Courage the Cowardly Dog: Shadows of Nowhere

So I'm of the second Katz enounter, and the motherfucker keeps summoning spiders. I tried summoning Murial, but she's still stuck in the web. I don't even have access to the computer on this mission. WTF do I do?
This game is so fucking unbalanced!

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You have to use the slab, you dumbass.

This show is so fucking overrated.

Why is Yea Forums just filled to the brim with tasteless faggots?



this is you

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Apparently there’s going to be a prequel

How is that going to work? Are Eustace and Muriel going to be young or something? Is Courage going to be a teen?

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You gotta use the electric razor that Fred gives you in an earlier encounter.

Courage is far from overrated, in fact its one of the few cartoons made that deserves the praise it gets.

Gravity Falls? Gravity Falls Flat on its face for being a twink peaks knockoff and then suddenly a mecha anime near the end.

Adventure Time? Filler Time, more like it, lets abuse the blonde boy romantically because thats fun.
Star vs the forces of executive decisions and missed potential.
Steven Jewniverse.
Pokemon Sun and Sun, the two Suns cause everything to melt.

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Fuck off, you fool

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>not doing a pure scream run
Fucking casuals, git gud fag

Courage had a hard life

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>lets abuse the blonde boy romantically because thats fun
>being a shipping fag
seriously why did AT of all shows attract this cancerous filth


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Because they needed some way to keep the ratings boosted to keep it around for as long as they did

Im not even a shipping fag, the fact is the show spent about 20 episodes focusing on or mentioning Finns relationship issues, and its pretty hard to ignore that nothing ever came of it in the finale.
Oh but of course Bubblegum gets pussy, she's the resident waifu

Oh Jake gets to fuck a Unicorn while Bubblegum gets vampire Ass but I mention Finn being left out to dry and suddenly everyone has problems

>Im not even a shipping fag
>Oh but of course Bubblegum gets pussy, she's the resident waifu
You sound way too salty for me to take you seriously. I'll admit they did spend a not-insignificant time on relationship drama, but that was mainly in the beginning and the fact that they dropped it later on was a fucking improvement, not a loss

Courage is appropriately rated

Ed Edd & Eddy however, now that's fucking overrated. Not a bad show, but not the best on CN by a long shot like many on here would expect you to believe

Yeah all they did was replace it with filler so im not sure if the show even knew where it was going until it got there.
The Ice King stuff was good, kinda made me want the focus to be more on him. Finns Mom as an AI was dumb.

Ed Edd & Eddy gets a lot of love due to the movie being pretty damn good and quotable.
Also Sextants

Anyone else find the Freaky Fred boss fight way too easy? I mean I don't think he ever attacks you, he just shaved your fur. Hell Dr Vindaloo sells hair growing tonic, so just stock up and you can't lose.

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>Finns Mom as an AI was dumb
I kind of agree, though due to your other comments I suspect for very different reasons. Mainly I didn't like Islands or Elements because they felt too structured. AT to me was always a show about defying traditional tropes and plot structures, which is why it bewilders/triggers me that so many people were butthurt about the finale not being some kind of epic arc conclusion or something. Like, did we even watch the same show?