Wait, why would they review bomb the game over this...

Wait, why would they review bomb the game over this? Don't tell me there are actually loyalists that feel compelled to protect the honor of someone who doesn't know they exist.

Attached: devotion.jpg (830x773, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The game is gone from Steam? Why? Doesn't Steam usually need to release a remark when they do that?

Oh my fuck

Attached: 67CDA989-E323-4125-9CA5-4279087CFB0C.png (494x388, 162K)

Based as fuck
Fuck all liberal fucks

We don't know if the game was removed by Valve themselves, the dev or likeliest of all at this point, the publisher.

They're trying to make steam review system look bad

Oh wait found a statement.
>Due to technical issues that cause unexpected crashes and among other reasons, we are pulling off from steam store to have another complete QA check. At the same time we'd like to take this opportunity to ease the heightened pressure in our community resulted from our previous Art Material Incident, our team would also review our game material once again making sure no other unintended materials was inserted in. Hopefully this would help all audience to focus on the game itself again upon its return.
From the devs.

>Don't tell me there are actually loyalists that feel compelled to protect the honor of someone who doesn't know they exist.
You have no idea how totalitarian regimes work then. Most of the citizens are being brainwashed from birth, so yeah, they genuinely defend their masters.
And even those that have half a brain would still do, if that meant they benefit from that somehow. Like get their social rating score higher or whatever the big chinese brother uses.

Reminder Epic Store was right for not having user reviews

Attached: 7gfa reviews.jpg (1964x958, 152K)

>We were threatened by the government to remove the game and strip out all offending material or we would be shipped off to reeducation camps

Yeah defending dictators is usually considered bad. What's your point?

Taiwan belongs to China

But Taiwan is a separate entity from China

The game makers don't live under the communist government. They live in Taiwan.


The government sent soldiers to execute anyone who didn't leave a negative review.

Not when their leader is Pro-China.

Nice try Mao.

>And can you believe even that LITTLE GIRL's NAME HAS POLITICAL MEANING?

Can someone explain?

Oh damn, I forgot posts on Yea Forums override international treaties and law.

Then why not just reunify?

Yeah I'm sure it was ((((loyalists)))).

There are people brainwashed enough to defend Trump whenever he gets insulted, why not Xi Jinping when he's literally the better man?



Attached: 1517041347958.png (633x758, 132K)

Taiwan is real China

Watch out threads about this have been getting 404’d all night
And you’ve posted that exact same thing in every one of them shill kun

>Decisive Tang Victory

The president is part of the DPP and currently stands strong about Taiwanese independence and rejects the One China Principle. Literally takes less than a minute to fact check your shit.

what the fuck does winnie the pooh have to do with anything

Attached: no I don't get it.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

They didn't do it for president Pooh bear.
They did it for the social cred.

>defending a freely elected individual with a limited political term in office is the same as defending a self appointed dictator for life

So if the Chinese government threatens a fucking game dev over a winnie the pooh reference, maybe all western devs should make winnie the pooh references

Attached: 1537830310009.png (500x429, 97K)

Also this is the President of Taiwan. Kind of cute for a 62 year old.

Attached: taiwan.png (500x600, 313K)

China victory

Attached: iowqnqj.jpg (640x849, 382K)

China's prime minister or whatever is pissed that people say he looks like winnie the pooh so he does what he can to prevent Chinese citizens from making those kinds of jokes

They say China's leader looks like Pooh and he gets so butthurt about it he locks people in concentration camps for posting memes about it


Poor Taiwan

Attached: 100 (89).jpg (1920x2714, 343K)

mainlanders are the most obnoxious people on the planet

taiwanese are based btw

Why is there still no Chinese Steam?
Why don't they just make Epic for the win store Chinese Steam?

Something something Tiananmen square massacre [random chink letters]

That's a funny way to spell "agents".

Attached: 49e43b3c-8361-4aca-85c1-e036c528c457.jpg (600x500, 227K)

Nobody voted for Trump, he was placed into the system by russian elements in the American government and is designed to erode and destroy as much american institutions as possible as well as sow racism and discord amongst americans.

I would rather have Xi Jinping be a dictator because at least he's done amazing work in advancing china to what it is today while Trump has done nothing but destroy our law, eliminate LGBT rights, attack immigrants just because they arent white and waste a ton of money giving it back to the rich instead of taxing them more. Russia will one day just walk into a weakened america and take over if everyone isnt ready to fight and rebel at a moment's notice against this dictatorship.

>the chinese
>respecting international treaties and law

Taiwan belongs to china.

Attached: vtarrhio7e621.jpg (1242x2208, 261K)

In order to do business in China you have to give all your IP and trade secrets to a Chinese corporation

>eliminate LGBT rights
I wish he did

>Nobody voted for Trump, he was placed into the system by russian elements in the American government and is designed to erode and destroy as much american institutions as possible as well as sow racism and discord amongst americans.

Imagine actually believing this unironically LMAO

>tfw Trump is a centrist democrat appeaser and not the second coming of Hitler like everyone says

Attached: 1452748993791.png (500x322, 42K)

>go to "China"
>nothing Chinese about it
>just a bunch of copycat Soviet shit and collapsing 3 year old tower blocks

>go to Taiwan
>like stepping into a kung fu movie
>actual pride in their Chinese culture

Attached: 1503129858748.jpg (816x404, 131K)

>Trump has done nothing but destroy our law, eliminate LGBT rights, attack immigrants just because they arent white
I fucking wish. All Trump has done is bow to Israel and let a disgusting kike fuck his daughter.

Did not see the People’s Republic of China ruled over Taiwan

Attached: 3453.jpg (322x708, 78K)

What about Hong Kong?

>Based as fuck
>Fuck all liberal fucks

You're not aware of the context around this are you.

seriously. I'm pissed.
Where are my death squads?

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Give it to me straight, /pol/v/, will Taiwan and China become one in the future, or will they try to fight it out? At this point, it's more surprising that the two Koreas are more at peace than Tai and Chi.

Attached: crow.jpg (590x509, 29K)

>linking to John Oliver

I don't like Trump either, and I know he's a fucking hothead but what LGBT right did he take away?

>"People" of mainland China
Insects in need of extinction

Woah nigga is it 2016?

Hong Kong is still good, but slowly being corrupted by fucking mainlanders

It's more likely that Taiwain will join Japan than fucking mainland China.

He banned them from the military for one.

>Wanting a dictator that takes away the internet and posts his selfies all over town, enough to give Orwell a boner
Yeah, no. Doesn't mean Trump is better, it just means that Xi is a different kind of terrible.

Just going to drop some info on how to spot a Chinese cuck.
The left is the Country of Taiwan or Republic of China's flag.
If you ever see something other than the flag on the left, it is because Communist China was upset and told them to not let Taiwan use their nation's flag and the group caved in to China.
Example on the right is what the Olympics force the Taiwanese athletes and teams to wear and use instead. The Olympics will even throw fans out of the stadium if they are waving the Taiwanese flag.

Attached: chtaioly.jpg (3520x1624, 309K)

>Eliminate LGBT rights
Did I miss something? When did trump tell LGBT people "You no longer have rights!"?

Attached: Feels like it was only yesterady.jpg (702x525, 43K)

How many times are you retards supposed to be schooled about it? This situation has nothing to do with libshits putting their agenda in your videojuegos.
Because your premature country never lived in fear of complete obliteration from foreign agressor like Taiwan did. 38 years of white terror my nigga, people died over slightest suspicion of dissent.
I'd imagine if USA suffered from 40 years of living under something like USSR and got semi-officially ruled by it after, jokes like "Heh Putin is a dummy" in a game portraying life in USA under martial law by USSR would be viewed differently by your then-appointed russian overlords.

Attached: 8f8.jpg (1029x1029, 166K)

That would be the marriage of the century. Xi gets assblasted over defiance and Shinzo Abe might rest easier knowing that Taiwan might try and promote procreation to the soulless salarypeople of Japan.

>he banned me from my right to die for israel
you should be glad

BASED Taiwanbros

>you should be glaad

You means he banned trans people that needed expensive, constant, treatment from being hardened soldiers that only need to sleep, eat and drink to do their job?

bros how do I get a Taiwan Nationalist GF????

So literally the same as living in Trump's america today.

Didn't know that they actually implemented it. Jesus

Mods ban for this stuff now. I wonder why.

Even if that was true, which it isn't, it's barely been 2 years you fucking mongoloid.

nah it's more like living anywhere in the western world and trying to talk about the JQ.

literal genocide ;_;

Is this supposed to be a good or bad thing?

no. they both eat dogs and smell like feces. kill both chinks and taiwanese chinks

Get into tech unironically, taiwan is all about high tech and big business.
Why would you want one anyways, you asian?


Taiwan Japan era

Attached: 025 (102).jpg (1268x897, 214K)

Fuck China, fuck global trade, we should turn that rats nest into a mass grave

The closet cocksucker general blocked that order. I don't recall it being reinstated.

He infringed upon their right to die for Israel

I'm already in tech.
not asian. just a hopelessly lonely white dude.

No, Taiwan is the REAL China.

Holy shit this is prime teir bait

Nooo you can't upstage the holocaust

Attached: 1538795595285.jpg (600x761, 56K)


Looks like a murder. Hell, looks like the cover for a horror manga.

Lmao 2016 really did rot the liberal brain


You're pretty much bullshitting, I've been to both. Taiwan's and China's cities are both built on modern designs, but Taiwan's rural areas are all modern developed housing. China's rural areas are villages actually built in traditional Chinese architecture, with paogda style roofs and lanterns hanging everywhere. Not to mention China has all the landmarks and wonders like the Forbidden Palace, Stone Forest and the Li River which is on the 20 yuan note.

Attached: fenghuang_ancient_town.jpg (810x567, 203K)

Xi will get assblasted but Japan and Taiwan will literally get blasted for realsie.

So long as you're not terribly ugly, you'll fetch an asian gf from their land in no time.

just like drumph voters lol

did the chink bastards kill these kids?

Jews are better, smarter, more successful, and more interesting than you.

You will die with no children, and the Jews will be none the wiser because you aren't important enough for them to think about you or your JQ

Nice try Xi

So which is worse, that, or australia, forcing men out to make woman only spots in the army, regardless if they're as capable as the men, that were kicked out, at doing their job or not.

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>Shit that never happened/delusional fantasies

If you were Chinese, you would be banned from using your passport or logging onto your on social media accounts for saying that.

Whats great is that we learned the first time that we should leave zero survivors or suffer a thousand years of their childish victimhood

I confirm. Taiwan is based.
HK used to be based but it's becoming a Chinese city.

Tianamen Square Massacre

Falun Gong organ harvesting

Uyghur genocide and concentration camps

Attached: IMG_1162.jpg (1500x1132, 508K)

Western pig go home
China number one we rule asia and then the world

>Steam shills tell me how good user reviews are
>This happens



Attached: epic reviews steam.jpg (1964x958, 421K)

>Trump has done nothing but destroy our law, eliminate LGBT rights, attack immigrants just because they arent white
It could have been so good.

Attached: 1477816102977.png (496x708, 448K)

That location looks super comfy


Love shit like this, it's basically the eastern version of my English villages.

Taiwan is bullied by China

Attached: 9c7926fd5eb91c077c7fd406af221cb6.jpg (800x800, 96K)

you go to mainland China and the fucking temples are all abandoned with stencils of Mao's face on them from over half a century ago

China's culture was totally wiped out by the Communists, while Taiwan still embraces their heritage.

China celebrates the poverty stricken and worse of the Chinese

Taiwan is the star of Chinese success

good levelheaded post

All I can do is think of the god damn humidity that would come with living there. Just look at that place. Imagining the summer humidity levels is giving me nightmares.

Taiwanese bros rise up!
We can't let mainlander keep shitting on us like this!

Fuck off Chang.

Your chinaman response will be "Free Tibet but also fuck Steam".

but VEEEE!
you. told. me. that. EPIC.
is the POOH'S platform

Attached: 00832489.jpg (320x320, 12K)

racemixing won't help you at all, it will ruin you once and for all
Go to fit and start lifting, you need a first step and that is the best one, start hardcore swimming if you don't want to lift but this requires discipline to keep pushing yourself and a big diet. Don't stop jacking off until you get stable, if you stop now you will get ultra depressed unless you have some serious willpower and direction in life. How is your health, any skin problems, pain in the lower left of your stomach, irregulara sleep(sleeping too long/waking up at night, do you feel tired after coming back from work, feeling of pressure around your head?
Fixing yourself after your parents fucked you up is no easy task but its perfectly doable.

Based Pooh

Attached: c94eed56a5e84479a2939c9172434567c0147d4f.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Nah if it was genocide, there wouldn't be people to complain about it, since they'd probably all be dead.

Attached: Meow.gif (500x307, 564K)

But it is.
Which is why this game isn't even on it.

I live in the swamplands of the good ol' american south. I'll take the humidity if i can ride on the funny boat instead of a in a car.

Right wingers don't try to appeal to a higher authority in order to censor something they don't like, they just tell other people not to buy it.

Taiwan Japan era

Attached: 025 (105).jpg (1669x933, 333K)

I really, really hope you're more successful than than me. Cause I was born with a head start. You'll never, ever be able to accumulate the amount of wealth my family has built up over 6 generations. Definitely not in a single lifetime. That and it would be really sad to see someone that needs to work a job bootlicking the jude. I AM the jew motherfucker.
You got work in the morning, don't you?

Attached: 1390869830451.jpg (380x380, 72K)

>"Erika" intensifies.

Attached: 12145797903.gif (260x146, 880K)

>defending a literal, real life orwellian dystopia


I like that racists genuinely have an autistic desire to help people of their own race, but they always make sure to couch good advice within bigotry just so people can widen their eyes and walk away uncomfortably beforehand.

also without taking an IQ test I can say that statistically, it is more likely than not that I am of higher intelligence than the average israeli citizen.

>do not pollute steam
Certainly an ironic remark from a chink.

When is the world going to team up again and put China in it's place?

Attached: solders of the eight nation alliance Boxer Rebellion.jpg (995x549, 112K)

>give negative steam review of taiwanese game
>20 good boy points added to your social credit score

>unironically wants mixed babies to overrun his land

Gee, it's almost like we don't want mentally unstable people serving in a position where they control tanks and automatic weapons.

cute lil jap

oy vey

I wish that every singly one of you faggots dies. The earth needs a reset button with all humans removed.

Attached: piranha chad.png (552x648, 9K)

Why would you want to racemix? Do you actually want your own children to look nothing like you? You don't have to actively hate other races to not want to have sex with them.

Not that it matters. The entire world is full of mixed humans thanks to the rapes and rapees of our ancestors. I just think racial purity is stupid, but I won't deny that the worst about race mixing isn't the race but the culture of two clashing and either one or the other refusing to make it work.

Someone give me the story recap of this

You don't sound like a jew, sounds like you're the white man, The only white people we let around here are people helping out my hustle. You gonna buy the powder or not?

I don't have work in the morning. I work at night so I can be awake when pathetic tweakers like you need their fix.

we should just airdrop them on top of ISIS
maybe even give em a parachute if there are any spares

Shoo chinky-winky, shoo

Attached: xi-pooh.jpg (1240x700, 104K)

This, I pray every night that a meteor comes and hits the Earth

Die you degenerate western fag

>kills all of humanity
>suddenly earth is run over by incompetent yellow communist baboons who can't economy

>The entire world is full of mixed humans
fucking lol
poland, the most common battleground in europe is 98% homogeneous

It won’t come to that so you’re better off killing yourselves

Good, keep politics out of games.

Funny way of spelling china, Russia is a meme threat.

>can't economy
>when they are taking over everything from your movies to your vidya
Bow to your chink overlords

>wholesome winnie

I think you need to go choke on some cat bones you mongrel savage, or get sucked into an escalator.

Attached: winnie-xi-ping-1-480x279.jpg (480x279, 29K)

And that's their thing. If race is a battleground, then it's a pretty redundant battle. Not like purists will lead the literal fight against race mixing. They'd probably focus more on the eradication of the jews.

>Hollywood and corporate jews in bed with chinks
imagine my shock

Attached: 015 (445).jpg (800x449, 57K)


Sorry, I'm too much of a coward to kill myself, so unless one of you fags decides to one day ram me with a car while I'm crossing the street, I'm gonna live forever

Because my people aren't people who look like me, they're the people who cared for me, grew close to me, defended me and strengthened me when I needed it.

there were plenty of people who looked like me that didn't do those things. And there were plenty of people of plenty of different colors who did.

My nation isn't defined by a race, or by a piece of land, it's defined by the people who were there for me.

Unironically this. Russia's just the silent player pulling pranks (or just laughing at the insecurity) at the US. China's the one brandishing its big balls and bullying other countries one way or another

I don't give a fuck about your irrelevant opinions nigger.

At least we know their weakness now. Just post winnie the pooh and they'll scatter like rats.

You're a coward if you don't strive for 100% across all western nations

thanks CRP. Honestly I'm really fucking depressed, but I finally got off the SSRI's so I think that's an overall improvement. Next on my list is getting back into ANY sort of workout routine. I have the worst sleep patterns. I started smoking cigarettes to cope which isn't good.
>Fixing yourself after your parents fucked you up is no easy task but its perfectly doable.
I'll never let them know but it's funny you managed to hit it right on the head. Very rough childhood.

Based chinks.

Why is Taiwan even friends with the US after Jimmy Carter screwed them at the UN by only recognizing China is the true China?

>taiwanese devs put an easter egg about the chinks winnie the pooh overlord
>chinks chimped out and reviewbombed the game
>then the publisher took off the game from the steam page


So there is a way of bad parenting to compeltly destroy a person.


I can't believe how much mileage they got out of a few hundred thousand's worth of FB ads. Russia's still got it. Murrica will be destablized for 6 more years at least.

It's funny that Steam drones tell us the positives of user reviews, but we had back to back, almost within a week of one another, of two reasons to NOT have user reviews

Reminder uPlay, Origin, Battle.net and Bethesda Launcher don't have user reviews either

Attached: epic store reviews.png (1964x958, 289K)

Noboy's defending muttland, besides mutts, that is.

Epic doesn't have user reviews because you're not allowed to have an oppinion in china.

Raise black children in white households they're still prone to violence and poverty

There will be no reunification. China actively moving to take Taiwan would kick off the mother of all geopolitical shitstorms in the region. The US has done a pretty good job of keeping the eternal yamato on a leash, but Japan is definitely going to go nuclear and commence hostilities if Taiwan gets gobbled up.

kyss pooh's bumbum

Attached: _96970659_abexi.jpg (624x274, 29K)

Why strive when nothing is 100% anymore? Humans are humans, and whatever they fuck is out of our control, whether the offspring looks like it's a native of Alabama or the average chad of Europe.

Nathan Grayson please go.

O-Oh yea!?! W-well, I hope you and everyone around you, stays h-healthy, finds h-happiness,love a-and lives a long life of prosperity, s-so there!

Attached: Cat (171).jpg (480x480, 19K)

There's a picture of him walking with someone the exact same way that Pooh walks with Tigger in the cartoon.
Apparently that's a mockery and since he's an evil dictator that can't be allowed.

Several reasons:

1. The Chinese government employs thousands of shills to derail anything resembling dissent against the government

2. Chinese companies are absolutely not above paying shills to attack competing products or services. Tencent is fighting to have the only government-approved gaming platform in mainland China and this gives them an opening for the CCP to take a harder line and ban yet another western digital service that isn't integrated with party cells

3. Many Chinese are genuinely and blindly patriotic

4. Many Chinese that oppose the government are also legit mad at Red Hook, because their political easter egg will make it more likely that Steam will get banned and blocked in their country


that's kind of beside the point though, why would you want your children to look nothing like you?

Wrong book, fag. It's Brave New World over here.

>dat pic

They aren't that good friends. Trump is the only president that has spoken with the Taiwan president since then and Taiwan remains the last first world country left that won't extradite to America.

Taiwan and Japan are in decent terms or is it more of a reaction that they'll go full Gundam once Taiwan becomes a warzone?

>and whatever they fuck is out of our control
I think you forget we killed race traitors and exiled the mixed mutts in more civilized days

>He actually looks like Winnie the Pooh

>implying the burger president wouldn't sell them out for money

What did xir mean by that?

Attached: 1509916823533.jpg (786x463, 137K)

No one hates chinks more than japs. If japan has any fight left in them, the first and last thing they'll do with it is kill as many chinks as they can, given the opportunity.

Chinese business is one hell of a drug. As one user described it, they're turbojews that can pressure large corporations or industries to cave into whatever culture they want because of chinabux.

Figures third worlders don't read. Carry on with your memes, funny little guy.

Why do the Japs hate the Chinese?

Already happened years ago. Burger government officially does not recognize Taiwan as independent.

based nippon

What can Japan even hope to accomplish against China?

>Winnie the Pooh meme
wait I'm out of the loop. is that shit actually in the game?

>banned trans people that needed expensive
The military spent 5 times more on viagra than it did trans health care. It being epensive was a myth.

The days are gone, user. World's more liberal now, and not everyone values racial purity like fanatics. Well, maybe the chinese because they still believe that they're the superior race.

Just a reminder that the mutt is always lying and most likely is spamming these threads multiple times a day because he's on payroll and needs to somehow make the rest of the world care about chinks, because muh 'trade wars'.
Pathetic, as always.

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it was obama

t. Chang.

They're one of the top 10 navies in the world, and they control strategically important shipping lanes for China. If Japan were serious, they could shut down the sea lane that leads from the Persian Gulf to East Asia, cutting off China from a significant percentage of its oil (between 20-40% depending on how you reckon).

I'll be waiting for them samurai robot waifus to go into battle.

Attached: 154964.gif (223x155, 1004K)

FFS and SRS are very expensive and HRT is a drain that slowly adds up

You really just invalidated your own claim. Probably time to make "racial purity" not the fanatic position

Only 16 countries recognise Taiwan as a state and mine isn't one of those.

This is mental illness everyone. Cringe.

Nice try, Soros, I ain't falling for your tricks.

This. Xi Ping most be a massive fucking loser to honestly get butthurt over being called Winnie the fucking Pooh.

>that jannie or mod that kept deleting threads on this earlier
Even 4channel has been compromised.

at least in BNR you got laid


Could you imagine living next to China?

Weird how all the journalists call the review bombings justified when it's chinese... who's paying them again?

Perhaps, but then again, there's worse problems out there than caring whether what comes out of a cunt is a mulatto

The game's publisher is based in the mainland, where the government can randomly declare that their office buildings are "unsafe" or are missing a permit and shutter them.

Even the studio in Taiwan aren't completely safe, as the Chinese government can blacklist every single employee and their relatives from ever traveling to the mainland again. At least the CCP can't raid their offices in the middle of the night, but they can pull every extra-judicial economic lever to strangle dissidents even outside of their borders.

For this reason, all digital censorship in China is "due to technical reasons". Because companies aren't allowed to publicly disclose their orders from the government unless the government approves

>steam isn't owned by the chin...

valvefags BTFO once again.

and we know they weren't going to stop there

>there's worse problems out there than caring whether what comes out of a cunt is a mulatto
What the fuck do you think causes those problems?

>Russia this, Russia that
My cunt will have election soon and they also easily triggered with this word. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

Attached: 1528690206356.png (166x205, 56K)

Pointless because we're not in the great firewall of China.

You are from an alternate Timeline I would love to visit, that sounds like a fucking Utopia.

Whats CRP
Don't smoke, once you start it will fuck you up even if you stop it later on unless you are really lucky(the state of your life says you are not lucky at all so don't push it).
You are like many other people so knowing about the parents is not something out of the ordinary, it's likely the parents weren't even aware they were fucking you up which is even more unfortunate.
What about the health stuff though it's important, ill also add a question about teeth, are they in good condition or are they getting fucked already and are translucent at the edges annd shit
You need to read Ray Peat, it's not easy at all but it's a health bible, your health massively impacts your mental state and the ability to deal with stress, mood swings and making enough energy so you can deal with life.

Still get the drugs though, just get an adderall script

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oh no no no, this can't be happening!

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The devs should start marketing to the west now. Detention was a bit of an indie hit, even had people posting about it here before, and now this news about Devotion has got them a lot of attention.

Based exterminator.

Attached: 1529541153145.png (1366x768, 544K)

no need to team up, all the ""refugees"" we're importing in the west are to replace the chinese labor, once western companies can use slaves right at home will pull out from china and their economy will collapse once foregin money stops flowing in since they have no other resource

Taimanin square massacre

A combination of things. Bad goverments, regressive culture, 3rd world problems, 1st world problems, corruption of authorities, etc. Unless you mean to blame all that on racemixing, then by all means.

Attached: 1549170839088.jpg (2048x1224, 403K)

All asian countries are xenophobic toward each other and think of themselves as the master asian race, to varying degrees. Japan is still pretty racist but they're still the least racist asian country.

Anti-chinese xenophobia is far more rampant in South Korea, Vietnam, India and the Philippines.

>Reminder uPlay, Origin, Battle.net and Bethesda Launcher don't have user reviews either
they're also irrilevant, whats your point?

>implying you can be anti China even in western games this day and age
Better start learning how to suck tiny chink dick burgers because once you lose your trade war you'll never be on top again

Societies are built on the simplest unit, strong, moral individuals to create a coherent and culturally homogeneous family structure. Theorists and the jew will tell you the state rules all but we're living in the hellscape they created

there's Tencent store in China, but fat fuck Gaben can't give up on such a big market

Worse in the Philippines as far as political climates go, since our traitor of a president is sucking Xi's dick while his loyalists jerk off the children of the man that squeezed the country dry.

I don't know in what kind of alternative reality does Yea Forums live, but luckily the world is waking up to the real threat of the world, US. Can't wait for that shithole to fall apart.

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Why don't they just ban Steam then? Doesn't make sense at all.

Attached: 1484975661531.jpg (413x395, 67K)

Lots of DotA 2 players, and we all know Valve is better known these days as "Steam".

Nah, too late even for the trade war to save them.
Mutts are literally seething at this point.

Attached: 1497280602733.jpg (640x640, 183K)


Steam has partnered with NetEase, which is easily Tencent's biggest competitor.

So what? You said fatfuck Gaben can't give up on such big market but what you said sounds like it's the Chinese that can't stop sucking gabe's cock.




>CCP owns every and all company
>but there's also competition amongst the companies
So which one is it exactly?










Attached: stanry.png (563x433, 557K)

>can't into basic reading
Sasuga muttman. Here's something more up your alley. bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2018-07-30/the-decline-and-fall-of-the-american-empire

It's been years.

What's Woo doing nowadays?

don't need any context

Independence for Taiwan, fuck china, fuck winnie 'Xi Jinping' pooh

Taiwanese user here. AMA.

Attached: IMG_20180817_194356.jpg (4032x3024, 3.4M)

9/11 Larry Silverstein The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre
The Guatanamo Bay Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'etat United Fruit Company The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Operation Northwoods Iran Contra
American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MK Ultra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Cointelpro The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa USS Liberty attack by IDF
Kinder Surprise

ancient meme

Explain the bell thing

Both, China technically welcomes all competition....as long as it doesn't threaten the top spots. If a private company or corp gets too big in China, it's only a matter of time before the state offers their "support" (ie they will buy a controlling state in the company or you will stop getting rubber-stamped approvals from the 1000s of bureaucracies that you need approval from).

To a degree, how long steam survives in China depends on how much political clout netease has

Incidentally, Tencent's stock plummeted this year because the CCP halted the approvals of ALL new game sales for months while they "reorganized" the bureaucracy responsible for rubber-stamping digital titles. Meaning, someone in the government didn't get their bribe

Chinese legal actions are pretty literally window-dressing to cover up political drama, 9 times out of 10

Idiot, my response is to an user who thinks taking down this game is shit in the face of liberals. Just so we're clear I'm for the sovereignty of Taiwan.

Is the crab dead?

How friendly are you guys to tourists?

Yep, it's very delicious btw

What's the deal with the piece of green on the other dish?

Attached: 1533342874726.png (720x1280, 383K)

Why are Thai's so okay with the status quo? They're not even a real country.

Based and anti-mutt pilled.

Attached: 1472243023453.jpg (499x562, 89K)

Is Taiwan really numbah one?

That's a lot of butter for one crab.

More friendly than we treat our own people(only if you are not a china man)

thailand is a real country

wtf i just got a phonecall from my ISP

Attached: 1912280275817.jpg (498x456, 23K)

>(only if you are not a china man)
How do you recognize one? Not even being ironic here.

The US even guards ISIS from the Russians

At least better than china

It's for decorating.

Well, that solves my holiday plans.

Not a question but I'm an English teacher and I've met a few of you guys now and you're consistently super based. Absolutely FUCK mainland chiniggers though, I fucking hate them.

China's rural areas are much nicer.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-26-18-48-49-78.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

asians have the ability to tell eachother apart, sort of like how certain cats might look identical to you but not to themselves

At least better than china , my friend

They are loud and very rude

It's weird how Chinese internet users think they can also bring up a list of embarrassing chapters in American history like it's kryptonite, as if they were damning secrets and not subjects taught in school textbooks and endlessly covered by the western press.

>BBC and CBS news spends years interviewing Guantanamo Bay detainees, lawyers, politicians

>Covers the muslim gulags in China one time


Fuck china



>Meaning, someone in the government didn't get their bribe
I kinda doubt that corruption there is anywhere near the levels that it is, for instance, in the US. But at the same time I don't doubt that it is there. It's just that chinks have a very strict approach to corruption and often go on purges to fight corruption amongst their ranks.
Interesting fact that I learned is that whenever they send someone to the death penalty for corruption, they basically set the actual death penalty date like 10 years from the moment the person was found guilty. Giving the time for the guilty to sink in in what sort of situation they are in and to plead for a deal where they will tell about the rest of the people involved in the corruption scheme and then their death penalty will be lowered to something like life in prison or less.

Attached: 1381787863868.png (636x694, 368K)

Based. The US army has quite a record when it comes to killing innocent civilians too.

Will you get annexed to China eventually?
Winnie says you will be china within the year

sure but China and Taiwan has only been separated for a couple of generations, so that doesn't really apply here.

Here a picture of Taiwan, my friend

Attached: IMG_20181020_113630.jpg (4032x3024, 3.18M)

>Implying we arent proud of all that


no, thailand is a part of china, it's not a real country.

Nah, I'd probably go to the old buildings filled with culture and tourist traps.

nigga im not even asian and i can tell chinese tourists apart from other Asian tourists
>chinese are very fucking rude
>they take pictures of absolutely everything
>they flood anything free food related on the streets

Doesn't look that big. You said you were how many?

Shit, my internet was cut off for a few minutes after this was posted.
Am I going to be ok bros?

>Being proud of Kinder Surprise
Literally worse than the Mcdo coffee trial

Every time I see the replies to this pasta they're pretty much all the same shit as written as if by an automated bot or a shill on payroll trying to cover his ass.

Attached: 1488903471411.jpg (1710x777, 445K)

I highly recommend too.

Taipei of course.
I suggest Jiufen and Pingxi. It will give you a Ghibli movie vibe.
Go to Alishan if you can, find a home stay it's comfy.
Tainan is comfy too. Not much to do but some streets are charming and I like those religious shrine spread all over town.

Did not have time to visit Kenting, but they have nice beach. Did not have time to see the east coast but that is in my plans.

>Kinder Surprise
I'm sorry but you'll have to spend a few years in the concentration camp beneath Denver Airport.

Alright, I've had enough.
Post the pasta

At least it's not Detroit

Doesn’t make them less real or embarrassing.

What do the Chinks have against Winnie the Pooh anyways? What is the issue?

East coast is nature kino

There are jingoist everywhere user. Not all Chinese net users use VPN to escape the propaganda.

The US has so many problems that every time there's a big controversy it's just another tuesday.

Chinks can't understand the deeply complex issues of the US because they're too busy reading and writing about dead chink dynastys.

It's the president. He got fanny flustered that someone compared him to Pooh and ordered a censorship on chinese internet on anything related to Winnie the Pooh.

Yes, chinks are the ultimate cucks. In other news, water is still wet

How does it feel like to be a little 22k cuck?

Attached: carnegies-thumb.jpg (450x638, 22K)

Its utter shit tier chocolate with a dumb ass toy made in child labor factory in india inside

google escalators in china

US has been caught multiple times saving ISIS fighters and just pretending to fight ISIS, whilst in reality they allow them to leave freely or even evacuate themselves.
As a mother protects it's children, mutts protect ISIS.

I'm going to point out to you dumbasses that your spam about tiananmen and whatever is just as real and embarrassing. The whole point of is to mock spam like with how utterly idiotic and useless it is.

Attached: 1474159304536.png (1784x1570, 3.03M)

>chinese are very fucking rude
Checks out.
But real talk, why do Chinese need to fucking shout when they're literally right next to each other to speak to each other?

>I kinda doubt that corruption there is anywhere near the levels that it is, for instance, in the US

No, it's in fact way worse. It's a commonly accepted fact that you need to be bribing officials if you want to get anything done from public servants, even in hospitals

> It's just that chinks have a very strict approach to corruption and often go on purges to fight corruption amongst their ranks.

HAHAHA, no those purges were about eliminating political dissidents and potential rival factions in the Chinese party. "Corruption" was the justification, and I say this even though 99% of the people purged were legitimately guilty. But that's the beauty of it, corruption has been the standard way of life on every level of governance for decades, everyone is guilty of it. So, Xi created an anti-corruption force that's answerable only to him, and the only way to be spared is to give absolute loyalty and/or remain benign and low-profile.


According to the two highest anti-corruption agencies, their top STATED mission isn't fighting corruption but to protect the top CCP leadership. Xi and his friends made it a matter of policy that the law and constitution don't apply to them:


you just know they were all forced into becoming comfort women

>this doesnt get deleted
>but the Tienanmen pasta does

Makes me think

They're used to people getting eviscerated by escalators near them so they naturally raise their voice to drown out the howls of agony

Makes me think that the anons are deleting it themselves before their five minutes are up

Attached: 1550216643320.jpg (1024x866, 96K)

>The whole point of is to mock spam like with how utterly idiotic and useless it is.

How so? Only one of those lists of topics are actually banned from mainstream discussion in either country.

It doesn't cause as much buttblast.

The same reason Europeans can tell each other apart.

Dom't bother user, chinks will never understand the concept of actual (mostly) free speech

they tell each other apart from their different haircuts.

You mean the actual spam that got deleted?

Under Japanese rule, Taiwan eradicated many disease, built infrastructure but considered locals with disdain.
After Chinese came back, corruption, eradicated diseases came back, infrastructures crumbled.

Also some Taiwanese enrolled took part in the Nanjing slaughter if I recall correctly.

>It's a commonly accepted fact that you need to be bribing officials if you want to get anything done from public servants, even in hospitals
Those kinds of "bribes" were here back in USSR and are still here today. That's bullshit and you can't really beat muttland on corruption schemes.
>"Corruption" was the justification
I wonder what you base this on exactly.
>According to the two highest anti-corruption agencies
>Xi and his friends made it a matter of policy that the law and constitution don't apply to them:
Sure, I don't doubt that, that literally happens in every independent country that exists. Or do you think the political system of US of donkeys and elephants isn't just a facade?

Just remember to reset your browser after this. :^)

>comfort women
t. Chang Xiao Le Hyong-Mung

>Only one of those lists of topics are actually banned from mainstream discussion in either country.
You base this on what exactly? Your CNNs and ABCs telling you that?

>am allegedly a chink
>somehow that spam doesn't affect me
This is some 4D chess right there.

The publisher removed it themselves, their other game is still up for sale on steam. The chinks did reviewbomb the game, though.

Based Russia Today poster


Attached: 4e9.jpg (501x585, 42K)

Eat shit, you inbred retard.

I'm actually a flip, so I would appreciate if you went the other way and berated me for being a jungle monkey instead, Tojo.

The US was fucking stupid to not let Japan kill more chinks

Good going, Alexei. These shitbags aren't even hiding it anymore.

>somehow that spam doesn't affect me
Mainland chankoros can't browse here without a vpn anyway, so why would it?

Literally every western teacher in China, including the lowest-level english teachers has been given a list of historical topics they cannot talk about.

China has to actually give their censors a crash-course on historical Chinese atrocities so they know what to filter. We know this because the professional censors have talked about it:


五毛 were deposited into your BoC account.

The camps are literally selling kids to pedophile rings, but it's okay because raciss XD baste and replied amerisharts

These are the same people who are completely okay with a lack of common safety measures in virtually everything. The same people who would gladly make someone disappear by snitching to the government because someone used a whinnie the pooh meme. The same people who have a fucking social credit score. The same people who torture animals because they're retarded enough to think that suffering makes food taste better.
China is fucking retarded. Never forget that.

Attached: image.jpg (600x728, 345K)

>tfw Exodus is a great fucking game and outsold Last Light anyways

Sorry, flip user, but I don't know any stereotypical flip names. Anyway
>comfort women
Nice meme

>when you are so asshurt over being compared to Winnie the Pooh that you ban the new movie and any new material from your country

Attached: Pooh Bear.jpg (1001x601, 141K)

nah was banned for a week by angry jannies five minutes after the post

makes you think

>bowing to the chinks as a Jap
Hiro is an Anthony Burch level cuckold

Great argument.
>(((independent))) and some literal who site are of course better

So what's the fucking point then?

>Literally every western teacher in China
So non sources?
>including the lowest-level english teachers has been given a list of historical topics they cannot talk about
Same as in my "FREE" and "DEMOCRATIC" country in the EU and NATO. Why is no one bothering talking about that then?
>that sourceless propaganda outlet that has been cought lying multiple times
Ah yes, just like how there were anonymous sources constantly saying that Trump has colluded with Russians, now there are these guys talking about China, but of course it's all true since it fits the narrative.

Based, how do I take them out? Wouldn't mind some extra cash to spend on cheap shit I buy on ali. :^)

Attached: 1523781267504.png (641x2087, 1.98M)

Hiro has no honor, he is not real japanese, I bet he is 70% chink in his dna

Better than propaganda straight from the kremlin? Yeah, I'll take breibart over that shit, you eastern-european retard.

looks comfy bros

Nah, sorry, tumpanzees don't get to call out jews. Get your shit together, and tell your super to send someone less retarded.

Proud of being an expendable servant to Jewish masters? Kind of pathetic to be proud of something like that

>Those kinds of "bribes" were here back in USSR and are still here today. That's bullshit and you can't really beat muttland on corruption schemes.

No, you pretty easily can, China continues to rank near the bottom in the eyes of every international transparency and anti-corruption NGO:



But I'm sure you can be confident in the Chinese government's declaration that they are less corrupt, even though they fight transparency at every step and will threaten, deport, or ban any outlet that investigates corruption at any level higher than the Chinese DMV


Feel free to actually read the goddamn link I posted, because it names and quotes the relevant agencies:

>"But recently, the CCDI declared that the organ’s top priority is to safeguard Chinese President Xi JInping’s status as the core of the CCP Central Committee and the whole Party. Both the CCDI and also the all-powerful National Supervisory Commission (NSC) — the newly established organ designed to oversee all public servants — are defined as the CCP’s political organs. And both organs’ “most fundamental mission” is to “safeguard the leadership of the CCP Central Committee” – not to fight corruption."

user, you can stop now. Remember, this site as anonymous, so no one will know you've been unmasked as an unabashed shill. Just leave the thread and try again in another, maybe be slightly more subtle

Never ever because China has nukes, so if war ever happens humanity is destroyed
There will never be a large scale war ever again, from the last day of WWII to the end of Humanity it will just be endless political posturing, proxy battles and corporate espionage

Everyone is a servant to jews
Including you right now all you write is being sold to jews

>this thread


go back to /pol/

No need, they are in the brink of collapse.

Fuck I hate Chinese people sometimes.
How are they so brainwashed and nationalistic when their government does nothing but shit all over everybody, its citizens included?

>Better than propaganda straight from the kremlin?
How the fuck Ron Paul speaking is exactly propaganda straight from the Kremlin? Or is the US congress the new Kremlin and I missed out on that news? I guess US is just a Russian puppet state after all.


Those kinds of "transperancy and anti-corruption NGO" were just recently screaming about USSR and Russia. And let's see where their fundings usually come from, that's where the tail grows as well.
>even though they fight transparency at every step and will threaten, deport, or ban any outlet that investigates corruption at any level higher than the Chinese DMV
Consirdering they make up fake reports and are nothing but US agents, yeah? I do indeed trust them. This reminds me of how just recently Amnesty international was bitching about muh russian oppression of freedom of speech based on what some liberoid was screaming, for burning down the head entrance to the FSB office. He didn't even get jailed. Migrated to France, did the same thing to the entrance of bank of france and got jailed. Nobody wrote a single file of complaint about him being detained in France for the same action as in Russia. Why is that?
>Feel free to actually read the goddamn link I posted, because it names and quotes the relevant agencies
Give me a source not empty words made up by someone somewhere.

Sure thing, CIA nigger.

Can't wait for Zeon to nuke China from orbit

Well I'm not American, here in Europe our population is pretty overwhelmingly against all the European governments and the Union. It's just that our opinions matter nothing, the elections are mega fucking rigged and people in many countries can't even speak up without getting arrested.
While in USA, majority of the population feels proud about their nation even though it is the very cause and origin of this cultural plague that will destroy civilization.

By being extremely racist, being told every outsider is a literal demon from hell for thousands of years and them being really insecure due to their small bodies which fuels their hate
Its like a country of manlets, you bet they will be angry and side with their government no matter what

>Those kinds of "transperancy and anti-corruption NGO" were just recently screaming about USSR and Russia
Yeah, because those were shining beacons of democracy, due process and rule of law, right?

>they are in the brink of collapse.
How many years has it been now that burgers keep on repeating this?

Attached: 1362221744342.png (489x893, 317K)

The colonial Taiwan served the Japanese army in 1943.Nanjing Massacre in 1937, and the Chinese army slaughtered Taiwan in 1947.

Im in Europe and none of that happens, outside the UK speech laws dont exist
Are you in some eastern shithole?

>Yeah, because those were shining beacons of democracy, due process and rule of law, right?
As someone who grew up in the USSR and can easily check upon Russian internal news and/or problems? Yeah there were problems and still are, but not anywhere near whatever the fuck western press and their (((independent))) professionals say and write.

He's probably not European

Chinese people only tolerate the government while they're in a bull market.
Second the market turns bear there's going to be a bloody revolution and whinny the poo is going to get drawn and quartered for his crimes

Fuck China

>Same as in my "FREE" and "DEMOCRATIC" country in the EU and NATO. Why is no one bothering talking about that then?

For starters, you can name the country and banned topic. Then I can google up a list of outlets that are talking about it

>that sourceless propaganda outlet that has been cought lying multiple times

If you wanted more sources I can keep giving them to you:



Like, are you seriously trying to deny that the Chinese government doesn't have a massive censorship apparatus?

>So non sources?

How many former teachers and teaching organizations would it take to convince you than a topic ban is real? The fact that they permit classroom discussion of Taiwan, Tibet, or Tianamen square isn't even something the Chinese deny. It's so common that it's not even news-worthy, just something that virtually every teacher knows about



Didn't you just murder and rape a white couple like 2 weeks ago?

>, outside the UK speech laws dont exist
Try putting a swastika in a video game in Germany, you fucking cuckold
Europe is so cucked you can't even have games where nazis are the BAD guys


Also there is a SEVERE lack of women in China in comparison to men since all girls got aborted because the one child policy
You bet chinks are fucking angry
Its the country of angry manlet incels

So Steam users still haven't justified user reviews?


Attached: reviews epic steam.png (1964x958, 255K)

WTF I'm convinced, I'll be emigrating to Russia first thing in the morning

Which rock have you been living under? The Chinese would've done this even 20 years ago, and you're somehow shocked about this now?

Chinks were angry over social media posts that claimed the game straight up insults all chinese, which may have been true or not.
Pooh was more of a publisher problem. They game had a chinese publisher that would get into trouble over this. The devs are probably getting their shit sued out of them by the publisher anyway btw.

Well Im not in Germany either so I dont care
Mediterranean Europe is the best place to live in the entire world
The nobody gives a fuck part of hispanic culture with none of the violence and with modern tech

germany decriminalized swastikas a while agao

how many more times is this same screenshot going to show up in this thread

>The devs should start marketing to the west now.
What else do you think this outrage is?

>Germany has very specific laws about glorifying the 3rd Reich and/or denying the Holocaust
>that means they're on the same level as China and people get disappeared for criticising the government
At last I truly see

Try denying the holocaust then.
Try saying muslims are violent savages.
Try saying black people are inherently violent.
Try saying Jews control the banks and media.
Europe doesn't have free speech at all; freedom and restrictions are mutually exclusive

I can say all that and nothing happens, because nobody cares, some antifa might act offended if one is around but you can still tell them to fuck off

>a while ago

That's a generous way of putting it.

Now you sound like a Chinese yourself.

Attached: crimeslab-com-lets-do-it-again-after-hitting-a-pedestrian-with-25768730.png (500x1006, 149K)

>My tyrannical dictator isn't the same as your tyrannical dictator

I openly hate niggers and jews here in europe.
No one stops me, in fact lately we are encouraged

Police will care, it's EU law



>For starters, you can name the country and banned topic.
In all baltic countries it is by law disallowed to try and debate how and why people were deported back under Stalin's rule, under what condiitons they lived, was there actually any trial, how many fair and unfair trials there were and so on.
>open NYT
>ctrl+f source - 0 results
>open second link
>ctrl+f source
>With more than 1 billion user accounts worldwide, WeChat is not only the most popular social app in China, it is also a primary news source for many Chinese internet users – especially because of its more than 20 million public accounts.
Thanks, I guess?
>Like, are you seriously trying to deny that the Chinese government doesn't have a massive censorship apparatus?
I'd say it's about as big as the EU's or US' but that won't fit the Western propaganda narrative.
>It's so common that it's not even news-worthy, just something that virtually every teacher knows about
That isn't a fucking source. That's just people's hearsay and more so a lot of times these kinds of "sources" are paid to give these kinds of interviews.
And again, blindly trusting other countries media reporting on a completely different country is stupid. Chinks all over fagbook, youtube and other normalfag media. If the censorship apparatus is that strong then why the fuck do they use those?

Keep being a good goy. I don't really care what you think, point is, your media is full of shit.

Democracy Taiwan is about to fall

Attached: 1384545423667.png (1572x653, 1.22M)

Its not enforced, so its as if it didnt exist.

>>a horror game set in the Taiwanese martial law era, a time when freedom of the press, public assembly, and right to fair trial were harshly oppressed
>>this game is now being kept down because the Chinese government is unhappy with it in the year 2019
Oh the irony.

+10 points have been added tp your social security number

you are now elligible for privilige of subway ride and applying for minimum wage jobs


>Chinese insects surprised and upset that Taiwan, the last bastion of democracy in the region, hates their fucking guts

Attached: 1551133155307.jpg (524x451, 55K)

>Its not enforced
>EU is literally pressuring international websites to censor "hate speech" or face heavy fines
Not only is it being forced, but you cunts are trying to force it on the entire planet, not just your own citizens.
Fuck I hate Europeans

Or it was a stunt like it is every single time this shit happens with a Western dev.

Because you're a rebel scum.

>western "democracy" and western "media"

Attached: 1491444182530.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

Nothing will change
Its not fucking enforced and nobody fucking cares
If you dont live here you really dont understand it

I can point out all the bad stuff my country has done in the past and is involved in right now. I can talk about corruption, political scandals and what the government fucks up. But I guess because I can't publicly advocate for my countrymen to have another go at those pesky kikes I live in a dystopian hellhole

Is there any official response about this or is it just speculation that it has to do with the Chinese meme and not the fact that Winnie the Pooh's copyright is owned by fucking Disney.

RoC and PRC are different entities. Taiwanese people call themselves the real Chinese people, which they might actually have claim to, since most of mainland chinese have been butchered eternally, while Taiwan has maintained homogenous racial groupings for the longest period.

>Fuck I hate Europeans
usa is the reason for all this sjw bullshit is going on in europe
without you fucks we would have been fine
fuck i hate americans

Operación Condor was 100% justified and sadly it didnt kill enough commies.

>Consirdering they make up fake reports and are nothing but US agents, yeah? I do indeed trust them.

You're accusing the Chinese government of making up fake reports? Or are you accusing every journalist NOT employed by the Chinese state media of being a foreign agent? Weird, that's also the CCP's position

>Give me a source not empty words made up by someone somewhere.

I did you stupid motherfucker. Did you click the link? Did you see how the article directly quoted the two Chinese agencies in charge of combating corruption? And included direct citations to state press releases, in which they declared their main agendas? I'll post it again for you:


And to make sure you don't miss it, here's the CCDI declaring that their top mission is to protect Xi Jinping



And here's another source, from Chinese state media, quoting them:


>"The top priority of the CCDI's work in 2019 remains firmly safeguarding Xi's status as the core of the CPC Central Committee"


Sort your grammar out riceard.

Yeah pretty much.
You can't have a freedom and also have restrictions on that freedom, it's not a freedom if it's restricted

>this triggers the Tencent shill

Attached: _20190226_084444.jpg (2000x1333, 75K)

>actual chinese agents are in this thread crying like fat soggy pussies
That's fucked up.

Attached: 1511361694196.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

>Don't tell me there are actually loyalists that feel compelled to protect the honor of someone who doesn't know they exist.
So like Nincels when Iwata died?

lol the average Russian life expectancy is 10 years shorter than the average Amerifat's

After the Second World War, the world’s first democratic country will be destroyed by dictatorship.

Attached: 367340_1280.jpg (1280x517, 66K)

Nice kvetching, shillbot.

Not to mention their Africa tier AIDS rates and crippling drug problems lol

Must suck not having any rights
Is there a charity I can send aid to you poor Eurofags stuck under the oppressive rule of a tyrannical government?

Nobody in the west cared about it. It was only a hit in japan and china.

I want it to be true, the idea of Xi Ping Ching Chong being afraid of bedroom dwellers is fucking hilarious.

Attached: Breakup of China.png (756x500, 344K)

62 what the actual fuck, she looks amazing. Asian women age very well when they don't drink/smoke.


mah fucking nigger

Either you fellate the Chinese Government and condemn any detractors to get your Social Credit Score Good Boy Points up, or the commies will feed you to the escalator.

Taiwan is seperste drom china, despite what china says. They could still run into Taiwan and kidnap the devs, never to release them, but the distinction that Taiwan is not China is still important.

Seeiousoy, these Wu-Mao trolls get pissed of when you tell them this.

>kremlinbot/ chankoro pretending to be el atrocidad

>he actually believes this

Attached: 1551099608265.gif (176x144, 1.81M)

>open NYT
>ctrl+f source - 0 results
>open second link
>ctrl+f source

Did you...search those pages for the word "source"? They're interviews with professional chinese censors?

>I'd say it's about as big as the EU's or US' but that won't fit the Western propaganda narrative.

So I assume you also have interviews with the Americans who's job it is to filter websites on behalf of the American government. Right?

>That isn't a fucking source. That's just people's hearsay and more so a lot of times these kinds of "sources" are paid to give these kinds of interviews.

Direct personal accounts are not "hearsay". Why would teaching organizations pay people to lie about there being banned topics? What would former teachers from China have to gain from all telling the exact same lie about the exact same topic being forbidden?

>And again, blindly trusting other countries media reporting on a completely different country is stupid.

Why? Journalists tend to be biased in favor of their own countries. Do you only trust American media outlets when it comes to reporting about America's problems? Because that would be dumb of you

>Chinks all over fagbook, youtube and other normalfag media. If the censorship apparatus is that strong then why the fuck do they use those?

Because the chinese authorities tend to target people using forbidden sites only when they start getting somewhat popular:



>usa is the reason for all this sjw bullshit is going on in europe
>without you fucks we would have been fine

Watch this.


>voice opinion about subject
>goverment deems your opinion illegal and you are sent to jail for years
china or germany? :^)

EU was made bu USA after the war tho

Since the 2008 recession. The people of China mostly tolerate one-party rule as long as their quality of life and economy keeps improving. All bets are off once massive layoffs start happening

To be fair, the only reason why China hasn't collapsed is because the government is resorting to massive stimulus spending to keep the economy propped up. And it's working, to prevent a recession. But the more they do it, the more they need to spend to keep it propped up, and the government only has so much money to dump into do-nothing bloated state-owned enterprises. China's debt levels speak for themselves, as a percentage of GDP they're comparable to US levels. But their GDP per-capita is still less than 25% of that of the US. Half the population is still dirt poor.

At least when Japan's bubble burst in the early 90s it was a fully-modernized nation

fuck off ching chong

>man, I've come to believe niggers aren't actually human
>get hit with a fine, people make fun of you on facebook
>man, I've come to believe the Tiananmen protests were justified and the government needs to answer for their crimes against the people
>entire family gets disappeared and their organs harvested

>Weird, that's also the CCP's position
Sounds pretty based to me. Especially considering that Western media and their subordinates do nothing but lie. Take the fucking White Helmets for example.
>I did you stupid motherfucker.
No you didn't, you utter retarded faggot. That isn't a source, they aren't citing anything of worth.
Finally something of worth. And with that said, exactly what seems to be problem here? Seems like a pretty open declaration to work against corruption aimed against taking Xi down. There was a good article written explaining why Xi became limitless in assigning his own terms as president. So I don't really see a problem with that.

Yeah, but I am not Russian. :^)

All of which a result of Afghan drugs seeping into there after the fall of USSR, with the help of some CIA friends, none the less.

Stupid argument when this oppressive agenda only began to rear it's head around 20 years ago.

It depends, did they get fined or were they given a closed-door trial and vanish into a prison for the next 15 years, while telling all concerned family members that they will extend the sentence if they publicly complain about it?

>it’s just a fine and maybe a short visit in prison
lmao at germans

>these numbers
Lul. My dude lives in China and he drove over some old hag in his car, she survived and he only had to pay about 15k$

It's quite hilarious how China is basically living a lie, not just in monetary terms but their infrastructure is built like paper.

>as long as they put on a show in court it’s okay to send people to jail for thought crimes
you’re in denial m8

>sounds pretty based to me. Especially considering that Western media and their subordinates do nothing but lie.

You seriously consider all journalists not employed by the Chinese state to be government agents?

By the way, when the New York Times website got banned because they did a story about Xi Jinping's family members immensely profiting off of state-owned enterprises, what parts did they get wrong? Because the CCP didn't deny any of it

>No you didn't, you utter retarded faggot. That isn't a source, they aren't citing anything of worth.

Yes they did, which you admit in your very next line:

>Finally something of worth.

Those links are the citations included in the same damn article

>And with that said, exactly what seems to be problem here? Seems like a pretty open declaration to work against corruption aimed against taking Xi down

You don't see a problem with a nation's top anti-corruption agency declaring that fighting corruption is secondary to protecting the top party leadership? That the highest ranks of government are legally immune to perform whatever corrupt fuckery they want?

Or do you unironically believe that it would be a net positive if Trump became legally immune?

>implying it's not the insects buying it to stick it to the west

A shitload of garbage movie made profits thanks to China alone

When was the last time someone was actually jailed for "hatespeech"? You make it sound like it happens regularly

>completely ignores the first part of my post where I talk about cenroship in my own region
>They're interviews with professional chinese censors?
If there is nothing attached to it besides being an "x" then it's nothing.
>So I assume you also have interviews with the Americans who's job it is to filter websites on behalf of the American government.
Yeah, Snowden actually gives interviews quite often. :^)
>Direct personal accounts are not "hearsay".
Of literal who's. Again, this reminds me of how just recently and to some degree still, anonymous "sources" would say of how Trump and his inner circle colluded with Russia. These kinds of sources are worth checking out, but not actually quoting.
>What would former teachers from China have to gain from all telling the exact same lie about the exact same topic being forbidden?
Same as North Korean defectors who change their stories every time they get interviewed. They literally get paid for doing these interviews and are paid decently.
>Do you only trust American media outlets when it comes to reporting about America's problems?
A mix of things. For instance, I do trust american media to report on things like shooting and such, I sometimes can trust the occasional article on their politics, most often I go to alternative sources to check upon actual politics, though. US as a country uses censorship as well, but a different kind of censorship.

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That's a good point, things ARE better without public trials or due process because I sometimes disagree with the rulings that public courts make. But if the trials happen in secret, then we can't *know* they are bullshit, problem solved

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It's good to see some intelligent anons here.

>i-it only happens once or twice a year it’s nothing!
I guess that’s fine then :^)


>You seriously consider all journalists not employed by the Chinese state to be government agents?
There's plenty of non Chinese state media operating in China. I know of at least 3 russian ones and if need be they also shittalk chinks and their government.
>By the way, when the New York Times website got banned because they did a story about Xi Jinping's family members immensely profiting off of state-owned enterprises, what parts did they get wrong?
What parts did they get right?
>Because the CCP didn't deny any of it
Reminds me of this youtube.com/watch?v=ltEgMF9S0QI
>Yes they did, which you admit in your very next line:
That's because (You) actually provided a source, unlike the article you linked before.
>That the highest ranks of government are legally immune to perform whatever corrupt fuckery they want?
Literally same shit in every country.
>Or do you unironically believe that it would be a net positive if Trump became legally immune?
Trump isn't the ruler of US. US presidents are fucking nothing in the establishment. The whole system is so full of inner corruption and seats that haven't changed in decades because they all keep themselves lobying around that it's not even funny. Look at how many years McCain has been in congress and he even wasn't one of the highest ones at that.

more like 60 years ago
Just when america went to shit because surprise, EU and USA are one and the same, both ruled by the same people working towards the same goals.
Generally speaking there is not difference, both parties are ruled by foreign, hostile minorirites that are completely disconnected from the general public

>All western Media lies
>Therefore, the media in a totalitarian regime must be free press!

Chinese here

Go kys you White shits.

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Of course, because you won't need reviews, with tencents controlling share providing official guidance on how the game should be marketed to official publications.

Haha imagine if cartoon character was labeled as some kind of a evil symbol of hate here in the West. Haha Chinese are so backwards

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Now watch this: wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06TALLINN578_a.html

To be fair, many Trump supporters would have him remain in office past his term limits in the event of an "emergency"

>that post
>that pic

Where did I say that? What is it with mutts and using these jewish tactics of changing goalposts?

>post pepe
>isp cuts internet access
Now this I can get behind

Those supporters should pack up and move to China/Russia/NK. Wouldn't have to worry about any pesky elections or opposition ever again.

When was the last time it happened then?

>Europe doesn't have free speech at all
But we do? You're allowed to say all that.

Attached: wat.jpg (505x431, 26K)

It's just so perfect

>more like 60 years ago

No. This batshit ideology that has gripped the west began to happen around 20 years ago with it coming into swing around 2010. Also it makes sense that things started around 20 years ago because the USSR collapsed in 1991 so the oligarchs have focused their energy on the EU.

Imagine thinking that China is a magical wonderland where everything is okay.
Imagine defending their insane censorship with "W-WELL OTHER COUNTRIES CENSOR SOME THINGS TOO" as if that'd make all of this fine.
How do you fucking shill for China? It's disgusting.

Europe isn't one country, holocaust denail is illegal in a fair few of them. I'm pretty sure no European country has the same level of protection for free speech as the US

It's this one.

Attached: xi-pooh.jpg (645x342, 46K)

Noooo, don't post this nazi hate symbol. I can already hear the JIDF knocking on my door.

>Try denying the holocaust then.
>Try saying muslims are violent savages.
>Try saying black people are inherently violent.
>Try saying Jews control the banks and media.
We do all of these in Denmark all the time because Denmark isn't cucked by EU laws despite being a part of EU

Holohoax didnt happen
Mudslimes are violent savages
Fuck niggers
Jews control the banks and media

Xi is based as fuck

>Asian women age very well when they don't drink/smoke.
That's true for most people though, not just asians.
Add a healthy diet, exercise and shade and you're probably going to look pretty good even when older.
Unless you're a bald guy, that just turns everyone into late 30s/40s even when they're actually in their 20s

And there were people trying to think of ways to give Obama a 3rd term

user review is cancer

hope this shit dies

>Europe doesn't have free speech
>Europe isn't one country

t. CIA shill agent trying to saveface

Attached: p-please don't boycott israel.png (832x595, 637K)

>completely ignores the first part of my post where I talk about cenroship in my own region

Oh, you still wanted me to google for you? You're going to have to name a country where this topic is banned because your description is pretty vague, and I pretty easily found topics referring to the deportations under Stalin

>If there is nothing attached to it besides being an "x" then it's nothing.

What does that mean? Do you just assume all interviews are made up now?

>Yeah, Snowden actually gives interviews quite often. :^)

But Snowden was never tasked with censoring private websites. When does he mention issuing legal takedown requests?

>Of literal who's.

They're called "witnesses". Direct personal accounts.

>Again, this reminds me of how just recently and to some degree still, anonymous "sources" would say of how Trump and his inner circle colluded with Russia.

They're not anonymous anymore!

>Same as North Korean defectors who change their stories every time they get interviewed. They literally get paid for doing these interviews and are paid decently.

Why the fuck would gooverseas.com be paying people to lie about China? Literally thousands of westerners have done teaching stints in China and talked openly about it in blogs, lectures, and a million formal conversations their banal experiences aren't some deep secret. Unlike NK defectors they're not refugees offering a rare glimpse into...anything, because nothing about the experiences of a teacher in China are rare or unusual

Apparently censorship on pc platforms is not better than on consoles.


Taiwanese people should stick to doing what they are best at.

Wiping obese American people their asses after unloading their shit.

Attached: 1482864291004.png (895x909, 65K)

Winnie the Pooh is literally illegal in china. Not kidding.

>Steam is the entire PC platform
>what is pirating

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>Literally same shit in every country.
Not really

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>but other country also bad
Based broken record

No it started in the late 50s with the jewish takeover of america.

Draw anons put Winnie the Pooh along side Tyrion.

Attached: wztFm.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

What free speech
Can you boycott products made in Israel?

Countries/similar cultures that are next to each other hate each other the most. Kinda like family/brothers.
Just look Denmark and Sweden or Greece and Turkey. Shit goes on and on


Your Jewish problem is America's problem, your nation's obsession with religion has resulted in that. Become atheist and your politicians will stop giving a shit about Israel as they will be more bothered about staying in power.

Piracy is the only choice for PCMR.

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>What parts did they get right?

Everything based on public financial documents? So, all of it

>That's because (You) actually provided a source, unlike the article you linked before.

HOLY SHIT those sources were included in the same damn article. For the third time:


Now, do you see those red words in the second paragraph? Those are links. You can click them to go to the Chinese state agencies that they are quoting

>Literally same shit in every country.

That's not what "literally" means. President Trump is facing a dozen congressional investigations because he isn't immune, but I'm sure you can ignore every single governor, senator, and congressperson that's been arrested for corruption as "well they weren't the TOP officials so they're not immune"

Anyway, feel free to explain what political position is legally immune as a way to deflect from the fact that China's top anti-corruption watchdog proudly announced that their main job is to protect CCP leadership.

>Look at how many years McCain has been in congress and he even wasn't one of the highest ones at that.

McCain has been in congress for decades because the people of Arizona kept voting to re-elect him every 6 years. But you said term limits were bad, so I guess you feel they're good now?

Diabetics are forbidden from most positions there. Something incredibly benign compared to the madness of literal body disphoria.
Did bad drumpfy also denied the 'rights' of paraplegics from entering the navy seals?

>Page 1 of 35
go on

>You're going to have to name a country where this topic is banned because your description is pretty vague
I already said. There's only 3 countries in the Baltics. All three of them share this same law. This is just the one I can name from the top of my head.
But if you want a more specific country, sure, Latvia.
>You're going to have to name a country where this topic is banned because your description is pretty vague, and I pretty easily found topics referring to the deportations under Stalin
What does that have to do with what I said?
>What does that mean? Do you just assume all interviews are made up now?
Unless there's a viable source, name or anything attached to it, then it is just empty words.
>When does he mention issuing legal takedown requests?
He specifically? He didn't. But he blew the lid on what was being discussed way before, but many didn't believe.
>Direct personal accounts.
Without a proper filtering method and checking upon said claims it's as good as hearsay.
>They're not anonymous anymore!
Yes and there's of course real evidence there as well, that's why the process keeps on being pushed back. But this time they will surely find something.

>using Erika while posting the stupid nazifags who fucked everything up

Attached: 1546956208528.jpg (400x400, 10K)

nigga those are literally all israel

Atheism is the Jews best friend.
Endless hedoniasm where shekels are the religion, a jews paradise.

desu it's hard to tell where Israel ends and the US begins

>>wholesome winnie

>he doesn't know

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This. The problem isn't religion in general, it's specifically American nu-Protestants being hardcore zionists for some reason

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>poland, the most common battleground in europe is 98% homogeneous
Yeah, because they all got raped regularly, it's like saying that the soup is completely homogeneous even though there is a bunch of other shit in it that makes the soup soup

No the Abrahamic religions are Jews best friends because you're cut from the same cloth and is eternally the victim of Christians and Muslims. Again if you stopped giving a shit about this religion your politicians would stop giving a shit because they're more bothered about staying in power that some stupid end of days shit in the middle east.

hive minded chink insects need like a nano virus or something to wipe them out

>Do you actually want your own children to look nothing like you?
Not this shit again. Most people don't look exactly like their parents, you can often see a resemblance though. It's not gone when mixing either

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>some reason
The reson is their alliance with jews against catholics after the war.
Protties officially did that to limit catholic influence but they just aided jews in the destruction of america in the end, besides protestants are jew lites anyways much to the disdain of Luther who got the short end of the stick and no protestant even knows what he wrote on jews.
Now there isn't much of a religion left standing anywhere, all of them were destroyed after the second wold war.


Last year

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He's talking how the american media buys its way into Europe, turns the volume up and tries to dominate everything for years.

Shit dude, in Germany they even talked about BLM like that's in any way an issue here. And 1-2 years ago people started the whole gender-neutral language garbage and guess where that came from?
Shit is stupid.

The Internet was a mistake.

>I already said. There's only 3 countries in the Baltics. All three of them share this same law. This is just the one I can name from the top of my head.

Thanks! I'm genuinely unaware, but I can't find any record of any Lativa law that bans discussion or discourse about any Stalinist purges, just the usual ones against libel and hate-speech

>Unless there's a viable source, name or anything attached to it, then it is just empty words.

There are names attached, although some were changed since it's basically illegal for them to talk about their jobs to foreign journalists. But even if you had real names, what would you do with them?

>He specifically? He didn't. But he blew the lid on what was being discussed way before, but many didn't believe.

You said he was a government censor. But his job was to never censor anything. Great.


The first to describe a proposed act to increase funding for the state outlet Voice of America and Radio Free Asia. I'm not seeing anything in the proposed legislation giving the government authority to censor, just that employees of foreign state media outlets might have to register as foreign agents. Because they're working directly for foreign governments to fulfill political agendas

Then there's the US seizing the domains of piracy websites. Which no. copyright takedowns aren't censorship.'

'>Yes and there's of course real evidence there as well, that's why the process keeps on being pushed back. But this time they will surely find something.

lol over a dozen of Trump's campaign aides have been arrested with a running total of 199 criminal charges filed so far. To think, this all happened because Trump directly instructed his son to lie

>34 yo had many previous convictions

>Can you boycott products made in Israel?
I don't see why not.

Holocaust denial is illegal in german speaking countries. Poland made some stupid law some time ago that's about "Poland is 100% innocent about holocaust" I think
Not sure what you're not allowed to say otherwise desu.
The issue with freedom of speech is that it's a fundamental right, not an absolute one.

Its also not the full story. Exodus outsold Last Light in physical sales, in the UK only, when comparing first week launch sales between the two

I'm not going to blame the internet. It was fine until people started to use their real names instead of coming up nicknames and share all their sensitive information.

>Holocaust denial is illegal in german speaking countries.
Actually it's genocide denial in general. "Volksverhetzung" covers all people, not just Jews

>Exodus outsold Last Light in physical sales, in the UK only, when comparing first week launch sales between the two
I'm so sick of this shit