I think most of us can agree that Tamriel is an incredible fantasy setting with some of the best world building in the...

I think most of us can agree that Tamriel is an incredible fantasy setting with some of the best world building in the genre

Attached: 42449-1-1342023142.jpg (2964x2043, 1.34M)

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Too bad the games are made by Bethesda

Is this the ultimate cuckoldry?

Attached: Coast.png (594x410, 292K)

That map looks okay because it's exaggerated. Tamriel just looks a bit too rectangular to me.

Attached: 1541757352121.png (720x519, 782K)

Fun fact, that territory really does upset a faction of Khajiit. There's a book all about it.

Yeah if I ever could live in a fictional place it would be in Tamriel

Eorzea is my first choice but Tamriel is a close second.

Arena remake when?

>lol chim
It's trash.

Tamriel is quite possibly the most cruel place I could imagine. The reason is simple: People have souls. If someone traps your soul in a black soul gem, it will eventually end up in the soul cairn, which is possibly worse than hell. The fact that anyone can trap your soul and send you to hell, regardless of your actions, is beyond frightening.

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