Your favorite developer from childhood is now a shell of its former self

>Your favorite developer from childhood is now a shell of its former self

Blizzard is peddling mobile shit
Valve just released the biggest flop in history
IS is making waifu gatchashit instead of Advance Wars
EA is putting lootboxes in everything
Bioware is garbage
ArenaNet is garbage
Bungie is garbage
Naughty Dog is making the same walking simulator over again
Nintendo phoned in their last Yoshi game
Bethesda is garbage

>Valve just released the biggest flop in history
thats either Lawbreakers or battleborn

>Nintendo phoned in their last Yoshi game
>this makes Nintendo a shell of its former self


>Naughty Dog is making the same walking simulator over again
>shell of former self
Pick one you fucking idiot.

>biggest flop in history
its a flop but not in history
they're retarded releasing a card game that you PAY for on top of the cards which also have to be bought

cant go wrong with Tt games best company woo hoo

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how am i the retard, did you start gaming yesterday? did you see how hard Lawbreakers and Battleborn flopped in comparison to Artifact?

To be honest it was super easy to make profit in Artifact. I bought it, made back the price of the game from the packs that come with the game. Then I got bored of the game in like 3 days, but at least I didn't lose money.

It had some pretty good ideas, like the whole system of buying gear from the shop to equip your heroes was awesome, but holy fucking shit the RNG. Too much RNG, not enough decisionmaking.

of course, since Artifact had ten time the budget and died even faster than any of those.

Blizzard games are still wicked awesome tho.

I honestly just added that one so Sony fans wouldn't start REEEEEEing

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it's true. posting a picture of a cat doesn't disprove the fact that Blizzard still is the golden goose of gaming.

Their last good game was WoW. Everything after that was a huge disappointment. Starcraft Broodwar was GOAT and Starcraft 2 just sucked ass in comparison. Diablo 3 sucked. Hearthstone was OK for a mobile game, but that's it. Overwatch was only fun for a weekend. Heroes of the Storm was a huge flop. What's next in the pipeline? Mobile Diablo?

what was the last good thing blizzard did? bfa is arguably the worst expansion, sc2 and d3 haven't gotten real content in years, overwatch keeps sinking with each new hero and has anyone given a shit about hearthstone since naxx?

>ten times the budget
Valve does not "do" marketing compared to Battleborn spamming all my local game shops with ads, so where is that budget gone to?

Excuse me, but Artifact will be the Half Life 2 of videogames, just wait until the next patch

Turns out hiring all those idea guys who grew up on vidya was not a good idea.
Them and the people who went to college to study videogame design.

Overwatch is good. WoW is great even after the rough launch. Most of the problems in bfa have been fixed.

Konami was my favorite.


Devs go to shit because they need money and nobody buys their games. But growing up plays a big aspect of disinterest and disillusionment with said developer as well, this is prominent in World of Warcraft especially. A lot of people think that Classic will recapture that novelty and sense of mood and experience just like before but at the best it will just be a pale imitation. Best thing you can do is move on.

Everyone employed in this industry needs a union, it's completely fucked how Andrew and Bobby can get eight digit bonuses while they layoff hundreds of people.