Female Protags Don't Help Your Game


>Speaking with VG247, BioWare's David Silverman says that 18% "of everyone who plays Mass Effect" uses the female version of Commander Shepard. So, a little under one in five.

Reminder that 82% of gamers played Male Shepard - if you're part of that 18% that played FemShep, you're a numale or a homo. Why don't devs understand this?

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More options is never bad

18% is the difference between a flop and a mega hit retard

I don't think that tweet was anything unreasonable honestly. She just says she had hard time connecting with the movie similar to how a male would probably have a hard time connecting with an all female movie.

>Why don't devs understand this?
Fuck off, devs can do whatever they want to and if you can't appreciate playing as a cute girl with a nice butt that can get grabbed and biteraped by zombies then you're a pleb with no taste

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games should only cater to men!!!!!!!!' get back in the kitchen ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last mass effect game i played (2) I made a male shep and created a harem of the female characters and put them all in the sexiest oitfit in the game.
It was really cool.

how would they know what i choose in mass effect? ARE THEY FUCKING SPYING ON ME? This can't be happening. I know for a fact that I was playing offline that game over a decade ago. I blocked it from accessing anything internet. how the fuck??? did they install some sort of additional virus/spyware? if so can I sue them after all this time?

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And yes, it's the same guy behind it all. Pic related. Every thread, regardless of topic. There's more, even from 2016/2017. Just look at these.

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All games should have gender options or character creation. Change my mind.

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To be fair, Clair and Kassandra are both ugly as shit, I'd have preferred to play as Leon and Alexios over them as well.

How stupid do you have to be to not be able to relate to someone just because they're a different sex?

it's even more sad that you looked it up 2bh

Male audiences did make games like Tomb Raider, Unreal and No One Lives Forever successful though. No matter the loud modern gamers screeching about women, it feels like men in general have less issues with female protagonists than women have with male protagonists.

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This has been a known fact in the gaming industry for a long long time, but not doing it only creates bad publicity in our weird times where you're forced to destroy your vision for the sake of not making enemies with the spoiled youth who assume everything needs to be made with them in mind.

The odds are actually worse for ME1. It was 90% Male shep, 10% femshep. ME3 was that 82% maleshep 18% femshep. So AC:Odyssey has increased the trend at 66% male 33% female but it still speaks to how vanishingly marginal it is.

If you removed the people playing it because of their waifu addiction it'd probably drop to 6%.

Your sample size is bad and you should feel bad
Male is the default choice, influencing the decision
Target audience is quite young bro-types. Obviously they preferably pick the male one.
If you put some anime shit in there for waifufags, would you be surprised that almost everyone picks the female? There's lots of influencing factors into what people pick.
Hell, for RE2 you can even factor in the decision who they want to play as for the B story.

Also bait post. fuck off.

Can you relate to something like girls from Sex In The City? How do you think a civilian female can relate to a situation like all male cast in world war 2?

I played as the girl in resident evil 5
The one that's in Africa

About halfway through, I realized that it's better to play as the guy since then you get to look at the girl's model from all angles insead of a fixed position from the back

Assy Creed makes the chick a default choice and she still loses, and your counter reasoning is fucking pathetic "bro types"? Fuck off.

>How do you think a civilian female can relate to a situation like all male cast in world war 2?
Because their brothers/fathers/other male family members would've been going through it. It's called empathy

>Can you relate to something like girls from Sex In The City?

I love how the best example of an all female thing to counter an all male thing (fucking World War 2) is goddamn Sex in the City - the absolute state of our society

Can you relate to a female giving birth despite the fact that your mother definitely went through with it? You can still have empathy towards something you can't relate to.

Okay bud have fun watching sex in the city

It creates a barrier to character development by having the world treat the protagonist with an impersonal perspective due to the fact that the interactions are structured for any character instead of an actual character in the world. It can be argued that some RPG's would cater to this concept, but "all games" should absolutely not give you primary choice of who you're playing.

Western developers keep forgetting that you have to make them attractive too

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Even women only watch that shit ironically, can you really not think of a more appropriate comparison or are you completely braindead?

I've been obese and hit in the nuts, same thing

>79% of RE2 players chose Leon
No shit. The dude's arguably the series' protagonist. Claire's been in 2 games besides 2 and they've both been okay

What do you gain by posting this thread over and over?

Don't you know game devs and publishers browse 4channel?

But it's fucking true? There are all things that factor in:
>Default choice
>Type of game
>Target Audience
And probably more. Like I said, in RE2 you don't even know how many people started with leon because they wanted claire for B which is more challenging than A.
And clearly assassins creed is targeted at a more younger, more dudebro demographic that is inherently more likely to pick a male character. Why else would you think the pick rate for male is so high? Because everyone is thinking "lol dudes are better"? Nah. Because fucking demographics man.
That's why Netflix got in trouble. Because their algorithm recognized black people, and changed their preview pictures to the black people in movies even if that black person was only in the movie for 20 seconds or less.
Shit's strong yo.

And like I said, if you have some weeb animu game for instance, chances are suddenly female picks go trough the roof. Or MMOs also have a healthy amount of people picking female characters.

But by all means, look at only a handful of examples and go "I guess nobody plays female" while just a bit to the side you see tons of people picking female characters.

I'm a conservative and I'm really struggling to see anything remotely wrong with that tweet? It's harder to imagine yourself in WW2 as a soldier if you're a woman because there were barely any, if a movie was made where comfort women got all of the focus I think it would also be harder, but not impossible, for men to connect with their struggle.

>Posts dyke in image
>Dyke opinion

i would be annoyed if kunkirk wasnt a fucking boring shit.

At first I thought she was going to say that she couldn't connect with the characters, because Dunkirk had a non-traditional narrative where we didn't even know the names of some characters. Which would of made since. Then she went full retard. Seriously though, if you can't relate with characters from media because they don't look like you, then you might be a brainlet. When I saw Moonlight, I connected with the protagonist, because he and I shared similar life experiences with our mothers and he was a introvert. It didn't matter that he was black and gay, that didn't define him as a person. This person somehow managed to even be worse then that though. Refusing to connect with a movie out of some weird resentment you have towards men, because you think men can't appreciate full women cast is weird, obsessive, and borderline crazy. Did this bitch miss out on how huge of a success Bridesmaids was with general audiences.

fuck you, i love good female protags like old Lara, BloodRayne and Regina.

why americunts are so easily offended?

This. The tweet isn't spiteful or anything it's sort of a ''good movie but I can't relate to it since I'm not a male''

Life is too comfortable for these cunts so they have to manufacture struggle

am i the only one who played Leon first because i could play second run with Claire original skin?

to distract themselves from the diabeetus

if you're part of that 18% that played FemShep, you're a numale or a homo

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>make good female characters
>people like them

Writers and designers don't have a fucking clue though.

Anyway pic related is the ideal way to write a female character, but indeed, it's the ideal way to write ANY character, which is "with redeeming qualities that stand on their own" FIRST and foremost.

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I feel like i saw the exact same thread before

Hang on if she acknowledges that she can't enjoy Dunkirk despite it being well made and historically accurate for the sole reason that it doesn't have any females in it. Then why does she think men are any different and wouldn't have issues connecting to a female cast?
Like she is literally 1 logical step away from realizing the core of the issue, that most gamers are male and the majority of males don't connect to females same as she doesn't connect to males.

>not doing paragon shepard and renegade femshep runs

men will play whatever. women are the ones who are hyper picky.
In WoW men will race change to whatever race or faction is op that expansion. women all absolutely insist on playing a pretty female. it is unbelievably rare to see a girl who is not playing a female dranai or blood elf

I wouldn't be playing Senran Kagura or Neptunia if they had male protags.

>renegade femshep

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devs do understand this op. they just want to recondition and force their social opinions down people's throats. when they fail they cry sexism, but that's how children deal with their problems.

I love a well done female Character who is actually badass, can take a punch, and isn't a bitch in terms of personality.

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sissy boi general

samus and tomb raider disagree. people just dont want to play shit characters that bioware produces non stop

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>games should only cater to trannies like me!

people play male shepard, because they don't want to fuck dudes. if all the girls could be romanced as a girl, nobody would've played the version with worse voice over.
also, if you there is no difference in the game after you choose characters gender, you're absolutely a fag if you choose male.

pic related

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This is an ultra childish opinion desu. Developers should have the freedom to do whatever the fuck they want. I may not like it when devs put obnoxious sjw shit in games but I will always defend artistic freedom over insecure fags who get offended over it.

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jesus christ, disgusting, why would any human have that image saved to their computer


>Female Protags Don't Help Your Game
They do if its good female protags and not quata sjw insert for representation

Damn, right is way better

Yeah, if you write two characters as separate instead of copypasting dialogue across genders. In which case it does hurt the writing.

>that reading comprehension
Where did I post about censoring annoying devs? I didn't. No shit they have the freedom to make whatever they want. That has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. No one is offended, they're the ones who freak when no one buy's their shit games. Nothing I said was incorrect. What a pointless post. Get better taste in women too.

That's because gamers are sexist.

Based, very few games have decent female characters, let alone protags.

>I don't know
What a suprise, she doesn't know what she wants, all the women who screech are the same. Also I'm pretty sure most promos feature males, I almost forgot you could even play female shephard in me and Leon is super popular even among women.

I'm gonna make a game with a Female Protag that isn't SJW pandering. She's just gonna be a hot chick that punches things.

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I hate to break this to you (not really), but the people you claim to defend are the insecure fags.

She just doesn't want to get hate, because what she is implying is retarded.

What is this, fucking kindergarten? You're an adult, you piece of shit. Y'all can't possibly be serious with this shit.

Aren't the majority of RE 'fans' nowadays just people who jumped on the bandwagon with RE4?

Makes sense for them to pick Leon. In addition most people who play RE are probably guys so they would want to play as someone they self-insert with for their first playthrough

or it's just misogyny who fucking cares anyway

>it's ok when women do it

I remember back in TBC days the only confirmed female players i knew were an Undead holy priest and a troll shadow priest, both female character models.

I thought the Undead female model looked great desu, better than the male one. Made a twinked warrior one which was fun.

Women characters can easily be successful if video games would mature as a medium and allow female characters to always be raped and enslaved like how they would be in real life if any of them tried to be the hero in a real life video game story. Any scenario and genre a woman is in would end in her being raped and either killed or enslaved. For men, they just end up dead.

Do what? You're not a child, Jesus fuck. Get your shit together, you fat embarrassment.

What's your point?
you can start threads with the same opener
some of those posts are months apart, it's not even considered spam

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hows your transition going?

And we are free to have an opinion about it

How's your hunt for a tranny going, gayboy? Do you just parrot /pol/ memes all day?
Imagine being this fat and retarded.

And I'm free to have an opinion about your opinion. Never claimed you shouldn't be allowed to say it.

>women are the ones who are hyper picky.
Your example only shows that women prefer to play women characters, but that doesn't mean they're more picky. The vast majority of protagonists are male which is why they prefer to play a female protag when given the chance.
Also women tend to be more comfortable playing games where the only playable character is a male, while men are the ones who get all weird over playing games with only a female protag.

only children get this upset over anonymous posts

Exactly. No one ws arguing about their artistic freedom in the first place.

Reminder that we respect women here on Yea Forums

Add Mass Effect shares to that image

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But making them “attractive” is offensive as it caters to the male gaze and causes stress for women who aren’t “attractive” and are having unreasonable expectations forced on them.

100% of people who play ass effect are a numale or a homo

I chose Leon simply because he's in Resi 4 and Claire isn't. It also might have something to do 1.) with Leon being already selected by default 2.) everyone who played the original played Leon first because he was on disc one.

>having double standards

>protagonist is always an avatar for the player
Can I get a YIKES, please?

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>If you play female you're gay

But I play male characters because I like sexy men.

Truth is, the vast majority of gamers are male. And those males like to self insert, especially if they get to fuck people like in Mass Effect.
It only becomes "muh 50%" when you factor in mobile games and farmville.

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but why do so many gamers play females in mmorpgs?

To all the women in this thread or "sluts" as I like to call them, get out, this board is for men only, and if you don't I'll take away your right to vote again!

Based Gaychad

we actually have gotten less options over the years thanks to feminist, liberals and sjws.
in the past games used to have a pretty good area of interesting, likeable, cute and unique female characters.
nowadays every game needs to have the same boring marie sue strong wimmen who needs no men, she needs to be ugly, dress like a men and have smaller then average breast size. If you want to play as a none feminist proganda character, a woman that actually looks and acts traditional feminine and who isn´t a men hating marie sue in modern games you are out of look. So much for "diverstiy"

>vast majority of videogame players are male

Man I wish I was cute
Girl or boy, just pretty and sweet
Like a doll

>If you want to play as a none feminist proganda character, a woman that actually looks and acts traditional feminine and who isn´t a men hating marie sue in modern games you are out of look.
I assume you mean "out of luck."
And all you have to do is play Japanese games.

They should just have one option for main character, but have you choose which pronouns people use when talking to xir.

this thread again?
goddamn why did I create that pic

this is the kind of justification bioware used to only have a human protag for da2

because you are attracted to facts and logic
which is how I know you are male

not true
the sjw at sony are also forcing japs to censor their games
they probably made claire purposefully ugly so to not offend western feminists

Good point. I even think Witcher series should be able to make your own Geralt, male or female.

don't forget about localization

games should cater to my disabled black tranny autistic girlfreind with a feminine penis.

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Why you even need to ´´relate´´ to a character? i never understood that concept, i just play the fucking game

Import or pirate

By your retard logic, developers shouldn't release PC or PS4/XBO versions of games because the Switch version will sell the best.

but Leon is supposed to be in the B scenario damn it, fucking zoomers playing in the wrong order

if I have to import or pirate games from countries, because certain groups are influencing localization then there isn't a diversity of options anymore. you kind of just proved that other user's point.

no faggot. What about Lara Croft or other female character games? People love that shit if its a good character, but not if its a hamfisted sjw blue yellow haired abomination

diversity of opinions*

The problem with western female protags is that the devs forgot to make them fucking feminine

Try using that logic when Yea Forums is crying about a black female protagonist

Doesn’t make sense to compare the stats between different game franchises. Also, Mass Effect 1 had zero marketing feauring female shepard and the customization options for females were terrible. ME3 had a physical edition with FemShep and much better customization options.

Anyway, MaleShep is the best, fuck everyone

Video games are clearly not for you. Why do you people insist on remaining in this community despite 99% of games not appealing to your narrow standards, then bitch and moan when devs rightfully ignore you?

They said if you want a modern game with a feminine girl who doesn't hate men then you're out of luck.
I never denied that the options are getting more limited, I'm just simply correcting that part. Japan will always be our last bastion for cute girls.

>series protagonist
>hasn’t been in 1


Same. I played Tomb Raider when 3D was the new thing and the game was the shit. I never felt myself as Lara Croft nor in any of those leading female games.

Just give us a good character, a good game and don't make them feel forced.

To be fair in this case making Shepard a feminine girly girl would just be weird.

so you're saying that female protagonists increase sales by 18%

Majority of modern fans have probably never played 1, and they started with 4-7.

Ya but still, i don´t care if it is a black woman unless the bitch is annoying, i played Slime Rancher when it was free and i had no issue playing it despite the protag being pic related because she wasn´t an annoying bitch

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I hate hair dye more than anything desu.

RE2 sold like 5 million copies on the PS1, so yes, more people know Leon

I'd enjoy games a lot more if my partner was my cute wife like Anna in metro. Give me a strong supportive wive in my game, not some random bitchy woman.

not for long. they already fucked up Claire in RE2 and made them give her a man jaw line. lucky it came out for pc so based modders fixed it.

Waifu fags should neck themselves

There's literally nothing wrong with that tweet. She's not saying it sucked or should've been changed on account of being all male or anything. She's reasonably expressing a reasonable view. War's a pretty male experience and at that time almost uniformly male and it's a movie full of men. I can get why a woman might find it a little harder to tune into the characters.

Correct. Now go back to resetera, faggot.

>stealing BoS logo
Man, hope I can get them shut down by Shit-thesda

That's because we also like pleasing things to look at

Clearly 79% of RE2 players are morons who don't realize Claire A-Leon B is canon.

I mean in RE2 remakes case it's choosing between playing a Chad with Yellow Fever or a goblino taking care of another women's daughter.
>inb4 some assblasted Clairecuck starts trying to imply nuClaire is a 10/10
>can't into Dunkirk because its a all/mostly(?) male cast (I never saw it, is it good?)
>Expects men to get into films if it's all female cast

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I masturbate to the dead bodies of female npc's

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Her entire post is her saying she can't appreciate Dunkirk because it's uniformly male but wants men to appreciate films with all female casts though. She's a hypocrite.

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Based. Also I thought you only played as Sheva in co-op.

The hierarchy goes Leon = Chris > Jill > Claire when it comes to protags of multiple games.

You type like a Liberal. You aren't fooling anyone.

I like playing games with a canon (cute) female lead but if I get to choose I usually pick male.

Kassandra is top tier waifu tho

>game has attractive, sexualized and stereotyped male characters
>*cricket noises*
>game has attractive female characters


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Worse, she's a woman.

you're right, threads of fate was a great game

Only 10% of gamers actually beat the games they play, therefore having a good ending does nothing for your game.

kys tranny

>women posting on Yea Forums

why did we let this happen?

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I always pick Jill first in RE1, and always start with Leon in RE2.

ME3 logic


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>if you're part of that 18% that played FemShep, you enjoyed superior voice acting for that specific character
Fixed that for you.

Maybe the worst excuse ever by secret trannies

>I play this 80 hour RPG for the voice acting of a single character that is meant to represent me!

Interesting world you live in, where a Mass Effect playthrough lasts for 80 hour. I must've skipped the manual where it was written that the character MUST represent me, too.

Those games are nothing more than playable "choose your own" adventure books lad. You influence a couple outcomes but there's nothing personal about the experience.

I've never understood why so many people prefer femsheps voice acting. It's just so bland. Don't get me wrong maleshep is also bland as fuck, but femshep just dosn't seem like that big of an improvement.

She puts a lot more energy into the dialogue and particularly after playing male Shep that's something that really jumps at you.

She really dosn't though.

Hard disagree. I like set protagonists.

If you say so.

Girls in my old friend list were always throwing a hissfit over who get to play Zoey...

Where is "posting le funny NPC Wojak xd" on the bingo list?

if you want generic boring storywise protagonist then yes

based and redpilled

>getting mad because people look up the stupid shit you say
>getting mad because people point out that you probably don't read

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>Kassandra is top tier waifu tho


I should I be allowed to complain if things that I used to like are forcefully changed?
should I also not be allowed to complain or fight back when somebody breaks into my house and steal all my stuff?
why do you people insist that only your interest and views should be represented in the media but then wonder when more and more games flop and studios go under?

You outta your fucking minds?

It's a meme. At least with broshep he improves throughout the series. Femshep always sounds bored but Jennifer Hale is also a overrated VA anyway. Compare the two in the post Thessia conversation with Joker. Closet trannies use it as a excuse just like "muh man ass."

But to you that means just make them anime which is a trash opinion.


>Superior voice acting
Lmao, maybe in mass effect 1. By 2 Mark Meer is about equal, and he's outright better in 3. Kys faggot.

Trannies, ironically, sexualize everything and can't imagine themselves as a badass male character

Well wait a second, did you play Leon first or second in the original? I can't remember who was on disc 1, but if it was Leon, wouldn't that also help explain it? Though I doubt the majority playing it now actually played the original, I'd still like to think there's more reasons as to why than just HAHA GENDERS!!!!!

left: goblina
right: puta

Even if that's the case Leon is the first option between the two when you start the remake, so most are going to start with him since he's just the first and might take that to mean he's the one you should start with. Leon is also a much more popular character then Claire due to being in more games and the MC of RE4.

And neither Assy Creed character was the star or in a previous game, so nice try

Which means you aren't really 'relating' to them at all, you just want waifus and fanservice. Granted, just being a black female doesn't guarantee empathy, but I've seen too many good female characters sidelined by Yea Forums because they don't fit their aesthetic standards.

How? She's nothing but supportive and admiring towards Leon. Ada's a bit bitchier, but even she defrosts when Leon helps her.

Waifu addiction is a solid reason to play a fem character.

Also your numbers show a growth trend meaning it could indicate that more females are playing nowadays than back then.

Maybe they just didn't want to play as a manjawed dyke in that and most people who play vidya are male. Plus iirc Alexios was featured pretty prominently in the trailers and such.

I think that last part is the most important factor in his popularity. Leon didn't just star in a very good game in its franchise, he arguably redefined it for the modern age, along with revolutionising third-person shooters and the entire survival-horror genre in general.

Imagine dedicating your life to shitposting

I was never arguing in favor of relating to characters you goddamn nig

>Plus iirc Alexios was featured pretty prominently in the trailers and such.

This excuse is weak and acts like everyone is a retard

If all the Mass Effect trailers featured femshep, I'd still play male shepard because I'm a guy you cuckold.

Why Yea Forums hates women so much?

Yea Forums is the gayest board, op admitted he fuck men wit wigs

Don't most of female gamers pick to play as a dude too?

Does it strike anyone else that it's the people complaining about all this that are the truly sexist ones?

Bottom line, I as a consumer am allowed to enjoy whatever I want, however I want, and it's fine. Why? Because that only effects me.
People ranting like loons because you don't think like they do are borderline nazis, and the actual problem here.

Its funny how society tries to make women interested in male interest

there is a reason why in vidya, girls prefer games like Animal crossing, the sims, nu fire emblem

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In westerners games if I can pick I usually go as the man because it seems like the canon option, if it's a japanese game I pick the boy too because he's usually cute.

I recently binge-watched a Korean series called Skycastle, it was about a bunch of rich house wives obsessed with the success of their children.

I'm male, middle-class, white, unmarried, yet I enjoyed this. Why can't womyn get out of their egocentricity?

>Previous generations forced their kids to do shit they didn't want to do (Sports being the most recent example from our childhood)
>New generation makes the exact same mistake, except is pushing their kids into being more like the opposite gender.

Same fucking mistakes, different generation. Surprising absolutely nobody, because we're that fucking retarded.

choose a girl in jap games, cuz they know how to make women
choose a man in western games, cuz least shitty choice

Sure, most are going to pick Alexios anyway since most playing the game are likely male. The fact he was featured in the trailers would have helped though, since he was shown much more often then that shitty waifu ubishit tried to push and shill on Yea Forums.
>acts like everyone is a retard
>not retarded

>ultra linear shoot fest with no gameplay other than shooting and QTEs
>ultimately the reason we got FFXIII and MGS4 in the form they're in, because all devs realized the above mentioned design style sells with a big name attached
> """""revolutionary"""""white

Next you'll tell !e OoT was revolutionary, because it used a ton of existing ideas, and no game ever directly followed it's lead.

But I thought women loved Nintendo games. Especially Pokemon and Animal Crossing. Nintendo made Isabelle one of their newest mascots to appeal to women.

>revolutionising third-person shooters
and the entire survival-horror genre in general.
No. RE4 was the reason survival horror went to shit for a while.

The world is so cucked
>Western shit AAA has female option, but she's ugly as sin and no one play as her
>Nip game has female option and she's cute as hell, no one play as her anyway because it's (((weebshit))) or (((I'm not a perv)))

No homo.

>no one play as her anyway because it's (((weebshit))) or (((I'm not a perv)))
Even if it is a matter of shame, you don't have to tell anyone and still play with her anyways.

If you don't see OoT's influence over the industry you are just not wanting to see it.

You also seem to miss how a game using preexisting ideas can have a lot of influence from execution alone?

>More than half of Nintendo consumers are 25 or older
>A quarter of Nintendo users are in College
>12 and under, the "main" demographic of Nintendo consoles and games, is barely 2% of all Switch users
You can't make this shit up

If you’re not satisfied with the state of games maybe you should start making your own.

The 12 and under crowd only play mobile games. Nintendo's core fanbase is adults who grew up with the brand. It's no different than 40 year old men who still geek out over Star Wars.

>Nintendo's core fanbase is adults who grew up with the brand
That's obvious, but it would seem Nintendo are the ones that don't want to acknowledge it. Their online infrastructure is still designed around the fact impressionable young children may use it, which results in a 10x worse experience than with Sony's or Microsoft's offering.

She should be able to coonnect with and appreciate the events that unfolded and what those people had to go through. Whether or not they have dicks should be irrelevant.

>Then why does she think men are any different and wouldn't have issues connecting to a female cast?
She thinks men should change to accept everything she (women) likes and she (women) deserve to given everything they want. It's a noxious mix of her narcissism, her projecting that onto all women, and her utter contempt at the feelings of men (who should just get over it).

Lot of media suffers from this, you get guys in suits telling other guys in suits it's more marketable to make Deadpool rated T for teen. When that would just alienate the larger portion of people who don't want to see it watered down, but the suit is saying that it will allowed more teenagers to see it. There's no "oh well we will lose X amount to pander to Y". Halo did it, gears did it, cod did it shit ton of movies have it happen. The even weirder thing is you'd certainly make more money by focusing on an age range of people who can actually buy shit. Small kids obviously play online but that it's easily young adults and adults who are the major percentage of players so it makes no sense. But then again there are still enough retards to suck their cock endlessly, it takes a while for the problems with their decisions. Just look at what's happening to sales on all the large franchises finally from their pandering out of their actual audience.

It's cocksuckers like you I can't play as a one armed titty swordswoman in Sekiro

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if my pretty male friend became a raving cock-craving ass slut then I'd be fine with that. Might even lock that shit down eventually if he's not uncontrollably slutty and unhinged.


Jennifer Hale voices every goddamn tough, female character in gaming. It makes Shepard generic as fuck. Mark Meer IS Shepard.

This is retarded leon is the first choice in the game

Sekiro the new FROM software game in the soulsborne genre set in Medieval Japan has no character creator and forces all players to play as some samurai who lost his arm but gets it replaced with a super versatile prosthetic arm that can turn into weapons.

The chick is the first choice in Assy Creed and she still lost

I like Alexios for full warrior or hunter playthroughs, and I like Kassandra for full Assassin or hunter playthroughs. Hunter is a good middle ground, whereas Alexios feels better as a warrior and Kassandra feels better as an Assassin.

the reticle does hover over her face when the select comes up, I like them for different play styles.

Don't worry. They'll enforce female main characters soon.

Sounds to me like they found people didn't play as women in the Souls games (lol) or maybe they just got lazy and that should tell you this will be a bad game from FROM

as a person who plays games primarily with his gf, having female characters or a female option is something that interests me in a game

It is good for switch owners because that means no time or money is wasted on developing for the systems.

I honestly didn't play females to look pretty. I literally took all the numbers from a good female face and applied them to a male, and it was exactly the female face. Just played as a pretty guy.

This but unironically. What now Resetera fag?

Hardcore gamers, you know, the ones that actually play these games, are primarily men.

It just proves these people no longer view the human condition as universal. "These people aren't women so I can't identify with their suffering" borderline sociopathic

Leon has always been far more popular than Claire, he’s the main protagonist in one of the most famous and beloved games in the franchise. It’s not even slightly surprising that the vast majority of people would choose him first.

Because if you create the character in every game you can't actually play as a character. If you could create the character in say Alan Wake, the game would be objectively worse because Alan Wake himself is a huge part of the story, a part you would be fucking with

Don't women normally choose the male option if they can't customize the female character?

Leon is more popular and people who don't really play RE have a better chance of recognizing him


unironically the only people who play as females in games do so to stare at the character's ass

>Mark Meer IS Shepard.
You sperging out about your preferences on an anonymous image board doesn’t make it true, darling.

>It’s not even slightly surprising that the vast majority of people would choose him first.

disregarding this completely, Leon is presented as the default choice. Of course people are going to choose the option on top.

Your post smells of trannydiscord autism

Why? The thing that OP posted outright confirms that adding a female option does nothing to the overall quality or selling point of the game.

So we dont need them, rather spend those resources to polish the game.

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Played as Claire first on Play Station just so I can have it completed and Leon last so I can enjoy the game more, will probably do the same with Remake 2.

Stop criticism them and let them die.

Every time you tell them what they're doing wrong you're prolonging their well deserved demise.

Fuck you

Still doesn't takes ones ability to complain about the retardation of others.
Ever thought about that?

Why would they want to lose a fifth of their sales by catering entirely to the 80%? Just stick both in and let people choose you fucking loser

>Woman can’t connect to a movie about sacrifice, honor and duty because they’re alien concepts to her. Claims it was because of all male cast.
I didn’t hear of them not being able to connect with Brokeback Mountain or any other Yaoi crap.

this is the dumbest argument that came out of the GG-Shit.

>If you just roll over and let fuck everything up everything will be better
>just stop resisiting
>if you ignore the bullies they will get bored and stop!

This is the ultimate sojmale opinion.

This. When you care about virtue signalling about how many NOT republicans there are in GG, they fucked up.

Unless it's a Japanese game. then it does.
I almost always play male only in western shit because male characters are more often then not more developed character wise since they can't really make it a ''stronk independent wahman'' and call it a day. In Japanese games the women are actual characters and often look good to boot.

They do. They just don't buy them and if they do buy Nintendo they get the handhelds.

Do people not replay games anymore? Mass Effect, KotOR/2, pretty much any RPG will benefit from playing through with different perspectives. Doubly so with the modern +/- alignment bar. Who doesn't change it up each time?

Nobody even knows what fem shep sounds like, even people who played 50 playthroughs as her only can't remember.

Thousand times this.

You should be organizing boycotts instead. Plan massive boycotts of major video game companies.

>playing as a guy when given the choice

are you gay son?

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>non-cute character with a male personality
how could that possibly help your game, specially when you can choose a male counterpart?

Claire barely has any games compared to leon and they literally put alexios on the cover of ac:o, why is that information shocking

I never play Male protags if given the option, never ever, and I'm a cross dressing sissy femboy,

Good one

Kassandra looks so goddamn bland I'm not surprised people prefer Alexios; a sexy man with a body of a demigod.

Picked Chris first because I wanna see Rebecca.
Picked Leon first because I wanna see Ada.
Don't give a shit about AC and ME games.

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Leon and Claire literally the same amount of games
Rev 2

This isn't even counting the Chronicles games that they're both in

in Ubi's case, it's weird that they were shocked that most people chose Alexios when the guy was in all the promotional shit, he's on the case, he's the face of the game so having the other one be the canon hero is nonsense. It's like they wanted to end up shocked with it. She's literally unnecessary not only because she doesn't add anything, but she wasn't even the one they showed in all the early shit for the game.

Those screens are all from the new animated movie? Is Rebecca the only qt in that one?

Looks to me like she's acknowledging her own hypocrisy. At least it's not "COD WWII is erasing the contribution of trannies." And what the fuck is the problem with having "boy movies" and"girl movies" anyway?

>Japanese women
>Actual characters
Fapbait != actual characters

Even ones that are just fapbait are better characters

roast beef detected. How does it feel that a 2d characther like asuka from sk is hotter then you and can kick your ass.


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>And what the fuck is the problem with having "boy movies" and"girl movies" anyway?

They're trying to erase gender and blur the lines, which is why they're push female action hero characters rather than Barbie

I have Crohn’s.

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Do you just knee jerk reject to jewish names, even when they're in your favour? Guess we'll have to support social justice because the jews are against that now.

but real life women are just varying degrees of worse fapbait, you disgusting arby's sandwich

I hate Jennifer Hale's stupid fucking voice eat a dick faggot

America is a western European nation now?

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You say that as if Yea Forums doesnt whine whenever a character is female these days.
It's fucking retarded.

No one cared 20 years ago, but now suddenly everyone gives a fuck if the character isnt black/white/male/female/gay/straight/trans/helicopter just like they are.

I want to fuck Lara!

What a fucking surprise, It's almost like the majority of the player base are males and they play as males because they just want to self insert and be immersed.

it's almost like female characters 20 years ago didn't have two-dozen think pieces written about how powerful and important they were as part of the pre-release marketing

As I said. No one cared 20 years ago.
It was nice if a character happened to look like you, but it wasnt a big deal to anyone.

Now, people are screaming if characters dont represent them, and when people make ones that do, the other side scream that now it doesnt represent *them*.
It's retarded.

once had a kidney stone, which even female doctors say is the the closest equivalent to a male giving birth.

i did claire's route first

she's cute and her va is good
i thought her interactions with sherry were cute too


>knee jerk reject
>most cancerous western developer that was subverted from the top down and bottom up and makes the most cancerous agenda pushing faggotry transvestite mentally ill cancer games is represented by David Silverman

It is sad that /pol/ is always right, and there are kikes on both sides of the USA cancer coin.
Good thing is that USA is losing relevance every year so their stranglehold on this suffering world is weaker and weaker.
Get cancer, kike.

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And the women who bitch about games not having female protagonists don't actually play video games themselves.

>Something unimportant, is unimportant: SHOCKING (Here's why)

>You say that as if Yea Forums doesnt whine whenever a character is female these days.
"""Yea Forums""" complains about literally everything since anyone can come here and vent about whatever retarded shit they want. Trying to isolate some specific complaint is disingenuous.

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Wait... Did the original RE actuslly say Chris was harder than Jill?

>Female Protags Don't Help Your Game
Who said otherwise? Moreover, how does people choosing male over female mean "female protags don't help your game"? The Portal series has you playing as a woman and those are considered some of the best games of all time.

unfortunately Yea Forums is filled with retarded shitposters who will ignore your post to gladly keep flinging shit everywhere
no one cares about shilling as long as they agree with the sentiment