Why can't I find any footage of this game? Why is nobody talking about it? I've played for about 1 hour so far and it's mad fun. It seems to be some sort of Terraria-like 2d sandbox game.
Squareworld Unpixeled
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the most blatant shilling for a shallow ripoff game I've ever seen.
It's a good game and I want people to play it.
It's garbage. Everything it's trying to do, terraria does thousands of times better. This is a cheap ripoff, even the name is uninspired shit. I'm glad the devs got NOTHING for it.
i'll bite, what makes it better than terraria? because thats what it looks like
It's literally an uninspired terraria ripoff with a minecraft crafting system. The character looks retarded and the animation is worse than terraria's. Kys shill
Nobody's gonna play your shitty school project lmao
It's not about being BETTER than Terraria, it's its own game. It has different crafting mechanics, more blocks, a proper quest system, you can make a spaceship and use it to travel to other worlds, etc.
Completely different game. That's like saying Terraria is a Minecraft rip off just because they are both sandbox games.
i-i wanna play it
where do I get it
please stop shilling
this times a billion
you are a monumental disappointment to your exhausted parents. please end their shame, and your life, with a belt
You compared the game to terraria in your OP dude, lmao.
wait, what the fuck?
why did an empty, default account last log 84 days ago just to post a positive review and then never log in again? more importantly, why does it have 480 games in it's account? my brain hurts
>Played for over 50 hours.
>0.2 hours on record.
I fucking hate scum. FILTHY scum like you, OP. Clawing desperately to make a buck with your uncreative waste.
It's $10 on Steam
The only real comparison is that they're both 2d sandbox games, hence my usage of "Terraria-like"
It is technically possible with some games to start them via their .exe file and bypass Steam. Other games automatically start Steam when you launch the .exe but some do not.
Not trying to defend OP though.
1. hang out on underground hacker forums and download a bunch of username/password hash dumps
2. break into steam accounts, reset their email address to one you control, etc.
3. sell them to a botnet operator. (this step is not necessary if you ARE the botnet operator)
4. botnet operator sells "positive feedback" on steam games, by having his herd of bots spam obvious shit like this
5. fags like OP pay money for this "service," and the cycle is complete; an economic incentive to victimize people for the sake of indie pixelshit
extreme brainlet
>You can't vouch for a non AAA game you like without being called a shill or a dev
wagie wagie back in your cagie
>OP actually though people would want to play his shitty game
The game doesn't even look bad
Shockwave-tier my dude.
This whole thing reeks of shit.
Look like trash my dude
Oh that brings back memories
But anyway I thought the game looked sketch too until I actually downloaded it (it literally was a 15 second download) and played it.
It does OP. It really fucking does. It has no sense of style, some things are super simple like they were done in 5 seconds in paint, others are more or less look like badly compressed photos. Some things are shaded or blends, some don't, characters and world is square, yet loads of items are not. Things are hard to make out since the shading is so awful and there is no thought put into the color.
There's no fucking way you're still trying.
wow that doesnt look like terraria
here´s a tip: try shilling it when it´s under 5 dollars
Why would anyone play a Terraria clone with 0.01% of the content of Therraria when you can just play Terraria?
>Trying to shame me for enjoying a game that I believe deserves recognition
You the type of nigga that plays nothing but the latest AAA title. Don't >> me kid.
I own Terraria and they play differently.
here i'll just dox the OP
Ernst Peche
from Austria
Age 19 years old
Birthday September 29, 1999
WarpEnterprises (minecraft username)
>Gamer with heart and Gamer with soul, some call me nerd some call me bro, but all in all I am a Gamer learning to make games on his own.
his only retweets come from his alt account, which is
Silly user. It's not just a Terraria clone, it's also a shitty pointless Minecraft clone.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not the dev or some dude he paid. Imagine being so warped and basic that you find it 100% impossible to believe that a guy is vouching for a game he enjoys playing
Whats he done to make you data dump
Not that i am against it, i commend digging up info publically available and using it to achieve a means. But I'm too jaded to ever do it really
MY BAD BROS, his powerword is actually Jonas Peche. it turns out somebody already archived his shitty homepage before, and that earlier archive gives his email address, which is his full name
this also adds his personal Facebook account to the dox pile:
yes. he shills his autistic horseshit there as well. and nobody replies, not even sympathy likes from his family.
An autist is shilling shit on Yea Forums, a fucking hornet's nest. He should have known not to do this. In fact, if the doxxing user is right, someone already tried to archive his shit before, which means it may not be the first time the internet has tried to bite him back.
Hate to break it to you kid, but I'm not some Austrian zoomer. I'm a satisfied customer. I am a proud MURICAN defending his right to free speech
Looks like hot garbage
Pathetic shill thread
usually I enjoy shills being doxxed but this guy is just a kid trying to get some free traffic, and personally it's the first thread I see on this game. so this is a bit too harsh. if he persist and spam - then it's more justified.
>mspaint open
Is that what you used to "sprite" the game.
I used it to prove I'm not the game dev. Why would some Austrian zoomer be in Washington, D.C? Unless the anons here are so delusional to think he would fly to D.C. just to make this thread. Sorry to disappoint you guys. Nobody paid me to defend a GOOD game. I did it because I legitimately found an unpopular game nobody knows about and I felt the need to share my experience with it. When you play nothing but the latest COD or Fortnite, I understand it might be hard to believe that regular guys like me can vouch for unknown games. But the truth is, I saw a game I liked and decided to post about it on a video game forum.
Please stop treating this game as some undiscovered gem. It's BAD, change your opinion right now or I'll fucking holler.
>tfw these are the people you share the site with
At this point I might as well be fucking posting on Facebook.
You haven't even PLAYED it. Play it for 1 hr tops. It's a good game. Refund it if you don't like it. Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself.
Okay. Post a link to where to pirate it and I'll try it out.
That's the joke, I think.
Nigga just buy the game, play it for
I don't use Steam.
>PC Gamer
>Not having Steam
Also the best part about this game is since the dev is the next Notch he actively responds to and CHANGES the game based on criticism.
What the fuck am I looking at here?
I have steam. I just don't use it because there's nothing on it to play that I can't just pirate or find elsewhere.
what's it like being illiterate
Has anyone besides the OP tried the game?