>sucks your penis to experiment
Sucks your penis to experiment
He went homo?
i sucked my own dick and i liked it
Op, what ran through your mind when you refreshed and saw this in your thread?
>fat life crisis
I unironically know who that artist is
Barneyfag pls come save us
>fat fuck
>plays vidya all day
is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?
I sucked my own dick while imagining it was someone else's, not a good feeling.
However getting my dick sucked by some bitch boi's mouth felt ok. Not sure how to feel about this.
Enjoy life while you can.
white boys
Even if that means sucking your own dick
Anyone who can read a filename does, retard.
Shit didn't even notice its in the filename
i've always imagined that being sucked feels good
Couldn't even commit to being gay.
Depends on the skill level, and how willing the person is to use their tongue.
>gay urges go away after fapping
any kind of urges go away after fapping