MGS > MGS2 > First two missions of MGS4 > MGS3 > The rest of MGS4 > MGSV
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MGS > MGS2 > First two missions of MGS4 > MGS3 > The rest of MGS4 > MGSV
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Nothing is as bad as MGS4, the only good part is the first half of the first mission. Second mission is straight up garbage again.
MGS5 is better than MGS4.
what, the resistance mission of mgs4 was the highlight of a great game.
first half of mgs1 is good
rest is just really halfass shitty fucking action screens that amount to hold square and direction wow epic gameplay
and fucking backtracking
Only sneaky parts of mgs1 are any good rest is bottom tier trash
MGS3 > MGS5 > MGS:PW > MGS1 > MGS2 > MGS4 > MGS PoOps
In terms of gameplay I put the most hours in V and will continue to do so since it just feels the best to play.
I'm okay with this list. In general
>MGS1/2 sneaking > MGS3 and everything afterwards sneaking
>ranking the same game which is part of a long continuing story and features pretty much the same gameplay through all 4 games at least and tells the same story.
It's a good tech demo but the resistance does most of the work for you.
> MGS1
> MGS2
> MGS3
> MGS4
> MGS4
>MGS1 top game
1>5>3>2>4, haven't played PW
swap 2 and 3 and I completely agree.
MGR>everything else
I'm a huge fan of the puzzle-like fast paced stealth from the first games.
It was such a beautiful thing to get out of a tricky situation with quick thinking.
I find the latter games unchallenging and slow. It's no longer a matter of rapid decision making, but rather how much time you're up to waste in order to tranq a few guards and crawl around.
I fear that we will never have this breed of stealth again, as it was purely the result of primitive technology.
>lumping shadow moses in with motorbike hell and the boat
stop that
The tranq gun was a mistake. It already made some rooms in MGS2 easy, but others were so confined that trying to hit anyone carried an innate risk.
Now in MGS3 you could just crouch in some tall grass and whenever a guard notices you just tranq him and keep moving.
incorrect sir. That return to shadow moses witht he ipod track I found playing "the best is yet to come" was kino. The quiet and decay in the base, the delapidation, otacon reliving those memories, I could feel it. Also the octocamo tech was great throughout. I had, dare I say it, fun.
that bit with the gecko awakening from its slumber in the snow.
when does the nigger nig?
Twin Snakes did this scene better
That's just nostalgia. MGS4 was unironically a bad game with a couple of very cool ideas inside. The story was just way retarded and dragged the whole game down.
that too
so bereft of a counter opinion, the wild user selects the lowest effort insult possible as a rebuttal. Not gay, nor fake, nor fake and gay, but that his opponent frequents reddit.
Twin Snakes didn't do any cutscene better. It's like being limited by the hardware actually benefited Kojima. The action was just better when he couldn't make everyone crazy and doing backflips or lifting people up like they were straw dolls.
MGS4 > Peace Walker >V >3 >1 >2
actually, after I posted my opinion, I did look back at the game as a whole and realised only about half made me feel that way. The middle east was great, the jungle was forgettable and only cos of milf Naomi and that slippery grill was it salvaged. Eastern Eruope was just 10 minutes of follow missions, cutscenes and a bike chase. Shadow Moses was the best in my opinion, and teh last act on the ship was short but good thanks to the microwave scene. I suppose you are right, but I have those fond memories, skewed as they may be, I liked it.
I wish they remastered the others though, as I know longer have my ps2 and didn't play enough of 2 or 3.
MGS2 > Ocelot fight in MGS4 > MGS3 > first mission of MGS5 > MGS1 > the rest of MGS4 > the rest of MGS5
The original cutscenes were slight stiff robotic movements with 3 polygons for a face. Twin Snakes did every cutscene better.
you do more sneaking in the last half than the first half you fucking dipshit.
how do people rate Ground Zeroes?
I really enjoyed it. But I missed the hype train and didn't get burned when it rolled out as an overpriced demo. Bought it a few months back for barely $2 and played the shit out of it because I love V's gameplay.
>including return to shadow moses in the rest of mgs4
MG2 = MGS2 > GB > MGS3 > MG1 > MGS1 > MGSV > PW > MGS4 > PO
My problem with MGS1 has always been how uninterested it is in sneaking. It has a lot of memorable moments and setpieces as a result, but I prefer how the games before it and most of the games after balanced things.
I, too, enjoyed watching Otacon roll down a hill.
Kojima didn't do the cutscenes for Twin Snakes. He intentionally got a director with a very different style than himself to do them.
I like it a lot. I remember thinking the story felt grim in a desperate, heavy-handed way (and I still think that), but there's a strong sense of place that makes sneaking through the base fun to revisit. Even if it had been included with TPP (as I suspect was the original intent) I think it would be held as one of the best parts of MGSV. Preceding TPP's release as a separate game just makes that a little clearer.
I still have misgivings about the general game design of MGSV, but GZ is where it shone the brightest.
>MGS5 is better than MGS4.
feel free to end yourself
1>2>3>5 GZ>5 TPP>4
just finished whole Legacy Collection (except Peace Walker and classic MG)
what makes people hate MGS4 so much?
gameplay wise, it's the best one for me
This. It's like a key piece of evidence in the eternal argument of open vs well constructed small maps. TPP was the former and GZ the latter. It was impressive how tightly everything was packed in but it wasn't just a dump of stuff in one place. It was a bit of a masterpiece desu and I don't know why it doesn't get more recognition. Doing a pure stealth run to get Paz was challenging too.
for PS4 when? I don't have my PS3 anymore, or its dead or in my attic.
I particularily didn't like the direction the games took after 3. It felt like a ploy to ride Big Boss's cock and 'redeeming' him by drawing Solid through the mud.
I love how barebones it is with equipment and preparation. All emphasis is on camp omega and basic gameplay (which is the best MGS gets imo). It encouraged me to do more basic runs at TPP later on with minimal equipment.
MGS4 won't leave the PS3 any time soon.
>gameplay wise, it's the best one for me
I don't mind how it controls, but aside from streamlining the way camo works I think it's mostly the same as MGS3 but without most of the things that made MGS3 fun -- the level design in particular.
In and of itself I don't think any individual boss fight or individual set piece in MGS4 is bad, but it's so constant in its use of them it puts the game's fundamental fanwank mission statement into relief. Even the first two acts (the best ones, no question) can feel too preoccupied with setpieces to make exploring or sneaking all that interesting. MGS1 is similar in how little it cares about sneaking, but the difference is that its emphasis on a continuous chain of events in one location gives it a film-like focus and fluidity that MGS4 doesn't have.
MGS3 was a fantastic game, but it started so many bad things the series now stands for. That includes Kojimas failure to showcase BB becoming a villain because he loves his Big Bossu too much.
Also in retrospect: The Boss was not a good inclusion.
but it's all a show man. it's all a show.
this too. I don't get the hate for MGSV. Yeah if you are using the ceramic armor and hijacking a tank maybe. But when I did OKB Zero, I had been spotted and returned fire in every mission so far, and I committed myself to a full stelath run.
>Didn't even fire a tranq dart
>Tense music
>the little boxes and crates to jump behine
>the time a mind too much noise and had to slip away under a truck.
>Pure kino
I know people here lose their shit when you go ahead and say "just turn that feature off" or "don't use it" but I stick by it, sometimes they add stuff to appeal to a wide audience, you just have to choose not too use it.
lul wut?
why? Konami fuckery?
>because he loves his Big Bossu too much
I think it was more that Big Boss's acts of villainy were already documented in the original games and various subsequent conversations between characters. In general PW and MGSV were a mistake, though.
2>1>3>the rest
Christ. You just reminded me of that stupid scene in MGS4 where Otacon starts praising Sony, the PS3 and the Cell in the middle of the game exclaiming how wondrous all this technology is. I don't think there has ever been worse product placement in a video game and that's including games like Sneak King and Avoid the Noid.
but if it's product placement, why would they try to sell the console you already own in order to play the game.
It didn't bother me. It reminded me of the "they're even still using MSX computers in 1999!" stuff in MG2.
It's like you don't remember Mountain Dew and Doritos in PW.
MGS > PW > MGSV > MG2 > MGS2 > MG1 > MGS4
That was when he said insert disc 2, then you said "otacon! get a grip!".
user is right, it's not product placement. It's a jab at old tech, and it wa spretty funny, calm down lad.
>Elder God Tier
>God Tier
>Good Tier
MGS4 Tier
>Fuck outta here tier
Yeah? Name the areas. Half part is as soon as you insert disc 2 though, so please, name the areas.
Protip: The only sneaking area is the fucking foundry one
Sony doesn't just want consumers. They want fanboys. They want people dedicated to Sony for life. It's kind of like how Apple primarily markets to people who are already use Apple products. It's about creating a cult. Otacon wasn't just saying it was a good product, he was making out like this was miraculous technology that was going to change the world forever. It was just an underwhelming computer chip that is already dead and forgotten. The blu-ray praise was especially bullshit because that was the exact same shit as HD-DVD and Otacon was making out like there's nothing else like it.
MGS3 > *
Naked Snake > Solid Snake
Fucking this. I want the no kill runs to be more challenging, and tranq guns just kill the difficulty.
Unless you just impose a handicap on yourself and do it without the tranq gun. Like going through chaos theory without knocking anyone out.
And snake smacks his shit and tells him to get a grip. Imagine Steve Jobs coming on stage talking about revolution and Jonny Ive comes up next and says "bit of a twat, that guy, ammirite?"
also, i love how in mgs2 if you don't go to the warehouse you make the early game much harder by not having the tranq gun, which makes certain areas a real pain in the ass, like the sediment pool.
>solid and naked
what did he mean by this?
>chaos theory wtihout KO
That is the best stealth challenge I did, I wish more games allowed, or even rewarded this playstyle
hell yes, it's so much fun to take all the short cuts and figure out the optimum route through each mission, even though there are some missions where you absolutely have to knock out some guards, it's unavoidable. it doesn't necessarily reward it, as you still get the 100 percent mission rating if you knock out the guards and the bodies aren't found.
Cutscenes up the ass
Act 3 is very boring. You just follow someone around for 20 minutes, have a short motorbike on rails chase and then fight a boss
Act 5 is too short
TRUTH: rising is the only mgs game after 3 that has the mgs soul
MGS Ground Zeroes is the perfect MGS game in every objective metric.
>Cosy sized map
>Limited equipment
>A gazillion ways to get to Chico and Paz
>No super ceramics armour or rocket launchers etc
>The best version of "open world"
If MGSV was GZ and TPP had been an Afghan and African map made like this, we'd have not spent money on a short game, would have got pure kino and crafted missions, and would ahve finally got our Chapter 3.
MGSV could have been teh best MGS of all time.
MGSV done right. No shitty open world, no shitty base management or real time counters, no broken buddy system or fultons. Just one well designed, large base that was used to damn well near its fullest when accounting for the extra missions. I'm glad they cheaped out and released it separately so I can consider it an entirely different game and just purge TPP from my memory, because Ground Zeroes is the only MGS game I've enjoyed without caveat since 3.
funny you should reply with these points at this time, I just posted above you. I agree with it all, except if they had just carried it on into MGSV (which I enjoyed in its own way) it could have made history.
I'm not sure how they could make a full game with an MGS-style plot out of multiple maps of the approximate size and density of camp omega. The actual story mission of Ground Zeroes can be completed in a few minutes, all the meat of the game is in how you approach the map under different conditions or with different objectives.
What kind of Metal Gear (the weapon) do you want if the next game is in conception?
Play the original MGS, not Twin Snakes, ya zoomer faggot.
I literally ended it yesterday because I'm replaying the saga. Mind answer my question?
No point in speculating since MGS is dead brah.
this is true, but as I mentioned in a post above about how much I liked OKB zero, I think a straightforward campaign in several acts (like MGS4) that takes you from carefully crafted map to carefully crafted map would have been better. Maybe three or four maps in Afghanistan, the same in Africa, and straight to the hospital replay mission for the final twist (no replaying the whole game with extra difficulty to get tot he last mission. Now that is a three act masterpiece. Maybe Kojima will do something like this now he is re-employeed, but it looks to me like he is going even more open world so who knows.
P.S from post Rescuing Miller was a fine example of a great little map (save for the trekking to get to it) and a serious of these smaller ones, and 3 or 4 Camp Omega sized maps also is what I had in mind.
Play Styx I'm not even kidding. Shards of Darkness is the best stealth game I've played in years
nigga, it's just a reference of hardware limitation of PS one. get a grip
the whole Shadow Moses level is just one big references
I literally just ended your mom's anal virginity faggot.
tfw strut F
Strut F is some of MGS2's finest level design. It's interesting how memorable each room in the game is despite the relatively limited aesthetic variety.
Raiden was unironicaly a good character in MGS2. He just gets a bad rap via association with Rose, who was a genuinely annoying cunt.