Just beat him on NG+

Just beat him on NG+.
Why was he a “hardest boss” again? I had more trouble with the Kin at the start of the DLC than this nigga. He is easy; stay to his left (your right) and stay close. Works for both phases.

Also, running an Arcane build in NG+, with only 30 health; why are all of the people that complain about him 70+ health on their Strength build? I really don’t get it.

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reminder that when enemy attack patterns don't change with difficulty all that you're proving by playing ng+ is that you can demonstrate your memory of their moveset for longer without slipping up

>Why was he a "hardest boss" again?
Because none of the casuals here went through the chalice dungeons to face loran darkbeast

That’s my point. I don’t understand why any of the bosses in this DLC are referred to as “the hardest. I had more trouble with Mikolash than I did with Lawrence, Maria, or OoK

>going through the chalices regardless

>only 30 vit
soft cap for vit is 25. you should be able to face tank everything with 30

>soft cap for vit is 25
No. Softcap is 50, 25 is merely when diminishing returns start kicking in.

No clue how you didn't have trouble with him. I did it on NG+ also and destroyed everything except him, he took me over 60 tries.

I had more trouble with ludwig but that's because he's so fucking big and he likes to thrash around no matter where you're standing.

Because he's hard. Tons of health and stunlock moves that can OHKO you.
Thing about the DLC bosses is that if you've just made your character like "durrhurr I sawblade and put points into vit and str", then you're going to have a hard time. That works in the main game, for NG at least, and how 90% of the players are going to play. They'll probably also have a +8 weapon or whatever with +10% gems.
If you've actually planned your character for the DLC and NG+, and have a fully upgraded weapon with chalice shit, then yeah it's easier.

Also, some weapons just work better on him? I had originally trouble with him with Ludwig's and pizzaslicer, switched to the axe and it was like a whole different fight. With a later character used dex weapons and visceraled him to death in moments first try, then tried again with another pizzaslicer character and died like 30 times.

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getting both main melee weapon and main gun to +10 and getting some sick +20% gems. I think stamina is a hard cap at 40,

He’s not the most difficult if you’re well lelevelled and equipped. However he’s very hard for low-level runs because he does a lot of damage, moves fast, and had large hit boxes and tends to one shot you.

>Why was he a “hardest boss” again?
It's just a dumb meme, just like "Dark Souls is hard". Somehow Reddit made this meme catch on and people started thinking it was unironic.

Reminder that playing this game on a normal PS4 with a hdd will cause memory leak after a certain time so all bosses you fight have less attacks patterns than they normally have.

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No it doesn't

it does.

Do you understand the word softcap?

No it doesn't you dumb nigger

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pretty sure that only happens with the unpatched version of the game
so you cant do the dlc

I'm pretty sure they patched that but if you're willing to play without patches and with the shit loading times, I guess.

Most people are around level 60 when they face him for the first time. NG+ is considerably easier for OoK, even my base level run had an easier time in NG+ with him because I had double the shit I otherwise would.
But it also just comes down to personal approaches, some people struggle with bosses I can do blindfolded, it is what it is.

>Why was he a “hardest boss” again?
No one who has actually completed the game says that. Come back once you beat defiled doggo.

You don't, apparently.