Would you create a videogame if it was as simple as writing a book?
Would you create a videogame if it was as simple as writing a book?
also that image is gay
most people don't have the discipline to write a book so i doubt it
Yeah definitely i would create ton of shit if I wasn’t a lazy and stupid brainlet
I really really really like this image
And no, writing a book is hard. Like this guy says, writing a book is about discipline and self reflection as much as creativity, where you cannot make any progress a lot of the time.
Making a game, you can usually find other dumb shit to improve if you have writers block.
Writing a book isn't simple.
>lol yeah it is
Oh I see you've published a few, have you?
That's what I thought.
>writing is ez
Average romance is 40k words, I bet you cant make a decent 5k short story to save your life.
how many of those words are "a" or "the"
its easier to make a good game than write a good book
>a guy sleeping with a 100% female is gay
writing a book is really hard, even writing one whole sentence is fucking
Is said simple, not easy. Plenty of brainlets wrote and published books
Writing a quality book is super hard tho
Plenty of brainlets programmed and made video games, too, just look at all the two-hour indieshit flooding the markets nowadays
>Not having several family members that are writers offering to help in that regard
Shit it's so easy to publish a book now days that many new writers REGRET publishing early works due to how crap they tend to b and having those books hanging around them for the rest of their life.
>tfw no 3.5m tall heavy muscled gf
why life
I see grills on r/samespecies complaing about their height sonetimes. Shoot your shot
Both mediums are equally difficult and require a pretty substantial understanding of both the subject matter and the intended audience in order to be successful.
Aldous Huxley once said that any idiot can see another person for what they are, but it takes someone truly special to be able to see themselves through the eyes of others. I think the people who are capable of seeing themselves from an objective point of view are the ones who are capable of creating artwork that is truly marvelous.
>compromising your vision to make what's acceptable around other people
The best books were made by complete weirdos that needed privacy to truly put what they wanted onto paper.
Let me put it this way:
Creating a charachter is as easy as broadly describing him
Creating gamemechanics is as easy as explaining them
Worlds are created by describing buildings, skylines, terrain, plants references to other fiction or reality, etc
Basicly a magic black box fills in the details for you
Yes I'm already doing it
Anyone have the comic that this image originated from?
Found it on /bant/ a few days ago. Someone poszed the colored image and another filled in the red woman
Which works for those rare weird fucks that actually have something wrong with them that correlates to good writing somehow. But most writers in the "have regretfully works out in public" are just edgy tenagers.
>The best books didn't have editors
Yes but the initial process of writing would be done alone.
It's much easier to write something weird and send it off rather than write it while someone else is in the room.
Who the fuck even writes with other people in the room? Like, how self-disciplined do you have to be to consciously ignore another person and completely focus on your work? I can't write for shit when people are near me.
Writing a (good) book isn't that simple.
Making a game is easier
Books as a medium/artform have the lowest possible barrier of entry. To write a book you need a pen and some paper/a typewriter/a PC. That's all. Which makes the bar of what's good insanely fucking high. Every fuck up in your book is on you, on your talent and your dedication to the job, regardless of everything else. You will be compared to the greatest and there will be no difference in tech/luck/whatever to hide behind. They had the same tools you have. Suck it up and prepare for a beatdown. Being a writer in 21st century requires being absolutely insane, because you have to actively convince yourself to never look back and compare your work to that of your predecessors. Creating a game is technically much harded, but I somehow doubt any game creator has spent years in depression over never even having a chance at being as good as Dostoyevski, despite being pretty fucking good. The weight of the artform is shared by many individuals creating the game, and so are the blame, regret and the feelings of inadequacy.
Programming is easy as fuck to me. Writing a book or making assets on the other hand is impossible for me because I have no creativity.
>shitting out a game is easier
>writing a good book is easy
lmao you know it has more than just writing down words right?
I mean, shitting out anything is easy as fuck. That's why world is full of shit, people want to express themselves, but can't into actual effort.
>never look back and compare your work to that of your predecessors
that's how you write shitty books. if you want to make it you have to be well read
is that Dio?
I think you missed his point, user.
GODDAMNIT why is Ryan Gosling so hot?
I think it's supposed to be that steven universe character
That's not what I meant. You have to be well-read, obviously, but you also have to make a constant conscious effort to not compare your work to the books that have inspired you, to the greatest. Otherwise you'll spend your time agonizing over the fact that you are not as fucking good. Instead of writing. The worst thing is that you can logically understand that you've possibly written things as good or even better than your inspirations, but your own writing will never resonate with you emotionally even half as much as theirs does. This doubt never goes away and fueling it is a road to certain ruin.
I’m gay for the goose
You mean my wife Jasper
Writing a shitty book is simple
Making a shitty game is also simple
Games are the same.