We're going home bros
We're going home bros
Other urls found in this thread:
have fun.
>radio silence since Blizzcon
I think the dream is dead boys
No we're not.
That was only in the demo. Won't be there in live.
I want to believe user
It's already confirmed there's gonna be phasing in the starting areas and the barrens in live.
Yeah, the first few weeks until everything settles down. What do you want, another WoD launch? Stop being a retarded purist faggot.
I'm finally going to have the long, comfy adventure I dreamt of having all these years.
Im going to take my time for sure. Fuck the max level minmax boss rush shite that killed the MMO genre.
>want to see players in my MMO
>retarded purist faggot
You are what killed WoW.
You're retarded. You're comparing seeing normal amounts of players (like it was in vanilla) to literally having thousands of players on screen at the same time all fighting to turn in 1 quest making the whole experience dog shite for everyone involved. Vanilla launch wasn't thousands of players in the starting zone lining up for quests which is what you are claiming and it's pretty funny since it's coming from a purist nigger. Even with all that taken into account, it will only be for the first few launch weeks until the players become more or less evenly spread between levels to avoid over saturating a zone with new players halting the whole leveling system and causing server instability. You can stop crying now over things that literally do not matter in the bigger picture.
human lock here, fuck gnomes and fuck minmaxing
as long as they keep their word and has it turned on when literally the only reason why not to is because the servers would crash or the game would be unplayable. It should be fine
but its 2019 blizzard we're talking about here so who knows how its gonna be
>fuck minmaxing
Why did I read this as fuck racemixing?
if you're so concerned about phasing, don't start playing until it has inevitably died down a bit a few weeks after it launches.
Fuck them both
I see you didn't play Vanilla at launch.
Enjoy not being able to fear 50% of the horde
Humans and gnomes fucking would make the perfect human hybrids though.
I'm gonna be a priest, I wanna heal, I always regretted being too scared to do it in Vanilla and missing my chance but now my time is here
But i dunno what race or faction, if Horde i'd go undead over troll, but all 3 are ok for alliance, slight leaning to human? I was horde way back in the day all through vanilla and can't decide if that means I should stick with it or try the other side finally
Will there be an RP server
Hopefully no. It would be okay if actual RP was done, but we all know that is not what RP servers are used for.
Human has spirit bonus, dwarf has amazing instant heal I think
If you care about minmaxing then go dwarf for ally and undead for horde
yaaaay mommy blizzy take mah monies lol xD even tho I can play it for free xDDD
I was just asking because I want to have hardcore online furry sex in the house behind goldshire inn, that's it
>ever choosing anything but based dorfs
>play for free
>lose all progress after a few months (if lucky) because of either corrupt admins, chinese hordes, russian gold spammers, botters or any other of the plagues that are inevitably tied to shady private servers
How did this "we're going home" buzzphrase start, anyway
WoW is not "home", "home" by this definition is "my life in the mid-2000s". There's no way to actually go back to that era of the internet.
whys any of that matter? The game is boring anyway after a few months. It's why they created expansion packs
all chads will roll male dwarf priests
>implying they won't be re-releasing BC later on like the original server progression
>why does it matter if the admins are corrupt and ban players arbitrarily and use your information for their illegal money-making schemes with chinese gold sellers, that's completely normal and you should be supporting these guys!
Nigger, what? The only people I've seen shill private servers over classic are the idiots that depend on the shady economy behind said servers. I'm glad Classic will put you all out of business, you've been a burden and cancer on the WoW community for far too long.
This is WOW, not EQ, WOW was made by a bunch of people who hated what SOE did with EQ (despite ironicly making all the same mistakes)
Why they would adopt the EQ progression server model which does not work, over the OSRS model, which does work, is stupid as fuck.
What's the OSRS model?
I cringe so hard when i think about how all of you retards haven't learned at all and you're legitimately looking forward to wasting another couple of years on your life inside your game when most of you are probably in THEIR LATE 20'S OR 30'S. Any healthy, mentally stable adult should have nothing but REGRET about the time they spent being addicted to WoW as a teenager.
I'll be happy when Vanilla launches, not because Vanilla launches, but because then you faggots finally will shut the fuck up and move to your containment threads on vg
I found my girlfriend playing WoW and made friends for life in that game. Finished school, got a job etc. all while playing WoW. Your post is cringe.
Restart and develop a seperate branch of the game keeping the old school/classic gameplay but developing new content.
I.E. new content without badge gear, heroic modes, arenas, aka all the shit that led to WOW becoming the massive fucking chore it is today.
nice projection faggot
Dwarf has fear ward, for pve and pvp they're leagues above the other 2.
Night elf racials, both priest and regular are absolute dog shit, so unless you want to meme in shadowmeld don't pick them.
>finished school and got a job while playing WoW
anything past Vanilla isn't WoW, you didn't do that in 2 years
>something you enjoyed and had fun with
based brainlet
das rite
Keep moving the goalpost nigger
>blizzard fucks everything up
>but im sure they wont fuck this up
its gonna be a salt mine
>why does it matter if the admins are corrupt and ban players arbitrarily and use your information for their illegal money-making schemes with chinese gold sellers
Because blizzard are saints? Hahhahaha nice one.
Faggot, the moment you step online you can kiss that goodbye
> I'm glad Classic will put you all out of business, you've been a burden and cancer on the WoW community for far too long
Enjoy paying 50-60$ again if you don't have retail WoW, and enjoy paying a monthly subscription for a 15 year old game. Also, enjoy any fuck up on Blizzard's part (because they will fuck up SOMETHING inevitably).
>mfw I played wow with some buddies back in vanilla-BC after school
>sent this to them saying it was my favourite music in the game
>they called me a faggot while blasting linkin park over the game audio
based goinghome poster
>soulstone eyes
I can't wait until Classic comes out so all the people that never played it have to come to terms with the realization that WoW is dead after they try it and hate it. Blizzard knew the current market wouldn't like old WoW which is why they denied it for so long, but they're desperate now.
Just remember after it comes out: You asked for this.
>the first few weeks
Dwarf Priests are good but if your guild already has a heap of them then Human is your best option for the spirit bonus.
>you think you want it, but you don't the post
A lot of people do want original WoW - but a great many more will get bored of it and stop playing quickly.
Uh, yes, that's what I said. Good job user, I'm so proud of your ability to read!!
Why do these posts constantly appear?
We've had private servers for fucking years, hell we still have them.
People love vanilla, for all its faults, its just now we are getting official servers with proper stability and no random shutdowns like what happened with nostalrius.
That is the reason there is hype, because finally a stable version of vanilla is coming, and many people do love vanilla.
This but unironically
At least Blizzard employs anti-cheat methods and doesn't cooperate with gold sellers to spam you and bombard you with gold selling advertisements, doesn't serve as a money laundering scheme, doesn't give preferential treatment to people and can keep a server stable, has great customer support, keeps populations separate instead of having Zhang, Dmitri and Joao who only speak their native languages shitting up your group. It's basically better in every aspect and you're just making yourself look like an idiot desperately clinging onto your failing business that is getting BTFO by Blizzard.
>he doesn't already own WoW even after 15 years
>paying 10$ a month is still an issue to some people after all these years
Yeah, having a netflix subscription surely puts a big dent on my budget.
its going to be delayed until 2020, screencap this.
Blizzard desperately needs this. There's no chance in the world this is getting delayed.
capped ann fapped
Sounds great to me, but I can already hear the incessant whining and crying from purist faggots about how it's not REAL VANILLA.
and* baka
If he waits, then he'll have a good time in STV.
>It ain't me starts playing.
classic bad because blizzard bad
What dps class will typically have the easiest time finding a place in dungeons/raids?
Watch them release this on a per-zone "service" / DLC basis not a full game lol. $5 for this $5 for that.
Still triggered huh?
I still play modern WoW. Its actually alright when you dont care about raiding.
>At least Blizzard employs anti-cheat methods
LOL, you can easily use a bot on retail. Fucking Warmane of all places detects and bans botters all the time.
>spam you and bombard you with gold selling advertisements
Oh no, what will I do. It's not like the block option exists.
>Zhang, Dmitri and Joao who only speak their native languages shitting up your group
This isn't dota or lol. Even Dmitri tries to speak english and do something in WoW.
>getting BTFO by Blizzard
Is that way why WoW's player numbers have been declining since 4.1, and has massive declines with WoD and BFA?
>he doesn't already own WoW even after 15 years
Have it, doesn't mean I play it, or played it recently
>Yeah, having a netflix subscription surely puts a big dent on my budget.
Why would I pay for something that's readily available for free and using it has 0 realistic consequences
You can keep getting fucked by Blizzard tho.
If Blizzard does this, the internet will break. Remember when real ID was announced? The story ended up on normie media within two days and even out of touch boomers knew what was.
Watch the Blizzcon and listen to the guy who's in charge of engineering. He knows what's up. Even retards like Ion Holocaustas know if they fuck classic up, they're done. No amount of lawyertalk or PR limbo can save your ass from that dumpsterfire.
So someone who regrets having been a drug addict in the past is a brainlet too?
>comparing MMOs to actual drugs
Imagine being so pathetic that you get addicted to fucking video games.
No, i'm simply saying that just because you enjoyed something in the past doesn't make it unquestionably good.
>On v
You know what they say about throwing stones and glass houses, right?
>want to see thousands of players doing the same quests killing the same mobs and making the game unplayable
There are still going to be shitloads of people, they're not making the entire game instanced for you and you alone.
So it wasn't you who said
? Because that shit is asinine, assuming everyone regrets playing wow when it is not even remotely the case.
>dots you and then runs away
pshh nothin personel kid
in all seriousness i know WotF is gonna be a pain but i think the class will be more fun than a mage
>tfw im all burned out on wow from private servers
>tfw 90% of people keybind their abilities so i wont be a top percentile player anymore for doing so myself.
eh, idk.
>LOL, you can easily use a bot on retail.
It's one thing to cheat in a videogame, its a completely different thing if the owners endorse it and allow it to happen freely and even support it because it bolsters their income at the expense of the economy and the players.
>It's not like the block option exists.
Mega-brainlet spotted. It's not one gold seller, retard. Good luck blocking the hundreds of messages per hour from different accounts, ignoring the flying teleporting chinamen spelling out their gold-selling website name with their corpses because no private server has real anti-cheat and the constant actual mail cluttering your inbox from the spammers.
>Even Dmitri tries to speak english and do something in WoW.
Sure thing, that must be why the private server forums are always full of complaints about russians and chinese not communicating with other players and abusing the game, right?
Yeah, I will definitely enjoy getting fucked by Blizzard by getting stable servers, 100% less hackers and spammers, 100% of players who speak my own language, readily available customer support, actual development and support, an active and large playerbase, and having a 10$ 3rd world firewall that will keep seething ruskies such as you out of my game.
Enjoy your dead server I guess.
i would actuall expect lots and lots of casuals to be honest for the first few months
>tfw 90% of people keybind their abilities
Are you implying that the vast majority of people used to click on all of their abilities?
Because I doubt that
Anyone else playing the Night Elf Hunter Masterrace?
as long as I can play with my friends, see people in the world, and fucking kill Horde till they rage and log out I will be happy, can I do this?
This was you wasnt it?
>night elf hunter
>not dwarf hunter
Classic bros I have never played Classic, I am having a hard time choosing between Night Elf Hunter and Night Elf Rogue, with most likely having a Horde Shaman alt.
How is hunter in PVP? I like the fantasy of having a ranged and melee weapon and the fun of collecting pets
I just wanna roleplay a sentinel who wants to fucking behead as many horde scum as possible for them intruding on our land.
Good hunters are probably the best class for wpvp but they kind of suck until they're geared, unlike rogues and mages.
Hunter with engineering has to be the most cheese shit ever as far as pvp is concerned.
Playing WOW in 2019
>hunter in PVP
It's great. You'll have a great time shitting on retards while leveling up by spamming concussion shot and bullying them with your pet. Make sure you get some good macros and you'll be set. I don't know how they are once they are 60 since I never hit 60 on my hunter but it was fun while leveling. I took a day off once from leveling and headed to stonetalon and spend a whole day just slaughtering horde with my thunder serpent pet at that little night elf sanctuary in the north.
>tfw roleplaying would actually be kind of fun in WoW but RP servers are always ruined by people just ERPing wherever they can instead of doing cool events and having roleplay guilds
lots of people used the keyboard to turn their character.
look at the "world of warcraft" pvp video where he kills hunters who have their pets on aggressive, hunter traps him then pet breaks trap, then hunter scatter shots him then pet immediately breaks trap, hunter dies, wow rogues op!
Reminds me of Monkeynews, in wpvp he taunts hunter pets or random mobs to break traps or other CC. He's pertty good.
Still gets shitcanned by mages because why not though. Warriors really needed a reflect or something because aside charge and one intercept, you were doomed if you didn't kill your enemy yet. Your best bet when intercept is down is literally thrown on a shield and run in the opposite direction.
>God tier WPVP
>Defacto best levelers in the game
>Underrated utility
>Low skill floor high skill ceiling
>Sick ass pets
>Low gear reliability
>Kiting high level mobs to towns for the luls
>Ammo + pet food tax
>Lowest damage DPS class
>Have to compete with several classes on loot while also being the lowest on the gear priority food chain
>Will have to tame a dumbass owl or Brokentooth by level 60
They're a cool class but you have to play above 90% of huntards if you want to be taken seriously due to your low dps.
>paying activision monthly to play more than a decade old game that will never get updates
Not rogue
No thanks, not Vanilla
>I'm not the one with the problem getting angry at strangers, its you who are the problem!
based gongpoaster
Mage for sure, Free food, portals, poly
Maybe don't play on MG US or AD EU then.
I've been on WrA for 7 years and have only seen a handful of people with ERP-centric profiles, and have never seen people ERPing publicly.
I'm just a wrathbaby can I join too?
You got to experience WoW at its best. You can.
zzzz meant "world of roguecraft" look at any pvp video from 2006-7 people are really bad
tipsout that clickbait nigger who knows nothing is playing on northdale and has been to four raids and already think hes some private server authority on how to play the game. fucking hysterical. feel free to log on around 9pm est if you want to call him a dumb nigger while he raids
>let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the
>*ting ting*
but arent mages typically the most played class at like 20%
i was rolling ally lock for the fact that theres very few people playing them in comparison and they look like they have really good utility
locks are a great choice too user!
shard farming is a bit of a bitch mind
We're still getting the nerfed Blackrock Depths, btw.
Been at home, but i'm all grown up now !
No you're not and you know it
You asked for the easiest time to find a group. Mages provide food, cc, portals and damage. There is a reason why they sit as second / third most played class.
why is that skeltal so huge
Shaman probably. Tremor Totem for raids and the other totems are really good for dungeons. Poison Cleansing Totem is a godsend in Maraudon, especially for the maggot room.
When ragnaros rose up from the lava (the water pool in the image) he was slain by heroes and the fire went out and turned into water so his bones calcified and soaked up the water and became larger, his real skeleton wasn't that large, it's the result of the bones soaking up the water for millenia. Cool piece of lore desu.
>Skeleton has an Eredar collar around it
Nope, that is the accumulation of night elf glaive throwers ammunition from the battle of hyjal when the night elf forces attacked ragnaros together with the heroes.
Dreams do come true.
Mage is the best ranged dps and free food and water.
Lock comes second with summons and soulstones but it's a ton of hassle to grind soul shard and you will be mage's bitch to put on curse of elements and don't you dare put your own DoTs on boss, those 16 debuff slots are precious
what the fuck are you even talking about
why would a fire elemental leave a humanoid skeleton behind
Any viable healer class
Mage by far, you make food and water, have a nice buff, you're ranged so you won't aggro extra packs like the retarded rogues trying to reposition for backstabs, and your CC is the most useful/reliable. You're still DPS though, can't expect instant invites like tanks or healers.
It's similar to how obsidian is formed when lava and water meet in Minecraft. The fire elemental didn't have bones when he was a lava elemental but when he died he lost all of his powers and the lava turned to water and in the process his remains got calcified and turned to bone. It's actually quite interesting.
I don't know what the fuck drugs you're on but it's clearly Archimonde's remains
Yeah, that's the name of the -remains-. That's what the night elves called it (the tree its resting on is the ancient high elf tree of regeneration from which the draenei tracked azeroth), since they didn't want to say the word Ragnaros. It's Ragnaros's Archimonde skeleton if you want to be accurate.
All DPS rotations are pretty boring and you will have a hard time finding group no matter what.
If you wanna have instant invites all day every day play warrior tank or healer (most preferably priest)
Alliance warlock by far, if you don't mind losing 1v1s in world pvp. Wotf isn't that big a deal in group pvp though.
>All DpS rotations are pretty boring
But being a Frost Mage and going afk with a Frost Damage wand is fun
Did he kill it?
people don't enjoy drug addiction
From what I remember only warriors, rogues and maybe ferals have interesting dps rotations, and feral isn't very viable at that.
To be honest Warrior is the correct class choice for vanilla, only tank, best dps, best pvp
*blocks your path*
>sharding in barrens
this kills the classic fag
Too bad levelling one is a pain without a sugar daddy or provider alt/main.
Get a friend to play a priest and then make some guild your bitch
They suck at solo pvp .I would play one if they had a little more survivability/healing like tbc
>They suck at solo pvp
Is this bait? You don't need to be healer spec until you actually step into a raid. You can heal any 5man as shadow which is a top-tier 1v1 spec.
Im not that guy i meant warrior. Yes shadow priest is overpowered even with blue gear
Well they did just fire most of their social media team for being useless.
Human has the heal, dwarf has fear ward.
> tfw actually addicted to video games but not mmo's
I don't know why the fuck this wide retard frog caught on but Vanilla-era frogman would have been happy frog
All these people saying human for the spirit, but seriously just go human for the rep bonus alone, that shit is actually OP as fuck.
What weapon is he using?
just play retail then you fucking newfag
On current big Pserver it is by far the hardest to find a spot as a healer.
As a tank you can reserve any drop and even ask for gold payments for dungeon runs because there are so absurdly rare.
if you want authentic vanilla launch experience just unplug your internet
Only go tank or healer if you are an asshole.
People with pleasant personalities go dps route.
What the hell? What kind of server has more healers than dps?
I always rolled healer because that's the sweet spot for landing a guild. DPS's don't matter and are replaceable, and guild only needs few tanks so hard to get started.
im leveling a warrior on northdale atm. lvl 38. it was a pain early mid 20s but it gets a lot better with talents. also WW axe.
If he’s playing paladin, retarded but happy frog works best. Preferably alongside a fellow frog telling the world it feels good, man.
Good luck trying to kill a single boar all by yourself.
No, seriously, good fucking luck. And don't even think that you will reach max level in less than 24h.
Do they even have boars in Elwynn and Teldrassil?
>DPS's don't matter and are replaceable
You start to lose this idea as you get to higher levels of play. The difference between a good dps and a great dps will come up as early as your preraid dungeons
>What the hell? What kind of server has more healers than dps?
Its pretty common for 5mans, not raids though.
Well you are right, but there's always some other good dps to replace cause people for some reason are crazy about it.
Personally I never got the appeal of PVE DPS, you just do your ratation as well as you can over and over again, some numbers pop up and few minutes later you brag about meters. Healing whack a mole and tanking when threat mattered are much more interesting to me
I didn't say everyone regrets playing WoW
I said everyone SHOULD regret having played WoW
Not really no, try finding 5 fucking great tanks for raiding though.
Umm sweaty
Home is 14 years ago. I cannot go back.
It’s because i’m Fairly sure you could train a gorilla to heal, it’s that fucking easy. DPS at least had to manage aggro and CC
yeah wow classic will fix all the bad things in wow ! because its not the companys fault its the game
Something you might find fun is rogue or mage dps where you have the secondary role of CC or you could start a guild and play that one feral spec where you do 33% dps 50% healing and offtank adds.
>Not really no, try finding 5 fucking great tanks for raiding though
Find 5 great anything for raiding. I will guarantee you the vast majority of dps mains will be doing their 1-3 button rotation and nothing else, no cc no dispels no kicks. Im sure youre one of those mages that found his polymorph button but you have to remember its still WoW like 75% of the playerbase is on autopilot
Most every class could be automated in Vanilla if you knew the lua. The only thing that couldn’t barring compete access to automate movement was not standing in the fire/where you weren’t supposed to.
Healing was the only job I performed where, outside important raid bosses, I actually wanted something to go wrong, just so I had something interesting to do.
>warlock accidently crits
>boss turns and slaps his shit
>playing horde
>Not getting the orc stun resist
Shoes are for faggots anyways
>playing baby mode tranny faction
>The brief moment of euphoria between a 12k shadowbolt crit and getting oneshot
When I hear this song I think of the elune song in Starcraft not Warcraft. This to me is still a Protoss song first and foremost. youtube.com
>warlock accidently crits
>boss turns around
>warlock proceeds to tank the boss for the rest of the encounter
Happened to me when doing Onyxia with AQ gear.
Thats because the original plan for the Warcraft universe was to pull a warhammer 40k and it actually is starcrafts universe as well. Elune was originally planned to be a XelNaga. I believe that idea and lore got canned but that was the original plan for Elune.
You didn't either, and if you did and you're a 40 year old man posting on Yea Forums, get the fuck outta here you fucking literal boomer.
Im switching factions bros!
I was always really pissed off how short both of these tracks were.
some blizz employee confirmed recently that it's still aiming for a summer release this year
but I think he was one of the people who got laid off, so take it with a grain of salt
source on barrens sharding that isn't a monkeynews webm
>Alliance warlock by far, if you don't mind losing 1v1s in world pvp
That's why I'm going Gnome and Engineering. I plan on always keeping a few stacks of FAPs/Swiftness pots on myself just in case. I also want to raid in a top PvE guild to get that T2+ stuff.
no void elves
no buy
Any costs from pet food and ammo are negated by the fact that Hunters can make mad money by soloing Inner Mara, DM, etc.
The DPS thing is not as bad in the early raid tiers but it does get worse as you get into end game. However by then warriors and rogues will dominate the meters anyways. If you care about big numbers, don't roll Hunter. Also don't forget that they bring utility with traps, kiting, tranq shot, etc.
I'm so excited for this but I just worry that having poor vanilla experience (good knowledge from guides , levelling on private servers etc but no experience of endgame) and no people to play with means I'll end up having no fun
Why aren't there any videos or surprise features?
I want to marry and impregnate a Void Elf
You'll actually have more fun because of that
I'm so sick of private servers. I want to play through vanilla, TBC and Wrath on official servers with minimal glitches. God please. Especially TBC.
how are they going to mess it up?
I don't want to believe that they could get it right
Because their best bet is to just release it. Too many details beforehand gives people a reason to sperg out and not resub. Once people realize Classic is just modern WoW with all the expansions cut out, they’re going to get super fucking pissed.
Same engine as the modern one with no latency issues
I was thinking of ally warlock too, but I looked up the racial stats on nost and horde was 47% undead. I know it's not that big a deal in bgs but 1v1s in wpvp are some of my favorite fights.
I doubt sitting outside deadmines shouting LFG forever as a dps will be fun. I could roll warrior sure, but then late game I'm not tanking shit since 'lol GM or his friend are MT' and I'm just the 19th dps warrior so no gear
I'd play on a private server if there actually were any normal servers. I have zero interest in being ganked by roaming gangs of unemployed incels who waste their lives away camping lowbies in Redridge in a sad attempt to be the next Angwe.
>I want to play the game my way!
>x and y shouldn't happen!
>we need rules in our games!
no wonder mmos died
They could mess it up in two ways. They'll either poke too many little holes in it, making the game too easy, and end game guilds too casual and shitty. That's one way. The other way is committing a complete sin, something retarded like leaving death knights in, or putting a $30 epic raid gear set in the online shop. Both are probable.
You do realize normal servers are, you know, normal servers, and PvP servers, like RP servers, are an optional meme ruleset server type, right?
Bro that shit happened in retail too. Let me guess, nost was your first time playing vanilla?
is it gonna have the original graphics or the warlords facelift ones?
>or putting a $30 epic raid gear set in the online shop.
I agree that the death knights may eventually come but blizzard has literally never sold gear before why would they start now
Imagine playing a game about a war between 2 factions where LITERALLY the entire point of the game is to fight the other faction but then decide to be a pussy
no wonder mmos died, lmfao
Because they're complete assholes now
>blizzard has literally never sold gear before why would they start now
I can buy wow tokens and then go pay a guild to get BIS gear. It's the same shit.
In retail vanilla you had the option of playing on nornal servers. And yes, ganking was a thing back in vanilla on PvP servers too (was dumb enough to level on one as a teen), but you didn't have nearly as many incels who tried to become e-famous by emulating other meme celebrities like Angwe. Angwe was famous because of how rare someone like him was at the time. Now on pservers you have a billion losers who all want e-fame by emulating the shit he did in various zones.
>war between two factions
did you start in cata?
>He plays on non-pvp servers
Where are my fellow holy pally chads at
>wears a dress to look good
>unlimited mana
>best tank healer
>op buffs
>5 hp bars
>easy escape
>heroically sacrifices himself to save a healer
>best looking gear
>chad looking mount
>annoys the horde by being alive
>prebis is a dress
Its not gay if your male dorf
>Needs on your ironfoe and gives it to his tank buddy
psh...nothin personal kid
>muh incels
>muh ecelebs
Bad, seething and obsessed
Are those the healing pants?
PvP servers are the ultimate cuckoldry. You are unironically offering yourself up to literally anyone who walks by, all for the purpose of killing people who have no hope against you. pvp on pve servers is the only satisfying experience, Think about it logically.
alex get out
Based priest
>Everyone has the same quivering exposed anus I do
Beating down some turd that looked at me funny is one of WoWs little pleasures
Bro, let it go... blizzard is dead, you can't go home again...
thats archimonde
You don't roll on a pvp server just so you can gank people. 1v1s are really fun and you end up doing a lot of small scale 3v3s/ect.
>warrior and priest organizing a lava run
>allowing any 1h weapon user in the group in the first place
original character models (with improved resolutions most likely) along with old casting/attack animations
And then you get wrecked by the three friends he had waiting round the corner, and corpse camped until you manage to slink away.
Think about it logically; turning on Pvp to 1v1 someone, and having the satisfaction of knowing he’s too much of a bitch to have a fair fight if he doesn’t reciprocate, is far more satisfying.
there is no home for you
The only reason I would roll a vanilla pally is for that sweet sweet Dungeon 1 set.
M8, we all went though the STV gank initiation ceremony, don’t pretend otherwise.
That wasn't my point. Sure you get ganked and gank other people, but you still end up doing a lot of 1v1s which are really fun.
You also can't deny that it's satisfying to 1 shot a guy who's killing mobs 20% hp .
Are people stupid enough to keep shilling blizzard shit or is blizzard directly shilling this shit in here? get the fuck out
>Threads for the most popular MMO ever
>Must be a shill thread
Are you ready for all the class fixes and the QoL stuff? I know I am.
And first raid (Molten Core) needs dem frost mages.
I found it more fun when spontaneous things happened because someone forgot to turn PVP off, someone else accidentally right clicked, then it all spirals into a massive brawl.
God I miss UBRS
the overwatch threads are blatant shilling so I don't doubt it
You didn't play on pvp servers.
balance druid
The only proper answer is The Hinterlands
Feel free to tell yourself that.
Just think about it logically.
Booty Bay is comf overload
You didn't say in just Vanilla so thankfully I can post this
Silverpine, Tirisfal :3
>that top comment by Mr Rob
For me, its Duskwood.
>warrior starts yelling for you to stop drain lifeing and just die
>healers dont give a shit and keep you up
>warrior "tank" starts crying
I hope I don't play with any of you wojakposting faggots or anyone from Yea Forums
Loch Modan
You must.
Is there some kind of a shockadinesque spec that would allow me to both heal raids/dungeons and kill shit solo at a reasonable pace?
You can heal eveything up to 60 as ret.
Lmao no if you corpsecamp people you're going to get banned. Same with MCing off the boat.
*shards you to an empty shard*
*sharts* oh no
>god tier
Tirisfal Glades, Teldrassil
>ok tier
Dun Morogh, Mulgore
>shit tier
Durotar, Elwynn Forest
Unless they boil that frog, they can kiss the game goodbye.
Half the reason people will want classic back is for the classic ways of fucking with people.
It will, fuck blizzard.
>Pally healing
All you need is +healing, maybe crit, int and mp5 gear, really. Spec should be holy yeah sure for raiding, but outside of raids, dungeons, etc. you can just use gear.
You will go out of mana fast as fuck without the "mana cost refund on crit heals" talents though but you will manage just fine.
I got a crit heal coming for ya.
Shockadin has literally never been a dps spec. Its a meme pvp spec.
am i allowed to play classic? i started wow late, right after funwell came out, so around april 2008. will no one let me join their guild because i'm a tbc baby?
While Reckoning paladin is one of the top PvP specs.
you can join my guild bby, hop on our discord ;)
>TFW you could one shot literally everyone with good RNG in TBC, while being basically unkillable and laughing at melee classes for even trying
Good times, good times.
literally 90% of nostkiddides are zoomers who larp as vanilla veterans m8 you will be fine
Actually did play vanilla on retain back in the day. Imagine trying to cross Ironforge on my 256 ram pc back then.
>Better zoom all the way in and look at the ground
both, then people pretending they will play
>my auras are coming back
>my seals
>my judgements
>my wonderful buffs
>PvP will be painful and grim reminder to hordies
>judgement set
yeah. You go holy/prot hybrid and it really starts to kick off when you get spellpower plate in AQ. You enchant your weapon with lifestealing (or some other spell dmg on hit) and get a weapon that has a spell effect proc and put frost oil on your weapon and use righteous seal. So your seal, weapon proc, weapon enchant, and weapon buff all scale with your spell power and it can do crazy damage. The big two handed weapon from AQ that has a spell effect on hit can crit for like a thousand shadow damage when it procs and heals you for similar amount. then your reckoning can give you up to like 5 extra attacks if you get crit a lot in pvp. It's pretty dumb. on top of all that the spell power also helps with your healing ofc.
>The Whothefuckgoesherelands
Really man?
Dis... wuz our land
TROLL land
Don’t make me get the arcanite reaper
From what I heard most fellow RP gentlemen are planning to roll on RPPVP servers.
It's really funny seeing those posts after spending all day levelling with my sister in vanilla and having a ton of fun.
They should go the extra mile and set up servers for every expansion. There are plenty of private servers that host realms for multiple points in WoW's history, Blizzard should be no different.
I am by no means saying I enjoyed every expansion, but there should be the option, and I'd imagine the more recent you get the more easily obtained a backup of the final patch is.
but i won't be able to yell racial epithets on barrens
why bother
some people cant relate to capitalism and company loyalty
>Make 10 free accounts.
>Report for autoban
>Get guild to report for Autoban
>Forced to wait two or three days for Blizz to notice appeal
How are people not going to do this after someone pisses them off enough?
It's going to be dead after a year.
blizzard decides to create new classic-only content after naxx is released
what do you want to see?
>get MoP class balance back
>but it's 5.4 so Kil'Jaeden's Cunny isn't passive
I'd still play it
Never going to happen.
Never ever.
obvious hypothetical question user
It wasn't made an active ability until WoD. 5.4 butchered it, though and only made it affect your filler ability.
Vanilla-like Northrend. (thats also inspired by WC3 northrend)
All the continent.
with crazy fuckhuge labyrinth dungeons, tons of dungeon quests, world bosses, interesting terrain to explore thats not revolving around flying mounts.
>All these tasty tasty cloth dropping mobs to myself
In principle I should be outraged but being able to aoe farm free of competition makes me begrudgingly accept it
release date will be released next year, get ready bois
*shard hops until I find you and gank you again*
>huge azjol nerub blackrock style dungeon
undead warrior, all dead everyday
also orc warlock
also tauren shaman
also troll priest
More quests in the 40-60 zones. Alternatively more side content outside of raiding. What I don't want are huge catchup mechanics like Argus or raids past Naxx. The Classic team probably doesn't even have enough people for entirely new raids or zones anyway and I don't really trust new Blizzard to create large amounts of content.
sadly, a truly master race NElfs are unplayable right now
>Humid, stinking jungle full of horrifying dinosaurs
I'm on the fence with what I should play. I started on the BC launch so never did vanilla. Should I go undead rogue, undead priest(healing) or troll shaman(enhance)?
I just wanna level without wanting to kill myself and still get raid/instance spots.
it wasnt a jungle it was like a swamp with fuckhuge tall trees and tar pits.
You're gonna wanna kill yourself while leveling anyway
If youre willing to heal but you want an endgame of pvp go shaman. Something like 60% of your server will be rogues or classes directly competing with rogues for pve spots and gear. If you want to just healbot pve all your life do priest. Shadowpriest is fun on the bun but changing talents every couple days gets expensive fast
Swamps are peak comfy
Being able to experience WoW during any expansion is unironically a good idea, which means it won't happen.
Rogues aren't actually good at levelling unless I fucked up and should've gone for green mobs only like Warriors do. Early DW is hell because of the miss chance and you keep taking damage from physical attacks because your dodge rating is nothing spectacular and neither is your armour class.
On the upside pick pocketing nets you a significant amount of money and goods, to the point where you can do BRD pickpocket runs for money. Obviously the biggest draw is being able to stealth as it opens a breathtaking amount of options in both PvP and PvE, particularly if you want to immerse yourself in the world and explore or become the thing people scare noobs with with your ganking/stalking runs. Best PvE class for Rogues is human due to spec but WotF is a classic and Forsaken have amazing animations.
Never levelled a priest but I heard it's not too bad. Overall, Shaman seems to be the best choice because you can raid as a desired healer, do well throughout your levelling journey (Ghost Wolf is an amazing boon). It is however not as strong in the DPS department, although Ele Shamans blow people up more than Enh does, while being able to throw decent heals and be tough with mail/shield.
I hope so. Sense of community was always much better on RP servers years ago, back when you could actually spend time in Goldshire without a horde of ERP alts hanging around 24/7.
Mount Hyjal filled out with new quests. It even has a raidportal they could use for a new raid.
Goldshire got its rep very early, regardless, and I doubt itll be any different now.
It was still very different. Back in vanilla/TBC RP servers used to be pure and pristine right up until they got old enough for server transfers to open up, then it'd start going downhill.
The most fun I had on an RP server was unironically MoP launch when all the Pandas were still ignorant tourists to the factions.
Night Elf zones are all extremely comfy. Even Ashenvale, when the pvp dies down.
>literally having thousands of players on screen at the same time all fighting to turn in 1 quest
Dude, it's an MMO launch. It's an event that you almost never get to experience, something to remember and having lots of fun being lost in the chaos.
You sound like the kind of person who complained about MUH NPCs during the pre-WotLK zombie event, whining because you can't do the thing that you are able to do the remaining 50 weeks of the year instead of enjoying a once in a lifetime, ridiculous scale event.
dont level priest it's literally the worst leveling class, all you'll do is wand mobs to death while contemplating your own
Shaman can easily heal dungeons even in enhanc spec and you'll be stomping everything in your path
Rogue is very fun to play, especially on pvp servers, and DPS never have any trouble finding groups in WoW anyway
so basically just don't pick priest if you want to have fun
would anyone here recommend playing on a TBC server like Netherwing?
is it full of Chinks, bots or just shit? also NW is 60% horde what the fuck
At this point Blizz only have this and the WC3 remake to look forward to, they can't delay it.
troll priest
orc warrior
tauren druid
nelf druid
human warrior
dorf priest / paladin
what's it gonna be guys?
My man, nobody else cares about the Hinterlands, which makes it all the more comfy. One of the best zones for sure.
damn i loved that zone
Anyone on Chinkdale before Classic releases?
I wouldn't recommend playing TBC at all.
Search wow classic OST and pick the race corresponding to the first one you hear and get truly nostalgic over.
Undead plague was truly the beginning of the end. It showed the community could still have fun, what with ingenious methods to fuck with people and kill off major NPCs that were supposed to be immune. It also showed just how much of the community was filled with absolute fucking faggots that couldn’t figure out the way to dodge most of the effects was to go out and play the goddamn game, rather than squatting in a city with a thumb up your ass.
Help me decide between Horde and Alliance Yea Forums, which is more fun?
>which is more fun?
Whichever your friends choose
How do you pvp on a pve server? Never played wow
It really depends on the bad type of player you can deal with.
Horde was filled with the edgy kids and tryhards, while alliance was filled with the literal kids and casuals.
I personally found the alliance easier to deal with, since the worst of their lot got filtered out by the time you hit end game.
Two ways; world PvP or Battlegrounds.
In the normal map you have PVP flagged on and off. You can manually turn it on and off via command if you want, if you’re looking for a duel or looking for trouble. You get it forcibly turned on by attacking an enemy flagged with PVP (Be it a guard or player) likewise it will for entering enemy territory, and it will stay on for five minutes after you leave, stop attacking, or turn it off.
Battlegrounds are specific instances where everyone’s permanently flagged and achieve specific objectives.
World PvP on a pve server is usually either organised raids, people meeting and deciding to have a scrap, or some poor bastard forgetting to turn it off and getting wrecked.
>since the worst of their lot got filtered out by the time you hit end game
Yep, entire Alliance
They wouldn't do 2020; it would conflict with the next WoW expansion. Middle of this year is the half way point through the current one and around the time all the people who bought the 1 year play time will have their play times run out.
i have a lvl 70 on nw and its depressing, dont waste your time
Didn't they say they were going to change the debuff slot limit?
Going into oggrimmar was me experiencing what being blind was. Looking only at the ground on my not even 1 gig system. The low settings and lag made the cities seem so large and epic
I was too young to really appreciate and experience the game totally, so I'm really excited to finally get to experience the end-game progression
Apparently they're "fixing" sitting down for reckoning stacks.
>All those people who never played pre-cata will get to experience Vanilla for the first time
Even in 90% of them quit, it's nice to think that some people will have the same experience that I did 14 years ago.
>experience Vanilla for the first time
they already did on private servers you dumb nigger, the only difference between a pserver and classic is that we wont the fear of servers shutting down and corrupt gms
Do you seriously think an even significant amount of people post cata played private servers?
Pre Cata, certainly, and I can accept some might be curious, but there's a good reason it got called the casualclysm.
how else are you going to fill the group? casters don't get jack shit from the emp.
I have to admit I'm pretty jealous of them, it's basically like an entirely new and better world for them to quest in. A lot of zones are completely unrecognisable and 95% of the quests are different. I'm happy they get to experience it as long as they don't try and get Blizzard to change shit about it.
>returning to pre Cataclysm Silithus
>literally on the edge of the world
>Elven Stronghold looks so unnatural in the middle of empty desert
>the desert actually populated by alien insect civilization beneath the ground, dragons among the dunes and strange cultists
Feels fucking awesome m8s
Says who?
I hope the old swiftness potion standby will be just as lucrative
old Darkshore.
So I’ve never played wow and never managed to stick with an mmo past what would probably be a universal lvl 20 (cause I never had a steady group of mmo friends or guild to play with) should I get into classic?
Man I love Darkshore, it has such an intense atmosphere. You can really feel that the corruption spreading from Felwood is slowly seeping into the land, really moody and yet at the same time it has some of the tranquility of the unspoilt night elf zones.
holy shit right in the feels
>I don't like this genre, should I play a game in this genre
well, just thinking about "wow ost" makes me hear The Barrens, and i played Tauren Shaman back then.. guess tauren druid it is. Mulgore, home again.
Was around the time that Obama's propaganda budget ran out, for countering those damn dirty "russian bots" and their influence on (((local, true-blooded grassroots))) politics.
In all likelihood they were funded by that budget.
WoW classic tends to encourage grouping together, if that helps.
Otherwise you should probably avoid it.
They're going to shard the capital cities. So no more capital city raids or Kazzak Does Stormwind.
They're also going to keep the server pop as low as 3k so that even Stranglethorn Vale feels sparse and empty.
They're going to kill their own game purely by being stingy cunts on the server infrastructure.
or you could just play it, have fun and have a life outside of gaming you non-functioning ape
my warlock niggers
>having fun with your hobby
>making new friends
>enjoying life
and that's a waste of time? hmm
>40 year old man posting on Yea Forums
32y old reporting in
I was 18 at vanilla launch
i was 14 at vanilla.
my raid leader and gm wanted me to play more but mom said no, feelsbad but also feelsgood being healer and wanted. actually managed to raid up to naxx (2-3 bosses maybe)
Idiot. The reason those other MMOs never clicked with you is because they weren't WoW.
I was in a top 5 EU guild back in vanilla, got some EU first kills even. Playing warlock was bliss. We only ever brought 2 warlocks so I got geared on set drops in no time and only ever needed t2.
Farming for buff food was a non issue because as a warlock on horde side you were always threat capped anyways so there was no reason to buff your dps.
neat. i was at least in the top 2 horde guild on my also eu server.. but there was like 4 or even more better alliance guilds.
we had a lot more than 2 warlocks as far as i remember. probably a reason why we never got close to clearing naxx
Good. Blizzard already confirmed it would be ruined with shit like sharding and loot swapping. I can't imagine the bullshit they would include in the future, but at least now they'll never get the chance. Fuck them for not delivering on an authentic vanilla experience.
1.12 wouldn't be an authentic vanilla experience no matter what else is wrong with it.
Druid. Rarest class, and every raid wants at least 1.
As for dungeons, you can tank or heal any dungeon in the game, and those roles are always the most sought after.
post yfw hunter loot comes back
Then call me insane because I have 0 fucks given.
Regret is for tranny faggots and those people who keep posting keanu reeves from brave new world.
So will classic be getting any content update like osrs? Going to get stale fast if otherwise.
blackrock depths 2: beyond the sealed gate. battle 20 bosses in this new 4 hour dungeon as you venture deeper in the mountain and discover dwarven secrets
Lightning in a bottle. Ded game.
>blew my load on pservers a couple of years ago and experienced vanilla again so Classic no longer seems that appealing
I guess I can level a different class or something
>Recent Classic threads have me wanting to play some Vanilla server
>Know that Classic will come out in half a year so I don't want to get burnt out by playing private servers
Iktf bro
It´s not coming back bros, it wont be the same just face it and it wont shock you, screencap this
There´s a high chance
Everyone who replies
>Reserve runs
Will unironically run reserve runs.
Huh this guy wants an item I dont care about. Better get pissed off and /w him for 10 minutes while his CHAD group finishes the run then goes again because the piece the pug wanted didnt drop.