When will Todd shut this down?

When will Todd shut this down?
Some modders from plebbit made a multiplayer mod for Skyrim and locked it behind patreon for the "closed beta", which was supposed to be temporary between 1-2 weeks and then It would become available for everyone in for the "open beta"
But a month has past and they're earning 35k dollaridos, and there's no date for the "open beta".

Attached: NO REFUNDS.png (861x360, 172K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They keep callling it close beta even though anybody who pays them in patreon can get in.

>Everyone has free access to the software, but not the servers which the dev team is hosting for testing purposes. This means that the mod is not being "sold" via the $1 Pattern tier, access to the testing server is
Wow, the mental gymnastics of these soys never cease to amaze me

How do I report it to our lord Todd?

Try sending an email to [email protected]

as long as they're only using the open sourced parts, and the underlying game still requires skyrim to play, there's nothing to be done. see: openmw.org/en/

They are clearly monetising the mod and that's not allowed. They are doing mental gymnastics by saying it's free to download the launcher but you have to pay in order to access the not-very-closed-as-long-as-you-pay-anytime-you-want beta

>can't sell mods
sure you can

The mod is free, just not right now.

Not much different that putting loot oxes behind real money paywall or "Riot/blizz points", for example.
Also this mod has been in development for 5 years, only now the closed alpha has been released and next month/april will be for free.

You can sell drugs, but it's not allowed
Reddit defense squad is here!
The key difference is that they own the game, the fat nerds that are making this mod don't

user, people sell mods even without being in the bethesda or steam store. stop being stupid.

After the 76 disaster you think Todd would be quick to shut this down out of spite.

True, but they've been doing this for +4 years without it, and have already stated this will only happen during the first alpha (current one) and its mostly due umit using their own servers for testing.

I imagine at some point dedicated private servers would become a thing, if not and it's still pay2play then bitching would be in demand.

> Someone is earning more money than me, quick shut it down.

Are you retarded? they don't care about some shady nude mmod.But this one uses their IP. They weren't allowed to host it on Steam for a reason. They even got a mail from Bethesda that it's allowed as long as it was FREE, which it isn't the case here since they are getting $35k a month and people have to pay in order to play it. They are prolong this state just like Star Citizen and until they get DMCA'd

theyre basically charging for their own servers.
you can still host your own or join any that other people host.

People have been copystriked for less than this

>you can still host your own
No you can't you stupid mongoloid. They only made public the launcher, not the server files, so it's fucking useless. And $35k a month in server costs? They must've been scammed really badly

>you can still host your own or join any that other people host.
You can't, since they haven't released the server files. They said It'll be released eventually once the mod is properly released.
So right now you can download the launcher from github and must pay $1-$20 to their patreon in order to access to the close beta. Which isn't closed at all since they're allowing anyone who PAYS to get in, inestad of establishing a hard limit, negating the purpose of a proper close beta (allowing a few select people to test and get proper feedback from those few). So they're just raking donations right now.

Fucking copyshit laws man. Some of them are fine but fuck that shit were people get copystriked for shit like similar words in the title while games/movies/whatever are different all together.

Does not mean that those people should have been or these guys should be.

Good thing you are not in charge of making laws

Ah you're one of these American bootlickers who thinks that everything should be forbidden by law.

And you must be their Reddit/discord defense squad.
The only reason they are making 35 grand a month is because they are using the Skyrim IP. Why don't they make their own game? Because they can't, nobody would buy their shit.

not him but
>not giving a fuck about some ((((IP)))) means he's from reddit

> they are making 35 grand a month
Which is more than your yearly pay and it makes you mad. Such a sad cuck you are.

He is waiting so he can reap more money

I thought the mod was free :^)

I don't care for Howard but I REALLY dont care for scumbag modders that lock shit behind a paywall, hope its reported to Bethseda.

He wants it finished before the lawyers swoop in to seize the code base.

>Yea Forums bootlicker central

"Pay-to-play" is specifically defined as a violation of the end user agreement for the game and the CK. Their "technically you aren't paying for the software, just to use it" bullshit doesn't mean a thing.

>Todd will release Skyrim for the nth time with multiplayer mode
>It will still be as buggy as this mod

Attached: d71475df27cab2833df667ee19c74656.jpg (460x339, 25K)

>$35,215 a month
Does it have support for VR and sex mods, asking for a friend...

Going to fuck your friend?

He always wanted to roleplay as a khajiit whore that gets fucked in backalleys for a dose of skooma[/spoilers]

Nope, most SKSE mods don't work, the only exception being SkyUI.

Pretty good, though I would roll as a nord and make him into a dunmer waifu.