Why can't the west make attractive characters?
Why can't the west make attractive characters?
Why do you keep making this shit thread?
Why do you buy the games then?
>I dont like something
>I am gonna seeth about it
Are you mentally challenged?
Why do you keep being a cuckold?
How does that even make sense, child?
>i don't like the direction my hobby is going
>but i'm going to keep my mouth shut about it, lest i be called a poltard
the hyperealism western devs go is so fucking disgusting shit all you want on jap chars but at least i got my tits and asss if you go for hiperealism at least the char look not straight up ugly
When humans look like that in real life we put them on short busses and old men meet once every other year to decide if they still count as human.
It's not about realism or style.
They just refuse to put attractive (and/or white) people in their games.
If there's a cute white girl in western AAA, she probably ruined with short dyed hair or ugly piercings or something.
>my hobby
So you make video games? No company has the obligation to cater to you. You are just one customer. Nothing else. By definition you are poltard as you have freedom and are filthy bootlicker that believea creative freedom ia bad.
>its my hobby
Is like saying my hobby is to BUY bread. It doeant justify anything bootlicker.
that dialogue makes me unreasonably angry
>Smug anime girl
>Defending lefty agitprop horseshit
>Tranny detected
You're legit stupid person if you don't think this isn't just pandering to lefties by adding a diversity quota to even video games.
Metro aims for realism and the characters don't look like randomized faces from Sims.
If anything, it's the mix of cartoony and realistic design that made Andromeda and Anthem's faces so shit. That, and the ideologically motivated decision to make every character a Gooback.
Autism, always autism.
Notice how the ones with the incel opinions are always the spammers who make the same thread dozens of times? It's because they mentally children, and when you're a child your mind is very easily imprinted upon. Basically these manchildren see other manchildren on the internet and mimic them in an attempt to fit in. It's like a plague.
Just delete Yea Forums already hiro, please.
you stick out real bad, faggot
Is this a redpill? Are non-white features inherently disgusting and unattractive?
>Is filthy bootlicker
>tries thia has to offend me that he has to say nothing about what I say.
So what it does? What are you gonna do about it loser? Nothing. Is it crime? No. This is called freedom of expressions. As ypu are free to say the word NIGGER companies are free to say filthy whitoid.
You are literally crying because someone isnt catering to you loser. Sovyou decided to post about it on 4channel in belief that people will agree to you. Your echo chamber is two blocks down loser.
because dev keep making ugly characters
>No company has the obligation to cater to you
that is true but if things continue I am just gonna keep on buying less and less games and more and more studios are going to be forced to close down
ESLfag is getting real mad
This game made me fall in love with Ana, wtf were the devs thinking allowing you to just sit on the aurora for hours with her laying in your lap. Comfy as heck.
Yeah. Because some nobody didnt buy their game. Technically thats the only thing you can do. You are egomaniacal.
are they incompetent and not able to make attractive faces or are they ideologically opposed to making attractive faces because its sexist or oppresses women or something?
>why wont they put what I want in their products!!!!¿¿¿¿¿¿ What the fuck!!!
Yes. I am the angry one here.
It's so much better and feels so much more natural than the shitty gamified "romance" that became Bioware's staple.
It doesn't make me all teary eyed but at least it doesn't make me cringe hard like ""romance"" in other games does.
>Sounds of tranny rage
That's not how this works, you poor confused child. These people get jobs at entertainment media as diversity hires, then use the leverage their skin color/minority status affords them to foist their shit beliefs on everyone else. There's nothing free about having people's politics being thrown in your face.
shut up Pedro
The vast majority of the world is filled with ugly chinese gook zombies anyways, who cares.
So apparently there are muslims in this game, but they don't appear to be practicing inbreeding, killing of the unbelievers, or raping 9 year old white girls. How can this really be representation for muslims if they're not doing typical muslim things like tossing gays from high buildings?
By speaking you are pushing your neanderthal ideas onto me which you implied is bad. You are not obligated to buy the game so the only one whobpusges certain ideology onto you will a you yourself. Try again bootlicker.
Or what? What are you going to do? Are you angry because this isnt your echo chamber?
The only one pushing certain ideology onto yourself is you.
I was arguing that realism isn't causing these retard mutt faces, I didn't want to say anything about the East vs. West dichotomy.
some people play games to escape the real world for a little while.
learn proper English, Pedro
>implying I bought this piece of shit
stronk assumption, retard.
>Can't tell if retarded or having an estrogen pill induced conniption fit.
Your trolling needs work, tranny, maybe download more pictures of anime girls that you'll never be as cute as and you'll escape being a part of the 40%. >:3
fat roastie with pink hair spotted
The reality is that they can but western devs don't want to because they want to be inclusive to ugly, fat and different race people.
Characters should be ugly because the devs usually are ugly making them.
Its not an issue of capability but politics.
You should have known how bad their visual design was when all of the armour was recycled Destiny, Nu-Halo, and Nu-Mass-Effect shit and that was literally %90 of the marketing.
god they are so fucking ugly. Glad this game is bombing
Somebody do an extreme closeup of the background character in the middle screencap
Nice arguments. Have fun being enraged over the freedom of others children.
>devs want to push inclusivity and diversity memes
>sabotage themselves from the get-go by stubbornly refusing to stop designing intentionally ugly/average-looking characters
They never learn.
>Why can't the west make attractive characters?
Shut up weeb.
i want to HUG Yea Forums
don't touch me i'm autistic
That's fucking ugly
>no white males
You'd kill to lick her toilet seat, you desperate liar.
>Flat ass
Seems to me you're gay
This is just cringe
>Knows I'm right
Oh yeah remember how every single NPC in every single game was an attractive anime character
Female representation of that game were fit big tiddied black ops women in tight outfits.
Is Tassyn not considered attractive?
It's one thing to male characters Yea Forumsirgin fap fantasies, but it's blatantly obvious that modern devs are making vidya women uglier on purpose to make escapism more representative of muh real world people and body types.
libfag detected
seething incel
She looks like she's about to tell me how men are the root of all that's evil in this world.
yea but she'll look good while doing so
because imagine that irl not every single person is atractive sex bomb that looks like a model from your favourite hentai
That's why Bioware should stick to aliens. Their aliens are usually attractive save for these few Asari they had goblina'd.