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Other urls found in this thread:


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I legitimately don't understand why people like/respect this man.

E - C E L E B

so now he's like op, a faggot

he's a fat white cunt

>tfw he became Anthony Burch


Attached: LTG.jpg (244x295, 32K)

Imagine being fat

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>I also tend to enjoy some furry stuff
Slap a pair of giant titties on anything and I'll like it. Airplane porn.

arent all furries gay?


Gay furries are the most common, but there's tons of female furry art out there, but that overlaps with bisexual furfags too.

Imagine cleaning this big niggas shit holy fuck, just gas fat people already.

White Fat faggot furry

OP here. Forgot to mention that I'm gay btw. Not sure if that matters...

What fucking year is it again? Are you seriously trying to ridicule someone for being bisexual?

Attached: tenor[1].gif (220x182, 424K)

Seething boogie fan detected stay mad white boi

I don't see what's the appeal of this autist

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Being a fat retard is so stunning and brave.

How is this video games?

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fuck gays

Literally who

Why are furries the only "Fetish" Community that feels the need to come out?

obesity is immoral and disgusting

Why does God allow this fat faggot to live yet He takes Aniki away from us?

Attached: Rip+aniki+aniki+the+glorious++died+from+getting+hit_39a15e_6534709.jpg (1200x1601, 186K)

When friends would sleep over when I was in school sometimes we'd fool around, jerk each other off and stuff. Now I'm married with kids and I've never thought I was gay. You can mess around with guys and not be gay.

subhuman shitswine lardpig. hopefully he eats shit and dies soon.


>fat as fuck
>is a furry
>plays vidya all day

is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

He's a manipulative sociopath. They're good at tricking people who don't know any better.

funny thing is I remember dude saying he was completely straight on twitter just last year



When his mother gave birth to him the doctor should have grabbed him by the back of his legs and flogged him over a log.

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What kind of guy would willingly "make out" with Boogie?

Imagine the smell

ahahahaha levitsetera retards btfo forever



>There are people on this Earth that found that blob of fat attractive enough to "makeout" with

Attached: 2443647487.png (500x627, 160K)

>Degenerate Furrie

Every fucking time


Aniki wasn't a faggot tho. He fucked men for money.

By furry stuff, he means he likes the shape of a nice dog cock and the way they ejaculate. Me too.


lmao imagine being fat, ugl af, gay, dumb and on top of that a fucking furry
that nigga needs to kill himself real quick before the sugar does the jov for him

1. obv it's degenerate as fuck to be gay.
2. shut up.


yes, its hilarious, fuck fags lmao

That is utter garbage content user.

Why are you like this?

>nothin gay about it, just a couple-a brojobs with the homies. no homo, Jake, that cumshot was fuckin epic bro let me get a lick of that shit
nah you're a fag and probably watch tranny porn or something and like when your wife pegs you


Still more rich and famous than you'll ever be. Lol.


>enlightened centrist is "bi"
Of course.

>that blob is not a virgin but I am

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>I think it's time I come out... I like super inflation
Can't wait for The Son of Dob to come out

>I like furry stuff too

Why? Like why the fuck would you admit that? What’s the point? Your audience is most likely underage. Like what the fuck?

Stop defaming Boogie1488.

He's a confessed bisexual who expressed that the porn helped him explore that side of him, idiot

This. Not gay or anything. Human dicks are disgusting.

>not one, but multiple people have willingly kissed this ugly mountain of fat

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nah we never sucked dick or anything gay like that. we'd just grind up on each other, I bet everyone did that shit in school desu

that's literally being gay, user. you and your friends are totally gay

He was funny once.

Literally why does anyone need to know this

My cousin is Boogie tier and I found out he banged guys a few months ago. This nigga has kids too so I don't understand fatties.

lol ur black

Attached: nn.png (1024x723, 105K)

what good does it do when hes fat, ugly, dumb, gay and a fucking furry

Id ridicule him for being the most lukewarm bi man ever. Like fuck man, push yourself.


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>everyone hates me now
>better come out at gay

>Actually defending Boogie of all people
Yeah no the Fat Fuck deserves it

> I also tend to enjoy some furry stuff
I looked at the dude with a neutral view, but now I've lost all respect for him.

Wasnt his ex blacked?

who the fuck has been kissing boogie

Because representation matters!

mad cuz ur people are FAT as FUCK


>A fat gamer has degenerate sexual preferences
Color me surprised. But who cares.
Was there really that big of a demand to discover what Boogie gets off to?

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ITT: we laugh at Boogie

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If I was bisexual or gay this is the last fucking man I’d want to represent me


that despicable, disgusting lard swine can't even push himself out of bed. he just rolls over.

Lol that's not coming out, it's attention whoring

My nygga people can experiment

what the fuck is he talking about

why is he slandering a dead man???

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at least he's not fat tho shout out to all my BROTHERS IN the thread we need to stomp these disgusting fat fucks.

Back to resetera with you

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>"coming out"
I don't think that means what he think it means.

iesus christos

This. I don't get it.
He's not a journalist. He's not a designer. He doesn't have any sort of history.
He just does opinion pieces but there's nothing that would make one value his opinion over the opinion of any other random asshole.
It has to be because he carries himself in a way that attempts to make the viewer feel sorry for him, right?

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Yes, but there are definitely a lot of closet faggot. Most disgusting fur threads you see on Yea Forums are furry_gay or furry_futanari. Some people would argue that futa is less gay than full gay, but most of the futa fur art features futa_on_male so that makes it full homo, because dick in ass.

Does LTG post here?


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Yeah we should be tackling the real problem here

>I also tend to enjoy some furry stuff.

furries should be gased

>enjoy some furry stuff
What does that mean? Anthropomorphic animals don't exist, so what does that mean? You enjoy fucking people in costumes? That's not a sexual orientation. You like to fuck actual cats? What does that mean?

He is a prophet

>that example
so he was never funny

Can he even get out of the closet physically? Is it an American XXXL closet?

He literally said he wasn't gay LMAO

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Nobody cares unironically.

Also, why would you feel the need to "come out" about bisexuality, especially if you prefer women? Did you just want to up the difficult setting a notch or what?

he was legitimately kind of funny for a time and had already sunk his tendrils into the network by the time he wasn't
he just kind of exists and talks about bullshit now

It's 2019, so you make a good point. Being bisexual isn't wrong and shouldn't be ridiculed. But on the other hand...
>I also tend to enjoy some furry stuff


What prompted him to say this shit?

>ignores the furry part
>ignores how the whole tweet in general is just bawww give me more attention guys!
Hi Boogie

Check out /trash/. I bet he lurks there.

>do not doubt it
Isn't that a double negative?

Youtube metrics.

I never understood why I liked this shit but knew the Joke was getting really fucking old. Plus I’m 100% sure this is how he got his audience

>shouldn't be ridiculed
Calling him gay isn't ridicule. From now on I will refer to him as gay man Boogie. Because that's what he is, BIGOT

>100 replies in 20 minutes
How does it feel being braindead?

Then why bring it up? Why call it coming out? Thats not coming out. That doesnt deserve "coming out"

Trying to stay relevant

They are insecure gaybois that want to draw attention from fellow furfags

Are we seriously going to pretend Boogie ever had sex he didn't pay for? Come on

What's wrong with enjoying fursmut?

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>was molested as a kid
>comes out as gay
imagine my shock

>obese AND a furfag

Attached: B436E4BB-EB50-4D71-A6A9-211926D0C6A6.gif (210x210, 84K)

My friend said if you aren’t at least 500lbs then I can’t be friends with you.

It would be hard to relate to you.

He is right.

Tail accessories,ears.
simple toys like that?

not that hard to figure out

niggers are fatter on average than whites

How can man look at this and kiss it, what's wrong with this earth.

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it's boogie
it's so tepid it barely even qualifies, he probably just likes human contact of any kind first and foremost
furry shit

fuck off tranny

If you want more (you)'s i'd recommend using more words and subtlety

Not AFRICAN brothers nobody cares about American niggers.

lmao you faggot we would be making fun of boogie even if he was straight

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pathetic fatcunt latching onto other degenerate shit rather than fixing his own

Fuck off furgin, yikes

You ruined your own joke with the last part.

Just take your (you) and go

you cant fix sexual preference or fetish.

>caring about other people's private lives
this is the one zoomer trait I will never comprehend
like, do you ask your parents about all the wild sex they have had?

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why does he keep winning?

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didnt his mother molest him or some shit? or was it his father and the mother was in on it?

So why did he feel the need to tell the public that he likes tails and ears? Maybe he should inform us if stockings turn him on next. That's nothing, that's not even a fetish, just a piece of clothing.

So is this just an attempt to get laid? Straight men fuck disgusting hambeasts all the time, do gay men have higher standards?

He was feeling depressed and no longer has enough stomach to eat a tub of ice cream so claims to be bi for the guaranteed internet backpats. He probably has a dick fetish from all the cuck porn he watches so it's not even a total lie.

No, no we didn't.

>all the furcucks now desperately defending this blob

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Now that is true but the fag himself attention whored just for a reaction

>Lets tell everyone online I'm a gay furry
Why? I don't understand at all. Maybe because I'm a boomer, but sharing details of my private life online seems retarded.

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No, it is not.

is this virtue signalling after he bullied that guy on apex :s

Holy fuck Boogie is based alpha

Attached: 32f.jpg (680x794, 33K)

>I was born a dogfucker!

>literally who eceleb

great thread

>month pass after wife left him
>he is now desperate enough to fuck dudes and dogs
Fucking ell Boogie, just get a whore


Master of baiting

Nuthin wrong with some chub lovin.

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>its not a fetish
If you are sexually attracted to an item or term that isnt inherently sexual,its a fetish.

If this was /r9k/ then yes, but this is Yea Forums so not really =/
This board is nintendogaf

Furfags make their fetish their whole life due to lack of any other personality traits to make them interesting

You clearly do if it bothers you so much to the point you literally cannot help yourself but enter a thread with a subject that doesn't appeal to you and yell about it like an autist. I don't even care about this particular e-celeb but every time I see retards like you ree'ing it really makes me want to post pic related to make you even angrier because its comical that you people continue to enter threads you don't like.

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he often jokes about his going to fuck some prostitutes later.
imagine the prostitute who has to get fucked by him for like 15 seconds and suck his dick.

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they are exactly as weak as him and would also lay down to have their faces trodden on by feminist cunts if given the chance
many who live deserve death

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I'm actually a gay and I'm kinda wondering how many people are "coming out" just so they can be part of the LGBT community in some way, particularly white women are the ones who are like "haha but im pansexual so uhmmmmmm yea hehe you cant be homophobic"

But why are people like this, why are there so many of these people NOW than there were say even 30 or 40 years ago? Is the human condition really this flexible? Are that many people sheep as to just follow a way of life and ideals that get stuck in their head? I learned pretty early on that I like penis, honestly if you haven't figured yourself out by 25 there is something seriously wrong with you.

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He was always a fat faggot. It's just that now being a bi-furry is sympathy invoking, he wants in on that, too. He is a classic waif-style personality disorder type. He will do whatever it takes and say whatever it takes to gain favor.

Mandatory, of course:

Not since we all got /fit/ only retards are still fat in the year of our lord 2019

>Also tend to enjoy some furry stuff
Why is this part not the focus? Furries are ALWAYS degenerates. There are no exceptions

>has been posting this in every huge eceleb thread for years now

He put it out there maine, not like we stole video out of his house

Do you even know how a fetish works and how do people get it?
It's rooted in your mind

Imagine being so insecure you need to jump to defend your furgin shit because this embarrassment said he likes it

Maybe its just easier to get gay furry sex if others know you are a gay furry.

Why is being a furry a trend now? Absolutely disgusting this phenomenon of proclaiming you're a gay furry on the internet and actually being proud of it.


>If you are sexually attracted to an item, its a fetish
That's the thing, nobody is attracted to items, people are attracted to what they represent. Stockings make leg curves more visible and appeal to legfags. Animal ears and tails make you think you're fucking a cat and appeal to people who want to fuck cats. Hence me saying that furfags are not real. You either want to fuck a cat or you don't, there's no middleground.

ye coz they are all are starvin marvins

What a fucking cuck

When can we purge vidya of these mentally I freaks

>But why are people like this, why are there so many of these people NOW than there were say even 30 or 40 years ago?
You really have to ask why people follow trends to be part of something/get attention/sympathy? Are you genuinely wondering why? Good luck in life!

Yes. If i had the pic i would send it.
He a cuck

It's obvious he's doing it to get recognition from the LGBT community despite dog whistling the far right for so long, guy's a fucking clown.

It is though. Btw we're all degenerates. No well-adjusted adult browses Yea Forums. We all got our demons.

Attached: green boi.png (283x348, 81K)

It’s so pathetic when people like you make out weird sex preferences to be some kind of huge deal. You can change ANY of your “preferences” unless they are rooted in the fundamental biology of yourself. Stop trying to make out that furshit is important, it’s a cringey fetish that can be cast aside as easily as it is gained

>go to subway but put everything on it

He's pulling a Kevin Spacey after that H3 Podcast where he said "Nazis were mostly okay people"

I was wondering the same. Find it kind of sad that he feels it necessary to do so.
As if your sexual preference changes your opinions on video games.
>mfw zoomers think people care who they have sex with

Attached: buttox_esquire.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Being LGBT has social capital now. You guys are privileged


It's a fad. The popular thing now is to be non-straight so people will lie about wanting to suck dick or that theyre trans for brownie points. It doesn't even matter if you are a fag or not, aslong as you claim to be one thats good enough.

Yes, because I don't think I'd start fucking women if it suddenly became the hipster thing to do.

Yes but only some of us want to fuck cats

umm, who makes out with someone as fat as him?

What do vore and inflation represent?

>despite dog whistling the far right for so long
Oh you silly zoomers thinking it's either far left or far right.

>Dog whistling the far right

Funny how people on the right never hear the whistle

It either means he recently found out he's bisexual or he's coming out now with ulterior motives in mind. I think the latter

>you’re all pathetic like meeeeee

Yeah, but that's you. It may shock you, but there are people out there who don't think or act like you.

>fetish that can be cast aside as easily as it is gained
based brainlet

Yet another straight cis male so cucked by women and affection starved that he tries to rationalize that he's actually gay to explain why he has yet to be loved and valued.

Should've stuck to food.

Attached: 1539388275884.png (200x200, 35K)

No body actually sucks dick for social points, they just say they do.

I guess people similar that are similar to Boogie just relate to him.

>Admitting to sorta kinda being into abnormal/degenerate things
This feels familiar, like I've se-
Oh yeah.
Sure worked well for him, can't imagine how it could possibly go wrong for Boogie.

he's after those sjw gay shekels, not gay until he shows proof of sucking dick

>kind of gay
literally who fucking cares, everybody is kind of gay
>kind of furry

>I'm a perfect and pure human being I swear!

Attached: 1541332922998.jpg (167x253, 13K)

He’s white, we must stick together bro

This desu.

You mean american niggers, but whaddaya expect when something is born in america.

>Should've stuck to food.
only quality response so far

If inflation is what I think it is, obviously attraction to fatties. Vore is just SM, just chocking on an extreme scale. SM is people taking the dominant/submissive role associated with sex to the absolute extreme, again nothing mysterious about that

>aging, morbidly obese shut-in likes to suck dick and is a furry

A shocking revelation. How long before someone discovers he's a diddler on top of everything else?

why tho

That goes without saying, but he won't be coming out.

There are straight men who love obese women.

You, I like you.

>If inflation is what I think it is

How new are you?

>I'm so above you fucking autist virgins
Cope all the way back to facebook, normalfag

I didnt say shit about furfaggotry and you attempt to attack me with it.
You dont simply suddenly get a like on something unnatural dumbass,you most likely get it during puberty.
Why do you think Disney and other alike made the fetish rampant? children watching their cartoons and one day getting a boner from an anthro rabbit or a taur horse from Fantasia

Nuke America

yes, like I said
why tho

You’re the brainlet if you think a pointless sexual accessory is some fundamental core of your being. It’s not a part of your personality, even though that can be changed as well. Typical furtrash thinking sex is everything

Some people just want to use the phrase "coming out," makes them feel all modern and part of something.

New to what, degenerate deviant art circles? I'm not into that shit.

>Boogie talks about how much he wants to lose weight
>dude literally stop shoveling cheese into your mouth
>So fat that people have to pay for his healthcare
>he can't find the willpower to lose weight in between his fat folds
>gets a gastric bypass
>Stomach is literally stapled so he can't eat any more
>pushes it as some great achievement
>STILL can't lose weight

Attached: 1546829933924.png (580x490, 229K)

People like different things than you?

Not saying that, just saying I’m not an insecure, obnoxious furfag who feels the need to defend a fucking gay mascot fetish to strangers online. Get some perspective on life if you think shit like that is worth bringing up and defending

He's taken his fence sitting to his sexuality now.

Making out with boogie is a gross mental image, how does a man of size even that fuck? How would anyone find his asshole? Imagine if you would actually find it, the fucking stench of sweat and shit that has been buried there for years.


Do you think he also enjoys 2D loli?

More like BOOGAY2988 amirite haha

>sexuality isnt the part of your personality


Furfags are literally the normalniggers of the internet, infesting every community and trying to make it about them. Nobody likes you fags

aren't e-celeb threads bannable?

Yes. Furry loli.



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based, a man of fine taste

>finding dog people hot is a fundamental core part of my identity and sense of self!!! Guys seriously!!
Fucking lmao

Attached: 1445945633452.gif (400x190, 1.28M)

no, normalfags are the normalfags of the internet. the term normalfag was invented specifically for use in the context of the internet. you have massive brain problems

>Defending a shit fetish because it's now associated with that fat lard

Obviously most people do since these threads are so popular. Calm your autism, you just belong to a small minority that doesn't care.

y u being a snitch lil nigga

real edgy of you mister

That's the real joke.

Attached: 1438781130740.jpg (720x480, 52K)

Holy fuck imagine being this obsessed

Not a big deal at al-
burn in hell

Attached: 1549681339828.png (2048x2048, 804K)

As I said, you have no personality and use this shit as a substitute. Glad you just proved me right retard.

Those would be feetfags imo
most common fetish and obnoxious

You know, come to think of it, I have seen very little furry loli in my time. You would think there would be more. I guess MLP counts but I dont go down those roads


GTFO normie

congrats you're more normal than him. you want a fucking award or something


Not long now.

Attached: TransgenderSuicide.png (589x323, 14K)

Oh so he's bi and furry.



>strawmanning and completely missing the point

Furry normaldrone literally seething. You fags were never liked here because you try to make every place you go a personal facebook. Genuinely imagine thinking you or your mainstream fetish matters enough to bring up

You take that back!

Attached: 73268680_p1_master1200.jpg (1200x1200, 503K)

I can understand futa on female but futa on futa is fucking disgusting

Fr dude zoomed into my shit thinking he was doing something

There's quite a few from the obvious characters like Cream the Rabbit to a couple of furry loli OCs.

Are we seriously at the point of having "it's the current year" meme as a valid argument or statement?

>People make fun of him over his "20 years" comment again
>Suddenly pretends to be bisexual to get away from the criticism.

Very cool.

Attached: calorie thief.png (586x643, 50K)

Attached: dead eurocuck.png (764x852, 104K)

lol he'll probably find a furry gf/bf sooner than you'll ever find a straight gf

>whole perception of self controlled by utterly superficial shit
>not a normalfag
Just like a typical normaldrone you think external shit like what fetishes you like actually makes you not a normalcunt, you have the exact mindset

California and new york atleast need 3 nukes each.



Attached: 600px-SonicFox.jpg (600x900, 56K)

>not futa on male

Not inherently no.

you can't just use a word and mean the opposite of it. that's not how it works, unless you're an SJW, which I am not discounting the possibility of, considering you brain seems to be located inside of your rectum

Can't wait.

Attached: 1536726635035.gif (200x234, 2.85M)

Why are there some boogie defenders in this thread? Have you all lost it? It's not even the fact that he's gay he's literally just the most pathetic cunt to ever exist. HIS WIFE LEFT HIM FOR A NIGGER, gas this bastard.

Didn't his girlfriend leave him for some gay black guy?

Attached: 1546103038059.jpg (1000x1000, 106K)

Furfags had their own mass ban and board, footfags never did. Literally just delusional “my fetish is fine but this one is obnoxious!” both are insufferable faggots

This post sounds like /fit/


>I am bi, guys. Totally. I kissed a guy once or twice, but I am mostly attracted to women by far
So he is straight and claiming to be bi for attention. Pathetic

62% of all furry porn on e621 is straight. Statistics show that there's more gay furries than in the general population, but not a majority.

LGBT is over-represented in all nerdy subcultures (see: trannies in speedrunning). Furries welcome and embrace degeneracy, which makes it a comfy community for gay people to be in, but there's nothing inherently gay about wanting to fuck funny animals.

Attached: FurNonFurSexorientation.png (972x568, 74K)


>having a fetish makes me not a normalfag
Imagine actually thinking like this. You are such a normie that your entire perception of self is linked to how obscure the external things you like are, not actually to do with yourself.

>only 40%
we gotta pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers

>Why are there some boogie defenders in this thread?

They fell for his manipulation tactics. Boogie is really good at tricking people into thinking he's just a fat retard who can't control himself and is a victim.

Think of it like this. Imagine boogie actually making up with a dude. Does that not bring laughter to you?

i unironically prefer furrys over polniggers.
t. guy who loathes furrys

Fucking obese faggot
at least Angry Pedro isnt a fat furfaggot cum guzzler

Attached: 1550798872160.jpg (564x536, 38K)

who the fuck cares

>I have to put words in people's mouths to win arguments
kill yourself retard

Attached: inaweofthesizeofthisladabsoluteunit.png (960x875, 1M)

why are americans like this

His wife left him for a white guy and actually looks happy now.

>that I will meet the right guy one day
You know, of course everyone is entitled to seek happiness and be optimistic about their future, but that's a pretty childosh and clueless attitude for an obese divorced 35 year old. 'Finding Mr Right' is something little girls and bachelorettes say, for an adult man to be so fairy tale about his romantic needs is fucking clueless. Mentally healthy men his age simple identify a woman who fits into his life plan, and then gets her on board. Divorcees dont have soul mates

>Le reddit face reaction gif

>Prefers animal abusers over nationalists

>reddit tag is uberwolf0

Anyone who has a gamertag/username that has 'Wolf' or 'Fox' in it, is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT guaranteed to be a literal furfaggot.

Attached: sonicfox.jpg (1484x989, 153K)

How creeped out do you think she was?

oh no

Attached: 1550269425745.jpg (736x734, 84K)

Doesn't he realise literally nobody like furfags?

>35 year old
Is that really his age? He looks at least 10 years older.

Dude just disconnect from the "LGBT community" it's cancer. Stick to your individual letter in the LGBT and don't give a fuck about the others or greater society's perception as a whole. You don't need to care about trannies or lesbos or other shit if you want to fuck dudes.

Attached: LGBTQBRAAAPPIZZA.png (497x666, 317K)

I know it's reddit, still worth a read.

>What fucking year is it again?

Attached: 1538093211798.png (409x392, 119K)

I though he was supposed to die this year
now hes fuckin gay
wtf lmao

>another "bisexual" video game e-celeb who got cucked by his wife

Just another Anthony Burhc. They gonna start a club?

>not dickgirl on male

Slapping a pussy slit onto a male perineum looks anatomically retarded and futafags are delusional for thinking it's somehow not gay..

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This. Most of the shit is either futa on male or futa on futa. And a lot of the futa on female is actually not even futa because they don't give the futa a vagina, which makes it a shemale or as most tags like to call it, a newhalf. The fetish futa is supposed to remove men out of the equation because their bodies are unaesthetic to look at. IMO i think futa exists because lesbian sex is a bit boring to look at because it's just licking, but add a dick on the girl and you have lesbian sex with some spice. Futa on male is gay and futa on futa is too much

It's the furries coming to defend their new eceleb ally.

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First thing I asked desu

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But wait, it gets better.
>his wife told him that she's asexual and not interested in sex
>he believed her
>now she's off having sex with some other dude

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because being straight white male means you have no rights at all. it's the most oppressed group at the moment.

Ya'll realize he just does that for attention right? Just checking.

Attached: whatever bitch.gif (240x180, 1.5M)

>I might marry a guy I dunno
>I am 100% straight tho
Can't fault the logic there