Assassin's Creed Legion (correction)

taking place in Italy at the time of Marcus Aurelius, during the struggles of his son Commodus and the year of the five emperors. the game will offer access to the Cisalpine Gaul, Corsican and Sardinian still integrating the navigation system.

the game should have two protagonists; Cassius or Lucilia (not lucia) descendants of a Roman family having no connection with Origin or Odyssey, this will be attracted by the order of assassins, who has evolved here, we will see some flashbacks of his debut in Rome. The game will contain heavy RPG elements and a story for both characters. He will not have myths or fictional characters. Some missions will happen on the front in germany. the main quest will be turned to emperors especially in perpetual conflict against the assassin's order (composed of a few dozen adherents)

IMG: IG Tharros Harbor

Attached: Captsdfure.png (444x491, 463K)

Ok. Now post the Modern Day stuff the game will have if you actually know jack shit.


They just need to do something closer to modern day. Elder scrolls should do the same.

so excitedd

That's Ryse

Love this Era , hope they are going to correct Oseyssey's errors

sounds fucking boring tbqhfam

The AC Odyssey leak was right so honestly this leak could be legit as well. It's pretty obvious the next game will be set in Rome anyway.

is that even real ?

Ubishills are back already?

is that a real leak ?

Why the fuck would you want it to take place closer to modern times, when we have 10 trillion games that already do that?

You want a literal elder scrolls with guns? Why?

Okay but will it have a weird control scheme like odyssey? I can’t play it because the layout is just too weird.

>console pleb can't rebind

looks that way, engine lighting shows

it's egyptian dude team, they make better games

It plays like ass. It’s a bad botw clone like origins too. I don’t know how I managed to play Ubisoft games up until assassins creed 3.

>It’s a bad botw clone
you nintendo fags are a sad bunch


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I would like one set during 100 years war. Some minor lord with castle position would be the best.
Upgrading villa was one of the best AC2 parts.

>time of Marcus Aurelius, during the struggles of his son Commodus

i wish i could enjoy asscreed again, despite the interesting setting in origins i only made it to Alexandria and never found the desire to start the game again

the hell happened to the franchise

Attached: 1543766570589.jpg (597x589, 35K)

This happened to me with Black Flag. I loved sailing and shit, but couldn't arse myself to progress even halfway through the game.

Vikings would be fucking awful, they had no urban cities or monumental architecture basically just big towns and villages

What we need is some non-western settings. China, Aztecs, India, Inca, Japan, Southeat Asia, etc.

Attached: A bustling marketplace in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (1987) H. Tom Hall (1932-2010) National (900x667, 149K)