They did it boys. They finally fixed her fucked up face.
For real this time, honest
They did it boys. They finally fixed her fucked up face
Brought to you by the same dude you made the Katherine "Beauty" mod
Who is this "they"? Does this "they" officially work at Capcom? No? Then "they" didn't fix it. If modding could fix everything then why complain about any video game?
shut up nerd. Modders are like wizards, who knows the limits of their power
The original jaw was fine but making the skull less wide is a good edit.
she looks like she's missing her jaw
Literally the same.
They just sucked the fat out of her cheeks a bit.
wow that's fucking bad
Too bad they can't do anything from scratch or else they'd be making nice fresh content that'd make them rich. All they can do is springboard off something someone else made.
Yeah it kind of looks uncanny actually, really off putting.
she looks even more lifeless and awful and these modders should be ashamed of their work
reminder that 90% of modders are furries, trannies, women and liberals.
sounds like your typical computer scientist
that is actually not the mod the OP posted, that is the other face mod that was released earlier today.
The one the OP posted looks like it's actually worse than that one though, honestly. Claire was not animated to have such small lips. She mouthbreathes too much and it just looks uncanny with the small lips and narrow jaw
gay and lowtest
It pisses me off when a guy who can model goes in to improve something but ends up making it worse.
He should have reshaped the face instead of shaving away her jaw, she just looks retarded now.
new jaw looks like treacher collins. you manlets are attracted to more inferior features than your own. narrow nose also looks bad.
No, thats the 90% of diversity hiring in the game industry that will get the boot, when everything will start falling apart.
It looks godawful
There's nothing he could have done really. One guy can't just "fix" something like this just by squeezing and stretching the face. He'd need reference data for the Jordan face scan and shit
waifu fags must die
She looks like an overgrown baby.
Guy who thinks original model looks like shit, I think he made it even worse. You essentially need to remake the model yourself, what he did was shave off her jaw and now it looks even more weird, which makes even worse when you consider the animations and bone rigs.
Claire was not meant to have a pointy narrow jaw. She looks like a giraffe
who in their right mind thinks this is an improvement
Are modders incels?
>They finally fixed her fucked up face
>she looks even more like Zoe from Left4Dead
zombie games is the same
Yes you can dude, it just needed slight adjustments but he shaved her jaw down to almost nothing, it looks bad.
she really doesn't
she still looks like shit so who cares
Women are just plain ugly.
What was so bad about her old face?
I thought she was pretty
her overbite is gross
All these modders have to do to actually "improve" her is:
>remove her eye burning lipstick
>add some shadow on upper part of her irises so she can look less Andromeda
Will the real Claire Redfield please stand up
Soul vs soulless
fucking disgusting
Wtf is everyone smoking? She looks much better now. Shes now more cute and looks like she dropped body fat %.
You can't fix it when the model herself is ugly.
>Not official
Don't care.
if she's ugly then how come she's a model, smart guy?
Lmao shut the fuck up OP. When its a wall of "its shit" for your now 5th thread on this take a fucking hint, its not us, its you.
Fuck this garbage amateur shit.
>gets literally PAID to stand in front of a camera because of how she looks. PAID for it.
lmao ok user.
>models need to be attractive
Haven't seen many models nowadays I take it?
It doesn't look any better than the original, and neither look as good as Jordan.
And she gets literally PAID for same thing and has bigger net worth than Jordan ever will, yet she looks like this. So, what's your point?
Yeah I guess fat and black models are beautiful now
the average model looks like this
I don't get why people think it should be "fixed". That's how the character is supposed to look like
Maybe someday you'll find someone user, don't lose hope.
this one is actually better
Imagine being this much of a virgin but also having bad taste
How did her nose become so upturnt and goblin like in the scan anyway?
Except none of those models are there because they are pretty. They aren't appearing in video games.
I don’t want “someone”, I want a jordan gf!!!
>That's how the character is supposed to look like
not when it's obvious the face scan was faulty and it resulted in a model looking mongoloid
It doesn't look mongoloid to me
All they had to do was fix her nose
why do ironic weebs feel the need to """"""""""fix""""""""" everything? The mod looks like garbage
There are plenty of cute girls out there user, are you sure she's the only one for you?
That's not the point. The point is that good looks aren't everything when it comes to modelling. Your body however, is! Which is why there is plenty of o.k. looking models instead of "drop gorgeous" that is expected upon hearing someone is model.
Speaking of "special" models...
>They aren't appearing in video games.
That doesn't matter as both their fame and pay is bigger than something Joosten or Jordan will earn in their lifetime. Which brings us again to: being attractive isn't all and most important when it comes to modelling.
Note: I'm not saying Jordan isn't attractive, I'm merely stating that one doesn't need to be attractive to model.
Can't wait for Leon's makeover, I never liked his new butt chin
Because she looks retarded
they actually scanned head proportions extremely well, just that she looks goofy sometimes
jaw is not the problem, looks much worse with that mod
"beautiful" my ass
why do modders turn everyone into anime characters
>you'll never gf this
this is also an improvement
I fucking hate weebs sometimes
left >>> shit > right > middle
>anything pretty is anime
Shove off weeb
Modelling agencies care more about your body and height to fit the needed norm for modeling over how pretty your face is.
Now this on the other hand is a great success
>jordan is taller than you
Leon is perfect. We just need his deviant art pinup costume
>beautiful reality
talk about an oxymoron
>fixing means making a character look more like an anime
Her nose is fine.
It's a little wide at the bridge, but Julia Voth Jill has a bigger one and nobody ever says shit about that. If you want to see an actual nose problem, look at Katherine from the DLC.
I think people are just looking for something to blame on why she looks so quirky, because sometimes it's hard to put your finger on it. I think it's the underbite myself, but underbites are feminine on a woman so I don't see it as a problem. Big jaws are a more masculine feature
They gave her extra cheeks and the eyes are obviously disproportionate
Which mod?
Is this modded?
Are they trying to make him look like RE4 Leon?
why can't they just do this
>and black models are beautiful now
Japan sure thinks so at least.
LOL those "prey" eyes vs "predator" eyes
I like autistic goblin Claire
it's fucked up animation rigging mainly, the mouth and cheeks are where its most noticeable but the eyes are also an offender (and humans are naturally very good at noticing when faces look off even if they can't articulate why). plus consistently unfavorable lighting
Because it looks awful.
She actually cute now
she looks much cuter in the game desu
>Any of these
Realism is a meme. No better than 3DPD.
Someone make a fucking bogpill mod.
man if youre gonna do that v-shape anime style face you have to remove the cheeks too, now she just looks like a chinlet
This is actually a different mod:
OP's mod is this one:
>feel legit angry at modders ruining Jordans perfect face
This never happened before, I'm obsessed with her
Fuck, I want beauty claire to rape me
it looks awful, holy shit
Your pic looks like shit though, why should anyone try and replicate that? She looks like Lana del Rey or some shit
>Japan got BLACKED
t. bottom right
here the mod looks actually better, what gives
The eyes are not disproportionate Her face is perfectly symmetrical
I don't notice what you mentioned. Sometimes the eyes look too dull blue of a color and it looks odd to me, and because of her underbite she looks a little funny when she tilts her head down; it makes her cheeks look big and her lips thin and long.
But overall I think it's a good face and very distinct. As others have said, she looks very "girl next door"
>Jordans perfect face
what did he mean by this
Claire A or Leon A for a quick S rank speedrun for the infinite handgun?
>t. seething Nip roasties
Imagine getting WE WUZED by black hapa of all things.
yeah she has 'imperfect' features which make her look more distinctive, but that's not really the cause of the so-called autistic look you see people noticing
man THANKS, that mod really is good, the OP one is bad though.
>Made her jaw even smaller
They can't possibly be this retarded.
All they had to do is make her jaw SLIGHTLY LONGER so her face would look less smashed together into an overbite.
fuck this isn't perfect, but it certainly is an imporvement
She looks disgusted on the original. On the mod she looks angelic.
kek. Just memories of angry nippons and /pol/tards about this makes me hard like it did 4 years ago.
>imagine thinking that those beauty pageants mean anything at all
what a retard
I hate how they made her eyebrows more weird
How do SJW subhumans come to terms with their "realistic" characters being uglier than the model they're based on? Isn't realistic supposed to be realistic? Or is this another case of the "it's actually our word for ugly". Every single fucking facescan abomination is uglier than their model, and they're completely fine with it every single time, because the error works in their favor by making the character uglier.
Ew, mess with Claire as much as you want but don't fuck with Leon's model.
How come always when they make "beautifications" onto characters they make them look more like children?
It looks like shit, stop shilling your shit mod here, weeb virgin
Did you just identify yourself as "seething Nip roastie", user?
Probably extending her jaw fucks up the shape of her whole face and looks terrible. From the side, her chin does not look so recessed from her face; just her jaw is kinda short from her neck.
Because thats absolutely fucking shit??
Far better than the original imo. Honestly, what were the devs thinking? The original model is super cute and very attractive, but they buttered her likeness with shitty face capture technology. Very sad desu
Even moving the jaw foreward a little bit would be an incredible improvement.
>that post
Holy shit...
You actually are seething Nip roastie? Isn't 2chan on another block last I checked? What are you doing on Yea Forums(nel)?
That mod actually makes him more like RE4's Leon, instead of a weird pretty boy with buttchin
They shouldn't be facescanning if they are not animating their face properly. Like Quantum Break.
No, I just told you that you're a retard and that beauty pageants don't mean shit anywhere in the world.
>when weebs are in charge of """"""""beauty""""""""
holy shit it looks bad
She looks like an anime girl now. Is this what Yea Forums considers pretty? Knife chins?
Face capture doesn't make models ugly, just shows their true image without all the makeup and lighting. Most devs are retarded/lazy and take the captured 3d model and port it into the game without tweaking it first.
One, I didn't wrote that post. So quit speaking in (you) there.
Two, you're butthurt about it as if you were either /pol/tard or Jap on 2chan. A.k.a. one being retard is you.
Do you know what 'modding' even stands for?
I finally realised what bothered me. You're right her lipstick is way too distracting and when her lips are apart way too much light illuminates her teeth. Just look in a mirror yourself, with mouth open that little, your teeth won't be glowing that bright, see As for shadow you mean above her yees/upper eyelid and not irises, right?
keep seething and making shit face mods, weeb incel
t. damage control
AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Common, /pol/ and Nips. It's 2019 already. Haven't you got over it by now?
Try replying to me once you've learned some proper english you brainlet.
RE4's Leon always looked like more of a prettyboy to me and those smooth skin textures sure helped that.
>Yea Forumsirgins shitpost about la goblina
>this is 10/10 for some incels here
please Capcom, continue not listening to western weebs. You're doing a great job, if this is what they consider """""""""""""""""""good looking""""""""""""""""""" never listen to them again.
>her yees/upper eyelid and not irises, right
I'm pretty sure he was talking about iris. Giving it shadow would make it look less dead.
Basically what ME:A did when they had case of 'autistic eyes' in order to make them look less autistic, to use it as example since Claire's dead eyes get compared a lot to ME:A case.
where can I get this?!
What the fuck is people's obsession with random fucking characters in the Resident Evil 2 Remake? Jesus Christ
Anyone going to mod it such that it actually looks like Claire? The attempts to fix the face based on a random model or make it appear more like the model are wasted effort imo.
They still haven't got used to facescanned characters
only weeb incel want it """""""""fixed""""""""
I want to line up every degenerate with fucked up taste and perception of reality who is waifuing her and shoot right between the eyes.
>actually looks like Claire
What the fuck does that even mean. She had a different face every time a new game came out
>Fixed her by making look like a tranny
You first, Mr. "that beauty pageants"
It's still in development:
I see what you mean, yes that too would help
This actually kinda looks like re4 leon, esp. the sunken eyes
This but unironically.
>b-b-b-but it's anime now!!!
>real life is anime!!!!!
Is being a RE fan some kind of a mental illness. It's clearly more accurate than it used to be
Claire a cute
fuck off!
Then you do it you nigger.
You could not move it far
Her chin and her whole face straight above it is just very close to her neck
>Removing the freckles
Too fucking far.
Fucking frog. Yeesh
So, a woman.
Reminder Claire loves it. She loves a thumb up her asshole too. What a slut.
I'm in love with Claire!
How ironic, user. Real grammar nazi would never write English in lowercase and use non-existing words such as "brainlet" when berating someone about their grammar.
>weebs in charge of taste
I'm conflicted with this. While the right looks undoubtly closer to the model, I have a weak spot for girls with puffy cheeks.
Focusing on Claire at all is a bit of wasted effort because her face was never hugely defined by nature of her relevance dropping off as the series went on.It's not like fucking up Jill, Chris or Leon. People have come to expect the faces of those to look a certain way because they're defined by the series' later entries.
It's like that black cunt winning some bullshit contest in finland I think it was even though the 2nd and 3rd place girls were prettier
Just a bunch of virtue signaling tb h.
>American cover art
Still love her? Still love a slut? Look at her, her pussy is wet.
No, because actual RE fans don't give a shit about this crap
i don't think it was the grammar but the sentence structure but who knows
You meant healthy heterosexual men choosing the superior option out of 2?
While I agree that they fucked up with Claire's face, the mod is fucking shit.
I'd take the original goblina any day.
Might as well post FEEERRRRNS now
>off by 2
can we all agree ada is best?
There are plenty of cute girls but why would they settle far below their league?
this is seriously embarrassing. stick to your 2D same face bullshit, weebs, and stay away from natural beauties
Inhale what?
Only Ada fags would want to change Claire's perfect face.
i have some bad news user
Unfortunately there are some jaded autists who'll use whatever mental gymnastics possible to tell you she sucks and claire is better.
back off
Right one looks gross.
They're both shit.
As far as looks go? Yes. She has 0 competition there.
still ugly
I always said she was the real Claire and not McEwen, as good looking as she is.
You if want to change Claire's face you are
That's basically the limit on what Clairefag's brain operates.
So kinda like american Kirby?
>Why can't they just do this?
Because there is no point in doing that when you actually use face models
v has been infested by neogaf resetera faggots
Have you not seen the fags spamming today?
what do japs think of claire's model?
>Natalie "manjaw" Portman
Next you're telling me that Malin Akerman is beautiful too
The absolute state of this board
>why would they settle below their leauge
They do for the following:
>cheeky cunt guy not afraid to give them shit (banter, not abuse. Learn the difference)
>guy makes them laugh
>guy makes them CUM. WELL.
Or you can simply provide beyond a means where those other things are more important (almost always)
not bad
would have kept the warpaint though
Except she is worse than white
>Because there is no point in doing that when you actually use face models
They used faces of real people in RE6 too but the characters there don't look like shit.
No thanks bro.
>no jordan gf
My feelings exactly.
Holy shit. After this I think they fucked up Clar on purpose
I never liked Ada as character, but seeing how much her beauty triggers goblinafags (both in RE and DMC), makes me lover her for it!
Literally pic-related!
Don't want to be THAT guy but in the pic you posted she looks like a generic rich girl, iin my neighboorhood you can find dozens of girls like this walking in the streets.
holy shit Drawanon did good, not only are the characters less ugly, but it's also more visually appealing
>Move it so far she gets an under bite
A few mm is all it takes, user.
Me too I only started to really like her in RE2R.
Portman in her prime was a good 10/10.
It wasn't an opinion, they're not even remotely in the same ballpark, both face and body-wise especially.
>This is someone's daughter
for me, its Becca
Rachel should have been the model for Claire
would you care about this game without waifus?
Claire already looks like her model, you dumb incel cucks.
Only problem: she got a Playboy deal. Playboy = well over a million dollars.
You think she'd bother to work for Capcom for dimes?
I hate Claire and obnoxious discord tranny Clairefags
Leon a best
I find DMCtards way more amusing than Clairefags.
I still remember that one retard who called Ada "unrealistic barbie doll", unlike his DMC girls that were scanned of real people. Truly priceless.
Only 4, and I guess 5 if it's supposed to be female, seem necessary. 3 I could live with either, and I don't really see what's wrong with the original faces of 1 & 2.
she looks like an ayylmao on the right
Man, I love that video.
Too bad about the dumb comment section though
McEwen looks fine, Claire looks like if McEwen senior married some fat goblina from Tijuana.
I don't buy any game with ugly characters, not even japanese ones.
how does one become a incel AND a cuck?
seems like a double negative.
You incels need to get your dicks wet
I for one, can't wait until the Resident Evil 2 cinematic mod!
>Portman in her prime was a good 10/10.
Just say in "Léon"
Never forget: this is how incel posters look like irl
All Leons are beautiful. Except for RE2's (and RE6's, but at least he had Matt Mercer's voice to make up for it.)
Literally spraying water on it right now. Nothing happens
Nah, that's how incels look irl.
I don't care about the new RE but someone tell me who that qt model is
fuck 3dpd
>weeb mod
lmao no thanks, it looks awful
ironic weebs need to leave
>weeb taste in women
A weeb mod for a JAPANESE game. Even the japs want none of this weebshit design. Incels gon incel.
>>They do for the following:
>>Or you can simply provide beyond a means where those other things are more important (almost always)
Elaborate way of spelling money
I don't want a golddigging whore. You're better off buying some eggs, a surrogate and a nanny.
That way you can still somewhat have a family and continue to fuck whores without worrying to lose all your shit
Claire is love
Claire is life
I think it is about time we call this kind of mod "de-goblin"
So sad see goblin 56% becoming standard but thankfully mods are doing their job
You just slam epic buzzwords one on top of another and it's done.
I'm an incel and think Claire looks great.
Go back to plebbit you obnoxious normie fuck.
Your mod is shit, Capcom is right not listening to you western weeb incels. You're awful taste being ignored is saving Capcom.
>yo just slap on a horse face with low estrogen
I prefer feminine women because I'm not faggot.
You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen
They're volcels. Incels are just men who are bitter that women don't put out more and complain about it on the internet, voluntary celibates are men who have abandoned their interest in pursuing real women and have found sexual bliss in masturbating to fiction
>"most guys go for the full bod look. She is kind of a bumpy stick not a lot of curves" -ramdom fat old woman
>"cute but not beautiful"
>"she looks like a typical oriental girl" - generic whyte wymin
>"i don't think so" - el ogro de las americas
>"she is mediocre" - my mom if she was a methhead
>"atractive but not beautiful"
This screenshot is so fucking gold
the model is a literal mouth breather
>elongate the face and remove the jaw
So this is the power of incels... woah.
your average incel
>casual sex
> good
found the boy raised with liberal jewish standards
Ada Chin-Chong is incel weeb bait that looks like shitty barbie doll, while pic-related is obviously superior choice.
You're weeb, incel, cuck and a fag if you claim otherwise.
>your mod
Clairefags are this delusional
>this is a mans possession not her own person
Do you see why they call you incel user? So what? Your someones son too.
>somebody finally says it
Thank you
>b....but muh goblina! g....gonna fix her w....with a mod!
>anti-weeb posters are redditors
can't make this shit up.
why does he look like the jewest of jews?
I agree with this onions boy beta cuck. Don't @ me.
holy shit
When are they making fully modelled lickers for fucks sake the devs did half the work already
Ah, Terry :3
>Your someones son too.
Probably not. Any father with sense would disown an incel weeb son.
Only replying to you because it's good manners.
incel incel incel xDDD
fuck off
>Carlos Redfield
You're being ironic about it, but sadly, DMCfags aren't. They unironically fap to that creature.
no, I love Japan and I watch anime, I just hate weebs. I hate the fact that they NEED to see everything looking like an anime otherwise they don't like it.
Weebs are cancer.
it's just the same faggot or collective of retards who parrot the "jaw is shaved" meme.
I can't believe Im not the only one that thinks that
so if you like your women to look like women you're a weeb or incel?
Is incel the next onions?
I feel bad for them, at least RE2 got one sexy female character. DMC fags have nothing.
discord trannies amigo, ignore them.
What does he look like now?
No. But if you demand women look like perfect anime dolls ALL THE TIME WITHOUT EXCEPTION and get genuinely upset when they don't you are a weeb or incel.
Incels are very real. You see those waifufag and visual novel threads that constantly shit up the place? Incels. The threads complaining about character design or animu tiddy censorship? Incels.
Damn I want to become a weeb and live in anime now
>they NEED to see everything looking like an anime otherwise they don't like it
fake news, go back.
damn i forgot about him
yes Yea Forums is just Tumblr lite these days
I honestly want to know how did this "incel" buzzword even start? It's so stupid.
I recall like seeing it once last year by some angry tranny on twitter and next I know Yea Forums starts using this cancer unironically too.
So yes in other words. It is the new favorite Yea Forums insult of the quarter.
For same reason why we're 4channel now instead of Yea Forums.
Basedboys aren't an actual thing, but incels are.
shut up, you cuck
I think she's cute. You guys are just faggots
Flavor of the month buzzword
imagine how tight her little asshole is.
i'm not even joking, stop what you're doing, look at these pics and imagine yourself pinning her down and screwing your dick right in her shitter.
i bet she'd hate it which only makes it better
God I love how much "incel" makes you people seethe. Any other buzzword will be brushed off, but call someone an incel and they break down.
I'm a fan of anime chicks and I don't think the mod is even close to being that stylized. Plus there is no harm in people making mods for their preference. I would hardly call that demanding that all women look one way.
>soiboys aren't an actual thing
user i...
Better to be a cuck than an incel, incel. Go cry about animu tiddies being censored some more, and perhaps mod barbie dolls into vidya.
I know there's a r*ddit forum for people that call themselves incels, but I don't know if that's where it comes from. Either way the characters in RE2 and DMC5 look fine to me.
Just the newfag posters trying to assert their dominance by being contrarian to the older board culture.
it's more that using buzzwords from reddit is cancer than someone being personally offended by them.
I'm married, I just wanted a reaction out of you because you seem retarded. I was right.
What though? She isn't there to be her father's little doll. You cannot own her forever, she's 18. Why do so many men want to just control shit all the time? That anons first response was "a man wont like what his property is doing" probably without even realising it. Im so glad im not a girl.
Google it, retard.
For me it just feels the most "toxic, offending" sounding. I barely react to virgin, faggot, inbred subhuman retard, nigger, you name it. But incel is just effective. It's like combining both mad and virgin in 1 word.
>I-I'm n-not a soiboi...that's not a thing! F-fucking incels!
There you have it.
stop replying to these retarded buzzword posters already god damn
lads what are you doing
I think she would probably cry from the pain and im not into that.
You can't marry a fictional character, dumb incel waifufag.
im an ada fag and even id rather have vanilla claire
You know she's an attractive female model right? She probably gets her ass used by Chad's and Tyrone's once every three days.
it makes me sad that there are people who play stalker are actively using buzzwords like incel
>styalizing the face
get bent faggot.
Being a soiboi is better than being an incel. Now go jerk it to some r34 and make another waifu thread.
>I honestly want to know how did this "incel" buzzword even start?
Reddit wants to turn Yea Forums into Yea Forumseddit.
Incel didn't originate on reddit, dumbass. It's funny how many people here go of their way to trigger other people, but once it backfires on them and they become the target they start crying about how it's bad. Pathetic.
>Better to be a cuck than an incel
But can you mod out her terrible personality?
cuck incel onions
who the fuck cares lmao
People who play STALKER are chads who aren't afraid of calling beta incels out for what they are. Maybe weeb dating sims are more your style.
they're both equally terrible. they're both different sides of the same coin.
To be fair people don't actually get angry at the insult itself, it's basically just another way of writing "u man bro?" or "no u", you get angry at the fact that you wasted your time arguing with an underage a meme spouting faggot, and the fact that he's making you so mad despite being retarded because you kinda want to get through to him. Same was when someone writes "cuck" or "reddit" or another generic favorite insult.
>Incel didn't originate on reddit
When did i remotely imply that? Learn to read retard.
Also using incel as a buzzword is absolutely reddit behavior.
remember when we just called each other faggots
Ah. Now it really does become clear why someone would spam incel so much.
>People who play STALKER are chads
You know actual chads play Fifa and shit right?
Imagine caring so much about a computer face that you mod it when 95% of the gameplay is done without even seeing the character's face.
>Being a soiboi is better than being an incel
>Better to be a cuck than an incel
>dying from anal cancer is better than dying from lung cancer
imagine being (You).
It's the new script of the npc
Leon wouldn't approve of this.
>incel(teras) are cuck fetishists
Truly a surprise.
95% of my gameplay consist of looking at her face.
Dating sims are boring af. I just think buzzwords like chad and incel are lazy and only reveal a persons lack of intelligence. Also "chads" aren't people who get admittedly get defensive over video game models being discussed on image boards. It just sucks when you realize how normalized a community gets over the years.
There's a version that keeps it.
Original Claire is cuter than any of those mods.
Everybody who thinks otherwise is a closet granny fucker.
They are trying to shame you into marrying ugly mutts or damaged roasties in real life, those that nobody wants resulting in plummeting birthrates.
Can discord trannies fuck off with their triangle faces?
>It just sucks when you realize how normalized a community gets over the years
Incels remain incels, non-incels move on with their lives. Incels remain salty and miserable and REEEEEEEE at everything, hence why the incels find it necessary to change Claire.
Modded Claire has some serious horseface going on
user,stop thinking about black dick 24/7.
I bet you have no problems with somalians being featured in "the first swede".
>ctrl + f
>62 matches
The people have spoken. Only incels want to change Claire's face.
Ahaha. nu-Yea Forums is beautiful indeed.
More like the trannies have spoken.
Y'all fucking hate texans huh? Why?
Incel = hahah i bet you can't even get laid.
aka a dumb hole argument/insult
Actually, no. In numerical terms being an incel is a 0, being a cuck is a -1. Now fucking die.
>if you mod characters in video games you're a incel
flawless logic
>one retard spamming incel for (You)s
>the people
Soibois aren't cucks. Soibois are incels who aren't seething.
Indeed. Now let the incels continue spending time on their incel website as you fuck off back to Facebook and twitter where you belong.
Here's Claire for you
>Better to be a cuck
I hope you're a woman who's writing this dumb shit. Otherwise, chop your dick off and stop embarrassing your gender.
Wrong, soiboy and cuck are interchangeable. You're accepting factually negative things with a smile on your face.
Texans are the Australians of America.
>soiboys aren't cucks
Not quite.
Claire has a bit more lucious lips.
how about women try to take care of their health for once?
Okay. I'm hard as diamonds now.
Please post more of her.
Right looks better. I'm not sure why everyone is bashing it. Round faces are a prototypical unattractive trait.
>hey guys clarie's face is fixed
this thread in a nutshell
I hope Leon is having a great day!
RE2make Leon is now peak Leon
Google "Kindchenschema".
You might learn a thing or two.
Ayyy lmao
Only an incel waifufag beta cuck would call Claire a goblin and want her face model modded.
This is unironically least retarded post on this thread.
go and overlay the modded version of the face over the real one in photoshop and you'll see that it's closer to the actual face than the original version
you probably could of fit about two or three more buzzwords into that post. 0/10 low effort bait.
And only a cuck would accept a mexican character where once was an anglosaxon.
It's called Neoteny, germcuck.
incel weeb waifufag soiboi beta cuck*
>Clairecucks have to resort to mods to make her look attractive
This. Her lipstick looks way too off.
The old one looks more autistic, which is better.
anti-anime posters outting themselves as redditors once again.
Leon looks good as is, If they ever remake 4 for some reason I'd have him look how he does in here though since it make him look older.
>implying every person who watches anime is a waifufag
All waifufags are incels, though.
Sadly, this.
Left looks a fuckton like her.
>all this rage
why are people seething so much at this mod?
oh sorry
>ironic weebs outting themselves as redditors once again
>this person does not exist
It's called Kindchenschema, Untermensch.
Not everyone who watches anime is a weeb. All waifufags are weebs and incels, though.
I wish the mods would do something about this off topic buzzword shit
I already know they won't.
why was this deleted? is tranny janny on the loose again?
She looks like her 15 year old version of herself, when she was photo-scanned. She must have had a lot of babyfat framing her face. She looks different now.
No, but you are a ironic weeb and obviously don't belong here.
Sag des noch a mal zu mir du gschissana piefke.
>not having a waifu
>not having your gf role play as your waifu
you seem boring
You're just seething and projecting hard because your feelings were hurt. Typical incel.
You guys are such losers, lol.
A face needs some imperfections to be perfect.
>calling out ironic weebs and redditors is projection
>not knowing what projection means
Whatever you say.
Sprich Hochdeutsch oder halt den Rand, Provinzler.
He looks like a fucking ashkenazi jew now
Here's your ugly waifu weebnigger, no Instagram filters, no zoom in.
she looks beautiful.
Using "incel" should be a bannable offence.
Looks like a rectangular box
imagine actually thinking that is a turn off
imagine thinking i wouldn't eat her ass out
>this is 10/10 in canada
He's deleting any post with the word tranny in it, saw about 30 posts get purged in another thread including one of mine
Mods handed out a fat 48 hr ban for it too, even though I wasnt responding to anybody
Yea Forums mods have always been sjw garbage but god damn, the absolute state of this board
Gerne, spreng dich weg du dreckiger Hurensohn.
Ihr Deutschen Untermenschen gehört alle ins Gas.
when is IRL clair going to do porn?
anybody know any look-alikes who do do porn?
Again looks like a generic rich pretty girl, but not ugly in the slightest.
Thank fuck claires only based on her.
>not knowing what projection means
Brainlet confirmed. Not a good combination, incel.
I don't like this trend of Capcom scanning real life people to use as models for characters that already had previously established looks. RE2make takes place in an alternate universe in my mind because Leon doesn't look like Leon and Claire doesn't look like Claire outside of the basic hairstyles and clothes.
Maybe for a cheap crackwhore
Looks like a cute passing trap.
>no hips
>no tits
>no ass
>no waist
>just a plank
Literal fridge mode
Clairefags will damage control though
it's sad af
She looks nice, skinny/athletic with small tits is the best body type for a woman.
>RE2 got one sexy female character.
Claire is beautiful indeed.
>imagine thinking i wouldn't eat her ass out
What ass?
Speak English if you can't even speak proper German, Pozzhahn.
You're complaining when this ot thread was still allowed to take place? Yikes.
where do you live that crackwhores look like that? I might start cooking crack right now.
defend this clairefags
You never seen athletic body right? She doesn't even have abs, which are the easiest muscles for women to gain.
Hol' up, she's not getting riced, right?
if she was your gf who told you she loved you every day would you then say "duh she's not PERFECT"
You are gay lmao
I want to lick her all over, especially her asshole
Are you having a stroke redditor-kun?
I see no problem here. What exactly am I missing?
I'm honestly curious why did Crapcom give her that disgusting overbite? For what purpose?
>threads about mods for video games shouldn't be allowed
Great he ruined her head to shoulder ratio. Now she looks like a tranny
Und ihr Blutsverräter gehört gehängt.
You, we don't know. Her: ass, hips and tits.
>in before pic with skewed perspective where it looks like she's got some ass.
i'd fuck her desu senpai
quads of good taste
absolutely based. the things i'd do to her asshole.......
Ignoring the cuck incel flamewar only proves my point.
I like girls with small tits, though. The only ''problem'' are her tiny legs, but again, not a bonerkiller for me.
She doesn't have full on abs but she is toned
who fucking cares, nerd
nah, but it should get a wordfltered.
You fags never went to a fashion week in your life? most models are like this pretty face, no ass, tall , thin, almost no hips and no tits.
>Incels believe forced sex is fun
You're an actual faggot weeaboo virgin, never forget that.
You will never ever have forced sex and if you do, you'll realize it's not that fun.
>arschverletzter bernd kann a bissal spaß net aushalten
Krautchan is ums eck.
Now you understand why Leon has yellow fever
That's how you anyone looks like with low body fat. That doesn't mean that she is active.
>You fags never went to a fashion week in your life?
Where the hell do you think you are?
>most models are like this pretty face, no ass, tall , thin, almost no hips and no tits.
What's your point?
>doesn't know what ripped means
>Und ihr Blutsverräter gehört gehängt.
Imagine being this butthurt, mein sides.
Why are cute girls assholes so appealing?
When did I become such a degenerate?
>people shit post in threads therefor threads shouldn't exist
Du antwortest einem Imitator.
Bist wohl neu hier?
Und Krautchan ist selbst mir zu autistisch.
>being that autistic
>Uhhhhhhhh, I'll take the girl with no tits ,ass and absolutely non existent hips (do I even know what hips are???) please !
>Are you sure? She's literally not even worth being a female, she has absolutely no traits that would make her a good female for breeding
>Yep! Give me the plank !
Minimum requirement to be featured in a videogame:
Any less, they should never be casted.
>cucks believe women don't have rape fetishes
who is this semitic boya?
>honest to god trap faggot seething over other people not lusting over cock like he does
>can't make jokes properly
>calls others autistic
Yeah, it called good taste, I bet you fuck fatties
it looks like people here don't even know what models look like, they are essentialy suposed to be walking hangers, thats why most of them don't have any curves.
my point is why the hell are you people acting surprised when finding out that she has no body?
I din't make the image mate, I just needed something to post
begone discord tranny nigger faggot
>Trannies out themselves by knowing the image
Absolutely like clockwork, no wonder you guys like her, she's built like a fucking male. Imagine being baited out THIS hard.
>This upsets the virgin because his mind can't comprehend that forced sex, isn't fun.
I'm really glad I'm not you.
>this is what the average incel accuser looks like
makes a lot sense
I love how mad this is making people, they hate when you make ugly bitches look good.
Report when thread goes, post it on steam forums too. Lovely.
>filename is literally called "Good looking traps don't exi-.jpg"
based brainlet
>He reads filenames
the absolute STATE
>the fucking filename is "good looking traps don't exis-"
>hahhaha you faggots know the image therefore you are trannies not me who literally saved images of naked trannies
>flat = male
It's all so tiring.
rape fetishes aren't real rape, you realize that right? jesus you're a real retard. I bet you're a kissless virgin too.
>has the worst fetish
>doesn't know the overwhelming majority of woman have rape fetish
What a way to out yourself as in the words of you redditors "incel"
>Never cared for anal related stuff
>All of this talk about licking real life clairs asshole is turning me on though
Uh oh...
It doesn't even make sense desu
Why get mad over something like that
Mods ruin everything about a game and its integrity
Mods about turning people "prettier" are made and praised by ugly incels
You're missing the point, in no point did the original person I was replying to say it was a rape fetish, he claimed he'd force it in her ass and enjoy it the more it hurt her, that's not a rape fetish, that's an incel retardation/anime has rot my brain too much fetish.
I have no idea why any of you are actually defending him and I at least hope, ONE of you is the original poster.
Now get your incel shit the fuck away from me.
LOL!!!!!! Imagine posting this but unironically
they think it encourages women to get plastic surgery
stop shitting up the board
I'm curious... Why did soiboi got banned while "incel" is still running amok?
actual incel, seething at the word.
another incel, seething at the word.
you can achive the same meaning without using soilent reddit terminology, nigger.
You're missing my my thicc bulging point up your ass. Now bend over a let me rape you nigger.
>in no point did the original person I was replying to say it was a rape fetish
>wanting to rape raping other people isn't rape fetish
Imagine being this "person".
You've been demolished, case closed.