Welcome to the server

welcome to the server

which team do you join?

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Red, how is that even a question?

Red, Me and the guy who wants to kill all minorities have a lot in common

blue because I like pubstomping edgy /pol/keks

and mister lister has something in common with me we both fisted your sister

Team A because they're more likely to be using mics and have teamwork
Busta shots definitely uses one

your brain is too weak to be good a videogames you cuck

Blue for the grill

lol only cucks have sisters

>17 year old boomer on the red team
no thanks

Better go back to your sweatshop ching chong

Only cucks have mothers lol

Red is more balanced so that one

Blue team. It's not even a question
>Dudebro or Edgy teen that at least tries to play the game
>A is fucking excellent at the game, probably changes teams on the regular
>Has a clan tag, so he's probably at least trying to communicate
>Is probably not a girl, but I don't care about that, since I'm not autistic.

In team red we have
>Faggot weebs are bad. Faggot weebs with bad taste are worse
>"Check out how edgy I am"
>Cool dude, shame I can't play with them.

Blue team:
Insanity is making calls and being supportive during flanks
A has no mic but is on his own doing his own thing, hasn't died yet
Busta Shots is freestyling on the mic but will stop if someone asks him to
Cutie Kriztine is streaming and has mic chat turned off

Red Team:
coolkid2002 tries to make calls and listens to orders
Narutofoxboy steals kills from teammates and purely camps with the sniper rifle
Kill all Minorities spams binds when he dies
Mister Lister is in a duel with A but can't get the best of him

red because I hate women

Minus the Naruto kid, the second team sounds based and full of funny guys. Why is this even a question? You're supposed to make it a hard decision


Unironically the best RO2 players I've ever seen. That nigger single-handedly held a staircase against 20 Russians using nothing but a gewehr and ended up saving the Germans from losing the campaign. I would follow him to Hell and back without question.

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A is based and red team are all children. I'll take blue.

I hope you don't debate like you play faggot

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Red would have better bantz

>Mister Lister is in a duel with A but can't get the best of him


blue team. people who meme outside of Yea Forums are never good at video games, ever. when I see stale Yea Forums shit on steam etc I just assume they're some 15 year old twitchfag who's going to talk about identity politics and regurgitate memes the whole time and mute them out of principle. me and A can carry the normie fags on blue


the one without the clan faggot.

Yelling nigger isn't bantz

A seems like a bro

Why do you hate women, user?
Not all women are bad, you know.

A is based as FUCK

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>join blue
>everyone is orbiting the gurl gaymer and don't give a shit about the game

>join red
>kill_all_minoritiies screaming at narutofoxboy to kill himself IRL while misterlister is knifing everyone on the enemy team despite having a gun that's much more effective

>/pol/tard "banter"
>he's literally sperging in chat calling people kikes instead of actually playing

Red team might seem funny at first but after 30 seconds of autistic screeching about killing women it'd get annoying.

Red team are clearly a more interesting group of individuals. the dynamic seems a lot more fun.

To be fair, people on this site seem to think just calling someone a nigger is "good bantz".

>Not picking blue with A on the team
You can tell what kind of names usually exude skill. Red is full of unfunny r*dditoids who spend all game dropping "redpills" and sucking dick at video games.

>ListersSistertheFisterResistor has joined
>everyone stops and watches the duel

Is so.

>He doesn't join the worst team by default to fight the better team and carry his low-skill team to victory
Fucking plebs, this is not how you're supposed to play a game.

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Auto-select. Who actually pays attention to teammates in multiplayer?

red and vote kick coolkid

team a looks like better players but coolkid sounds like he's hacking


red team has more points so that one

how could nigger be good bantz if I'm not even black? that's like calling me fat if I'm skinny or short if I'm tall. i don't give a shit because it clearly doesn't pertain to me. it's not good bantz, it's lazy bantz for 15 year olds who can't come up with good bantz.

>you have to see the female as a potential sexual partner in order to be cucked by them

Yikes Holy shit. Getting a little Midwest in here. Oof.

gregor has entered the server
gregor has started green team

which team do you join?

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>coolkid sounds like he's hacking
What makes you think this

Shut up autist

Would join blue team if A wasn't capitalized

Wait to see which one is worse and choose that one so I can single-handedly carry their asses to victory ending the match in 57/5 KD when the rest of my shitter team goes 3/26 so there's no doubt who exactly made the win happen.

Red team has two players that have over 50 points, so they have more chances to win than with A's solocarry blue team. As a fair player I'd join the blue team.

But user, I'm already part of the red team.

A seems based as fuck. Would join red just to learn against him then pm him to make a team, fuck

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>join blue to get carried by A
>A quits
>not allowed to switch teams until round end


>Wait to see which one is worse
Their scores are already in the pic

Blue, so I can beat the strongest player on the server

>not taking your sister before any other man can
cuck mentality tbqh

that's what I thought dipshit. go back to regurgitating the same stale shit the rest of us got tired of laughing at 10 years ago. roodypoo ass bitch

Join green, steamroll both teams.


Red, has more points, I can't possibly do worse than the zoomer and no clan tags.

Guess that makes you a cuck then

blue with my man A

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>blue has 1 good player, all the others suck
>has a grrl gamrr and an edgy kid
>edgy faggot named A probably just roams solo and never talks because he's so scared of social interaction he chose a name nobody will remember, probably wouldn't chose a name at all if he could

>red has 2 good players
>coolkid2002 is a 17 year old, the optimal age for vidya skill and thus can get really good
>narutofoxboy is probably being ironic since he's pretty decent
>the edgy /pol/fag is the only shitty irredeemable player

Red easily

blue team
>pro who just does there own thing
>wana be rapper probably a wigger
>a tranny
red team
>autistic retard
>12 year old shonen fag or ironic weeb
>edgelord supreme
>omega troll who is actually bretty gud but probably insufferable on voice chat
honestly just leave server and try again

Blue. Red has somebody with 0 pts, which means they are most likely incompetent and will cause more weight on others in the team. I do not want to carry any idiots through any sort of match and rather have shitters who can at least score a bit than not score anything at all.

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Blue, and change my name to something like King Wewuz Dinduniffinz III

is there a 'randomize' option? I really don't care

what if he just joined, that's the only way red could be good