Why tf aren't you playing civ6 user?
It has sjw global warming propaganda and cute girls.
Why tf aren't you playing civ6 user?
>cute girls
i dont see them
I don't like the gameplay.
civ is shit
Because I have met a girl I like better.
>global warming propaganda
Why do people try to deny scientific consensus?
The cute girls are both not cute enough and incapable of soloing armies
you just reminded me tf2 exists. thanks user I'm going to go play that now
people that call climate change propaganda are retarded pieces of shit
climate change deniers (and science deniers in general) are retarded. they wont give a coherent reason for their beliefs. they are simply this stupid.
Did you like previous games?
i wish i had a gf who enjoyed civ games
just so i could watch her do her thing and take over the world
maybe you should go back
Climate change is real and always was, but MAN MADE climate change is a jew trick. The idea that people cause the warming is absurd, the earth will warm and cool with or without us.
>people that call climate change propaganda are retarded pieces of shit
yeah I remember when sea levels rose 100 meters flooding entire cities after people started building coal power plants
You are an idiot. Just fucking read for once in your life instead of looking at YouTube conspiracy videos.
>t. discord trannie
How about you ask the fucking president of the United States if climate change is real you communist fuck
No u.
>climate change propaganda
Jesus fucking Christ even knowing this is bait, I fucking hate Americans so much for even making this a possible topic of discussion. Even the gorillas know better than your disgusting lardasses.
>Why arent you asking the dumbest person on the planet ?
All books on the topic have at least one Jew and/or a woman working on them, maybe its the author, maybe it's the publisher or some co-author. Makes it really hard to take that shit seriously
Still mad she lost huh?
Yes good goyim, but sure to pay your future (((carbon taxes))). 30 years ago they said an ice age was upon us and we will all freeze and Europe will be under ice. Then they said the ice caps will melt by 2000. Then Soros started pumping money into this agenda. New York was already supposed to be under water.
There have been periods were all of Yurop is a frozen wasteland just like there have been periods were there was no ice on the poles at all. We are indeed ruining our planet, but the warming is not on us, I don't think you realisr how massive the earth is, and what colossal forces out of our control are at play here. As soon as you hear Soros got involved this should be a red flag.
Greenhouse gasses allow the planet to retain heat. Burning oil and any carbon based fuel releases a greenhouse gas. You have to be pants on head retarded,
>a sexist and racist reason to deny climate change
I want /pol/ to leave.
I am
so to you retards its literally either trump or hillary? really? well flash news dipshit, both are fucking autistic. whats next, youre an antivaxxer too?
Why should i be ? i'm not an ameridumb
What do jews have to gain from confirming manmade global warming? Wouldnt they earn more money denying it and exploiting resources? This whole jew meme is so tired out, its become frog posting tier to supplement an arguement.
Hearts of Iron 4 is better
Did you know that the flat earth movement is actually gaining traction? Science is on it's way out
I thought the guy you were responding to was a over exaggerating memer until I saw this
Yeah I can tell you got vaccinated, you seem pretty autistic
ES2 is so fucking good. That UI design, unf. The only thing that kills my boner is their stupid tweening of full color art. STOP THAT
Greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide is real and verifiable in the laboratory. Carbon dioxide is a product of combustion, and most of the energy people use comes from burning stuff. You’d have to be retarded to think that engery use doesn’t have some effect on the climate
I finally made in the effort to get every victory type. Probably going to take a break for a while. Cultural victory best victory.
They won't like whats coming but we kinda need those retards. They are like cockroaches, really hard to kill, they scatter innawoods with a bunch of quite useful survival knowledge. We'll need that
>Burning oil and any carbon based fuel releases a greenhouse gas.
Yes but not enough of them to cause a catastrophic shift in the climate of the entire planet.
Humans are definitely having a negative effect on the planet, but all of that bullshit is mostly fearmongering.
bring back square grids
Can i build cities at high altitude and flood all the coast cuck?
>Dude look at how much the temps have changed over the course of 200 years on a planet that is over 1 billion years old
Yep. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure you'll be fine
uh bro havent you tried to put ice in a glass of water and then it melted and the water didnt rise????? checkmate, eurocuck
can i build just a few cities and win with that or do i need a bazillion cities just to stand a chance?
>I'm sure you'll be fine
I unironically will, since I'll be dead before the next century. Why should I care about what happens after that?
He probably lives in a country with no beautiful scenery.
>cute girls
Tax the fuck out of white countries with carbon taxes, while letting India and China di whatever, and use the argument of declining birth rates to flood it with third worlders. Kalergi plan user, the jews want white people middle class dead. They have everything to gain, again, Soros paid millioms to Al Gore to spout nonsense about how it's the end of the world.
oh fuck, I just got OBLITERATED with FACTS and LOGIC
I dont think I can recover lads..
You know antarctica is a landmass right?
All the ice is on-top of land making the water rise when it melts and goes into the ocean
Why tf aren't you playing Aurora user?
It has immense amount of detail, depth and spooky encounters of aliens
>Arctic glaciers have never melted during the entire existence of Earth until now
I like Age of Empires better.
Why is 1751 the start of the graph when nothing statistically significant happened until the 19th century?
I hate this sheboon appearance so much i just uninstall this garbage dlc, wish modders could make animated leaders like in civ 4
If I was going to play something more complex i'd just give distance worlds a go
Israel most useful puppet is the US. It’s clear what must be done.
user, again, ice melts and forms with or without us. There have been times were there wasn't any ice in Antarctica AT ALL. Climate IS CHANGING, always has and always will, but this things are beyond our control.
why are civfags so retarded ?
Its a hell of a lot better than Civ's shitty 3d models that always waste time loading.
No idea, just whatever reliable CO2 PPM readings they had?
Tall is more than viable if pmayed right. Ideally tall would be 6 cities, but people win on deity with just one. There are civs who are more suited to tall, and I regularly win at culture with 5. But you need proper planning, the important wonders, and good policy cards to take advantage of the adjacency bonuses.
To show how the natural emissions that are not made by human industry
>oh this is pretty cool
>nevermind it's just ghenghis khan with a volcano that gives him 8 production and bonus food
>oh cool my coastal tiles are flooded, good thing my civ had a coastal start bias and all of my cities are coastal
because im playing the superior stellaris instead of the rehash vi
I dont think you understand that 200 years is a microsecond. You are really biased over your own short lifespan.
Earths magnetic field is flipping as well and that happens fast, over a few millenia.
There is much more than that, GS has more content than bts and bnw combined.
>i know history cuz i play civ
is their anything more low iq?
Fast changes stops species from adapting to changing climate
Eco systems are getting damaged and we rely on those for food
The reason behind limiting emissions (and also nuclear power) in Europe is so that Europe remains an inhabitable place. Shit air quality kills. But yeah, the problem is that people are already taxed enough.
>we should continue to live in this unsustainable fashion and destroy our environment because there is a natural cycle of warming and cooling
Might as well just kill yourself right now because you are going to die anyways.
Do you seriously think 200 years is a lot of time? Where did you study?
nice time to build coal factories and fuck the world like the german
You sound like the kind of nigga that doesn’t appreciate bees. And for that, you should fuck off or kill yourself.
>we should continue to use oil and coal because climate changes are natural and it dosent really affect it :)
>oh no we ran out of oil and coal :(
Still supporting the use of oil and coal is legit some of the most retarded shit ever. Renewable energy is a win-win situation.
yeah but actually green energy isnt green at all and that's the biggest problem
>links don eastbrooks debunked bullshit graph
Focking hell this thread is a dumpster fire
Are you guys seriously calling me out for thinking 200 years is a long time, over my post making fun of someone who thinks 200 years is a long time?
4x is a genre for pleb r/science virgins. The patrician science denying chads play grand strategy.
Are you justifying 40$ price tag for an expansion that adds minor stuff ?
cool you wont mind fucking off back there?
Literally never said that. We ARE ruining our planet, with plastics and shit, ruining our oceans, and some people have to pay. But taxing white countries while letting India and china pollute is a very bad joke. Then flood white countries with third worlders who need to be supported by even more taxes, so even less white babies, so even more third worlders therefore even more taxes. Targeting the people who are least responsible is a dirty trick and we all know who is behind it.
You have to be blind to not see what's going on. Man made climate change is the biggest lie of this century.
oh nonononononono
Nigga legit go back to 1000ad or 20bc and you'll see a natural trend
>grand strategy
>build up your doom stack and roll it over to the other doom stack and then take over everything
Paradox has released the same game about 12 times now and its never been that deep. There is a lot going on but its all about as deep as a puddle.
Bnw costed 30 bucks and feels like a school project compared to GS. If brave new turd is worth 30 then gs is worth 40. Or you can pirate it, I did. Changes aren't minor in the slightest.
I wish climate change was an apocalypse like phenomenon so dumbasses like you would die out
Too bad it's a naturally occurring nothing burger
>we shouldn't do anything because pajeet is retarded
I literally said things have to be done and people have to pay. But not your average joe.
How new could you possibly be, faggot?
He's not wrong. Let's put carbon tax on Chinese imports.
dunno, unlike other civ games it hardly grabs attention
thank god I didn't buy it, got it via gift. hardly played more than one session
This. I thought it would be a civ simulator but it’s more of a rat race to win one of the victories
>brown people fucking up the world
>wtfffff we white ppl need 2 clean up our acts
glad im not 100% white u niggas are dumb
you cant have a civ6 thread without global warning shit. literally no one is talking about game/gameplay. just shows how bad this game is
>they wont give a coherent reason for their beliefs
Is that coherent enough?
>It has sjw global warming propaganda
Literally every Civ had global warming why do you fags cry about this?
I entered this thread for the large vidya breasts.
>clickbait articles represent actual scientific reports
>How can people be this fucking blind to facts
You mean the facts that seem to change every decade? Every decade I hear that the next decade the effects will be irreversible and cities will sink. Then every decade the timeline is moved 10 years down the line. If you have a history of being wrong, you're not trustworthy.
>civ 6
>large breasts
nigger what, just go outside, the literal average female has D cups now
>look at me! I posted a youtube video again explaning all the educated scientists are WRONG!
Why read peer review studies and books when you can get all your info from some angry manchild throwing big words and "research" around that no-one is gonna fact check.
Because they're too young to have played another Civ game, and too stupid to understand that global warming is an environmental issue, not a social one. So surely it's EJW propaganda.
Well you're already accepting that MSM is lying to you, time to accept that scientists are on a payroll and they're lying to you as well. Just like they were lying about sugar and cigarettes.
Because it is used as a justification for effectively increasing taxes for the citizens and in France it triggered the Gilets Jaunes movement.
Idiot's say man made global warming is jew propaganda but who benefits most from us not doing anything... hmm...
How many decades have you been alive exactly
>all the educated scientists are WRONG
No, not all, just the ones on the payroll. There is a big group of anti-global warming scientists, but of course they all had smear campaigns started against them as soon as they came out. Clearly those are the wrong scientists.
Corbettreport has been debunked so many times I'm surprised people are still stupid enough to even pretend to believe this shit.
If there are any real retards reading this that actually believe climate change is fake then check out potholer54
Not everyone is underage, user.
Explain further.
It's nighttime and we don't have street lights. Also women repulse me.
Wait a minute...that donut...
>There is a big group of anti-global warming scientists
I'm sure they all have amazing scientific backgrounds in chemistry and climatology.
The facts doesn't change you moron. Fox news told you the facts changes. Give me actual proof that "the facts changes". Youtube videos does not count.
Yes they do. Are you really not aware that they exist?
>Every decade I hear that the next decade the effects will be irreversible and cities will sink. Then every decade the timeline is moved 10 years down the line.
Theres a difference between the actual recorded facts and climate models. The models are a guess of the future and can be off, but the recorded facts are not. The temperate records globally continue to be broken since records began. The insects on your windscreen are gone. Polar bears are showing up in peoples houses as their hunting territory shrinks.
I'm sure if they are such a big group you shouldn't have any problem linking them and their research.
>taking anyone who says ME-thane seriously
>The facts doesn't change you moron. Fox news told you the facts changes. Give me actual proof that "the facts changes"
One second in google and it's right there. Oh no, science has changed once again. Despite the fact that all research is supposed to be based on data that was collected on macro scale over decades, the results keeps changing monthly.
Is she bleeding?
what bideo gaem is this
>The models are a guess of the future and can be off, but the recorded facts are not
user seriously look into it. You have no idea inacurate those "recorded facts" are. When your models are based on temperature recordings from a hundred years ago, you shouldn't expect good models. That's why models keep changing, because the inherent data is so inaccurate it can be made to fit any result.
Because I'm playing civ IV instead. I thought I told you this already.
'Much Faster Than Previously Thought' is based on prediction models, not facts.
Then I guess you have nothing to worry about.
>no Gitarja wife to help rule her maritime empire with
feels bad
>civ 6
>thread is about global warming
I don't get it.
Alpha Centauri had sophisticated environmental mechanics, including global warming, back in '99. Why are these people seething about it NOW?
cute king
>Not the thicc fish
All my buddies have gotten the civ 6 expansion but I don't know if I can justify the cost. The natural disasters and the like I already had installed with mods so I'm skeptical about how much will really change game-play wise.
The only thing really enticing me is that I want to play online with my mates.
Anons are seething now because a liberal somewhere in the world believes in global warming.
But I am playing it. Sadly not all of my friends bought the DLC, so it's not that fun.
I do have something to worry about. Namely an attempt to create an international regulating body that would be dishing out sanctions based on "climate science" and will have total control of the world's industries. That's the end goal. Not the fucking polar bears
because /pol/ are trying to "redpill" (read shitpost) us into agreeing with them
>Why are these people seething about it NOW?
Because amerimutts are retarded and can't live with something not being political
for how long do we have to keep pumping CO2 in the atmosphere to reach the levels of ONE volcanic eruption? no, this is the natural cycle of the earth
>global warming is SJW propoganda
/pol/ was always retarded but I at least used to have respect for them for sticking to their principals, namely their hatred and destest for corporate interference and corruption in govermenets and authoritarianism in general
The fact that they are LITTERALLY falling for corporate propoganda by calling Global warming fake, supporting mass survvillence just because trump does, and cheering authortianism and the expansion of goverment power proves that whatever prinicpals they used to have are gone and just follow whatever right wing policies are popular
>for how long do we have to keep pumping CO2 in the atmosphere to reach the levels of ONE volcanic eruption?
Like a couple of weeks maybe, there are over a billion normal cars in use around the world constantly emitting CO2. Add to that all the other shit we use that emits CO2 and we easily release way more CO2 than a volcanic eruption
Global warming is real and it's a good thing.
And the 16 largest ships pollute more than all the cars in the world combined. And there have been times, long before humans where Co2 levels were MUCH MUCH MUCH higher than now. If the ice caps are melting, they will melt even if we disappear, humans have no effect on the warming.
Cuz im not a faggot
>If the ice caps are melting, they will melt even if we disappear, humans have no effect on the warming.
The problem isn't that the ice caps are melting, they were bound to do that eventually unless we got a veery long volcanic winter or something. The problem is the speed at which the ice is melting, it's too fast and animals and plants will not be able to adapt fast enough and the weather across the globe will most likely be affected by it in some way.
And saying that humans have no effect is just retarded
post more jadwigas kurwa
because if OP didnt start this war, no one would reply and thread would die, like every civ6 thread ever. game is this bad
i quoted the wrong post because i agreed with you and wanted to bully brainlet, i made a mistake. Lets all be friends
>game is this bad
Because you said so?
because noone want to talk about it. try creating next thread without that warming bullshit and see how it will go
I want to talk about it.
>global warning
Link them then faggot.
me too, thats why i am here, but theres hardly anything to talk about. would post some funny moments but they will be ignored because retards cant stop talking about bullshit thats not relevant to the game
>Fighting against pollution = good
>Fighting against global warming = bad
Why the fuck are people so adverse to fight against POLLUTION? Is any kind of environment preservation immediately assumed to be tied to global warming?
>Everyone else says it, it must be true.
>If I were alive 100 years ago God and Satan are also real because everyone agreed.
>The earth revolves around the sun? LOL OK BUDDY
Good one Jamal.
have countries with Male Leaders been replaced my Female leaders? if so, fuck off.
thats literally a good thing
I want to feed her donuts and rub her belly
Religious leaders aren’t scientist
No one 100 years ago believed the sun revolves around the earth. That’s just a wives tail. I’m willing to bet a larger percent of people today beleive that the sun revolves around the earth than did 100 years ago.
How do I get a gf like this
new mechanic of building industry specific squares around your cap is totally retarded and slows down the game massively. civ5 is just better.
in the middle ages there were vineyards all over northern england.
climates fluctuate
>333 meters
What the fuck? How?
yikes! admittedly some very cute girls in it though
Because the base game is still shit and the expansions still cost $70 combined. I'm not paying $70 to make the game good
In order to compare things to pre-industrial revolution levels
Why the fuck do most Americans think every issue has to be joined to a political group?
There won't even be a planet to argue on if this carries on
dont worry, its not good with the expansions either
How is the combat? I bought into the hype for EL but the combat in that game is a perfect combination of being a complete fucking snoozefest and still not being automated good enough that I feel comfortable ignoring it.
They wanted to do districts in 5 but said fuck it it's too hard. Btw civ5 is shit and the worst game in the series.
Vanilla civ6 is better than both vanilla 4 and gnk civ5. And why not pirate it?
Shame you didn't die of polio.
Take it to mars and continue the argument there. i personally like political arguments because i learn something each time they happen and my family use to argue non-fucking-stop about every little thing and its entertaining to see people talk over each other and yell at each other and call each other names in the most mean spirited manner.
because at least 30% of Americans feel personal loyalty to ExxonMobil and support their god given right to kill every living thing on the planet.
What she lacks in cuteness she makes up for in big beautiful production.
It's repetitive for some reason.
I really want to play with my Civ 5 bros but the whole deal is too pricey.
Also climate change sucks ass, it doesn't change the gameplay at all
>being retarded enough to "learn" something from two people with half the facts yelling at each other over what they read in CIA propaganda newspapers.
Reminder that extremely mediocre caricatures are not a good artistic choice.
5 is much better.
I'm playing it with natural disasters turned to 0 and ignoring religion (which is useless against higher AI) and climate change. The only good thing are the new civs. Can't wait for a proper civ7 with religion spreading not being dogshit
because crusader kings and total war exist and I am no longer a child.
Link the studies faggot
You fucking faggots have never read a scientific paper supporting man made climate change in your life. You're just Facebook larpers who'd rather trust the scientific community, which by the way is not automatically virtuous. You're not smarter for believing science if you aren't scientifically literate yourself.
Ok, I'll pirate it.
It doesn't even have to be "facts" you're learning. the best way to prepare to engage people is by watching them argue and preparing for the talking points they usually bring up otherwise even if you know you're right about something you may trip over yourself and not get your point across.
Because americans can't comprehend something if they can't divide it into good and bad. It's why they divide race into whites and non-whites and why their politics is divided into conservatives and liberals.
So when they encounter something that they can't divide into good or bad they attach it to politics so they can say bad/good side supports it therefore it's bad/good
not worse than 6, districts is the dumbest idea it makes everything infinitely slower in an already snails pace game. i love spending 200 years dealing with spies fucking one of my districts. FF13 is a better game than civ6.
>not believing scientific facts
Enjoy your burger, ameritard
she looks like she fucks Mvemba
good goy
Germany just destroyed it's energy industry so it can say that it doesn't produce any CO2 anymore. It's going to have to import all of it's energy now.
The Democratic party supports the green new deal which would literally destroy every building and corporation in the country. This is fucking war and we're not backing down.
Reminder that climate change whether it is a threat or naturally occurring is being used as propaganda to push higher taxes and handouts to the solar and wind lobby. If we actually cared, nuclear energy would be on the forefront of every discussion, but Democrats won't have it and Republicans enjoy coal and natural gas's low prices.
>people so big they take up entire cities
>cows as tall as mountains
>boats that stretch dozens of miles
Civ has literally never been realistic. It's a fucking digital board game, everything about it is a caricature by design.
The muddy, unnecessarily-detailed textures and pre-rendered shading of past games doesn't make them realistic, it just makes them a fucking eyesore.
Any arguments? Civ is not even a proper 4X and pretty much everything 5 does, 6 does it better.
If they made climate change stronger people would bitch about propaganda. GW is not the final boss of the game, same with disasters, the world doesnt revolve around them.
Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.
>destroy every corporation
34 w-when? asking for a friend of course...
>pretty much everything 5 does, 6 does it better.
the only way you can think this is if you take a shallow look at the game and think "more features must make it better"
it's not balanced, it's not nuanced, it's not deep
>it's not balanced
That's Civ in general.
>it's not deep
Deeper than 5
Districts are the logical evolution of the series. 5 unstacked units, 6 unstacked cities. They make city planning fun, and unless you're retarded don't take ages to decide where to put them.
>snail pace game
A normal game takes 2-5h, is that a lot for you?
I don't understand why people dislike spies, especially after how garbage they were in V. Now they feel like spies, like active units that do stuff.
Civ6 is a lot more involved than 5, with a lot more things to care about. It's an empire building game, of course you have to be involved.
that's not how it works you fucking american retard
what makes the ocean level rise is the melting ice and snow on top of mountains
Nah it's not deeper than 5, 6 is far too easy for it to have any depth, and even if the difficulty was tuned properly it would probably still be the same shit because none of the decisions you make in 6 have any impact, just spam out your cities and spam out your districts and you win
>look up the expansions
>70 dollars for both of them
What the fuck?
Spies aren't that bad on their own but Civ6 has so much clicking on shit and micromanagment that it feels like you're playing Starcraft
Civ was never balanced and 6 is lightyears ahead of 5 in terms of complexity wtf.
And yeah, pretty much everything 5 does, 6 does it better, both in terms of quality and quantity, AND is an actual civ game without a tall meme.
Civ5 was such an abortion the lead designer was fired before the expansions, that tells you everything you need to know about this turd. Based Ed Beach managed to somewhat salvage it with bnw, and was so good they let him design 6. Civ6 is what civ5 should have been no matter how you look at it.
Don't think i've ever heard of someone complaing about there being unnecessary detail in textures. i like autistic attention to detail.
>a giant mountain composed of literally 100% water contributes less than a few hundred feet of light snowfall on some rock with the surface area of a few football fields
This is your brain on bad dental hygiene, all that plaque and tooth decay goes straight to your brain
can I conquer said cute girls?
Honestly? Its just not fun any more. It feels like there is no strategy or depth to it at all. I never feel like I need to make a hard choice. There is never a time where it feels like I need to shift gears because its just not working. Warfare isn't even fun because the AI is just so god damn stupid. More often than not I only ever build 3 melee 1 horse and 3 siege and they survive the whole game. I never lose them and even if the AI out numbers me 3 to 1 I just slowly backpedal until they reach one of my cities and then they go full retard buzzing around while not fucking attacking it when they clearly could over run it and instead just let me city attack them every turn until they are all dead.
>Civ was never balanced
Civ 5 had difficulty settings that were balanced enough that Deity required you to win through careful planning and optimization, Civ 6 doesn't
And don't mistake complexity for depth, because it's got one but not the other
>Based Ed Beach
oh it's this retard again
poor globina
You do realize that we are in the tail end of an ice age right? Earth is fundamentally a tropical world. It is not normal for earth to have glaciers on land at all.
try placing something that floats on water
water level rises
try making it melt
water level doesn't rises
ok now try placing something (let's say a rock) that touch the bottom of your container
the water level rises
try adding ice on top of the rock
water level doesn't rises
try melting the ice
water level rises
How hard can it be to understand, fucking retard?
Honestly she one of my more liked leaders. She looks real since I see people that look like her all the time. I wish the other leaders are more to life and less cartoony.
A girl can't be cute if you can't see her feet.
Civ 5 with all expansions is GOAT. CIV 6 is a pile of fucking shit.
because Yea Forums is confirmed 2 digit low IQ
thanks to retards like these
>That dip in the 40's
Well obviously Nazis are ecologists from this graph. We doomed the planet by killing Hitler.
Even if all ice melted on earth we still wouldn't get such a rise. What is up with the smac planet?
is the expansion pack worth it? I thought 6 was pretty decent but I only played like one game with the last pack.
ai is retarded, turning the difficulty up to try and compensate just turns the game into a hellish slog
they don't stop spamming you with messages about how they don't like you then offer you a stupid trade for your great works the next turn
>if my house starts to burn and i add oil to it, then it doesn't matter cause my house burns anyway.
>how does buoyancy and displacement work?????
Go fill your bathtub to about halfway full. Mark the water line with a sharpie. Stand in it, mark the water line again. Finally, sit down and mark the water level a third time.
Your body is an iceburg, the tub is the ocean.
I can tell this graph is bullshit from /sci/ being so high, every time I go there all I see are retarded high school dropouts asking stupid questions that I could have answered when I was 10. Also, Yea Forums is a smart board and so is /tg/.
Absolutely no doubt that /x/ and /pol/ are in the bottom percentile though.
>any board on Yea Forums
>above even 100
>It has sjw global warming propaganda and cute girls.
Alpha centauri had both and better 20 (twenty) yeas ago
accelerating global warming by heavy industries to have your enemy cities sink in the rising seas while you researched domes to keep yours protected was a valid tactic
>trannies smarter than gamers
>I can tell this graph is bullshit from /sci/ being so high
You can't tell it's bullshit by the fact there's no way to measure the IQ of a board?
i doubt the graph myself but its still useful when it's relevant like now
You can tell the eco alarmists are full of shit by what solutions they support and oppose.
>nuclear energy subsidies is badwrong
>importing solar panels and batteries made with chinese coal and pollutant chemicals is good
I'm touching the bottom of the bathtub, which means the water doesn't have to take all my weight at once.
Try making the same experiment but with ice, the result might surprise you
>Jew trick
10 seconds in mspaint
It isn't Earth. Maybe it has bigger polar ice caps.
Most likely it just uses a naive algorithm that linearly raises the sea levels depending on pollution. If you set off a hundred planet busters, you're going to see some CRAZY climate.
This is true, but I am scientifically literate and I know anthropogenic climate change is real.
> cars spewing exhaust into the atmosphere every day along with hundreds of thousands of factories, airplanes, ships and power plants don't affect the climate
How can someone possibly believe this?
why is /fit/ so high? isn't it just exercise and health? what makes it more big brained than understanding something as complex as an automobile (/o/) or business/technology.
the chart is completely made up you idiot
Exercise supports brain growth
It's a fake obviously Yea Forums is sub-retardation levels in reality.
thinking you know something because you can google it
I was unironically like this as a kid because i was just so fucking into civ.
I just wondered if there was an in-universe explanation, I don't know any smac lore, and wondered if it was actually an ice planet or something.
And at least the "most likely explanation" nets some funny results.
It is propaganda, but from both sides. The left keeps babbling about things that result in their reneweable energy stocks going up, and the right is sticking their head in the sand.
The problem is that there are no real, easy solutions beyond “cut green house emissions” as if we can just do that and maintain our current standard of living and economy. This shit isn’t like CFC’s where we said “oh this shit in our aerosols is fucking up the ozone layer. Better use something else.” and summarily did so.
The laughable thing is that the one thing that’s easily available to transition off coal fired plants is also something else the left wants to phase out because they understand it as about as well as they did in the 80’s: nuclear. The fact is we’ve gotten way better at designing plants and processing fuels and wastes, but the left still wants to ban all that shit for reasons.
Unhealthy living and lack of exercise can cause damage to your brain.
/fit/ posters maintain their metabolisms and sleep cycles at peak efficiency.
Pack it in guys, this user has the answer that has eluded top climatologists for decades!
I personally think that the Ice caps in the Arctic would have melted eventually, if not at a slower pace without Human Activity. The Arctic Sea being covered with ice is a phenomenon that's roughly the same age as Humans ancestors like Australopithecus. I read the it's estimated to be around 5 million years with some estimations for as recently as 120,000 years(In which case, our species, Homo Sapiens, have been around longer than there has been Ice in the Arctic Sea).
Also, while the Arctic is melting, the Antarctic is spreading, even if it's not completely 100% understood why the Southern Ice sheet is expanding.
>Germany just destroyed it's energy industry so it can say that it doesn't produce any CO2 anymore. It's going to have to import all of it's energy now.
Why are you talking about things that you obviously have no knowledge about? Are you just hoping that nobody calls you out on your bullshit?
Truly intelligent people generally excercise and keep their bodies and minds in shape.
That said it's a fake chart to begin with.
Welcome to Yea Forums
>tfw drink booze all the time
>eat lots of processed shit
>stopped exercising completely from last year
>can't imagine how brain damaged i am
my metabolism is extremely fast though because i never gain weight despite eatting a shit ton of pasta and beef/chicken and downing it all with beer.
Do you realise how fucking huge the earth is? Do you realise the colossal quantities of forests, deserts and oceans on earth? Do you realise how much China is pollutinf compared to Yurop or Burgerland?
I'm worried about things like plastics in the ocean and third worlders breeding like animals, the temperature will be fine, it has always changed and always will.
>try placing something that floats on water
>water level rises
>try making it melt
Yes the hundreds of millions of cars, factories, and planes spewing out gas couldn’t possibly affect the atmosphere. I’m glad people are finally calling /pol/ out on being fucking retarded.
Fuck you faggots.
No, there's nothing like that. It's mostly Earth-like, although somewhat larger.
It actually has smaller polar ice-caps than Earth.
>tfw the manual actually came with a whole appendix describing the Planet, complete with detailed tables
>Guys I think this makes sense that makes me science
You're not a scientist. You're not scientifically literate. You just trust that scientists are right and that the politicians one side of the aisle have your back.
And in your world there are no other ways to generate energy except for coal?
I mean, can you imagine a game coming out today with all this shit?
18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which amounts to an area the size of Panama, is lost each year. The remaining forests can not absorb anywhere near as much CO2 as we release.
>But China is even worse so we shouldn't bother
Kill yourself.
>You're not scientifically literate
Why not? Don't you have a degree?
That third paragraph is actually how it was in the game. It had basic rainfall modelling to determine how many nutrients each tile had. If you raised or lowered terrain, that could affect the nutrient values of surrounding tiles.
It's been 20 years. When are they going to make another game like this?
Yes, the earth is huge, captain obvious. That's why we could pump pollutants into the atmosphere for over a century before we started seeing the effects. But we've long since reached the breaking point for what the planet can sustain.
Trump said climate change was fake news. /pol/ must defend it.
So if climate change is manmade, then how come we had two ice ages before humans even existed? How come dinoes died of reduced temperature? Or that 7 years long winter in the medieval ages?
Checked and fucking mated. Watch as these shills scramble to recover their DESTROYED arguments.
Maybe it's that, I just see a shit game tho, I'll wait for the next one. I'm a patient man
That’s a guy though
Even if we kept building Chernobyl-tier shitheap reactors that blew up at the drop of a hat, they'd still kill less people on average than coal.
Fuck coal.
And fuck China.
Endless Legend > Endless Space 2
Bitchin'! Wish I was old enough to appreciate games like these when it was on the market.
Is the game still worth a try? And is the manual phat and juicy enough to warrant getting a physical copy of?
>mountains literally just as tall then as now
Huh, and I thought your idiots said the sea levels were rising...
This. It's a lame appeal to authority and to the majority. I'm right because science!
It's a fake chart but I love /out/ being so high up.
First from a pure gameplay POV
SMAC envioromental changes were a lot more interesting and well done than in Civ 6.
From what I've seen, in this new Civ 6 expansion, only a handful of tiles are affected by the rising sea levels and you can easily avoid/prevent any major problem.
In SMAC you can change the entire planet surface in many different ways and climate change is far more damaging(but far more useful if you know what you're doing).
From a political/scientific POV
SMAC happens in another planet. SMAC was developed in the late 90s where global warming and man made climate change had still many valid arguments.
Civ6 happens on a Earth like planet and was developed recently. Nowadays man made climate change and global warming theories are either inconclusive, biased, or completely false. Not saying the entirety of environmental sciences are BS, but man made global warming due to CO2 and greenhouse gases is.
China has the right idea. There's little reason to handicap yourself for the benefit of people that hate you.
404 arguments not found
I don't even believe in this shit to any significant degree, or at least not the conclusions, but there is plenty of data about an astorid colliding with the planet causing the climate change and snuff out life.
404 brain not found
A KING can have a vagina user.
What about the viewpoint of not caring because you believe even if the climate were in good shape there are other issues humanity faces that will make life on earth for the average individual say, 100 years from now much more miserable due to over population, immigration, and wealth inequality.
Implying that /pol/ is a hivemind while posting on Yea Forums is hilarious.
In fact, for long it was way better place to discuss videogames.
But please stay in your bubble.
I have a strong suspicion that if suddenly everyone one Yea Forums started agreeing with them, it wouldn't take longer than a week before "HAHA these libshit trannies are literally so stupid they don't believe in manmade climate change despite all the proof loool"
>Nowadays man made climate change and global warming theories are either inconclusive, biased, or completely false. Not saying the entirety of environmental sciences are BS, but man made global warming due to CO2 and greenhouse gases is.
Holy shit there are actually people this retarded? I thought climate change deniers were just a strawman. This is like finding a flat earther out in the wild. Fascinating.
So where's this asteroid now then? Surely those "data gatherers" were around then to record it...
Another one destroyed by sheer logic. NEXT.
I actually got civ vi yesterday because of the thread like this that was made yesterday.
It is SO fun. I played it all day. One of my main question though, is, what should I do. I've got 4 cities, as America, and there are absolutely no wars going on (standard map size, continent, 8 players, single player). I dont remember where I left off, but I think it was around turn 200 I think. I really don't know what to do, as I've just been building up and up my cities, and have been exploring all the land.
/pol/ must defend everything Trump says, even if he's wrong.
I find it more amusing with /biz/ which is frankly the dumbest collection of anons I've ever seen falling for the same scams over and over. No wonder their board culture is spamming frogs and wojak edits.
>No wonder their board culture is spamming frogs and wojak edits.
Are we talking about /biz/ or Yea Forums?
You need more cities. And after that, you have to decide which kind of victory you can and want to achieve
I guess canals arent real too because natural waterways have been around for millions of years.
>for long discussing off topic was better on a board
Like that's exclusively /pol/
I wish we got a nuclear power plant here in Poland.
But the moment we agree on it, Greens fflood the site, protest 24/7 and tell locals how mutated they will become in future.
So we return to our 80% coal infrastructure.
Antinuclear protesters should be shot for treason.
you've already failed. civ 6 is about constant bloody total war until you're clearly the #1 superpower. then you can slow down and start building up
I know this is suppose to be a Civ Thread, but why aren't we taking advantage of the massive Uranium deposits we have? I know it's primarily for the Long Island Scare, Chernobyl, and Japan's Power Plants during that whole shitstorm, but it seems so stupid to consider going full renewable when we have methods of creating large outputs of energy with safe methods.
Do people seriously think we have not improved safety measures for nuclear power plants for the past 20 years?
/pol/ should be higher retard
We single handedly saved this website
>this is fine
If you think Yea Forums is bad with frogs and wojaks, you'd get cancer from /biz/
>t. nig that gets his information what /pol/ thinks from tranny blogs
Germanies coal industry has been dead for decades because german coal is simply too expensive to mine under german wages, so germany has been importing slav coal for a long time. That's part of the reason why germany build so many nuclear power plants in a short time.
>SMAC happens in another planet. SMAC was developed in the late 90s where global warming and man made climate change had still many valid arguments.
Just admit you've never played any of these games you secondary filfth.
It looks to be shit and the characters look like shit. It also has the worst looking waifus in the series
>civ 6 is about constant bloody total war
No, not really. You can win peacefully.
Because people would just use them for nukes instead
Sometimes there are world wars, sometimes everyone is friendly and minds his own business. What diff you play on? Did you get the xpacs?
4 city is a bit too little, try 6 or 7 at least for being comfortable. Pick a victory type and pursue it. If you're new, just fuck around with the wonders, you'll get the hang of it soon.
Your answer makes me angry but at the same time you are probably right.
>implying you need to leave Yea Forums to learn what /pol/ thinks
They'll gladly tell you all about it every single day
Even improved standards don't make it an acceptable risk, especially politically.
What are you going to do with all the waste products?
No money in it. Nuclear is a true long term solution. It doesn't have developmental obsolescence or high maintenance industry like renewables (wind, solar) and it doesn't have scarcity economics to make it profitable to a few speculators
Nuclear is the least profitable, therefore it is suppressed
>/pol/ anything higher than 2 digit IQ
nah that's the most believeble part of this graph
Bury it in Canada.
Most people are too stupid to change their stances on things, so if they think nuclear power is bad, they'll continue thinking that for the rest of their lives.
Where will you put all that uranium after you used it? That's the main problem with it.
>sjw global warming propaganda
>and cute girls
this is just what i isolated on the catelog.
Jadwiga, Eleanor, Mommytarja, Tomyris, Gorgo and Tamar are the hottest leaders Firaxis has designed so far.
That's only relevant for shithole countries, there's no danger in the U.S. where there will be constant inspections to make sure people aren't enriching uranium enough to make nukes.
I see.
People like you are why those ironic false flag shitpost threads happen in the first place.
Great, you go ahead and get them to agree.
It's mainly anons from /pol/ trying to fit in. It's easy to spot them. Those niggers fall for jew tricks like they are being paid for it.
I'd say it's worth it, at least if you like Civ games. The graphics are pretty bad by modern standards, but you can pretty much see what everything is supposed to be. The gameplay balance isn't perfect (blobbing always wins), but it has several features that no other Civ has had since, and the atmosphere is top notch.
The GOG version comes with a pdf copy of the manual.
dump it a mile underground for a billion years
Apart from nuclear and coal, no. Nothing is efficient enough.
Thank you for the reasonable and informed response.
Just like for Israel?
Nuclear is good and can last us until we get a permanent solution. A good place to store the used uranium is being built right now in Finland so in around 200~ years we should be alright so long as we're not already past the point of no return and we've found some permanent renewable solution.
>trump 4d chess
Canada has a bunch of nuclear power plants, what so you think they do with the waste?
>global warming propaganda
kys flat earther-tier retard
>China is even worse so we shouldn't bother
Unironically yes. If we cripple our manufacturing and economy to reduce our carbon footprint and China doesn't, they will literally dominate the earth like bugmen.
Difficulty is Prince, I must chose that cause I was new and it was in the middle. And yeah all the xpacs, with gathering storm on specifically, cause it had the option when creating the game
T. Lane Davis
No, they look cartoony and ugly as fuck.
The solution was always nuclear power and African/Chink genocide.
Green energy is a scam.
That's probably what they are hoping we do. holy shit i can't imagine what that would look like.
just fucking fire it into the sun
I completely agree
They look cartoony as a civ game should look, but they are not ugly, ur mom is ugly.
it's fucking 50 bucks
Energy prices will skyrocket.
Why would you talk about climate change on Yea Forums, what the fuck is wrong with you people
Bury it, probably.
So why aren't they volunteering to take everyone else's waste, too?
Might be a good idea, if we had a reliable way of boosting it into orbit without the risk of catastrophic failure.
Some landwhale drew that. 100% no doubt. With dyed hair. Either blue, green, or pink
Germany is however still mining lignite and the last german nuclear reactor will shut down in 2022
What is the most fun way to win in Civ VI? Also who is the most fun leader.
You know, I've always wondered why most of the extreme anti science, anti observation and often anti logic groups comes out from USA or UK 90% of the time, and worse, actually grow mainstream where'd they get laughed at by others elsewhere. From hollow earth to creationism to biblical literalism to climate change denialism to flat earth society to fluoride bad and cause gay frogs to goldbuggery to lizards on the moon to antivaxxery, the most dumbest shit comes from these two nations and at worse gets embraced by a sadly large number of their people.
Is it something in the Anglo gene that makes them so suspectible towards antiscience?
Mmm...I wonder too.
Gunboat diplomacy win.
Jewish conspiracy fags are just the white version of "whitey be holding us down"
>gay frogs
To be completely fair, the gay frog thing is real and actually backed by science. Atrazine, one of the most commonly-used industrial pesticides, totally fucks with frog biology in ways we didn't understand when it was first approved.
It's now some "globalist NWO conspiracy" or whatever the fuck those nutjobs like to claim, though. Just good old-fashioned human error and failed bureaucracy.
Don't tell me you're German.
>It's now
*not, fuck
It's fucking 20C in the UK at the moment, it's rarely this hot in July.
I literally had to google him, only got a ClickbaitFeed article.
Please avoid using obscure burgeric people references on international board.
Funny, because all those groups I mentioned existed long before current day situation. Well done on plugging your MUH IMMIGRANTS push though.
The first few games just fuck around. If you find that you can achieve any diff WAY before the AI, bump it one notch and repeat. Always try new stuff and just have fun. Also check on steam and civfanatics for mods if you're i terested.
I am.
Currently conquering the world with England with my pall Teddy, in the name of Anglo supremacy.
>mfw exterminating nigger civilizations out of sheer principle
I am also producing so much pollution that half of the world has already sunk under water, including some of my own cities, but because my civilization is so wast, it doesn't do jack shit to hinder me.
Fair, I'll give it a shot once life college settles down a bit. I assume it's dirt cheap on GOG like most other older games are.
I expected the gog copy to have a manual, but I really dislike reading through long PDFs. If the manual is nice, large and helpful I would prefer to have it physical. So thats why I'm asking.
If it ain't I could just print it, but the quality of my printer leaves much to be desired.
I live in the ass end of northern Europe, I'll be fine. It will be the ungabungas etc subhumans that'll suffer.
>Shutting down nuclear and coal entirely
>NOT completely crippling your energy production
Fuck these retards who think that's going to do the planet any good.
>muh debunked 97% consensus
>muh "we need the Green New Deal or we're all dead in 12 years"
Climate change is less about the earth. The people spouting off about how earth is dying are retards. This big rock will survive just fine, climate change will fuck our current way of life.
We've built a house of cards in a global economy and it won't fair well with disruption. Mass migrations or mass graves
Alex if you like conquest without end, most epic UA in the seriez hands down.
Inca if you want a ultra tall game.
Mali if you like swimming in gold and buying yourself any victory type.
How the fuck do i enjoy this game
Because american wages are too high and it's cheaper to buy from China. Or were you referring to global uranium deposits?
Speaking of Nuclear Power Plant technology, some leading french firm didn't make a scientific breakthrough they predicted they would which has fucked up a contract they made with the government. This messed up the french energy industry and forced the firm to divert a lot of money away from R&D just to stay afloat, and they will stay afloat because they are Too Big To Fail according to the french govt.
And also
>Implying the Chinks will share their technological breakthroughs with the west
Those people are bad to be sure but I have a feeling they exist in every society. The true evil are those that give them a platform. Even if its a freakshow to laugh at them, it gives them legitimacy.
>Climate change is real and the planet is doomed if we don't do something
>But FUCK nuclear power
Any plan to combat climate change that does not incentivize nuclear is not being made in good faith, but because of monetary gain on the part of the ducks pushing it.
I really like how the "artist" couldn't keep his autism in checked and still pretend nationalism wuz innocent while he rails on Hitler for destroying europe
Based and redpilled.
>le mass migration is the only solution or we're little hitlers
Kill yourself migration-humper.
Post screenshot of heavy water damage please, I want to see how much tiles can be lost.
*tips totalitarian executioner cap*
Option 1: play with friends.
Option 2: be autistic enough to enjoy games like that.
I didn't say anything about mass migration from 3rd world countries.
Very few into-space launches fail. And the money will go to SpaceX, meaning they just continue to circulate in the country.
It's usually only certain tiles on the coast, like maybe 4 or 5 spread out across an entire continent.
Thanks, old chap.
There is a solution, but it involves the destruction of the modern scale global trade, as well as a return to living standards closer to that of 1950ies than modern day living. Basically, if we were to stop making shit on the other side of the globe and ferrying it to our stores in massive cargo ships that pollute more than average nations do, we'd cut a massive slice out of the CO2 emissions, but we can't do that because it would hurt big business.
yeah in the 1950s factories, cars and global trade didn't exist
you're fucking retarded
As if there's any other kind.
The only ones who accept migration of any sizeable numbers are first worlders to begin with.
Should the coastals try to migrate to third world countries they'll be met with bullets.
If you only found a single source over an infamous /pol/tard murdering his retired father for telling his 33 year neet son to get a job and stop acting like a caricature, with the justification that he must have been a pedophile leftist, then you are SHIT at googling, because that's shits just what the news and courts love. Try seattle4truth
Centrists who believe mainstream media's every word and denies "conspiracy theories" without a second of thought are retarded. Always question things and do not consider what you hear 100% true or untrue unless you personally* know better.
*Meaning you can't cite anyone
That's what's gonna happen, faggots
The ice age ended because all of the cars and factories the cavemen had, which caused global warming and global warming is caveman made folks
Funny, because the future you choose, everyone's gonna be a third worlder. Guess you finally got that equality you so yearn for.
Imagine you are an immortal leader that has around 6000 years to build a mighty civilisation to stand the test of time. Unlike 5 where every game revolves around a 4 city tradition science turtle game, here you just b urself. Unique abilities are so fun and uniwue in 6 you will find someone that suits your playstyle. Rome is great.
that is literally the way to go.
Get comfy.
look at this sexy mommy
Nigger one nearly got us on 2012. Shit like that just goes unreported.
Don't want to scare the brainlets.
>the future you choose, everyone's gonna be a third worlder
How so? Tell me how Europe being ~5 degrees hotter and maybe a tiny bit smaller would take away all the prosperity, technology and white people.
>Unlike 5 where every game revolves around a 4 city tradition science turtle game, here you just b urself
Yeah there's no meta in Civ 6 right
It's not like 8 cities with rotating Magnus chops to finish the district your victory conditions isn't the best strategy
If it's unreported... Then how can you be so sure it ever happened, hmm?
Really going full force in their Third World Simulator game there.
>thinking that shit existed in the modern scale.
Top retard.
Also, I forgot to mention massive population culls will be necessary. There is no technological solution to this crisis, the only solution is the cutback of modern way of living, and killing tons of excess people.
Of course the game is boring for you.
>we need the Green New Deal
You don't need the Green New Deal, but you need to do something.
It is recorded, just not reported to the mass public openly.
Are you a literal niggerjew? Just fucking look at the moon and muse where those pockmarks came from.
Fucking mongoloid.
I usually just play Civ 4 on my PC but I bought Civ 6 for Switch to be able to play something while traveling. Did I dun goofed?
Just until a couple of days ago I noticed it doesn't have the latest game mechanics like governors and disasters.
I guess this one is like a casual Civ.
Is that something war with China and India?
But Co2 has nothing to do with the climate though.
Europe might actually be colder. since melting ice can disrupt the current that keeps Europe warm.
>Funny, because the future you choose,
I've voted Nationalists for longer than you Murricans have even used the term without prevaricating over "how you should use Patriotism instead".
>everyone's gonna be a third worlder.
Better a third worlder than extinct.
>Guess you finally got that equality
Equality is and always has been a malignant lie.
Removing those two countries in the equation would give a lot of breathing room.
all civs outside of 2 and AC are casual
These lands have suffered quite a bit.
The scale is because of the population size, global trade isn't new despite what your alt-right infographics tell you
>Also, I forgot to mention massive population culls will be necessary
oh, you're a retard, of course
The 50's had the greatest examples of what modern day climatologists would call "climate change".
>We need fewer people
We just need to spread out more and the earth could sustain much more than 20 billion no problem. Cities and metropolises are the problem, not inherently people.
Don't misunderstand though, I'm all for killing third world sub humans.
Because you can show up your consensus up your ass nigger. Modern "science" is basically lot of kikes and shabbos goyim who first acknowledge each other as "scientists", and then tell you to believe whatever they say because they are scientists. Empirical evidence is almost never involved in such science, and in some cases (like racial anthropology) explicitly denied.
That made up climate change panic is no exception, sufficient empirical evidence for that have yet to be presented, all we have is peer review hoax described above, with peers who disagree with said review also being defunded and excommunicated.
Except we're looking at dustbowl 2: redux in burgerland, so I guess your cousins gonna come home and bring their great burger culture with them. And seeing how spineless euros are, Europe's gonna be little America. If you think taking in 50k people over a couple of years is bad, wait til you get millions, all armed with guns at your gate. Just to use a single example among many that seems to be the way it's headed.
And let's not forget that even such a temperature change means less rainfall, much more wildfires fucking up your already insufficient agriculture for self dependency.
>using strategies in a strategic game is "min-maxing" and boring
what the fuck are you doing? playing house?
I guess but I'm not seeing how starting world war 3 is going to improve things.
by bringing in people who are economic burdens and culturally destructive
The moon doesn't have an atmosphere so every rock on a collision course will hit it. Earth does, meaning that most rocks (and space debris) will simply just burn up before it hits the planet.
>Cities and metropolises are the problem, not inherently people.
Cites don't produce pollution
factories and transportation does
and if people spread out there'd be more need for transportation
Yes. The "moon".
One that craters even on the side always pointed towards earth. Guess those asteroids are homing now and can place themselves between earth and moon just to smash into the moon.
Great argument fren, really solid one based on some twisted logic.
I am suffocating the world, and my enemies with it.
>never played a 4x game in my life
>get endless space dirt cheap
>10 hours to learn what that fuck was going on
>enjoy for another 10 hours
>uninstall 10 hours later after figuring out the ai was cheating
>try endless legend next
>uninstall after an hour
Civ 5 is dirt cheap now but looks the exact same as endless legend, might look into endless space 2 instead.
Mobile civ6 is just vanilla civ6, no rnf and gs. But the xpacs will be ported I hear.
resource control would be necessary unless we find another magic substance that works better than fossil fuels.
And hey the potassium shortage is just a few decades away. Those population would take care of themselves.
Weird how it's the losers of society who would benefit the most from equality always is the ones fighting the hardest against it.
Using strategies designed or discovered by other people is autism.
The moon is not always there to block celestial body collision you peabrained moldsucker.
And planets have gravitational pulls who would have fucking guessed?
>/pol/tard is suicidal
Every time
Americans are completely incapable of bipartisan thinking, the liberals are concerned about global warming so the conservatives have to flat out deny it in the face of overwhelming evidence.
My point still stands either way.
>USA has a dry climate
Nothing new under the sun. Won't make them abandon their bastion of freedom, they're more likely to go to Canada.
>Wait till you get million, all armed with guns
Feels like the current decade desu.
>Insufficient agriculture for self dependency
You wot mate? Europe produces lots of agricultural products and can easily produce more whenever the EU stops being retarded.
Actual answer right here, but it isn't climate related.
I didn't take that from other people, I figured it out by playing the game
>what the fuck are you doing? playing house?
You'd probably call it that, yes.
Materialism is only the prime value of the lowest common denominator.
Thinking people realize there's more important things than constant growth, even disregarding the fact that it's a pyramid scheme.
Ah yes the art of robbing the dwindling taxpaying citizens and giving it the societal economic drains.
The ones complaining about it are the ones getting fucked by it.
Yet despite being next to a vastly bigger gravitational pull, somehow craters end up facing down at earth. Huh...
Global trade involving massive cargo haulers that contribute one fifth of all the global CO2 emissions is a new trend you fucking retard. Those things came into existence within the last 80 years. Global trade may have existed for a long ass time, but for most of it, it didn't happen via modern means of transportation.
Also, there is no way out of this mess without massive population culls. Do you think that the third world people will voluntarily agree to never achieve the living standards we enjoy? Do you think that most of the people in the developed world will voluntarily lower their living standards? The answer to both of these questions is no, and the solution to the problem is fucking killing the excess of human masses.
I hope so. The game is funny and I can spent my time on it but I kind of miss all the other stuff I can't enjoy.
The "scientific consensus" is that climate change is so far gone that the only way to stop it would be to stop burning any kind of fossil fuel and even then it might not stop. So fuck off, you hippie commie garbage fire of a """""person"""""
Liberals aren't actually concerned about climate change at all though?
They're just setting up a cult demanding taxing the middle class instead of real solutions.
You can tell by how ardently they refuse to entertain Nuclear.
I really enjoy Endless Space 2.
It's as comfy as it gets.
It's how your little club can afford internet after all.
>inb4 larp about how everyone on /pol/ is a highly educated (but not jew educated) business owners who'd be billionaires if evil government didn't steal from them
Can't wait for the massive GW mods.
Is there any point in recapturing co2 or even using clean energy? I just pump out coal plants and say fuck it. Do some AI get pissed at you for using dirty energy?
Also, is there any point in powering your t3 builsings? It seems to me it can useful for a tall game, but if you already have 25+ cities it won't matter.
Why would people not willing to lower their living standards instead be willing to die?
>Cities don't produce pollution
Factually wrong, cities produce more pollution than towns.
>factories and transportation does
You mean smog? Yeah, but not to a dangerous degree if you just invest in the right filters and remember to clean them. Already standard in most first world countries.
>If people spread out more there'd be more need for transportation
That's where you're wrong. By not spreading out but instead creating ever larger and more demanding metropolises you'd need to get supplies from within thousands of miles of radius to support said city. Many smaller cities could be supported by their hundreds of mile radius surroundings.
>discussion about climate change with a sprinkle of Civ
>crossboarders can't argue, change towards MUH THIRD WORLDERS instead
>always facing down at earth
The moon also rotates on its own axis.
Fucking hell, go back to gradeschool.
>leftypol faggotry
"le voting against your own interests"
"le right side of history"
"le what do you mean non-lumpenprole working class people?"
Neck yourself LARPer.
As you can see, most of the world already hates me, though I don't know if my pollution has contributed to that, given that the main reason they hate me is that I have made war against all of them (except my buddy Teddy).
>Two high ranking UN officials are on record as saying climate change policy is actually a way to redistribute wealth
>implying they'd be given a choice.
The lowering of living standards will be forced onto them, that will spur resistance and rebellion, and that will be the reason for the resistant elements to be culled.
>Learn that the AI cheats in Endless games
>Starts playing more Endless games, as if something would have changed
In Civ the AI only cheats if you play on a difficulty harder than Prince. Many players find Prince to be underwhelmingly easy though.
I'm glad OP decided to make this thread and the mods haven't deleted it. off topic threads give me the biggest pre-cum leaky boners.
Oh no, he's haywiring
Ah, gotcha. Thought you meant culling as the first measure to take, which seemed odd.
This. We need to be more like China and smog down our cities. Just removing a single oil spill is paramount to white genocide. It's the price of our supremacy.
>Government subsidized internet
Pretty sure that doesn't exist outside of socialist Yuro cess pits. Nice try.
>cities produce more pollution than towns.
only because that's where the people and therefore the cars and factories are you moron
People living in cities makes for more efficient transport. This is a basic fact, it's science, it's why people started living in cities in the first place. It's more efficient to transport things in one big truck than lots of little trucks to different places. How dumb are you that you can't understand that?
Forget Burgers. Current projections show much of the Middle East and North Africa becoming uninhabitable within a few decades. You think a few thousand Syrian refugees are bad, wait until there are hundreds of millions, and they're not gonna be asking nicely to be let in.
>Hey goyim you don't have enough children let's import millions of people from the 3rd world into your first world country where they will create 100x the pollution they would in their mud hutts.
It rotates compared to some things, but it's tidally locked compared to earth.
Not him, but no, relatively to Earth it doesn't.
>Scandinavia is now a cesspit according to spics and burgers
Current projections show miniscule water level and temperature changes. (feel free to post peer-reviewed environmental studies for your claims though)
Not that projections are a good basis for policy, when I was growing up they we're claiming that as an absolute we'd see the next ice age start within 10-15 years at the latest.
People live in cities because cities "have everything", including jobs. However you don't need a city of tens of millions for it to have everything. A city of a million if plenty large to accommodate every odd need you might have.
>Northern North Africa
>not a cesspit
I can't tell who's genuinly retarded or baiting for an internal laff
Liberals refuse nuclear because they are retarded, there's no fucking conspiracy here.
So this is the legendary power of an american education... Impressive.
The middle east is already unhabitable, it's full of Arabs and worse.
>They're not gonna be asking nicely to be let in
They never do. They buy a forged passport from corrupt Greek officials and traffickers and then they get free access. It's a terrible way of keeping them out, but it's still better than what the USA has.
We Scandis don't have subsidized internet the fuck are you retards on about, only the original shitty infrastructure was made by a nationalized company and it's long been privatized.
County alternatives exist and they have multiple competing companies paying to use their networks.
Scandinavia is indeed a "Socialist Yuro Cesspit". Two out of three holds true and the last is subjective.
>Oh yeah? You like Nuclear energy? Ever heard of...idk....CHERNOBYL?? Heh, oh you think I'm done? How about...wait for it...FUKISHIMA....heh heh heh...oh wait wait wait....THREE MILE ISLAND
>Haha that is why nuclear energy is bad :^)
Fire and volcanoes already existed.
Pretty much, if they actually cared about the planet they would support nuclear, and support mass genocide of 3rd worlders to keep the population down.
Privatizing the internet infrastructure was a mistake.
But you ARE communist lite because your race is that retarded
>he doesn't know about the gulf stream
>he doesn't know about the ice age that will hit northern europe once it breaks
>America is controlled by Jews
>the Jews are all behind man made global warming because ???
All of these aren't worth pointing out to western nation, quite the opposite.
We see the same side of the Moon 100% of the time
I don't mind dumb theories. I just dislike how the peddlers of dumb theories act so self righeous and smug.
>communist lite
Communism has never been particularly acceptable here, the people who set up our welfare state were for the most part National Corporatists who believed in eugenics and keeping out "racially impure" foreign elements with a slew of revisionist marxists who believed the same. (or as the butthurt commies called them "red fascists")
I'd welcome it if it meant fewer southerners on our streets.
>being surprised anyone who supports authoritarian views is a good goy cuck
Because it's profitable, duh. Do you think the energy industry is a charity?
The jews are behind every single thing in existence period. If this is contradictory, it is the fault of the jews.
I wanna help Jadwiga win the election for school president!
Sweden was cool in the past.
The solution: fucking kill them.
>No Yea Forums
Finna cringe buddy
Can the Jews not profit off of fossil fuels or something?
>Using conspiracy youtube videos as proof
you're on the same fucking level as flat earthers jesus christ.
>global warming propaganda
Imagine not accepting reality
>freezing to death to own the southeners
>hey goys, let us sell the infrastructure your taxmoney built to multinational corporations for dirt cheap.
The traitors governing our lands should all be fucking shot.
This. anglos, slavs, blacks, arabs. All the same garbage people. Only death, preferably by torture is the single solution to the biggest cancer upon earth.
Hey guys, can we discuss the game please, this threag got autistic enough.
Who's the artist? I want more cute teen Jadwiga.
Too bad Sweden is doomed to collapse these days. You should have not stopped after Palme was murdered, and instead went on and excecute the rest of your traitorous leadership. Now your only hope is with the fucking Nordic Resistance Movement of all things.
t. A Finn
just out of curiousity why do so many euros dislike slavs?
It is on a synchronous orbit with the earth you barely educated mongtards. Even if its tidal locked it still completes its own axis rotation cycle.
Jesus fucking Christ.
No arguments on the former. Palme was the beginning of the end.
NMR are no real solution though, they're known as the Stickers Brigade for a reason.
I can't say for other yuros, but we Finns have a quite poor history with our slavic neighbors.
Jews welcome the destruction of all civilizations except for that of Israel. They seek to rule over Gentiles that they have fully mongrelized as punishment for the audacity of Christ the Messiah coming for Christians instead of the "Chosen".
>sjw global warming propaganda
I'm so glad I left that shithole Norway and moved to USA. Norwegians can get burned by mudslimes and norwegian women raped to death by Jamal. I cast away my horrible ancestry and embrace the one true country on the planet that cares about freedom and justice. Hell even burger women are mostly better looking and more intelligent than any nord cunt.
What would you say are some of the most useful wonders to build? I always just pick at random.
Let us hope that the collapse comes soon fren, maybe then we can cull the subhumans and traitors out of our streets together.
Only cowards flee their homelands, you are a traitor to your people.
Soviet Union.
Russia is still the Euro bogeyman.
t. retard