Why are developers trying to take away sex appeal from video games?

Why are developers trying to take away sex appeal from video games?

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to attract more women to play their ultraviolent fighting games


how hard do you suck the mod to let you shill on here low tier gay?

>Low Tier God

because Anglos are wimps. They are really terrified of SJW landwhales and have bent the knee to them.

I hope so, this would be the most amusing reason

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Women love sexy women in media, this only appeases cucked white men


Only secy woman like sexy woman. Hampanets would want nothing more then everyone else to be like them so they don't have to face shame every time they look in a mirror and try to convince themselves that 500lbs are normal.

I never played MK for the titties so I don't really give a shit. Nobody played MK for the titties. LTG isn't even a MK player so his opinion is irrelevant. Everyone I know that plays MK says they don't give a shit or hasn't even commented on it because they're too busy being hyped for a new MK. Only people who don't play the game for more than a few days on release care about this shit. Don't you know you can go type "big titties" in on Google, click images, and see a live nude pair for free? Why pay $60 for fake animated balloon tits that you don't get to see? I don't get why people are upset honestly. Her redesign isn't even bad. If it was bad I'd be right there with everyone, but she just looks like her own ninja now instead of a shitty recolor like the rest of the ninja cast.

Every woman is sexy unless they hate themselves

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for the sequel story

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>pretending anyone here is stupid enough to google your fanfic just because they're outraged about MK11
you smell like a fucking jew. stop being slimy and trying to advertise your irrelevant dogshit. trying to bank on hot topics, you're a pandering shithead jew just like the kikes that took the titties out of MK11. hypocritical faggot


>violence, blood and gore GOOD
>sexuality BAD
Boon is a cuckold

Faggot you post the same picture, with the same fucking words im every MK thread to shill your shit fanfiction

Oh look, you didnt make a thread about it, good job

>actually getting hyped aboue mk 11

The series ended in 9

MKX and MK11 don't deserve any better

Especially when NRS shills spent weeks making threads about Mortal Kombat before MK11 was even revealed

The animations still suck, projectiles should clash, the character designs are boring (so what i like boobs.) They don't gotta go all mk9 but why not some mk2/mk3 inspired designs? That wouldnt change the esrb rating from m to AO so wtf?

Im 30 now and the hyper gore just doesn't entertain me like it used to 15 years ago. It just feels like a violent injustice game to me. The lighting looks good tho, i must say.

Oh well.. DOA6, SCVI, smash and samsho will keep me occupied for some time.

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the gore isn't good, it's a joke. it's over the top and cheesy. you're supposed to laugh at how goofy and ridiculous it is. it's meant in good humor.
people don't laugh at bimbo balloon tits anymore, so they got rid of them. looks like they made the right decision considering how many angry virgins are upset, meaning people were taking the titties seriously when they were meant to be cheesy 80s shit to haha at. you're all faggots for taking MK this seriously when Boon doesn't even take it seriously himself

>The animations still suck, projectiles should clash,
I agree with these. In fact, I'd say the animations look worse. Look at that SZ winpose when he falls back into the ground. Maybe I'm just tired of NRS pre-release dicking around, but something about this game looks off.

Good lighting and textures. But I'm just not hyped this time. NRS always blow their loads on stuff they should keep secret (spoiling all the fatalities), but do the opposite with stuff they should show (roster, modes).

I said entertain me like lol humor etc

I understand it's all a joke but to have everything in jest but have srs burkas everywhere seems conflicting. The original games had over the top costumes, characters, gore, everything

Shareholders don't like it

apex of his career desu

Roasties are jealous and want attention, so they want to bad anything better than them.

You know at least Low Tier God is honest.

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Imagine eating at a restaurant and having parts of your meal removed just because parts of it it were made from an underaged lamb or a calf despite you paying full price for it like it was a full meal
This is the videogame industry

Bro I support the fact that if men have sex appeal women should also have sex appeal but shit why do you guys always have to shoehorn pedophilia in there too?


As long it’s not about himself

>decapitation, blood, disembowelment, breaking bones is fine
>women showing skin is not

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You almost got it right, but then you had to drop a bombshell

But as many women love Dead or Alive as man, so how does it work then?

>being an ESL


No, you don't understand. Violence is not real, but sexy women on the screen is always real.

Think of the pixelated women, and how they must feel being sexualized by their playerbase

Is that eventhubs? Have they really sunken so far to LTG opinion pieces?

Both are fine. All this is in their heads. Same thing happened in the past, it's just that the devs didn't care. Entire sections of society used to politically attack games and try to get them banned. People used to burn games/movies and protest in the street. But guess what? They devs and movie makes said Fuck Them and did it anyway.

That's the main difference between then and now. Devs like Midway, ID and others basically said "what're you gonna do about it?" And hey, look what happened. NOTHING. It's all in your heads. You and the devs.

>esports player
does he even play in tournaments anymore? he just streams a fuckton nowadays

Not true, look how popular the kardashians are.

Neither that does monkey.


>the game that was literally built on being edgy and rebellious is now covering women in burkas to not offend womyn and their orbiters

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