Warm memo: Quality (of literature, art, and gameplay) is of objectivity

Warm memo: Quality (of literature, art, and gameplay) is of objectivity.

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I want to FUCK white Korra!

Every time.

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someone probably went 100K into debt to write this nonsensical self approved garbage. Let that sink in a minute.

25 years later and people are still mad about EVA.

>you mad lol xd
25 years latter and you still can't explain like an adult why you think it's so deep.

stay mad faggot

Thanks for proving me right I guess.

>$100k for (e.g.) simple tests and comparisons
That's almost as ludicrous as videogame budgeting.

>$100k for 25 years of sampling, evidencing that a). action gaming benefits spatial skills, and b). spatial skills are correlative with achievement in STEM
… Depends on the perspective.

>self approved garbage
Somewhat conclusively proving the existence of objectivity is obviously really great.

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There's nothing wrong with liking it. It's a fun 7/10 anime, but if you think it's a deep masterpiece, you're a brainlet.

I want to put my dick in Erin's pussy

Why are you so angry?

>conclusively proving the existence of objectivity
what a pretentious fag, kys

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White Korra needs to be bred like a sow.

It tries to show faggots that kicked out of society that the only way to change things for the better is by trying to change yourself. It‘s a message thats even more relevant today than back then with more people than ever just straight up abandoning reality to live lives of escapism.

Attached: Summary of Those Arguments.png (159x107, 1K)

Sorry but I refuse to get in that damn robot

Stop running away from your responsabilities


>I can't source anything but It's not self approved, it's the REAL TRUTH because she WON
yeah, as expected, it's fanatical drivel.

“As for the previous Evangelion, many people took what I made as ‘entertainment’ and turned it into a ‘target of dependence.’ I wanted to take responsibility for those people becoming impudent. I wanted to bring the work back to the level of entertainment. However, I’ve started to pull back from that subject (criticizing ‘escapist otaku.’) Those kind of people don’t understand, no matter what you say. I finally realized there’s nothing you can do.”
-Hideaki Anno 2012

you never even watched it and it shows.

Not an argument

Seems like Anno learned well from the master.
That aside, _ ____ __ ____ _____ _____!

Eva told a really compelling story and created an interesting world, but deep? Sure there's some analogies and overarching themes but it doesn't take a pretentious anime connoisseur to find them

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>Those kind of people don’t understand, no matter what you say.
Well I'm glad we've finally reached an agreement.

Warm memo: Energy levels, creativity, (thus) socialization, and other genetic expressions are deriving from nutrition. (E.g., height is most correlating with protein intakes.) Other aspects are also beneficial (flexibility, cardio, and strength – because of relaxedness and intensity and authority-in-posing-and-movement … which is even associated with T levels). … Also relevant to both designing and playing games.

Post concisely.

>asserting something is best when evidenced (e.g., amongst descriptors of qualification and quantification)
>the very nature of "qualification and quantification" is of maxing quality, specifically of commonality (e.g., 99.5% genetic similarity in humans, potentially 100%, basing on choices and "resources")

PS: Science found definitions for "objective fun" as far back as 1985.


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>Post concisely.
how ironic considering you are spamming lunatic baseless garbage we are supposed to believe because you posted it and you think you are special and educated.


I want to fight that boxing scorpion

Here's another memo: Anyone that talking about "immersion" when reviewing a game is a fucking faggot.

"Objectivity" suggests that such terminology is also basing on definable factors.

… For example, .

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>Image asks you to support your arguments
>OP makes the conclusion this means that subjective opinions become facts when supported by arguments.
>OP reveals he is either a child or has the reasoning capability of a child.

I posted FACTS in an specific order to compose and ARGUMENT supporting the SUBJECTIVE OPINION that you are MENTALLY RETARDED.

how could you fail to read a single sentence so hard?

>meta analyses

>what is peer-reviewing

>white korra thread
>no eltonel pics posted
shame on you Yea Forums

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something that wasn't used there, only claimed to have been used. Like most American university, people are allowed to publish anything without any control too keep the numbers at desired levels.

I need more assgrab pics

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but do the advertisers tho?

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>tracking, responding to, and providing 0 actual substance with critiques on [actual vidya topics]
>[even in that image, the iterations are often different]
>ad hominems / projection fantasies
You're clearly delusional. Having topics going on Yea Forums is simple background happenings, similar to chats opened.


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'quality' could refer to either production values or whether the game is good. These are two different things, and what makes a game 'good' or' fun' is subjective. It is easier to agree on when a game is bad than when it is good.

>[ignoring the many posts evidencing objectivity]
>[asserting multiple things only vaguely]

Art and media (perhaps an interchangeable term) have no inherent value. Someone can create something, but if no one is there to critique it, it doesn't exist. The tree hasn't been felled until it's been observed. So, by definition, art/media has no value until someone subjectively observes it. The idea that criticism is entirely bound to objectivity is almost childish—For those who subscribe to this school of thought, they in essence demand an answer that makes total sense. In reality, nothing can ever make total sense. You observations may be grounded in objective fact, but the words you say will never be. They are tainted by the human experience; the great divide that exists between all sapient creatures.
And that concludes my thoughts on why Kingdom Hearts 3 sucks megadick and anyone who likes it is either a child, sperglord, or furfag.





Evangelion is pants on head retarded, not deep

they don't care unless you post steamy winny the poon in tienanmen square

agreed, the book's better

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>literally proves him right
Sasuga user

GitS had a deeper story than Eva.


>Games with increased engagement are objectively greater
Everything he said was shit except this.

>quality is objectively measurable
reminder monumental retards like this lurk this board.



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Man who gives a shit they're just video games

Entertainment is huge.


>failing to realize the fact that he didn't define "engagement"
You're an easy-to-swoon brainlet

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I already know what engagement means.

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>I think X game is fun/challenging/deep?whatlol because Y and Z
>lul Y and Z are shit
Nigga fuck you

>ITT: People thinking it's possible for them to be an objective arbiter of what triggers floods of dopamine in individuals with differing tastes.

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>art and media …
Beyond human physical-proximity to felled trees, their results are still observable.

>art/media has …
"Observing" games happens when they're features-discussed, watched, or played … which is what the topic is on, and what's relevant.

>The idea that criticism is …
>[vague assertions]
>[appeal to "traditional" reasonings for potential reasonings]

>You(r) observations …
>[is more vague assertions, even countering their own fundamental logical-correlations]

Of interest, previously, was responding with more from [that], but it's really gross and whimsical. ( … Nutrition is plausibly of benefits. nutrientsreview.com/glossary/essential-nutrients/, etc.)

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Evidencing the objectivity of an opinion is really simple.

Pick a topic (fitness / health, [etc.]) and many examples are available (though vidya, specifically, is an interactive medium, which is why it has so many "algorithms" on others).

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>My subjective definition of an arbitrary term is objectively true, more so than the definitions made by people who aren't me, because I said so.
Clever girl

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>strawman / projection fantasy
Definitions / evidences of objectivity are already posted.


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