What makes New Vegas better than Fallout 4?

Many people talk about the story, the quests, the characters, the dialogue, the choices. But i feel like there is some stuff that often gets overlooked. Let's discuss.

1) Unique weapons: while in fallout 4 (and 3) unique weapons are just regular weapons with a different name, in NV they actually have unique textures that make them so much more interesting. In NV i would collect unique weapons just for fun, but i would never do that in 4.

2) Unarmed weapons: there are barely any unarmed weapons in fallout 4. The power fist, the deathclaw gauntlet, and that's it. I love how in NV there's a shitload of cool unarmed weapons, just as much as the melee ones.

3) Melee combat: people always praise the combat of 4, but in reality, only the gunplay is good. The melee/unarmed attacks feel clunky and unsatisfying. I could swing those weapons faster in real life, for fuck's sake. Not to mention that NV had a bunch of unique attacks for unarmed combat, while 4 doesn't have any of that.

4) Prostitutes: how comes there aren't any in the commonwealth? It's the world's oldest and easiest job, that any woman can do. It makes no sense not having prostitutes in a post-apocalyptic setting.

5) Music radios: NV had the amazing radio new vegas, and the mysterious broadcast, and also mojave music radio. 4 has only ONE fucking radio (and the classic radio, but nobody cares). And it's not even a good one, because even though there are a couple of good new songs, most of them are either garbage, or recycled from 3. As a result, the radio is devoid of personality, unlike the radios in 3 and NV. Oh, and the radio host sucks.

This probably won't be read by anyone, because you're too busy shitposting and your attention span is low, but whatever. I tried playing 4 again, i got angry and i wanted to write down my thoughts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>FO3 has no farms
>what do they eeeeeaaaatt
>NV has farms
>perfect, based Obsidian does it again
>FO4 has farms
>how to they grrrooowwwwww

Firearms variety

I thought melee was pretty good in 4 at least with the DLC, the bat and sledgehammer in particular

One of the more underrated ones is the quality of the worldbuilding. The history of the Mojave is very layered and it really feels like one slice of a bigger Wasteland, the Wastes outside of the Mojave are talked about, referenced and affect the world itself in a way that really brings it to life.

The Commonwealth, on the other hand, feels almost completely isolated. Basically the only place thats referenced outside of it is the Capital which is entirely for Fallout 3 fanservice, which even then doesn't feel that good. The Commonwealth felt like a sealed off video game map rather than a region in a greater world. Ironically even the Capital Wasteland in 3 was better than this, with references to places like The Pitt, Ronto, and the Commonwealth itself in order to colour the worldbuilding.

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I got bored too soon of NV because I hate to listen dialogues with American voices.
On the other hand I've played around 1500 hours of FO4.
I think FO4 is my second post apocalyptic game, the first one is STALKER I'm still playing after all these years.

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>weapons, unarmed weapons and melee combat
okay what?
you barely have any action in new vegas
it's just "muh roleplay" with uninteresting characters
literally a desert walking simulator
the radios are cool yes

I wish I could like new vegas but there's barely anything to do besides talking

Bethesda are utterly incompetent at worldbuilding, and the thing is that it didn't happen gradually. Morrowind has (imho) some of the greatest and most layered worldbuilding of any open world game to this day, while a mere four years later Oblivion came out with one of the most haphazardly designed Disney themeparks ever designed, which raped the lore to boot. I just don't get it, did everyone talented leave at once or something?

Well you said nothing about the dialogue, something 1000x more important than all the shit you listed, which they completely annihilated in FO4.

It single-handedly killed the entire game and made it dogshit.

>it's just "muh roleplay" with uninteresting characters
>these are the drooling retards who think their opinions on RPGs matter

Go play Far Cry, retard.

>F3 People live around piles and piles of crap and garbage
>NV people don't live around filth and garbage
>F4 People don't even move out the skeletons.

>muh roleplay

>play an FPS
>muh shooting

>play a strategy game
>muh strategy

>play a puzzle game
>muh puzzles

>play a sports game
>muh sports

>play an RPG
>muh ___________

>Many people talk about the story, the quests, the characters, *the dialogue*, the choices

FO4 is bashed on a bit too much. It definitely tried to do some things right, making Charisma matter, making the gunplay better, making power armor actually interesting gameplay-wise. It's a shame that the parts that weren't experimented on feel unfinished, or gutted. I actually like the voiced protagonist and the idea of having a character with a background and motive instead of just "lol you're some random fuckwad LOL YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE."
This too. If you're not much for roleplay then NV will be a boring slog. There's a lot of walking around doing fuckall or listening to people talk to you. But the actual RPG mechanics that are there are surprisingly solid and fun to mess around with.
I'd still say NV is superior to 4 simply because 4 feels like an attempt at new ideas rather than a perfection of ideas set up by the previous game. Also it's an actual RPG with character building rather than the horrible system we got in FO4 which felt incomplete.
>going on a board for vidya discussion
>getting mad that there's discussion

if you could at least roleplay in this game, but you can't
characters are uninteresting and dialogue options are fucking stupid
you new vegas fanboys are fucking autistic christ

Yes I saw that, I meant in his god damn list.
I suppose I could have said it in a better way

>FO4 is bashed on a bit too much.
If you're going to post retarded opinions you should at least learn how to format your post correctly.


>it's not possible to roleplay in one of if not THE most highly regarded roleplaying game by CRPG fans of the last 15 years!

Sure you're not the autist here, bud?

Based autistic retard

>one of if not THE most highly regarded roleplaying game by CRPG fans of the last 15 years!
your fanboy circle doesn't count as a trusty source

so tell me what's good about roleplaying in this game?
because you have plenty of weapons and weapon perks that you barely use
you have plenty of characters with a lot of dialogue but it's so uninteresting and so dull it makes you fall asleep

last time I argued with NV fans told me about caesar or retards like that as the game's most interesting characters

It's better because I like it more.

>quality = capacity
Based retard

there's no quality, retard
that's the point
can you even read lmao

>that's the point
Ah, so you're retarded as well as illiterate.

Wow you think your opinion of characters being "boring and retarded" is worth more than what? That's just your opinion, it's nonsensical but you can have it. There is a reason New Vegas is widley regarded as the best role-playing experience within modern Fallout games. What even is your opinion that Fallout 4 has better role playing?

>There is a reason New Vegas is widley regarded as the best role-playing experience within modern Fallout games
it isn't
only by the few autistic fanboys who always post the same shit

>What even is your opinion that Fallout 4 has better role playing?
I didn't say a word about fallout 4
I haven't played it and it's probably a fucking awful game
I've played fallout 1, 2 3 and NV

>What makes New Vegas better than Fallout 4?
Exposition dumps masquerading as characters so that people (read:neckbeards) can feel smart when they listen long-winded dialogue.

Player's variety in choice of action would be my main reason.

Whatever man, 95% positive rating with 50,000 reviews disagrees. PC gamers are the most highly critical too, yet NV sits comfortable at 95% positive. It's a highly regarded game, and not by "a few autists".

>Exposition dumps masquerading as characters
So, characters?

Pro tip user: The one guy in this thread calling NV fans autistic and being an absolute sperg about it is just a retard.

Im genuinely curious what Bethesda actually does with their dev time, it really seems like all they do is jerk off and go home with how little they actually accomplish

its fun

sadly reviewers are cringy neckbeards who believe "philosophical games are deep" and give it a high score, besides reviews are fucking useless
face it, the only good thing in NV are a few places and the radios
characters and dialogues are uninspired and uninteresting
as I said I really wish I could enjoy new vegas but it's so boring I can't and you guys always react like your ass is on fire lmao
I'm not wasting any more time in this thread

Yeah, those are all pretty good points that get overlooked. Also Travis is a fucking terrible host for diamond city radio which doesn't help either, Mr New Vegas is just classy, Three Dog can be annoying especially when he starts moralfagging about something the player did even when he doesn't know all the facts like Tenpenny and the ghouls shit, and you can never set him straight while Travis is just awful, both when he's a nervous fag doing a job he's clearly up to the task for and when you help him out and he starts pretending to be a Chad and slips up every now and then.

Whatever. Sucks that you can't enjoy such an amazing game. Go find something that you enjoy playing instead of saying dumb shit here.


There, I just summed up every NV vs mainline fallout argument

Well I think you have shit tast-
>first one is STALKER I'm still playing after all these years
Now I'm conflicted. Also why do you hate listening to English dialogue yet love 4?

>these are the people who tell you NV is bad

>mainline bethesda fallout*
That better be what you fucking meant user. Also Obsidian went to shit directly after NV.

is it just me or is NV boring as shit?

I just keep tabbing out to look up quest guides while I hoard ammunition and stims

Skills and dialogue options. 4 waters down skills to perks and almost entirely removes dialogue options making it less of an RPG and more of a shooter with shitty gunplay.

>nobody cares
Fuck off, bitch nigger. Classical has some great songs on it.
Legit pissed me off when you lose it for plot reasons.

Just you. If playing a role playing game without an internet guide is too difficult for you then you are the problem.

No, I enjoyed it. Would love to see fallout 4 new vegas become a thing but with most of those mods that never happens.

Just you, autismo.

I thought the same when I finally played it the last year. But I sorta got the stockholm syndrome about 30-50 hours in and enjoyed the rest of the game. Took me about 100 hours to 100% every quest + DLC.

It's an old janky game, take it for what it is. Not to mention it used to be blasted everywhere (including Yea Forums) on its release hence me and others skipping it, but now it's apparently some super awesome RPG?? lmao, fucking hipsters

>It's the world's oldest and easiest job, that any woman can do
Are you implying that there are no male or robot prostitutes?

>someone says something retarded about NV
>Gets called out a retard
>Never has any argument so just resort to "A-AUTISTS!"
The absolute state of Bethesdrones.

What are Yea Forums approved quest mods?

>someone says fucking anything bad about NV
>gets called names because it's now the holy cow
groupthink is scary

Usually that's because what they say is fucking retarded, though.

>Bethesda are utterly incompetent at worldbuilding


Too bad most of what they say is retarded and just say "It's bad" like and not actually provide any real arguments.


>I got bored too soon of NV because I hate American voices
>Yet plays a game also with American voice acting for over 1500 hours
Are you retarded?

Those skeletons are bitching hard to get rid of. Even burying them under foundation doesn't get rid of them, since they'll wiggle their way back to the surface poltergeist-style.
The average NPC has no access to disable. Can't blame them for giving up.


Shit taste zoomer

I prefer F3, but how the hell is NV pretentious in any way?
>the radios
I hated that.

Jesus, Obsidiots really are the rick and morty fans of fallout

Your opinions are fucking shit and 4 improved absolutely nothing it just dumbed down everything

does the gog version of this game run stable?

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It's really fucking pretentious. Just talk to Caesar and listen to the blabbering about dialectics and shit, and yet Obsidian designed the legion just be another "le savage rapey bad guys".

Around here 'pretentious' is just a buzzword for 'I didn't like it' when they're trying to preemptively ward off being called a retard.


Are you unfamiliar with what dialectics actually are?

I'm still salty that the Fallout Anthology only had Steam'd versions of the games.

>2 over 1

why? 2 is an unfinished game with shitty story, progression and even slower combat than 1

Jesus christ shut the fuck up

It's usually autistic mechanicsfags

I want to believe the contrast is some kind of meta in-joke, since only Caesar and a handful of other educated people actually say "seezer" instead of "kaysar", but that might be giving them too much credit.

The character being pretentious doesn't makes the game pretentious.

That would be a no, then.

You could have just said 'no'

Why do people still say this when Bethesda are the ones who actually had a Rick and Morty cross-promotion event for Fallout 76?
Why even bother shitposting if you're going to put so little effort into it?

New Vegas with FO4's power armour mechanics and gunplay would destroy any Bethesda game.

It's pretentious garbage writing. They focused completely on making deep, galaxy brain dialogue with expensive voice actors, writing they couldn't even back up gameplay wise.

>being so dumb you don't understand something the game directly explains to you
Yep, exactly the type of poster who calls NV 'pretentious'

Amazing Radio NV?
It was clear Wayne Newton mailed it in and was collecting a paycheck.
Worst Fallout DJ so far by far. I did like the music selections for the most part.

I kept the guide handy to see what bugs I could avoid for that quest.

You cannot use pseudo-intellectuality to make up for an inferior fallout 3 lmao

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I've never seen a man so desperate to suck a game's dick until OP.

I enjoy this one it's pretty good for xp and some nice gear

The shitty Obsidian QC and Bethesda's deadline fucked the game.
>writing they couldn't even back up gameplay wise.
I can agree with this.

>too retarded to understand something directly explained in game
>better call it pretentious
What did he mean by this?

>The damage control

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Yes, the smug contrarian smart sniffing of “WELL ACKSHUALLY, NV IS TRASH AND 4 IS BETTER...” totally isn’t reminiscent of R&M fans.

>d-damage control
So you don't have anything to support your claim the game's pretentious? Good to know.

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Lol who talked about 4? Take your meds, your ADHD is going off.

New vegas received 2 awards, and one of them was for being cheap lmao.

While Todd picked up these

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>Lol who talked about 4?
He did, are you illiterate as well as fucking retarded?

Depends what you are looking for in a game.
If you like those Pick a Path to adventure books you go NV.
If you like lootin shootin splorin you go with 4.

1 > NV > 2 >>> 3 >> Tactics >>>>>>>> shit >>>> 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BoS

You should probably learn what words mean before you go misusing them so blatantly. Google can help you with the big ones if you're struggling.

"Most bang for your buck" doesnt sound like the most prestigious award nontheless.

Bethesda wins again, Obsidian couldnt even make a good game with a complete fork of Fallout 3, story taken from Van Buren, and a DLC completely that completely ripped off Bioshock. It's hilarious. Just accept it.

>still no actual argument

All of Obsidian's "good" games are when they piggyback on other devs work. Their own works are bad. They also can't write for shit, Obsidian has no sense of pacing and they are the pinnacle of "telling and not showing". They just constantly dump exposition on to you without much thought. Now their next game, which is their own work and not a glorified total conversion, looks clunky as all hell but this time their so called "good writing" wont save them since all the "good" writers have left Obsidian and have been replaced with Twitter trannys. What an absolute joke of a company.


>They also can't write for shit, Obsidian has no sense of pacing and they are the pinnacle of "telling and not showing".
You're utterly retarded.

>they are the pinnacle of "telling and not showing".
This. I specially hate Lonesome Roads for this reason.

Say that again, without crying this time

>worst fallout DJ when Travis exists
No. You can prefer Three Dog all you want but Travis is objectively fucking terrible and only shit tasting faggots would argue otherwise.

You haven't actually provided a reasoning why it's pretentious other then "it is though."

You're completely retarded, you have zero (0) actual arguments, and you also know nothing about pacing, game design, or mimesis.

>Caring what other people think about a form of media

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>can't even back up the first claim he made and has to talk about something different entirely
based retard

Beth level designers cant do world building.

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>Bethesdrones are unironically going down the "w-well soi journos said its good so HA!"
The absolute fucking state of Bethesdafags.

At least VA for Travis cared.
Chad Travis was nearly as bad as Mr.NV but the original was far better than Mr. NV.

>You can prefer Three Dog all you want
Only a tasteless idiot would prefer Three Dog
>Lone Wanderer bad, he killed all those ghouls who dindu nuthin
>Dear people of the wasteland, have I told you about the Lone Wanderer, our one true savior


>do Veronica's quest
>the Elder doesnt want to lift the ban despite already doing so by the end of the BoS questline
Nice game, Obsidiots.

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>nuh-uh, you're wrong!

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You are wrong. See, I can do it too!

>Bethesda are utterly incompent at worldbuilding

But that is the only thing they are competent at and they do it better than Obsidian, Blizzard or BioWare

Original was just as bad, the joke wears off extremely quickly that he's a stuttering autist. Mr New Vegas was actually good but even if he phoned it in as much as you say it would still be better then the absolute travesty that was Travis. The fucking kid who takes over just to shill his water if you kill Travis is better then him.
I'm not saying I like Three Dog, and when he's not being a annoying moralfag he can be alright. But Travis is objectively the worst.

>But that is the only thing they are competent at
>and they do it better than Obsidian, Blizzard or BioWare

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I tried to play New Vegas, but shooting is absolute garbage. It's pure RNG instead of skill. Fallout 4 combat was designed by id Software and its very clear.

You mean when shits drastically changed in the wasteland when the NCR, the guys they were hiding from are gone or even their allies you fucking brainlet?

Bethesda's design mentality is LITERALLY theme park, they have indirectly confirmed this. ALL the team members can pitch their own ideas into their games and there's nobody making sure that the things that are implemented stay consistent with each other.

>Basically the only place thats referenced outside of it is the Capital which is entirely for Fallout 3 fanservice
Which is kind of retarded given how much distance there is between D.C and Boston, and how many more major cities are in between the two that could be mentioned (And would be more noteworthy) but are not.
It makes no sense that everyone who comes from outside the Commonwealth and mentions where they come from, just so happens to come all the way from the Capital Wasteland. No New Yorkers? No one decides to mention that? No one from Ronto? That's even closer and is a location mentioned in Fallout 3! Somehow 4's world building manages to be worse than 3's.

In Fallout New Vegas it's justified to hear something every now and again about, say, Arroyo, despite it being a decent distance away, because at least that is apart of the NCR, is connected to the larger supply line that goes into the Mojave, and California in its own right is largely civilized.
Plus we hear about other locations far more than we hear about Arroyo, and the locations talked about aren't just limited to Fallout 1 and 2 locations either, we hear about the lands east of the Colorado to a great extent, we hear about the territories and tribes to the north.

Everything comes together to make a fleshed out, cohesive world in New Vegas, whereas in 4 we're left to assume everything outside of the Commonwealth just has absolutely nothing. Even 3 did this better than 4, fleshing out Ronto and The Commonwealth to various extents.

Fallout 4's combat is a improvement but it still sucks over most shooters.

You forgot to mention another thing: the minigames. Yeah, Fallout 4 has those pip-boy games but caravan was so much better and you can collect cards to make your own deck. The only other game that included this was The Witcher 3 and that's it but caravan is honestly more interesting and realistic. You can also play casino games and roleplay as a gambler, the most immersive way to play blackjack virtually

Mr.NV was just Wayne Newton reading his lines.
The only way you could be defending it is if you believe every attack against NV must be defended.

If defending Mr.NV is the hill you want to die on by all means go ahead.
The best you could do is the Hot Gates the worst Little Big Horn but your loss is assured.

agreed when everyone wanks off about F4's shooting i wonder if they ever played a good shooter in their life. There's usually a lot of overlap between people who consider gtaV's shooting better than gta 4's and people who like F4's shooting (ie they like dogwank shooting)

This, going from 3/NV to 4 was momentarily mind-blowing until you realised that BF2, an ancient old game has better combat than Fallout 4
Play any other game and Fallout 4 goes to bottom of the pile every time

No one cares about the minigames though
Gambling in casinos maybe since that was useful

So what you're saying is that you're a tasteless idiot without any actual arguments, so here's a long and irrelevant post?

Nice reading comprehension, idiot.

Is Fallout New Vegas even mentioned in Fallout 4 or Fallout 76? Or is it non canon?

The New Vegas sign appears in a Pip-Boy mini game.

Deacon makes a reference to Mr.House.

If anything 76 is the non canon game, lmao.
>super mutants walking around in year 2102

There are a few references to NV in 4, search them on google.

Oblivion is consistent with the previous lore. Any changes to the world are explained in books.

> Tasteless idiot
No I was the one taking Travis over Mr. NV the other guy was the Wayne Newton fan.

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Wasn't Cyrodiil supposed to be a jungle? It was a forest in Oblivion.

Specifically Deacon says he won Mr.House's Securitron Override code in a poker game, he presumably doesn't know who Mr. House is, or even what a Securitron is considering he tries it on a Mr. Handy robot.

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So was Skyrim. Sometimes its due to the tech not being able to make the world they imagined, and sometimes it's because they're dumb fucks.

Yes kinda.
Apparently it WAS a Jungle until Tiber Septum terraformed the fuck out of it... somehow...

You should read the description of the Jungled Cyrodil.
It sounded like a shitty anime.
They were smart to bail on it.

Mankar Cameron claims that Tiber Septim used CHIM and reconstructed the landscape itself in his books.


That's the objectively correct ranking.

Swap 3 and 4 an add 76 way way way in last place.
I hear BoS is pretty bad but I cant imagine anything being worse than 76.

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In New Vegas you can play as a pacifist or kill everything in sight They give you that option, I can't think of a single mission where only one outcome is possible, excluding the last mission from every faction.

NV > 1 > 2 > 4 > 3

>provide an argument
>n-not an argument

the soul

>the reviewers who praised such amazing fo3 features as "turn totally invincible and kill everything with epic slowdown shots" vats and the "in-depth" karma system
>taking their word as gospel
0/8 b8 m8

the absolute state of new vegas no-lifers lmao

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And I refuse to acknowledge Shelter's existence.

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Stop blaming QA. NV was shoved out the door when it needed more polishing time. 99% of the time QA will document bugs and the devs will look at their deadlines and not fix it because it may cause other, more detrimental bugs.

Only thing I disagree with is 2 being better than 1

Yeah, you'd think people would build better shelters (or go inside one of the million intact buildings) when radiation storms are a weekly occurence

Honestly, they're pretty even, so it's just a matter of picking your favourite moments of each and see which one you like the more.

Which reveals yet another flaw. It's been waaay too long since the end of the war by 4's time. Rad storms just shouldn't be happening anymore.
But that's alright "cuz it's wasteland so radiation".

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>"lol you're some random fuckwad LOL YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE."
Being reductive and putting "lol" in it doesn't make it bad. You play as a random fuckwad in 4 as well.

>If you're not much for roleplay then NV will be a boring slog.
So if you don't like roleplaying, this RPG is a slog. Genius.

I think the excuse for the radstorms in the glowing sea in F4 where multiple bombs or some megabomb hit and it's still super radioactive because there were a bunch of nukes there and they've been leaking radiation for the past few hundred years.
Or so I thought I dunno.

You need to keep the wasteland aesthetic somehow while having tons of content that's unscavenged. Realistically speaking most things should just be incredibly overgrown while humans have reorganized into new cities (that house thousands of citizens) with everything in the immediate vicinity having been picked clean by scavengers decades ago. A Fallout city builders/pseudo RTS would make more sense for that kind of approach. But yeah, it sucks that people live in such weird conditions. Like the fucking Las Vegas strip and casinos are often littered with trash and paper, you'd think they'd just have some peon go around and pick up the trash to make the place where they live and hang out cleaner but no.

you clearly don't like the "RP" part of "RPGs".
Which makes F4 the perfect game for you.

IIRC the excuse is that radiation storms are caused by winds blowing radiation from the glowing sea into the Commonwealth, or something like that.

Did they even attempt to give a reasoning why there was muties in 2102?

The lack of cleanliness in inhabited places always bothers me.
Like I get it's the post apocalypse and all but apparently some of these places have been inhabited for decades now, would it kill you to sweep the dust and clear out all the skeletons and trash from where you live?

Can I at least turn fallout 4 into a decent survival type game with few friendly settlements and more dangerous? Can I basically make it a freeplay stalker mod?

New Vegas feels like an actual society with civilization slowly rebuilding itself to a functional level .

If you asked them they'd probably spew some bullshit excuse like "lol there's a FEV vault in appalachia" or "lmao it's just a scouts from V87"

You can download some mods to make it near unplayably difficult.
Mods like FROST make it so you take and deal more damage and reduces the amount of friendly NPCs by loads, among many other things.

Why... My peenus weenus ofc :D

yes, but in this way it is missing the deus ex level meta storytelling of fallout 3.

Fallout Shelter is closing in on being the second highest grossing Bethesda game behind Skyrim.


Really? At least Shelter was fun for a few hours, and it's free. It's a decent mobile game. 76 will never be fun.

It's still a role-playing game and not a storytelling shooter.

West Tek poisoned the water supply of a town with FEV.
To really trigger the REEEEEtards it was done pre war.
I am not sure if it was intentional or not.

If you are really into that kind of tedium try 76.
It will have all the tedium you could want and then some.