Post old Yea Forums content that has no value anymore

post old Yea Forums content that has no value anymore

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Other urls found in this thread: of objectivity/

define value
cause I feel like the oversaturation of wojaks on the market has rendered them worthless, but people seem to disagree

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some old survey thread

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Pepe and Wojak are more of a platform for content than actual content.

Nothing on this garbage board has ever had value, least of all you.

Reddit should really be called deddit because once they get a hold of any meme they render it completely dead. Normies are a cancer that are in need of a cure.

>implying anything from Yea Forums has value

woah, hey guys

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I have yet to find a site that constantly pushes out new memes and then doesn't kill them off almost right away.

>when you realize half of todays Yea Forums wasn't even around when this happened and this isn't even an old meme

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Anything involving MLP constant spam and Diamon Dogs

It was five years ago, gramps. Forget to take your brain medicine this morning?

Fucking kids. Jesus..

5 years is only a long time if it's half your life user

This thread is just gonna make me sad fucking nostalgia

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he's summoning the Barniefag.. watch out

>It was five years ago

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Good timed

yeah and half of Yea Forums right now is election tourists

How new are you?

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We will never get that change layout every again

2007-2010 Yea Forums kept memes around for a good long time

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>old content
>no value

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It happened last year though and it exposed the FUCK out of all the newfags.

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I miss genuine OC.

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look at that neck

I feel like NPC Wojack was the one that really killed Wojack for me. It wasn't funny and it's only ever used by cringey /pol/tists and Redditors. Also it was so forced since it's inception. People got tired of new weekly Wojacks

>the last time they tried newfags thought it was some mlp shit

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Copy that


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draw fags mostly moved on to draw commissioned Avatars/furry(porn) and regular drawn porn

The Golden Years

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>tfw the last post was always
there was a brief moment where we were all friends again

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Oh shit i missed that

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I remember being a newfag back in the day looking for a thread I made for a good 10 minutes because I didn't put noko in the field.

Anonymous Agony I would've said last month but that got revived
>tfw not Anthonthy Burch
seems to have died too but I'm sure it'll revive once BL3 gets news

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Or Twitter to promote a brand
I can’t blame them

It just seems like ANY genuine form of humour is gone from Yea Forums.
It's all post-ironic shitposting. No one can even tell a proper joke without forcefully injecting some meme of the month shit.

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>When almost all the newfags that bitched about it got publicly banned

Fucking awesome.

At least at that time mods = gods.

Rest in pieces.

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>Publicly displayed bans
Jesus it’s so rare for that to happen

>tfw didn't visit boards until around 18 2014 and even then started with

>brony trash was 9 years ago
>skyrim was 8 years ago
>minecraft was 7 years ago
n-not like this

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women love winners, Yea Forums

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>It was five years ago

what the fuck

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Severely underrated. We need to subtly bring him back.

>9 (nine) years

plus shit like paetron grabbed ones who didn't take the lucrative furry bucks
Arthur comics used to be kinda fun, Mystery of the Druids is long gone. Last time I saw one was during Injustice Gods Among us

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when Yea Forums met gabe

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Haha copy that xD

Chan culture became too mainstream, every 5th popular JewTuber is or was an active Chan member in their life and now they bring it all to the rest of the world. Not that this is particular that bad of a thing but i assume that a lot of ironic shitposters are also just people who didn't lurk enough on here

Oh fuck. OH FUCK. Those Arthur comics were some of the hardest I have ever laughed. Period.

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I've tried. Him and Ondore. Nobody remembers.

>No one remembers slick rick

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any macro that isn't just a downvote

I legit forgot all about triforce
also wordfilters. When was nigger still roodypoo?
Valve tags were a thing for a hot minute and people bitched about Gone homo for quite a time

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Woah! Hey, guys.

I've seen double nigger, the image on here, posted several times since the new year, and I have heard the exact phrase even more.

ooh Yea Forums being both relevant to Yea Forums and somewhat usable

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Implying any of them have value

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memes always degrade over time but leave it to reddit to do it within a week
like half the time they dont even understand the joke, take virgin vs chad for example. Which became "things I like vs things I dont like" instantly

or post-nu Neo/v/ """""ironically"""""""shilling for coca cola, monster energy or other big brands

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>Porting a DS game to the PS4
Absolute mad lads.

jesus fucking christ gone homo was 34 years ago

remember when Yea Forums was more than just porn and ifunny 9gag tier shit?
it wasn't much better but i remember

Based Chad Warden

Imagine having to try and fit in as hard as this guy

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Remember when
>the internet is serious business
was a joke?

remember when Yea Forums was good?

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/vp/ was necessary as containment for furfaggotry and needless Pokemon spam and that one thread on /vg/ couldn't contain it
so now we have this super shitty board that no one should go to unless that one guy is making comics
theres still a stack of Cory in the House for DS at my local Walmart
still msrp the fuckers

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The website would be safed if everyone who does not know this got permabanned

Yea Forums was never good.

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it wasn't, but it was better. it honestly feels like a knockoff of trash at this point which is the exact opposite of what was supposed to be

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>it wasn't, but it was better. it honestly feels like a knockoff of trash at this point which is the exact opposite of what was supposed to be
newfag spotted

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haha epic meme.... remember when b was good.... b was never good.... hahah enver gets old, haha good one my oldfag friends

I was 16 but it was never good
>Been on the Chans for 11 years now

I miss our neighbors.

>tfw he broke the spell and put out a thank you video to all his fans

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>lol being normal sucks

It definitely used to be better than this

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>t. Zeething Zoomer
Fuck off, retard.

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kys you cringy teenager

end of rine

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I kinda miss avatarfagging

Does anyone have any good filters to get the worst of the cancer out of the way? I have a pretty extensive set of them that I don't mind dumping if anyone wants it, but it's never enough.

>i miss avatarfagging
just visit any non dead general on /vg/

that was always there in one way or another
i just hate how now gore/rekt are the same thing, while I enjoy rekt I dont enjoy pure gore

and how the internet activism is literally dead now no more missions or mass trolling

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This gets me through a pretty good chunk of the shitposting on Yea Forums and the generals I browse on /vg/. theres a few image md5 filters too

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>Not having /u/ as a neighbor still
>Anno Domini 2011(+9)

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Im literally every Madotsuki ever posted
btw theres this one recurring thread on Yea Forums from this shizo chick that tries toget people to cut themselves for her who posts madotsukis


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>Calling others teenagers

Anyone remember his name?

I think I've most of those covered already.
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>my text filters
You're gonna want these ones
/haha,? (could you )?imagine/i

Based on this file's name, 2011.

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I miss Kaname Chidori

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Let's cheer up a bit. What are some of your favourite memories of Yea Forums, Yea Forums?
For me it's
>Hanging out in Club Penguin and ironically RPing with literal children
>Playing random flavour of the week flash games together
>Doodle or Die threads
>Early Sanic threads before the meme spread
>''How about going for a ride?''
>First few months of Demon's Souls
>The entirety of E3 2010

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>voar generals are almost 5 years old

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My little pony blowing up is still surreal to me. I really didn't expect the fad to last that long.

I didn't actually start browsing Yea Forums until 4-5 years ago, but my oldest memory on Yea Forums was a day on Yea Forums where there were 7-8 get threads up at once and every op got their get

>mfw achieve perfect orbitfagging
>Goes on forever
>Rocketfags mad as fuck

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This, honestly.

Honestly the best was when I was FOB and everything was fresh, and you could go into a screencap thread and laugh my ass off at 300 posts of what was already stale content. Took like a year or two before I went to any subject-specific boards.

I can't be the only one who remembers the tripfag who posted these two as their avatar, right? Some say he got hit by a truck but no one ever posts proof.

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>Honestly the best was when I was FOB and everything was fresh, and you could go into a screencap thread and laugh my ass off at 300 posts of what was already stale content.
I very much know that feel

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>Killing Flooor with Yea Forums
>Vidya rumble
>Filename threads
Those were the days

>2 and 3 are now translated

These were the best .io games. The ones that were barely games to begin with. It kept retards away because ''What the fuck do you even do in this? This is stupid'' mentality and let us have fun on our own.
Agar and Slither got way, WAY too popular for their own good. Once they started catering to normalfags with Reddit and Twitch flares the damage was done.

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Remember [Sound] threads?

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and i fucking beat my cock so hard to 3. holy shit ive never thought id have a waifu, but if i had to have one it would have to be kila kushan.

>never became leader in all my time playing
>get close but rocketfags and sanic missiles always got me
>somehow low orbitfags seem to always stay alive
>end up becoming an orbitfag and just enjoy reading the threads instead of focusing on becoming leader

there was some pretty good oc that came from those threads too

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When this first became a thing, I remember spending roughly 8 hours trying to beat it day 1.
Came back for another 3 the next day and still never beat Christopher. Seeing all the frustrated posts and everyone trying to work together to figure out strats was some of the tightest camaraderie I've ever experienced.
And yeah, that's pretty sad on its own, but the fact that I get emotional thinking back on it is possibly sadder.

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>needing translations

Ace of Spades and the banter between the colors.

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Ray Sipe

Those flaired up rather recently though
we didn't drop two nukes on them for me to learn their hieroglyphics to beat my meat to their niche fetish drawings dammit

What you dont like the endless copies of Pepe and Wojak Edits?

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they still exist people just rather post pepes and wojaks
the occasional "X version of Y" does well sometimes though

>he's STILL uploading

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The older i get the more i relate to Mike...

>he still makes videos to this day

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how to achieve rlm enlightenment?

Would anyone be interested in playing some I remember that was a pretty fun game to fuck around in with Yea Forumsirgins. I checked it up a while ago and it's still up, though it's plagued by kids and normies.
Isn't there a way to make private lobbies or something? I really miss these dumb games.

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He upped his thumbnail game, damn


> and how the internet activism is literally dead now no more missions or mass trolling

it's still there you just have to be on sjw's side. or pick some youtube celeb/almost celeb and try and bring them to suicide

Heavy day drinking

Fuck off, the Xbone only just came out.

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>Katuwa Shouju general 5,343,642

>katawa shoujo was 7 years ago
fuck me I remember playing when it was new before the turbo autism generals



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Havent checked but do anyone here still do 4am posting?

Best thread in years

It's 3612 right now.

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The disney porn is missing. Those were fucking hilarious.

>tfw you realize /ddlc/ is already at almost 1500

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some of it makes me legit laugh
making fun of Canadians will never get old

It caps

laughing at canadians is the purest and funniest form of racism

>saving caps of tripfags without censoring them
>caring about /vg/
literally cancer itself, almost every single active thread has discuck trannies, wannabe e-celebs and tripfag attentionwhores en masse

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Based and redpilled

>yes, sir

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thats new content


>You have to go back: Insult against hispanic people

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>Yea Forums has a friendly rivalry with reddit

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>oh no no no!

Every old non-wojack/non-pepe meme.

>2007 was 18 years ago

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The /vp/ split happened before /vg/.

What the fuck

2016 termilogy

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>a racist implication that black people have accomplished nothing in history
They have?

Someone finally knew how to fucking code


Reminds me of
>get well soon

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SJW culture, partially because of black lives matter and shit like that, retarded genderfluid mixed trannies


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I thought they all migrated to reddit so they can put a name who puts out what content. I mean isn't that why OC is dead on Yea Forums?

I thought it was a cute but crude permutation that could breathe a little life into Wojack. I never thought it would fucking explode and trigger half the internet for a couple of weeks. Weird timeline, mang.

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I'd do anything for a collection all the fucking arthur and bully comics Yea Forums made

I miss how the internet was less serious and how you could still look at videos without politics and advertisements being everywhere

the internet was better when it was mainly a nerd thing and normalfags only used email and music/movie downloaders

mobile internet killed the internetstar

more like internet becoming popular killed the internet

This still has value!

mobile internet made the internet popular

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All of this is true, also zoomers

I still see the odd 4AM thread, but they're usually deleted because MODS=FAGS.

Hahaha, reminds me of the good ol' days

>tfw popularity ruins everything

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Was this the best gen? definitely the one I played the most in

That's life, user

>due to their greater popularity

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Filename threads now should die.
Same filenames and images all the time everything's been done.

>no games station
>brown n grey tps box
>waggle waggle


The fucking normalfags ruin everything.
And children, of course. Parents shouldn't be letting their children use websites like this. Where's the fucking responsibility?

>Ironic Memes
>Meme channels
>Compilation channels
>Talking about memes outside the internet
What other things ruined the internet

I genuinely believe Yea Forums(nel) would be a much better place if they brought that back. It was just enough of a barrier that most outsiders would post once, get confused and wander off to some other site, or if they really wanted to join, they could lurk a bit and actually become a newfag. These days any

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>that feel guy - bald cancer patient


social media
big cooperations valueing the internet resulting in shilling and influencers
e-celeb culture

Normalising using real name and other personal info on the internet
remember all sites warning you when registering and talks in schools about NEVER posting that shit on the internet


Sad thing is if harmony day happened again every retarded crossposter from Yea Forums would shriek reddit at the top of their lungs and spam sneed in retaliation.

If I told you the internet was purposely deluded with idiots and false narratives to promote said idiots would you believe it?
The internet was too powerful and people using it were harder to control

I use the exact same reasoning for not using shit like Facebook. Like what the fuck, mom, YOU TOLD ME NOT TO DO EXACTLY THIS.

Guess we'll find out tomorrow.

>Not that this is particular that bad of a thing
No, it IS a bad thing. I come here to get away from it all, now I have to face ironic shitposting irl from clueless retards.

I’ll never give up my dream of one days actually playing mystery of the druids

My mom made a facebook account recently and I called her out on it; she always said as a child never to give my personal info out.

I still don't use social media but I figure they probably have a solid shadow profile of me already because of all the dipshits around me probably having tagged me in photographs or mentioning me in private messages.

He's dead user

my anus is ready


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I feel like I've forgotten how to make friends. Have I changed? Or did the culture change? Maybe both? Did I drift further into cynicistic humor while the majority drifted away from it? I don't know.
I miss when I was younger and more innocent. I never thought much on my relationship to others - we were just friends. Now I constantly try to find some obscure "connection" that's ill defined. And I can't find it, so I can't feel like they're really a friend.

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WOMEN ruined the internet. Everything women force themselves into becomes a shitpile. Video game culture, internet culture, any culture in general. The internet used to be the Wild West with nothing but men having fun and being complete assholes to each other. Women ruin everything.

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self-declared "tech feminists"

>this woman has no degree, no portfolio, and has been unemployed for the past decade

>still gets to give tech talks

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Around 2007 was pretty amazing if you're casual, it got me back into games rather than just reading about them

its actually people like you who care about fabricated twitter drama, that ruined the internet


This fucking shit always gets a laugh out of me.

It’s literally the worst fucking gen since the Atari ET fallout

That is now.

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Discount Montage parodies with all these plastered memes spammed everywhere
Like this one

>you get shit like /wsg/ being spammed full of tiktok shit.
But that's literally what /wsg/ is for. You could argue they're actually smarter since they can convert that shit to .webm.
If anything, turning boards into Yea Forums meets /r/the_donnie mashups are what's running Yea Forums to the ground.

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Why is /vg/ a thing still when most generals advertise their discord?

The only good thing that the Tik tok garbage do was revive Ricardo everything else needs to be purged

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why has no body replied to this post



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So the Wii is for beloved intellectuals with doctorates?

For the thread with Butters there, is there a specific word or phrase I can use to describe what he's doing? Like he's trying to get attention by bringing up that he is having attention being paid to him and pretending he doesn't enjoy that.

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You can only blame yourself because any time it happens the thread is as good as dead because of spamming memelords care more about being "in the group" by posting "mods = gods" shit.
So it only happens in threads intended to be humorous and approved by mods

Humblebragging. Also probably some form of layered baitpost.

How did I forget about this. It wasn't even that long ago.

Humblebragging, that's perfect thanks.

Anytime women enter an established space they rewrite the rules to cater to them.

The internet became a safe, """"""""""""""""""civilized"""""""""""""""""" space where women could find things easily and be protected from """"""""""""""""""bullying.""""""""""""""""""

I miss the frontier bros. Yea Forums is still a little untamed, but it's only a preserved slice of what the internet once was.

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What's hamburger helper up to theses days?

>This shit is still spam filtered
Fucking hilarious.

I was around to see the threads but never posted in them. Why did they get filtered?

I loved that period with Arthur comic OC and anti-bully comics OC. Back then the mods understood that anything we made with that program was inherently about video games because it was the product of a video game. It would be like a thread dedicated to showing off your creations in spore. Nowadays, I'm sure such a thread would be deleted.

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Oh, user.. You just had to be there.

They're just gay erp threads.

God fucking damnit, these are still hilarious.

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>Yea Forums used to call out casuals
>now Yea Forums is full of casuals

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Same with the boomer meme
It originally was funny because the joke was boomer being an age you reach
Now it's literally just old thing good new thing bad

>Everyone has a right to sleeping with your mother
still gets me every time

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maybe this is still relevant, I don't know. haven't played hearthstone in years.

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Stop being a smartass, They obviously mean the character and not the actor

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Is Sleepy Shaggy the guy obsessed with Danny Phantom OCs who tried to shoot up his job and killed himself

Zoomers won't even know we had a dedicated loli board on Yea Forums once.
Fuck those little loli threads on Yea Forums

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Arthur threads were comfy af, and they actually worked to educate brainlets about the differences between facts and opinion. Earlier this year I remember having to educate some retard about the difference between facts and opinion and a couple of anons joined in but his autism was so off the charts he could have been actually trolling. Yet his autism felt geniuine, just like ChrisChan's.

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>dedicated loli board on Yea Forums once
Pretty sure /l/ was its own board.

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Based Anti-Toady poster. Used to love seeing the dick edits to his shit replies.

>make OC art
>get called a shill samefag drawfag trying to force his own meme

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I wish newmoot would just scramble /pol/ by making posts from other boards enter it. shit was so cash.

I’m quite glad I got my ps3 on launch. The fact it can play ps1/2/3 games has made it have a permanent spot under my TV

Make /pol/ like /trash/ hiro fucking do it

dont take things too seriously, this is just a banter board and i believe we all can create beautiful things if you just take the step

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Attached: pedopika.png (1354x784, 576K)

>inb4 zoomers copypaste it

Attached: 1541548533863.jpg (1252x704, 123K)

Was it that guy who posts pictures quoting himself all the time and writes really pretentiously despite being fucking horrible at English? Because he's 100% genuine, been spamming his shitty threads for at least half a decade now.

butthurt normie redditors detected. This board is truly dead.

Attached: mystery of the mosaics.jpg (1000x1100, 573K)

Obsolete, you say?

Attached: left 5 dead.jpg (300x1278, 127K)

Nah, it wasn't Quentin. It was some /pol/nigger on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1269926778691.jpg (800x900, 152K)

How did Quentin manage to troll the fuck out of people? His comics were dumb, but for some reason everyone got irrationally mad. Anyone has his composer's one?

Attached: quentin.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

Attached: 4chan soul.png (2200x874, 1.58M)

It was and /g/ was different too

Probably not him then. But I mean this guy of objectivity/
not quentin.

Attached: costanza4.png (1166x849, 984K)

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>those subtle wiki threads
Good times

I miss those dubs

>gay games

Attached: Girugamesh.png (452x391, 122K)

I miss 2011

What's Tameem doing now?

Attached: hayashida.jpg (1230x690, 109K)

>not posting Costanza

Attached: shiggy diggy.gif (312x234, 1.7M)

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This. People claiming old Reddit stuff was Yea Forums culture is bizarre.
Copy That was all over the stupid internet

Attached: trifart.jpg (579x570, 16K)

Reminder to report pepe/wojak posters do not give them replies, and encourage new OC. Someday, with your help, we can get this place out of the cesspool of unfunny reposts and creative bankruptcy we're in.

I love the Wii so I'll take it.

fuuuk i got one used for P5, and assumed it was backwards compatible, then found out they took it out for reasons.

Dear god, it's been a year.
I can only pray that swaglord makes it again.

You don't like pepes/wojaks?

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you lied to me

It was considered a forced meme even at the time

can this be the next forced meme
I think it looks cute

Attached: ahrisalt.jpg (485x401, 30K)

This desu senpai.

It's not even the new people, it's that the flood of new people are generally (obviously) very young and the newest generation of kids genuinely doesn't understand anything about tact, restraint, or timing.

Every single one of them uses a blanket method for posting, every single one of them has no real tie to this community like the people who have been kicking around since the early 2000's, they think it's just a dumping ground for their shitty content so that's what it has become.

No one wants to admit it but the election was the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums, and by extension the internet, because all the new "shitposters" literally can't wrap their head around the facts that the more they avoid tact or timing the more they lend credibility to the people trying to shut down speech.

You faggots literally created this problem, and then squat on this board crying "it's the last and only place to be free" when it's your fucking behavior that makes the normies squeal and tighten restrictions.

The internet is gone, and it's because like kids with a candy jar you fucking idiots never realize when it's time to take a break.

Or maybe the reality is you faggots have nothing else.

Making games for mircosoft

>Zoomer circa 2016

XBOX, find me a job!

Attached: aaron-paul-xbox-100312570-large.jpg (579x435, 43K)

>not 2011



these were good
fuck the waking life series of comics was stellar

Attached: 1505753340909.jpg (688x3810, 1.26M)

>reddit spacing

Pre PTD Dark Souls threads

#reddit spacing filters
more here

The Unholy Truth


That's what you want, isn't it?

The truth is I expected the first response to be worse, but here it is: the actual low-tier "reddit" babby response.

I used to love this fucking site, now it's just election-fag website fighting.

Wait how did u get the one in the middle?
Copy that produced this so I can't be too upset about it not existing anymore.

So is your Yea Forums just completely blank?

It could get only worst for now

Ace of Spades threads

Actually it's because underages are rampant and prefers to have only copy pasted frog images, much for reflecting for their empty insides. I stopped contributing with drawfag threads years ago because I realized no one gave a shit anymore. I genuinely enjoy a lot more when doing fanart just for myself.

nah, that rarely filters more than 30 threads on Yea Forums automatically
some boards like /pol/ and /vg/ get hit pretty hard by the reddit spacing filters specifically though, unsurprisingly
Yea Forums makes it out almost unscathed

Do you honestly believe in your heart the only people that post with spaces are from Reddit?

>triggered by typing formats

Attached: 1547092625753.png (863x664, 722K)

>Teh Rei
Oh god!

How 'bout them icy girls?

Attached: stay frosty.jpg (1120x700, 93K)

I certainly don't miss them if that's what you're asking. Doesn't matter how well the name fits. It's shit form and they're shit posts by shit people.

I ain't telling you my secret

Oh okay, so you're a 'tard.

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>It's shit form and they're shit posts by shit people.
Pretty much this. If you can't understand basic formatting on top of not having the basic DECENCY to not have your trite faggot opinions not take up TWICE the amount of space needed, I don't need to read it at all.
It's just attention whoring at that point. A sentence is not a paragraph.


Attached: worlds_finest-143-1.jpg (680x440, 26K)

2007 internet was just more fun.

Attached: 1519770897950.gif (228x253, 39K)

Not him, but why did these particular threads become gay erp threads? I often saw some normal posts before BAM gay furry porn. Did it become a haven for faggots/code or some shit?

Amen, the memory of him getting increasingly frustrated at just being responded to with dicks and buckets of cum being edited into his precious avatarfagging still brings a smile to my face.

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There was also that other tripfag who got buttmad at getting no replies except ''Fuck off, retard'' over and over.


>GET threads
>Non pepe/wojak oc
>Flash games
>Mario retardy
>No ads even without a 3rd party extension
>worst thing you had to worry about was Yea Forums oozing out of its containment
Take me back

Speaking of obnoxious tripfags, aren't you glad to have filters now?
I seriously haven't seen a single tripfag in fucking years. Feels good.

Attached: 1519771077016.jpg (511x322, 49K)

I report every frog and wojak poster for being underage

You seem upset

Attached: white-girls-3.jpg (900x699, 144K)

thanks for (YOU) assblasted /pol/

This is the only good thing that seems to have changed.
After jamer jate, fappening, election floods and just a general influx of people the site has gotten brutal but I'm addicted to chans and always end up back here cause there's new threads

Damn, she looks like she fucks niggers. Any vids?



Faggot I'll post

I want




God damn that'd be funny

>The girl with the swastika flag looks like she fucks niggers
>Give sauce
You're right, I have it right here for you

Attached: spilledchocolatemilk (1).jpg (517x388, 48K)

Damn DeDe

Shitposting can be fun sometimes

I miss noko

You barely see any tripfags on Yea Forums so I don't see what your complaining about

You mad?

Attached: 1542159704931.gif (250x195, 801K)


could we call it the /pol/pocolypse?

Hitler was a literal autist

Keyword sometimes

It's funny how Hitlerposting used to be a staple of early Yea Forums, but the only people who do it these days are election immigrants or Redditfugees.
Makes me kinda sad.

Attached: 1543852284405.jpg (538x780, 52K)

i unironically filter rude words

>he keeps replying

Fuck you too piece of shit

NICE user

You mean because /pol/ would just still into every other board even more than it already does while election tourists complain about Nazis being present on their Taiwanese ahegao trading card forum?

>Website tribalism.



what a thrill

Attached: I'm_already_a_balloon.jpg (906x880, 213K)

>or post-nu Neo/v/ """""ironically"""""""shilling for coca cola, monster energy or other big brands
If you're referring to the Zero ultra meme, that's not shilling, that's shitting on it at best.


Imagine not coping with your genuine problems

Attached: PROMOTIONS.jpg (305x350, 15K)

Value is based on labor (obviously) not utility or context, so my 10 minutes in ms paint wojak is worth more than your 6 minutes wojak

Commutards rise up

Attached: ACC851E4-107A-403F-B487-A2B166C3B0DF.png (205x246, 4K)

>but the only people who do it these days are election immigrants or Redditfugees.
I've never stopped since I got here in 08 from lolcatz

>He says as he keeps replying
Yeah, you mad

Attached: bo9ofwjgekj01.jpg (669x696, 66K)

It makes no difference but it would be epic

Holy shit. I could never quite figure out how to filter some of these retards, but this helped me understand it a lot easier.
Thanks, user. Definitely going to use a lot of these.

Attached: 1395348338473.jpg (429x399, 17K)

This is pretty woke

Haha epic

Attached: vhs.jpg (1024x1400, 978K)

No one's gonna remember this but, Ballz & Monsquaz Threads. Does anyone even remember them? Anyone remember Ballz? I miss you aniki.

Attached: 1548779099179.gif (400x400, 1.6M)

>people pretending to be oldfags
>muh /pol/
>getting triggered over an image of Hitler
>complain about lack of OC without ever creating any

Attached: 539-540x675.jpg (278x306, 25K)

Xbone came out in 2013 retard
The current year is 2019

I miss AMV Hell, wasn't that from 4chins originally? Shit was really funny.

Attached: 1422363356796.jpg (246x164, 20K)

It was b8 btw

>redpill: racist

Attached: 1550156381768.png (467x392, 149K)

>post a edgy pic of victim
Yeah you are true oldfag hail hitler

Sorry about the spotty annotation. helped me test them and make sense of the functions, you'll probably soon notice I'm no expert at regex. Definitely recommend going through them and removing what you don't like/think you'll use.

Attached: 1550690272485m.jpg (1024x614, 38K)

>it's happening - something is occurring
>it's over - something has occurred

Attached: 1504937142181.jpg (493x386, 33K)


Attached: 1401016279109.jpg (627x626, 28K)

Haha i’m so mad you got me user tee hee time

The new wordfilters were in response to the Jessi Slaughter incident, so whenever the fuck that was. It'll always be "peanut butter" to me.

I for sure don't miss 'fucking gamestop' threads.

is this the guy who did the giraffe mo-cap in tlou?

Think it will get a remake on PS5?

Attached: talledeganights.jpg (391x500, 66K)

Attached: 300qw4p.jpg (500x338, 47K)

They were the best tripfags

Attached: 1389878596195.jpg (601x882, 210K)

>ITT newfags pretending to be oldfags
Stop this retarded shit you cunts.


Attached: 1240807640e44.jpg (512x512, 46K)

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #632 - 'Persona 5 R Is Exclusive To Nintendo Switch, Releasing In Early (647x527, 76K)

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>over 20lbs
We were so innocent back then

>Yea Forumstards are oldfags

Attached: 1242611945011.png (340x269, 6K)

Jessi Slaughter is now a tranny fun fact


Attached: 98567412543.jpg (750x600, 72K)

Attached: CurryKing.png (1680x3237, 2.19M)

I'm glad that I always avoided this by back then being a person obsessed with studying during university and then becoming a workaholic

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Thats after losing count


I wonder what that magnificent being of a man is up to nowadays

Attached: muhsidesmuchkek.jpg (500x500, 46K)

>2011 + 8

>Missing Dragon Age II
>Missing the year when ME3 was starting to get hyped
>Missing the run up to TORtanic
>Missing Portal "memes"
>Missing the golden age of Ctrl-alt-del comics
>Missing people paying attention to Penny Arcade
>Missing the Obama government
>Missing Fallout 3
>Missing Felicia Day and The Guild being popular
>Missing all your base "memes"
>Missing Wil Wheaton
>Missing WoW: Cataclysm
Shiggy fucking diggy.

Attached: 1536915867133.gif (264x264, 1.37M)

God I miss shitting on the PS3

>implying obama hitlerstan isn’t the best president of burgerland
I shiggy diggy

I miss him, Yea Forums ;_;

Attached: rip.jpg (256x341, 19K)

Still no games

He'll spank us again someday, user.

Attached: sleeptightaniki.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Wake up aniki

died apparenty. Body was found after 2 weeks when the neighbours complained about a rancid curry smell coming from his apartment. Post-mortem found he died from choking on a small yellow plastic spoon



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No shrek don’t me put me in your cringe compilation

It's all ogre for you kiddo

▲ ▲

I don't even know anymore

but did he still wear his bib when they found him? I need to know because reasons

▲ ▲

>7 fucking years ago

I can't keep doing this

Weren't they banned because they had CP embedded in them sometimes?
Or was that sink threads?

More than once, not recently since Yea Forums has actually been better, I clicked on /u/ and refreshed it a time or two while complaining about there being no video games / only video game porn on this trash board.

back when this board had no mods and was never about vidya 2012 was a darrrrrrrk time

Attached: 1550373148051.jpg (720x721, 60K)

He got a greenscreen

Attached: Ps3Grill.jpg (398x325, 22K)

Attached: Chinman1.jpg (560x4559, 370K)


I know man, I know
once u k, u never go back

I met this dude before. He is gay. I got drunk with him in Canada and I kissed him.

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I heard It was in his will to be buried wearing it also it was an open casket funeral only his mother and sister came. They tried their hardest couldn't stifle their laughter, that grin was still on his face

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The console war posting around summer 2012 was brutal

Attached: hueg.jpg (648x452, 38K)

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Probably something like that, yeah. People started posting screamers too, which probably contributed to their ban.
This is why we can't have nice things.

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Which province?




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A deals a deal user

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Sorry it doesn't work for your Chingchong language pack.


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I wasn't prepared for this.

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i don't know what the fuck i'm doing

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How is it possible, that I, a diehard Skyrim fanboy, have never seen this before? Did you just make this and are trying to meme me?


Attached: More v racing.png (4994x396, 220K)

Tiktok is still my fap location of choice that isn't a porn site

I wish I would’ve come before 2014. Old Yea Forums seems so much more comfy than now.

God I want a shebull futa to fuck my mouth pussy so hard I cant help but cum

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>Was in a similar situation after high school
>Stayed at home all day
>Vidya, YouTube, porn, weed etc
>Parents felt bad that I was a hermit
>Also angry that I was a hermit
>Constantly giving me shit for living like a rat
>Age 21, new friends, new life
>Constantly going out and having fun
>Don't even get into trouble
>"user what is wrong with you? You used to be such a well behaved kid. You can't be going out like this all the time. You need to be home by NINE."
>mfw this happens literally every single time I step outside, even if it's to get a charger from my car
What the fuck do you want from me, mom?

Attached: UnimportantEmptyDwarfmongoose-mobile.jpg (300x400, 10K)

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ffs cheer up emo duck


Tiktok girls are made for breeding

Attached: BBE077A4-74AD-43CA-9B2C-B12D5137D9CC.png (750x1334, 2.94M)


Probably just a job

>Tiny frame
>Huge balloon tits that probably bounce around every time she moves even a nanometer

Ur Mr Gay/TF2posting will be forever burned in my mind because I associate that time with getting my driver's license. Also CWC. I miss the drawfag who did Yea Forums Racing and Simonchu.
t. boomer

Attached: Ur Mr Gay.jpg (490x688, 376K)

I don't get payed well but I do have an internship, I've got a lot going for me - my mom is really judgmental, as caring as she can be.

I love my mom but fuck if she isn't annoying.

Attached: MUUUUUUURRRRRRRR 3.jpg (360x334, 29K)

You're not wrong. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you're on, it's undeniable that the notoriety and mainstream attention this website gained from the 2016 election has absolutely destroyed it.
Yea Forums culture is dead. Just look at how much of a fucking husk Yea Forums has become, it's a sorry state compared to it's former status as an elitist asshole breeding ground. There is no bastion of early Yea Forums culture left, we've become homogeneous with general post-ironic meme culture.

The internet hate machine is gone, the soul of this website left a long time ago.



Not Yea Forums, but this is the oldest I have on this laptop. My stash is on my computer back home.

i remember when people responded, "did he die?" whenever someone got triggered over something on the internet.
now everyone is so asshurt about something that offends them, this website is a fucking shallow husk.


user, come ON.

Getting offended at spacing out paragraphs will never stop being hilarious, although it is also worrying.

Back in the days of ROODYPOO and CANDYASS.
Back when brown texting was a thing...
>Actually does that still work?
It all feels like a faint memory now.

▲ ▲

Didn't Yea Forums absolutely skull-fuck Reddit in BF3 later that year as well? to the point Reddit was kicking Yea Forums players for "cheating" and then won the match after half the team was gone?

>The internet hate machine is gone
why did you have to remind me

Attached: mfwthissitewillneverbethesame.jpg (900x840, 98K)


Where’s the original?

Don't be ridiculous PS3 doesn't have any games.

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Why did onii-chan do it

Attached: yc14sjy8jhcz.jpg (552x1011, 240K)

This always reminded me of that "Be Advised" Battlefield 3 pic.

I wish I had that fgg edit where it's Mr. SNK getting to go to SBO for SFIV because his partner Latiff carried the living shit of him.

Yea Forums has been stealing reddit memes since before the election. Yea Forums is fucking dead

>No one wants to admit it but the election was the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums
No one admits it because this shithole was fucked beyond saving way before 2016, you can treat the election as the last nail on the coffin at most. Shit started to go down with the fucking chanology shit you fucking newfag. After that there were only a handful of people left with any hope of recovering this shit until the election destroyed everything that was left.

Attached: TUESDAY.jpg (820x461, 64K)


>tfw Yea Forums now does the thing that Reddit did that made Yea Forums get so mad at Reddit in the first place