How long until they give us newer games? Nobody cares about 30yo games. Just give us GameBoy Advance, GameCube or DS games already
How long until they give us newer games? Nobody cares about 30yo games. Just give us GameBoy Advance...
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bro, those aren't new
Why do you fags love to pay for games again and again? Just buy a hi-end phone and download roms
Apparently some SNES files were data mined. So soon-ish.
Still newer than fucking NES games. I can play old games but there's a limit where games just become too outdated
I would not mind some gamecube stuff but if we're gonna get something like Wind Waker, we may as well get the HD remaster of it, cause it has some needed fixes.
There are over like 2000 licensed NES games. They will NEVER run out if they give us 4 free games every month for like 10 years and despicably if they do the SP editions. I want some cool SNES games to but it's not happening
> limit where games just become too outdated
Fucking zoomer nigger
>DS games on switch
further proof that OP is a faggot
We are never getting virtual console.
If the 3DS is anything to go off it'll be FUCKING YEARS
I actually want SNES games tbqh
I'd prefer them to fix the fucking online for Smash.
>tetris 99 netcode is better than Smash Ultimate's
Also you don't get banned in Tetris 99 if an opponent ragequits or has shit internet.
>Literally had nothing but lagless matches in Smash
1)Stop playing when beaners are up
2)Stop being a beaner
3)Get fucking Spectrum or Google Fiber
I got no problems with my internet connection, but there's enough shitters out there who play over early 2000 wifi. I block every single one of them after the match.
Getting Google Fiber will not fix Smash's retarded online system. Like, you can LITERALLY punish your opponent for winning by ragequitting and causing a BAN on their side? While you may stay online even?
Big L O L
Bitch elsewhere
I bet if they release DS/3DS stuff they'll also release a sideways joycon cradle so you can play in portrait, the same way they released the NES "joycons".
No, I'm gonna bitch here because this is an Nintendo Online thread. Fuck off, m8.
You bitch elsewhere or I'll kick your scrawny white ass.
>have control over when other around the world are awake
>change your race
>move to an area that provides these services
Yikes. I have to do all this to have a better Smash experience?
Yes. So sit your ass down and shut the fuck up.
You are paying for online, not ''free'' games. If they somehow decie to give us Switch instead of NES games, subscription would jump from 20 to at least 100 euros per year.
You dumb fuck.