have been removed. New attributes have been added and some old ones returned, such as Spirit, Wisdom (maximum mana pool), Charisma (reputation gain rate), Acrobatics (speed, jumping & fall damage) and Intimidation (decreased aggro radius). Use your Charisma and Intimidation attributes in dialogue with certain NPCs to have a chance at changing the course of certain quests to your advantage. New off-handed weapons are now accompanied by a primary weapon to allow them to more easily compete with staves.

>Nightmare Mode
Nightmare mode now serves as an alternative to mythic keystone dungeons. In nightmare mode dungeons, the encounters are scaled to the point where it may take the equivalent time as one wing of a raid to complete a dungeon. Appropriate armor, weapon and cosmetic rewards come with the challenge to take it slowly and suffer losses. Nightmare mode can be done after completing the heroic dungeons of Rifts of K’aresh and will scale in difficulty from there on out, allowing to a range of players to experience this new mode.

>Fragment Conquests
Travel to fallen shards of K’aresh that have drifted off into the Nether to claim them in the name of Azeroth. From your base with either the Lightmarch or the Unshackled, you can set off with a group of either 3, 5, 10 or 25 players to conquer a randomized fragment of K’aresh either controlled by K’areshi wildlife, natives, denizens of the Twisting Nether or allies of the Lightbound or Flayers. You will conquer bases and launch attacks on other footholds of the enemy until you are prepared to conquer their capital and overthrow their leader. After reaching level 130 on one character, all alts can now use Fragment Conquests to level up as an alternative to quests and dungeons.

>New Quests
In K’aresh, you will encounter single-player quests, group quests, raid quests, heroic quests and mythic quests. Some of these quests will require tight coordination and a multi-part commitment with one group that could take up to an hour. Not every quest will be available each week, either for leveling or for maximum level, so players will have new quests to find longer for limit times, some with unique rewards.

>Raid Patch Schedule
Lubundu, High King of the Churduuns, a race of elephant and hippopotamus spiritual seekers, aims to banish the invading Azerothian forces from his homeworld with the aid of his people’s personal gods. Once his city is sieged, Locus-Walker, Speaker of the Void Lords, must be defeated in his pocket dimension of madness. Yrel, High Exarch of the Lightbound, will later assault the neutral city of New Auchindoun, leading to her death at the hands of champions of the Lightmarch and Unshackled. Finally, High King Anduin Wrynn, Herald of the Divines, under the joint influence of the Light and Void will seek to irreparable tear the veil between realities and allow the final battle to begin. He must be defeated and cured of his corruption.

I see

Who makes this shit

That sounds way too good to be true

way too much stuff OP, blizzard would never do this. they'd have maybe 1-2 of your features. but still okay effort

Lmao, that sounds like way too much content

This is obviously complete bullshit, but seems fun.
I still remember reading seemingly retarded post on this board about "Garrosh goes back in time to recreate Iron Horde" and laughing how stupid it was then some years later finding out that it was the actual plot of an expansion so maybe this shit is similar.
I don't really believe that retail is salvageable anymore, but maybe this retarded shit would shock the corpse back to life to dance for a while.

You know the next expansion is shadow lands right?

I choose to believe in all of this. Okay now, how will Blizzard fuck it up?

The Shadowlands is just the place you go when you're dead it's where the spirit healers are. It's been in the game since Classic what are you talking about

Also they're not going to do dark/grey/evil plane right after doing Nya'lotha in 8.3

only way to gear is through mythic+ island expeditions and artifact power returns

Are Zandalari and Kul Tiras races available yet?

>thinking island expeditions will survive this expansion

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All this just sounds like it would be better to make WoW 2 with a new engine rather than just be a new expansion .

if the fucking mission table returned TWICE then island expeditions are not fucking leaving

Leak Poster, are Etherials going to be an allied race?

Also whats the in on High Elves? I heard Blizz might give customization for skin tone of high elves to void elves similar to Night Warrior customization.

Fake as fuck

lmao who gives a shit.

All Blizz is doing is milk everything they can from players before burning this shit to the ground, why bother with a new engine?

>Some retard wrote out all this shit

Mission tables were hated by a vocal minority. A correct minority, but a minority none the less. You ask around about then and most players just shrug or thoughtlessly like the free stuff or gimmicks surrounding them like order champions.
Island expeditions actually are hated by most people and not even the biggest cock suckers defends them.

>Item levels have been removed.
You'd made several poor grammatical choices before this which made it too obvious, OP, but here is where it fell apart completely
Item levels aren't a feature, they're a mechanic baked into the game literally from its conception. They can't be removed; they can possibly be hidden, but it won't be hard for modders to show them again.
Just something to bear in mind for your next try.

Why would Chronomancer be priest when time magic is associated with mages? Hell even the Time based aluneth and fire mage artifact have skins are in game in mage tower, and Mages have Time Warp as a spell.

I agree, itd be more on track if the mages got a healing spec with the time shit, and maybe give priests a shield based tank class?
I dunno its hard to enjoy wow at the moment, the bg's are all i log in for and thats just for fun

Why did you write all this fake shit out?

I fucking hate this because it actually sounds fun, and would bring me back to play. Except I know they never would do such a thing.

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I enjoy wow right now just leveling characters with warmode on and waiting for 8.2. Demonology warlock is also fun to play and survival hunter I like. Not enough stuff to play it non-stop though.

>I enjoy wow right now
How does it feel having 1000 IQ?

You just come up with this shit to make up suffer, right?

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go figure im also playing demo lock, cant stand leveling tho. I might do it if i can be a naga but otherwise my gobbo warlock is just gonna be the time sink.


Everytime someone comes up with this shit I know it is fake because it looks too good.

Is this for your god damn video game concept college class or something, user? What, do you want feedback for it?

>old ones returned, such as Spirit, Wisdom (maximum mana pool)

nigga they would never do that. They're perfectly fine rounding it up to intellect percentages so the soccer moms that play this dead game don't get too confused. They've dumbed this game down enough to make it portable to consoles, and at this point I'm not sure why they havent.

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So, just coming here to confirm that none of this is real or happening. I do not know where OP has gotten this information but he will be punished. Hypothetically if it were, what would you the players enjoy seeing in the next expansion?

Late Summer 2020 is way to far off for Blizzard to have anywhere near this much figured out.

Nice RP though.

>because fuck it
stopped reading there

mists of pandaria except the final raid lasts less than a year

playable arakkoa or i'll firebomb ion's house, nigger

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many more dungeons and raids than the usual amount you put out in an expack, and make them good ones while you're at it thanks

Imagine having this much autism, where do you store it all when you're not spilling it out all over the internet.

Pretty good to be honest, I enjoy it in bursts as I do not play every day or always have a sub, if I get the urge to play some warmode or do things like unlock the Night warrior customization or Night elf warfront armor I will do that.

I also finished my Warlock transmog recently which is nice

Demo is fun

what do you all think of my mog?

I consider it pretty good but im open to criticism

In your mom










I would like to remind you that Blood Elves have been in the game since World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Thanks for playing WoW!


Why did you nerf the flame wings toy
The one consistent wing cosmetic in the entire fucking game and you took it away
And release the bee mount already you fucking jews. I don't care if it's a store item.

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And release the bee mount already you wonderful bastards. I don't care if it's a store item.
We are glad that you don't mind!

An H expansion where your character goes around Azeroth trying to bone the other races member of the opposite sex.


>The one consistent wing cosmetic in the entire fucking game and you took it away
We have the Void elf Heritage armor wings though! They even are tied to the chest so you can tabard over it for all mogs!


Please cool it with the homophobia, this is 4channel

You don't work at Blizzard.

is that good 0_o

>Antagonist / serving the Void
Lmao nigga, you're not fooling anyone with this weak-ass 3rd grade bullshit bait

Play fucking Terra if you wanna fly like a fairy

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never gonna happen
once classic realeses in summer, theyll use that as a reset and start from scratch, disregarding the current addon

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>Wisdom (maximum mana pool), Charisma (reputation gain rate), Acrobatics

You had me until there. C'mon man no one would fall for that

>He doesn't know Locus-Walker just wanted to Xehanort Alleria for a vessel with a body

Oh lawdy

Tbh that makes it sounds even more like Activision

>Prestige classes
>Start at level 20
Prefer you did the Everquest route and making them an extension of your class at maximum level through "class mastery" points and changes your class tool tip to "Aeromancer" etc.

You have already made people change races and start over so many times now with the allied race bullshit and you are now doing it with the classes as well? Pointless. I bet there's going to be fucking rep reqs and shit as well. Just give up and let it happen. WoW is a failed project run by failed people who don't get why it failed.

but then we lose Goat Wives :0

im biased with mogs, because slut mog on goblin is all i care about in terms of looks

>haha every class can do every role! :)
This is the cancer that killed wow. Kys op

Why the FUCK has blizz not removed Eyebrows and Ears clipping through helms?


You mean like how they did hellfire demon infested green citadel into a hellfire demon infested green expansion?

this is the only believable one

I'm pretty sure the change in class name was strictly based on level for EQ, don't know about EQ2.

>a hellfire demon infested green expansion?
Because Suramar, Highmountain, Azsuna, Val'sharah and Stormheim fit the bill. The problem is there is no other way of doing Shadowlands but dark and gloomy.

wait for race swap mods
theres already a mod for patch 1.12 that changes old models to updatet character models
so dont worry

This is less content than BFA. Besidesm most of this shit is just reskiined BFA features. Blizzard would never just resell old systems as new things
I'd much rather just play another 2 years of BFA than this shit

The broken isles were a tropical ruin with nothing but sand till Blizzard remade them. Same with the Emerald Dream minus its nightmare chunks or Argus without its not ruined light-y chunks. They can do whatever they want lol.

>Blizzard would never just resell old systems as new things

Are Allied Races going to return? I want the elephant people to be allied races

Hey guys, Blizzard here. The next world is the Shadowlands. It's actually not that shadowy. Buncha beautiful forests, deserts and mountains. It's quite nice actually, not many shadows at all.

>The Redeemed, the Mechagnome, Tinker class
>Hippo race of people

I'm not even kidding, some guy posted WoW leaks containing these exact same things back in August. Also, Greymane dies, and they're considering adding in the half-animal Trolls that we see in ZA and shit, as an allied race. Either you're the same fucking guy, or there's something to this. Same guy also said Diablo 4 was currently in a state that felt like Witcher 3 with a Diablo skin, and at the moment didn't have a multi-player component to it.

Mission tables --> naval tables --> babydick mission table on a boat

Garrisons --> class halls

WOD garrison invasions --> Legion Invasions --> BFA incursions

WOD mythic dungeons --> mythic plus

Legion portals --> island expeditions

Tbh I believe parts of this will be in the next expansion

But who cares classic soon

Hey guys, Blizzard here. We can't release the Emerald Dream ever because it'd just be green with nothing else. Oh wait.

Don't bullshit, faggot. Clearly this is bullshit. No one's orchestrating some big conspiracy, tard

Did we ever get an Emerald Dream expansion or was it just an instance, bro?

Didn't the guy that leak that get fired? Does that make it less or more likely?

He got shit wrong but I guess so did the WoD leaker

Fuck if I know this game sucks

This would've been believable if it was Mage getting Chronomancer. People would flip shit if Priest got Disc 2.0

I would love for more stats to come back though, y'know, like an RPG

You going to talk about how they took a sandy beach from war3 and turned it into a bunch of zones you already mentioned?

>Not Shadow
Cool kid

Emerald Dream, not Emerald?
Broken Shore, six distinct zones, five of which aren't broken, none of which are the original sandy? Sick brul

I wish I'd kept a SS, but looking at the bit I talked about it in Discord from back then:

Cat-like shapeshifting Trolls that were in Vanilla, in ZG added to Horde. "Redeemed" Forsaken join the Alliance, Undead that were "saved" by the light. Greymane dies in 8.2, Sylvanas has been worked like a puppet by Wrathion this whole time. What the fuck I hope none of this is true, this is all stupid as fuck except the cat Trolls.
>"Will the thin Kul'Tirans be made playable?"

>"They were made to be playable but currently they're on hold since we don't have a female equivalent and a thin human model would be a PR nightmare."

N'Zoth is the BfA big bad guy at the end, future allied races are slated to be Vulpera, Junker Gnomes, Redeemed and the unnamed shapeshifting troll cat race.
and "Hiji" is a new hippo-people race based on hindu mythology coming sometime in the future.
saying this here for future reference.

I know this proves jack shit as I could have just typed this up real quick, but it's copy/pasted. So whatever.

Found it

What discord was this?

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Heeeeeeeey! My fucking nigga, thanks. That's exactly it.

Suck our dicks, not everyone is looking to be a shitheel around here.

This all makes perfect sense which is what could mean it's fanmade. It's just that every other fan leak falls apart at some point and all of this checks out. obviously there wouldn't be this much content at launch but they probably haven't decided what will be cut and delayed for patches yet.

Give me back my artifact weapon and abilities you complete nigger-faggots

>No more factions
Some dev hinted at something like this in an interview not long ago. I can't fucking believe this shit is happening.

>Emerald Dream, not Emerald?
well yeah, the raid was the Nightmare
once you beat Xavius, everything (mostly) goes back to normal and guess what, it's all fucking green

>chronomancer as priest

it's been years that Mage has the spot for time magic
stop spewing your shit tier fanfictions please

What's Yea Forums's obsession with the literal fanfic-tier dissolution of the factions?

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>race restricted prestige classes when they just released zandalari trolls

100% fake

Wrong on most accounts, quite impressive for a shitposter

You know nothing of this game, begone from my sight lowly wurm

After the introduction of the Merc mode concept, two big factions opposite of several medium ones with similar goals is an outdated concept

The next expansion is actually shadowlands where we go to redeem Sylvanas and Arthas

Arthas is the child of light and shadow

It makes BfA even more pointless, and it especially makes the Horde races who are ex-Alliance look retarded

WoW lore will get increasingly retarded from this point forward, without a doubt

If you partition the shadowlands up by what certain culture's afterlives are supposed to be like you don't have to go the dark and gloomy route at all. Look at the Halls of Valor.

Sounds too much fun! You are not allow to let player to have all this fun.

This all sounds like cool, actually enjoyabe content

Which is why i dont believe it for a fucking second

Keeping the Alliance and Horde as separate factions whilst making your character tire of the fighting, especially after numerous external threats that required the two to team up, a free agent that can fight for either side or none, would actually be the ideal path forward.

Alliance characters have no reason to be disillusioned with their faction.

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>when a leak isnt believable not because of the content of it
>but because it has some great ideas and sounds genuinely fun and modern blizzard are such incompetent fuckups that it couldnt possibly be true
id kill to be a zandalari necromancer

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it lost credibility way before Necromancer, but having the gall to pretend Draenei would be a choice for that made it extremely unbelievable



I wouldn't say it's that unbelievable, bro.

most of the stuff is extremely fucking stupid yes but its par for the course considering blizzard now
stupid as it is, id love for faction barriers to be entirely broken down considering how the story has been almost entirely horde+ally vs a big threat
the faction war in bfa has been extremely fucking forced

WoD mission tables had to be checked every 20 fucking minutes. At least the way it is now once a day is enough and you don't miss much if you ignore it completely.

In EQOA you did a choice of 2-3 class quests which resulted in your class name changing, receiving a legendary weapon, and unlocking unique spells and passive unlockables for your new class.