This game is fucking garbage
>no ammo
>undying zombies
>huge guy is literally unkillable
>need to explore for fucking ages for keys instead of, I don't know, break the fucking door
>no dodge/roll in 2019 making avoiding zombies and lickers impossible
>cringe inventory management, like, dude, carry the fucking keys in one of your countless pouches
>hours spent walking around, only one boss and one unkillable enemy that follows you around
This is not like RE4 or RE5, why did they do this shit.
This game is fucking garbage
Bump for help.
Another day, another zoomer end up BTFO by 2019 GOTY
Shoot zombies in legs
Shoot to defend and avoid, don't shoot to kill unless necessary.
Trying to kill most enemy's will chew through your ammo and leave you defenseless.
Also, lickers are blind. They won't notice you if you don't run, shoot, or touch them, even if you are right next to them. They move VERY fast if you make any noise though.
>no ammo
stop missing, and stop wasting shots
you only really need to kill zombies in places you re-visit often
if you only need a single item in the room, just stagger them
>undying zombies
pistol is more to stagger them before running past them
you can save a lot of time and trouble knifing them once they are down to conserve bullets
if you have a surplus of acid grenades or shotgun shells, those kill them in 1 or 2 blasts
>huge guy is literally unkillable
he is there to punish you for taking too long with hoarding or for forgetting to board up windows
he adds an element of pressure to your scavenger hunt
while zombies and mr X are easy to avoid on their own, meeting both at the same time is not easy and forces you to plan out where you go, what you do, and who you kill in advance
>need to explore for fucking ages for keys instead of, I don't know, break the fucking door
chief irons breaks a door down with an axe, but your character does not have an axe
>no dodge/roll in 2019 making avoiding zombies and lickers impossible
to avoid zombies, walk instead of run, and stun them with head shots before walking past them
lickers are blind and cant hear you if you walk
you have to be careful and go careful, instead of just speeding your way past everything
>cringe inventory management, like, dude, carry the fucking keys in one of your countless pouches
you mean like skyrim?
the game is a resource management game first and foremost and forcing required items to take up a slot adds an element of pressure in deciding what you can and cant bring
>hours spent walking around, only one boss and one unkillable enemy that follows you around
all games sound dumb if you put the effort into sounding dumb
although, i doubt OP needed much help to be dumb
>This is not like RE4 or RE5
>I posted it again
>no dodge/roll in 2019
fuck off back to resetera
How slow am I supposed to walk to avoid Lickers? Can I fully push the analog stick, or do I nudge it a little ways forward? They usually follow me around like they know where I am even though they're not attacking.
You can walk at full speed, just don't touch the run button. They'll follow you but won't attack
This stop responding to obvious bait threads morons. Although... if it incites discussion then fuck it, it’s better to discuss gameplay with shitposters than trying to wiggle your way into one of the porn/rp threads
I see. Though it's the following that's kinda annoying; even if I don't run, they're bound to bump into me especially when they're right in front of me in a corridor, on the floor.
>retards itt are actually falling for bait THIS blatant
thanks for encouraging OP to make another shitty post for epic (You)s
>someone wasted time typing this shit
>look at me hurr durr such oldfag PGM keyboard warrior, if someone doesn't dedicate his life to be good a vidya, he's baiting
You have to go back.
Yeah in a tight corridor you're pretty much screwed. Stun lock them with a knife or if you're playing as Claire one fire/acid round will stun them long enough to run away
>trying to save face after getting baited like a newfag
But zombies that need 7 headshots to die is bad design. An unkillable enemy is bad design.
You don't need an axe to break a door if you have a shotgun. It may be an inventory management game but a key DOES not take as much space as shotgun, this is stupid. It would be better to have LESS space, but for keys to be stackable. Or just shoot the fucking lock.
>But zombies that need 7 headshots to die is bad design. An unkillable enemy is bad design.
both of these choices are to drill into your head that fighting is to be avoided, running is the default
by forcing you to expend many bullets into a zombie to put it down for good, the game is giving you negative feedback on killing them
it is deliberately inefficient to kill them, so you will subconciously avoid killing them if you dont have to
It would have been better if the game gives you way less bullets but zombies also take way less bullet to kill.
This reminds me of the post from yesterday about the guy running around for 5 hours trying to get the medallions. Like how stupid do you have to be? Worse than darksydephil
That would be too easy. Zombies take 7-13 headshots depending on what zombie and where. If you could just kill them in 1 or 2 shots, the game would be too easy. They're slow and shamble and are really easy to shoot, especially in the head. And what purpose would the game serve if it wasn't a challenge to the player?
sure that would make sense in the real world, but in a game like this it would just defeat the purpose. The devs want you to be satisfied with going through the rpd, gain familiarity with it, remember puzzles and places you couldn't go before, truly PROGRESS in the game. Then, once you get to the sewers and beyond, the game tests you with new challenges, puzzles, enemies, bosses that don't take long but test how quick you are to come up with solutions.
simply put, it wouldn't be fun. Or rewarding, or satisfying if the enemies died in a few hits and you could just blast through the game.
that would actually change the dynamics of game
downing a zombie with 2 shots out of 4 bullets is functionally the same as needing 5 shots out of 10 in terms of bullets/kill
but to the player, seeing your shots bounce off the enemy causes negative feedback that your bullets are being wasted, so you do that kind of thing less often
it also makes zombies tougher, as it takes longer to kill each individual zombie despite having the same total amount of potential kills per mag, so this makes being attacked by 2 or 3 zombies a huge threat despite being able to kill them all because you spend more time adjusting your shots
and finally, while killing them is harder, stunning them is way easier
you still only need 2 or 3 rounds to knock them on their back, compared to 10 rounds to kill them
so the game is actually giving you more chances to run, despite less chances to kill
so the game is encouraging you to just cut and run while also discouraging standing and fighting
How can one game absolutely demolish so many zoomers?
I made that thread yesterday, it got to 490posts. Shitposting is the best way to start a thread. But my complaints were kinda legitimate, just exaggerated a bit.
If you use the knife on downed zombies and stop missing 2 magazines for each of them you will always have enough ammo to kill most of them.
but zoomers love it
I was thinking, would a revolver be more convenient than a mag-fed handgun in a zombie apocalypse scenario? You have to reload it manually every time instead of popping in a magazine, but you'll eventually have to take the time to sit down and refill the magazines.
>But zombies that need 7 headshots to die is bad design. An unkillable enemy is bad design.
The game gives you plenty of ways to deal with them, so fuck off, they're not bad design. Just because you can't shoot everything to death it doesn't make it bad.
I just finish claire A hardcore for the first time. I had a ton of 9mm bullets left and unused regular gunpowder, and I killed nearly everyone
Yes it's way harder than the original but it's nothing really bad.
I just found out I wasted a ton of usefull grenade rounds on lickers who can be easily knifed to death.
Still had enough for bosses and burning all the plant fucks
Saddest bait I've ever seen
I took my sweet time because I was walking everywhere and looking for lock combinations, but I had no trouble finding them, they're set in a way that you'll happen naturally upon them.
Papa Capcom is not done yet. The next zoomer demolisher is incoming fast!
>and burning all the plant fucks
What for? You can avoid most of them no problem.
I just like doing it, the effect is amazing
I thought the dedicated dodge button was a meme, but Jesus.
Ah this is some good bait. I can believe someone could be dumb enough to say that. Go post it on Reddit, kid. You have my blessing.
Once I learned the game has sliding difficulty I stopped having fun because it's impossible to give a shit after.
If I have too much ammo, game's going to make zombies stronger and spawn less ammo. If I have too little, zombies will be weak and spawn more ammo. It defeats the entire point of playing a game if it plays itself. Why bother paying attention to ammo when the game will give it or take it away no matter what? This goes for everything that it affects. Such shitty design
>That picture
What a bunch of fucking retards, Have they not played the older games and not know how to roll? DmC was a mistake.
>would a revolver be more convenient than a mag-fed handgun in a zombie apocalypse scenario
handguns reload faster and carry more rounds
if you are faced by 2 or more zombies, you will want a semi over a revovler
there is no good reason to carry a revolver over a semi for the purposes of killing zombies
that being said, there are reasons to carry a revolver
revolvers are less prone to shooter-based malfunctions, you cant limp wrist and you cant leave the safety on, stuff that is likely to happen if you are still trying to get over the shock of bullet-resistant cannibals
you can also use a revolver one-handed, as you need a free hand to work the hammer but you need a second hand to rack a slide, so if a zombie grabs you by surprise you can jam the revolver against their head and fire as a defensive action, whereas you cant do that with a semi unless you keep the gun primed in your holster
as to OPs question
also, a glock 19 has something around 17 rounds
a revolver would fire nearly 3 cylinders before that single mag is finished, so your concerns about the magazine wont really be an issue
handgun wins for the purposes of killing
revolver wins if you are not actively hunting zombies and have other concerns to worry about
Not even rolling, just jumping gives you iframes if a three-button combination is too much for them.
these people are so used to a i-frame button that the idea of physically avoiding the attack by moving out of the way is so far disconnected from their mind. amazing, just fucking jump
Guys i never have any ammo WTF
Shit man, that's enough for like, three zombies. How will you ever manage?
Why are you retards responding to bait?
>tfw no raid mode
>tfw no mercenaries mode
>tfw no basic editor to fuck around with monsters and weapons
this game desperately needs some more lasting value, what are the chances of more dlc?
because idiots bought into the "zoomers hate RE2" meme, now let's ignore OP and discuss some shit
>Being this garbage at videogames
I just want to die. I really lost all hope for this numale spoiled humanity that cannot ever grow up or get better at anything...
I'm not even joking, trollpost or not, threads like these reminds me of state of gaming today and it's really fucking sad. We can't have any challenge because shitty numales start reeeeing over difficulty and their "life" and no wymn representation and how horror games stress them out. And i know it's not gonn aget just never will....
>we can never have any challenge
the survivor modes are pretty challenging though, so they obviously didn't give a shit about anyone saying the main game was hard
There were rumours floating around about two more DLC, one with Ada.
I would actually be surprised if they didn't release anything else to capitalize on the game's success.
zoom zoom
zoomers literally can't beat it
>because idiots bought into the "zoomers hate RE2" meme
Or maybe because people simply want to talk about the game, no need for "damn newfags taking the bait" nor any of that crap.
Don't forget to cut enemies and bosses. The original game gave you more actual game for your money.
Props to the updated Mr X however...I never thought I'd get a real opportunity to see Nancy pelosi's wrinkled up prune face, wracked with angry constipation in a video game...but Capcom apparently makes dreams come true.
Assisted is a thing. I'm pretty sure they can beat it.
Still, there are a lot of companies who produced good and challenging game, and now they degenerated to please non-gaming audiences. I remember we used to have like 5 modes max. Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, Nightmare.
Now we have, Easy, Very-Easy and fucking Cinematic difficulty. We don't encourage player to get better, but we simply lower the bar because he's crying. And while RE2make ended up being good enough, there are many titles who had suffered far worse. And it saddens me, it really does.
Definitely needed more bosses, but it was an okay game.
>need to explore for fucking ages for keys instead of, I don't know, break the fucking door
When are the Silent Hill remakes coming?
Game would be too easy then. Shotgun for Leon even hardcore is 1 hit kill and for Claire she shas smg which easly destroys zombie legs and grenade launcher is self-explanotory.
zoom zoom!
no honestly, I completed the game and different playthroughs with ease. Loved all original REs and the newer ones. Why are you guys so fucking shit at games?
What is there to remake ? They still hold up today.
horror games I'll say are best played on high difficulty, because the fear you feel is the fear of death and when death comes easily then the fear you feel is stronger and the point of horror in a lot of things is to feel fear, in some others it's more to feel dread than fear.
but most people itt are continually responding to his bait instead of discussing the game
Enemies cut from original game.
excuses excuses excuses. stop believing memes and overanalyzing games. Just accept that you are a fucking casual who cant even complete this casual re game. Leave resident evil and play some foart maigtt
Game doesnt give or take ammo. DA only affects damage and behaviour. Just play Hardcore for static difficulty just like RE4
The fuck you're talking about ? Every scenario has exact number of enemies each playthrough and same amount of ammo you can find or craft...
Are you fucking high user ?
as a remake of a classic game this is the gold standard and honestly i don't see this one ever getting topped for a very long time.
However as a game standing on it's own merits this game sucks. The puzzles and backtracking and bullet sponge enemies and recycled assets in every room make the game tedious and unfun.
I played it for an hour after pirating it and while i enjoyed my time i haven't touched it since. I'll probably forget it exists at some point before uninstalling
We lost spiders, giant moth and crows...but hey we got this face chasing us around constantly. Someone shop a black fedora onto this.
I'm sorry that you expected a third-person action shooter and got survival horror instead. you know, something that series was called a long time ago.
All I got was less enemy variety and fewer bosses...
Don't forget how much of a shitfit people threw when a game dared make fun of them for picking the easiest difficulty.
For clearing Leon B Hardcore under 2 hours, would 1 hour & 10 minutes before Sewers be too long? Trying to loot as much as the RPD before heading there
I swear to god, these nu-gamers have ADHD. I remember watching few people stream when RE2make came out. Not even big-ass streamers, just some rando players.
>Original RE2
>No item indicators, you literally had to press action everywhere to get some hidden items.
>Only key items had glow effect
>Literally big ass fucking icons screaming at you "HEY RETARD, I'M AN ITEM PICK ME UP'
>People still miss these items because they're storming through the rooms as if it was a fucking mario64 speedrun
>"Wow, idk what to do, this game is shit !"
Nah its alright
Nobody cares about the spiders/moth michael
You only lost a couple of enemies that you only see in a few rooms in the game. The more advanced enemies that actually require different strategies to dealing with them rather than just shooting them is way better than some useless spiders or some plant monsters that are dealt with in the same way all other zombies are dealt with.
RE2make is both dumbass
she looks like she has brain damage
>This game is fucking garbage
>no ammo
There's LOADS of ammo, and the perfect amount on Hardcore, don't blame the game you keep wasting it
>undying zombies
Definition correct then? Just Stun 'n Run like we've been telling you for a MONTH
>huge guy is literally unkillable
So stop wasting ammo, he needs a single flash after picking up bookcase lever then you're safe to get magnum/fix bookcase alone
>need to explore for fucking ages for keys instead of, I don't know, break the fucking door
If only the game had some sort of map that highlighted items
>no dodge/roll in 2019 making avoiding zombies and lickers impossible
This isn't DS, Lickers are super easy and you're definitely not Stun 'n Running then
>cringe inventory management, like, dude, carry the fucking keys in one of your countless pouches
By that mentality your shotgun would fill almost all slots, STFU
>hours spent walking around, only one boss and one unkillable enemy that follows you around
Because you're not smart enough to use the map and achieve the astoundingly simple objective on the same page
>This is not like RE4 or RE5, why did they do this shit.
What, make another identical game for kiddies? Go back to Minecraft.
These threads have to be bait, even I suck and am an old console peasant, this was an easy 1000G/Plat trophy. So much advice has been around since launch, and people are still asking the same questions? Pic related, it's you.
Because who needs the variety of poison enemies. Let's completely ditch a mechanic...the zoomers might get confused
she looks like she fucks black guys
RE4 fags , ladies and gentlemen.
>mfw if i played it i'd probably end up worse
What can i say i get scared easily desu. Even watching my bro playing it i get anxious.
There you go you lil faggot. This should fix all your problems. Just embrace the toxic masculinity. It's either that or Onions.
That's what he said
>Because who needs the variety of poison enemies
There's the same amount of poison enemies as in the original.
I hope Leon's having a good day.
That's not so bad, onions are pretty tasty.
git gud
Every day without fail
Get a life OP
It's been a while since you posted gay porn Michael. Perhaps you're losing motivation seeing how people are still loving the game despite your best efforts.
Try playing the game before shitting on it, m8.
What's up with all the hate thread recently ? The game is one month old, move on
91 meta, cope barry
>no ammo
The fuck? There is plenty of ammo in hardcore
>The game is one month old
You just reminded me about that 'social engineering' user
Social engineering on Yea Forums, that's really useful wow
>hat's up with all the hate thread recently ? The game is one month old, move on
im yet to see a game that people on Yea Forums wont crap on
it seems like the more popular or critically acclaimed a game is, the more people seem to think they are big brained for being contrarians
then defend themselves with "you are just mindless fandboys defending your nostalgia" if you call them out on their behaviour
Yeah, I don't get it either
fuck the emake
Didn't you literally make this same exact thread, with that same exact picture, and almost the same exact OP yesterday? What gives? Is this a new, weaponized form of shilling where companies try to get Yea Forums talking about a game without the dead giveaway of a first post that cocksucks both the game and the company?
Reposting here because the other thread derailed:
So I've finished both scenarios but I was thinking back on the game and something got me curious since I never actually tried it out. Does suppressing Claire's smg actually do anything significant gameplay-wise outside of slight stat boosts to the weapon? IE, would suppressed shots not alert Mr. X to your location like regular shots do? Do they work differently with Licker's being unable to figure out where you are as fast as they would with a normal weapon? Or is the suppressor just in the game as a random upgrade parts used by the devs to justify stat boosts to the weapon in a cool way you can visually see?
I don't have any saves left over from my playthroughs that have Mr. X nearby and really am curious as to whether or not using a suppressor changes his reactions.
Tendies are still mad this game isn't on their mcdonalds tablet.
>would suppressed shots not alert Mr. X to your location like regular shots do? Do they work differently with Licker's being unable to figure out where you are as fast as they would with a normal weapon?
Yes to both. Lickers will investigate the spot where a bullet hit, they won't come after you immediately.
Oh huh, that's pretty cool, if I knew I would've abused that a hell of a lot more. Does that make the suppressed SMG one of the best Claire speedrun tools for blasting at zombos during the tyrant sections? Probably a bit of a stupid question, I'm a shitter and struggled my way through most of both scenarios, thinking about picking the game up again to run for time but I'd probably hit a ton of brick walls doing it.
Thats not entirely true.
You might have 2 gun powders and they will always be in the same spot but there will sometimes be a varience with how much ammo it produces if you have many bullets.
If there on the floor in front of you use your knife to kill them, they'll be stunlocked as long as you keep attacking. if there is more than one Claire can use her grenade launcher to stun them and leon can use the Lightning Hawk.
If your in a really tight spot a flash bang will let you stun them long enough to run as well.
When RE2 was released we used to play the same game for months (if not years)
To add on to what user said, not only do you get less ammo per craft if you're doing exceptionally well, but the ammo pickups that are static also shrink in size.
In addition to that, even if each scenario has the same amount of enemies per playthrough, iirc the actual health each enemy has is randomized when you first start a playthrough, so some enemies will take either a lot more or a lot less bullets than others. If you get fucked and it turns out some of the crucial zombies you have to kill to clear a path generated with high hp, good fucking luck not wasting all your ammo or getting rid of some sub-items.
Essentially there's a hidden "points" system underneath the game that you can't see, that keeps track of your score, doing shit like killing zombies or using med items (iirc) raises your score, taking damage lowers it. That's the basic premise of it but there's a ton more things that factor into your score. If you start doing too well the game will start fucking with you to make it harder, enemies will take less damage while doing more damage, ammo will become scarcer, etc. Really fucking dumb mechanic if you ask me
>in saferoom, listening for mr. x
>hear him stomp away and his footsteps get gradually quieter
>listen for a little bit longer to make sure he's not there, exit the saferoom
>door opens, he's standing still silently RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT, making me take damage
what in the absolute fuck, that scared the fucking shit out of me. since when can mr. x do decoy footsteps and teleport?
>Just got S rank on Claire A Hardcore
Feels good, 2:20.
>hour & 10 minutes before Sewers be too long
That's too long.
This, you need to be out of RPD by 30 minutes, 40 if your pushing it
>Umbrella's making a virus that turns people into unkillable monsters.
Ada says something to this effect. Go figure, looks like she's not exaggerating.
Way too long, try to make it so you're at 1:10 after the Sewers.
According to PS4, 54.2% of all players have finished REmake 2, which is pretty high number for a game (Most players usually move on and never finish games), so OP is likely extremely trash at the game.
i completed hardcore Claire A earlier today and i had enough ammo to kill everything including some bonus enemies that come in from unboarded windows
i didn't use any infinite weapons or the infinite knife
the game gives you more than enough ammo provided that you know what to do with it
The xenomorph in Alien:Isolation would occasionally do the same: stop moving and just listen for a while, waiting for you to bolt and give your position away. If you're not sure, just crack the door open and peek out.
Zoom zoom
Mr. X was ashamed of his boasting, his pretensions of courage and ruthlessness; he was sorry about his cold-bloodedness, his dispassion, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing The RPD officers, that he missed them as much as anybody and wished their murders hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated the RPD he knew that the smiles of the infected disappeared when he passed by. He received so many menacing shouts that he could hear them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to the RPD all day, flipping open doors, looking at his destiny in every Leon and Ada. Claire Redfeild came up to Raccoon City at one P.M. on the 29th. She had no grand scheme. No strategy. No agreement with higher authorities. Nothing but a vague longing for glory, and a generalized wish to find her brother Chris.
>You shouldn't be wearing that hat Mr. X. Fedoras are unlucky
>My lucks not very good as it is Marvin, I don't think a hats gonna change it that much
>I hear ya
There would be no eulogies for Mr. X, no photographs of his body would be sold in sundries stores, no people would crowd the streets in the rain to see his funeral cortege, no biographies would be written about him, no children named after him, no one would ever pay twenty-five cents to stand in the labs he was engineered in. The AT-4 would ignite, and Sherry would scream, but Mr. X would only lay on the floor and look at the ceiling, the light going out of his eyes before he could find the right words.
>a key occupies the same space as a shotgun
Is this game retarded?
Don't listen to those other guys, you're okay on time. You just have to blow through everything from this point on. Sewers is ten minutes long, so is Lab. That gives you 30 minutes for the four bosses and the escape. Just don't dawdle and you'll make it with a few minutes to spare.
Trying to figure out where I can cut time for my Hardcore B-runs. I feel like I'm flying through but I still can't seem to reliably do B-runs faster than I can do As, and I couldn't get my Assisted Bs under 2 hours. I'm a Completionist gamer though, so I'm having to forcibly restrain my natural instincts to pick up everything.
They're old fashioned, fuckhuge skeleton keys. They may not be as big as a shotgun but they're not like modern house keys.
Addendum: This is assuming you mean the sewers proper. If you haven't done the croc and Ada yet, I'm not sure you can make it in time.
>The Assassination of Mr. X by the Rooke Leon S. Kennedy
Don't that rocket launcher look dusty?
>Just finished all the challenges for ghost survivor
Feel hollow now.
It's over and I've got nothing else to play.
Recommendations? I've played through most of the RE games outside of the mixed review spinoff titles like ORC
This is why RE4 had a great inventory system and I'm really upset that no other RE game has tried to do it since.
Play RE Outbreak while waiting for DMC5.
No fuck I think you misunderstand me, the motherfucker LITERALLY walked away, I ran into the saferoom with him on my ass and started waiting until I heard his footsteps stomp away into the distance, a far away door opening and closing, and then silence. Then when I went to open the door, he was standing RIGHT in front of it silently, the door didn't even have time to open all the way before I got hit and knocked back flat on my ass. I'm honestly guessing it's a bug, there's no way he was outside that door unless he teleported there or there was an audio bug with the stomping away. On a sidenote- holy fuck, the B scenario gives you so much ammo compared to the A scenario. A scenario I was struggling to make ends meet as far as ammo, had almost nothing whatsoever, I entered the G3 fight with about 5 9mm bullets left and nothing else. I'm on the B scenario right now in the sewers and I've got 200~ rounds of smg ammo, 30~ rounds of 9mm, 30~ rounds of .45, 10~ grenade shells and around 6 or 7 gunpowders in my storage box. My playstyle has been more aggressive too because of this, I've been blasting just about everything that moves, if I was playing the same way I played in scenario A I'd probably have twice as much ammo on me right now. What gives? Is Leon A just supposed to be scarce on ammo, while Claire B is supposed to be flush with mac ammo to encourage you to use it? Leon A I collected and crafted with every single gunpowder, picked up all the bullets, used my knife, grenades, and flashes damn near religiously and I still found myself running out of ammo and had to commit to a "run the fuck past everything" strategy.
>sorting your items
>placing ammo close to its corresponding weapon
>having panic after picking up shit and your current layout no longer works
It felt wrong toggling the weapons with 1-4 in my keyboard in RE7 and RE2.
I've heard that Mr X can spawn on either side of the RPD, and if one chases you across to the overside there are glitches where the second can spawn too. How long was the first Mr X on your ass?
Reminder that canonically there are 2 Mr Xs wandering around anyway, the one killed by G1 at the elevator, and the one Leon kills at the end of his B run.
>I've heard that Mr X can spawn on either side of the RPD, and if one chases you across to the overside there are glitches where the second can spawn too. How long was the first Mr X on your ass?
You know what, that might actually be it. He was chasing me for a while since I was taking my time picking shit up and killing off zombies. I definitely crossed the main hall with him on my tail before ducking into the saferoom. You think it could be then that the one that stomped away was the one from the other side that followed me, and that while I was listening to silence the game spawned in the second one right outside of the saferoom?
Probably. Once you ducked into the safe room, the first one's AI would send it back to the other side, but technically he would have hung around outside your door for a few seconds. It just spawned the second to take up where the first left off. Those Umbrella fuckers are tricky little shits
>no ammo
Stopped reading here. Learn how to play you fucking retard
>54.2% of all players have finished REmake 2
Huh, it's almost exactly the same stat for PC, sitting at 55.2% on steam right now, that's fairly interesting.
Either way, this user is right, the completion rates on PC and PS4 are both absurdly high. If you browse through random global achievement stats for steam games, most of them have a global finish rate of 10-20%. Someone did a global steam stats analysis a few years ago and the stats were along the lines of, on average across all tracked games on steam,
>80% of people launch the games they buy at least once
>40% of people get halfway through that game
>29% of people actually finish that game
>20% of people don't even bother starting it
And remember, this was taken several years ago. I'd wager the average game completion rate is much lower now with the huge influx of people coming onto steam, along with the huge slash in average game prices leading a lot more people to buy games, try them, then get bored and not bother finishing since they got them for so cheap. An average completion rate of 20% above the global completion rate for games for a HORROR game, of all things (fairly niche genre) is incredible, you just might be a shitter. For comparison, other "popular" horror games had finish rates of
>Alien Isolation, 18%
>REmake, 20%
>RE5, 26%
>RE6, 18%
>RE7, 38%
>Evil Within, 23%
You can check some more but they're all gonna be relatively similar. Horror games are fairly niche, even the ones with a LOT of marketing and word of mouth sales, most people just end up booting them up and dropping them fairly quickly. The fact that RE2 not only sold well but has a completion rate nearly double that of other popular horror games on steam speaks pretty well as to the quality of the game, as well as the fact that it's really not that difficult, nor "bullshit" flawed of a title.
Should you do Hardcore on your first run?
Umm... trolling right? Even on the hardest difficulty there is so much ammo.
Have you played any main Re title before 5?
Older games tends to have lower completion rates as they go for cheap and more players get the games. Within a game's first month it's only the most die hard fans as they buy it at release for full price, it's much more likely they will complete it. It would be intresting to see each of those games' completion rate one month after release.
don't mean to nitpick much (especially on an old post) but to add on to user's question, it's highly dependent on the gun too. If your revolver is double action you'll never need to touch the hammer, there are even revolvers where the hammer is hidden inside the frame. Each trigger pull cocks the hammer and sends it forward for you so all you'd ever need to worry about is loading/unloading it. As far as racking a slide, there are double action handguns too so the only reason you'd never need to rack a slide is to chamber a round, but ideally in a zombie apocalypse you'd never be walking around without a round already chambered anyways, so with a double action handgun you could keep one in the chamber, gun uncocked, and just pull the trigger to cock the hammer and fire at the same time if you had to. If you were carrying a handgun with a heavy DA pull too, like a P64 (where the double action is 15-20 lbs of weight) you wouldn't even need to keep it on safety, one less thing to worry about.
If it was me though I don't think I'd carry a semi handgun in an apocalypse as a sidearm, I'd opt out for a smol double action snubnose chambered in some meatier calibre, one that has the hammer hidden in the frame. You'd only ever be using your handgun in tight spaces or indoors anyways, so you'd want something small and light. It'd most likely be far more reliable in the long run, especially if you ran out of cleaning supplies / lubricant for your handgun and were constantly in dirty/dusty areas, the handgun would wear down overtime and be a lot more prone to malfunctioning while a revolver would be a lot more likely to just keep on trucking. Not being able to carry high capacity magazines could be a problem, agreed, but revolvers have speedloaders anyways. Plus you wouldn't be running around firing off full mags anyways, ammo will be scarce and you'll want to conserve it / not draw attention.
If you're experienced with RE games, then yes. Otherwise, no. I did my first run on Hardcore and had a great time. Just be aware, it's actually a lot harder than the classic games.
>actually biting
Has baiting become easier over the years? Or is it just newfags.
>pile of debris blocking way
>ladder literally learning against pile of debris
>can't navigate over it
why the fuck put ladders everywhere? even the scene with the fence blocking the two characters there's a fucking ladder learning against the fence
I'd like to know what counts as beating the game, beating just an A scenario? The completion results could be inflated by people that have beaten both, evening out those that didn't beat the game at all.
Absolutely, the game ups the tension by having you manage save items yet never being really difficult. It's very manageable even as your first RE.
Sound like you need to get good if you're wasting all you ammo and getting fucked by Mr.X
Hes gonna have 0 ammo in every encounter if he has never played classic re before trust me, people just shoot everything even if you tell them not to
>I'd like to know what counts as beating the game, beating just an A scenario
>The completion results could be inflated by people that have beaten both
The way I'm choosing to look at it through the perspective of your average gamer that might have just picked this game up out of curiosity, not counting the "finished both" so that stat isn't inflated, might actually be underestimated. When you finish the A scenario, there's no real indication that the "2nd Run" is anything more than an optional NG+ run, you get told a "2nd Run" has been unlocked and when you're back at the Story menu it says something like "New Game 2nd Run" iirc. The percentages for all the runs are
>Completed any Leon scenario, 55.2%
>Completed any Claire scenario, 41.7%
>Completed both scenarios, 32.8% (really high considering the circumstances)
The steam stats might actually point to a higher completion rate than 55.2%, considering the fact that there may have been players who finished Claire A and nothing else on top of the players who finished Leon A with nothing else, hard to tell just by looking at the stats.
That's true, it'd be interesting to see RE2's completion rate further down the line. Regardless I don't remember ever seeing Alien Isolation's completion rate go above 20-30% when I played it around launch. Completion rate that high a month later still surprises me some.
>and one unkillable enemy that follows you around
wtf is his problem?
Clara de goblina literally drops this game from 9/10 to 6/10
Oh wait, I just realized. You can calculate the percentage of players who finished just one run using the both scenarios complete %, can't you?
>55.2% completed Leon A or B, 41.7% completed Claire A or B, 32.8% completed both
>55.2% leon clears - 32.8% both clears = 22.4% of players completed only Leon A
>41.7% claire clears - 32.8% both clears = 8.9% of players completed only Claire A
Wouldn't that make the actual completion rate then,
>22.4% only Leon A + 8.9% only claire A + 32.8% both cleared = 64.1% of all steam owners have cleared the game
Or is my math fucked up? Haven't slept in 30 hours so my head's a little bit fuzzy, I might be a retard right now fucking this up badly. If it really is 64.1% that's even more fucking impressive
he wants to take Leon to pound your ass town
Jordan x Eduard is cute and canon
she has a qt tummy
Getting so sick of seeing these threads every damn day.
It’s not impressive when the game can be casually cleared in 4 hours
Sorry I will stop making them. But it's the best way to start a discussion. I'll keep making the civ6 threads tho.
For a game in the horror genre? Yes it is. And you'd be hard pressed to find an average person who beat the game that fast in their first playthrough while playing blind. People on Yea Forums always come in to brag about how their first blind playthrough took them, but they have to remember that Yea Forums doesn't represent the majority of the gaming community at all, the majority of people take 7-8 hours to finish their first run if they're not using a walkthrough.
How do you deal with the G-Adults in the Bottom Waterway on the way to get the King and Queen Plugs and the Flammenwerfer THAT'S MEANT TO BE USED ON G-ADULTS?! There's like three of them and it's all narrow walkways so you can't skirt around them and unlike the introduction one (Just before the corpses of the Umbrella guys) you can't just trade a Knife for it to drop you on the other side of him and climb the ledge to freedom.
As Leon, obviously. Claire just flame grenades them ez pz.
come on Michael, resident evil 2 has been out for almost a month now and it's widely celebrated as being a true return to form wether you like it or not! why don't you bait people with the next goty, Devil May Cry 5
You really are a gay nigger
Kys newfags
This is bait.
>Do Claire A standard get B
>Leon B hardcore run get S+ no problems, died once to alligator that was it
>Go back and do Claire A hardcore and get S+ no problem
>Do leon A hardcore no problem got S+ no problem no deaths
>Finally get time to do Claire B Hardcore
>Can't even reach the first saferoom where you get you quickdraw army without dieing twice
>Get killed by the first licker in the station
I think I might be retarded lads I took a three day break and forgot how to play the game, I've only just reached the darkroom and I'm completely out of ammo.
You can literally walk past the first licker in Claire B.
Git Gud or play something else faggot. You wouldn't be complaining very much if you were an actual RE fan.
The undying zombie thing is I feel is a culture shock issue for players that don't get past the early game or are used to RE5/6 and other zombie games. On hardcore there is enough ammo and weaponry to wipe out all enemies in the game comfortably, there's only a brief stretched period in the very first hallways of the game. Since ammo is scarce in this period it causes players to panic shoot and be more intimidated by zombies feeling falsely that they're undying. This is why Hardcore first runs are good since they force a player to understand how the game really works. Firstly that the zombies work under old RE logic with new twists based off limb and body destruction (aka 6-8 shots to kill with pistol), meaning damage is the same no matter where you shoot but if you land a crit from a fully zoomed shot on the head it's an instant kill. Meaning zombies are not headshoot balloons to treat like a shooting gallery but a threat you have to adjust aka it's better to shoot out the legs unless you have a large distance (less ammo too) also that zombies have set health numbers meaning a particular zombie (the morgue for one) are tougher than other zombies. They've essentially merged some of the mechanics of the crimson heads without slowing the pace of the game which is good game design. They're balanced from being both a stepping stone to your objective but also a threat you can never take lightly throughout the entire game, draining your resources if you get too cocky without fully knowing the game. Which is important when these are your enemies for the majority of the game since there's no Hunters replace all zombies moment or super zombies with body armor and miniguns.
It also may seem like the zombies are tougher but look at how long it'll take you to kill enemies by shooting limbs in the other action REs and how easy it is to delimb and neutralize a zombie forever in this.
What order should I play the games
Should I play the originals before the remakes
Fuck off
>no ammo
If you want to play them all play them in chronological order.
It's up to you if you want to play the remakes instead of the originals or if you want to play the original then play the remake's after
The only change to the game that I don't like is Mr. X being present in both the A and B scenarios. I don't like feeling rushed, and I'd prefer to have the option not to have him around so I can take my time and enjoy the game.
>Leon uses a bottle of something and a gauze to treat Ada's leg
>Not just hitting it with some First Aid Spray
>no original voice actors because MUH UNION
>paid dlc superior soundtrack and classic SFX sounds >inb4 b-but it's 3$
>completely butchered the scenario system, B scenario doesn't even exist anymore and both characters have a mish mash of A scenario events that happen at the same time but neither is even canon because both characters kill the same bosses and this fucks up the story with characters dying and reviving later or bosses getting killed multiple times in the same area whereas in the original each scenario had specific bosses
>no zapping system, shit you do in A run doesn't carry over to B run and you do the same puzzles again for no reason while the A run character is magically ahead
>reduced interactions between leon and claire, they don't even talk over the radio and don't logically divide and conquer objectives like the original, now they just stumble on things and get railroaded into them no matter what
>the entire ada section and the god awful batman scanner shit and the stupid """""boss"""" fight with it
>alligator boss fight got turned into a fucking on rails piece of shit
>moved city street section at the beginning to the middle of the game for petty reasons that don't showcase how dangerous the streets really are which makes you question why the characters go out of their way to go to the sewers to escape
but its such good gameplay running around in circles in the Library to move the shelves for the passage while Mr X follows you.
its fucking retarded that they have to resort to stupid shit like this to drag out the game.
not combining gunpowder is cheating?
>not moving the bookshelves ahead of time so that all you have to do is get rid of the car jack
psst, hey; you can move multiple bookcases at once if they're adjacent t each other
I'm a massive shitter who didn't even finish the two bonus modes I tried and I've never had a problem with Mr. X. When he first shows up your butthole slams shut, but once you get used to him he's just tension forcing you to plan a route around him to get where you need to be. Unless you get some shit luck and he's thumping around behind you and you got Lickers in front of you're kind of fucked, but just keep moving and he can't do shit.
Mother fucker you can't do that? I'll have to remember that next time, get everything together then it's just one shove and done.
Then lose him before going to the library or pump a couple of mag rounds into his face instead of whining like a shitter
if you want excuses to run through the game again you could always link your game account to REnet and keep track of the challenges that get thrown up monthly and weekly. Some of them are pretty damn neat. Hardly Armed but Dangerous PLUS tasked you with clearing the game on Hardcore without the use of subweapons or shotgun/launcher.
>beat Leon A and Claire B
>Manage to barely beat 4th survivor after watching some youtube strats because I'm a shitter
>no longer feel motivated to play anymore
Are the infinite weapons fun, anons? I enjoyed the game but I can't see how people sink so many playthroughs into this one.
>Are the infinite weapons fun, anons?
I think it would have been better to keep him exclusive to the 2nd runs, like in the original game.
Of course the infinit guns are fun, retard
about the only fool-proof method i have found to deal with them is to back up to about mid range once they see you (like 7 feet or so) so you can bait the move where they go stationary and start shitting out larvae. while this move is in motion, you want to juke around the RIGHT side. if you go left it will cut off its animation and slap you.
You haven’t lived until you did at least one infinite rocket launcher run.
I phrased my question poorly.
Are they worth learning to speedrun for?
I think it more has to do with the ingenious way that the zombies were animated, though there are some noticable inconsistencies that people have found through the use of cheat engine, certain animations that enemies do are just 100 percent unstunnable and some even give them i-frames. these niggas cheat all the time and it keeps the game fresh for someone who runs game like clockwork.
No ammo? Theres way too much ammo just like the original. Quit fucking killing every single enemy just because. This is a survival horror game ....
yeah you can literally move them into place just so that all it will take is moving two sets once to create a bridge. pro-tip: you can move multiple cases if you push them into one another.
Literally seething
Is there a mod that allows headshots to oneshot zombies?
here the abundance of ammo actually makes sense since the game has no auto-aim to speak of in the main difficulty modes. way more opportunities to miss those side shuffling retards.
In my first playthrough I tried headshotting every zombie to death because I assumed they'd slowly follow me through the whole station in a swarm if I didn't. Hearing them break down the door in the next room scared me more than Mr X.
Explore for fucking ages? This game is almost as short as the original as well. You cant be this bad at video games... theres also baby mode for people like you, select assisted mode if this easy game is too hard for you. Seriously this game is not that hard it's also an easy platinum/achievements. I'd stay far away from dmc v if you're crying about re2 remake. Also they made this for casual zoomers as well and you're still complaining. No dodge/roll mechanic kekekekkrkrkrkk
git gud
I found that I got fuckall ammo on my first playthrough as Leon but lots of healing items but now I'm doing 2nd run as Claire I find myself getting lots of ammo but little healing items. Is this normal or is Claire supposed to be easy mode?
>learning to speedrun
you don't need to speedrun to reach the time and save goals. just know whats coming and what you need to get to the next spot and you will make it.
As you can see, I had harder time on hardcore difficulty so I had to use more saves.
Go watch a speedrun and learn from that.
Threadly reminder that the game was made for casuals and children.
>Mr. X is literal background music
>more than enough ammo for any weapon, even after killing every single enemy available
>40+ ink ribbons
>no crossbow
Doing a Claire B hardcore run. I just kited X all the way from his second appearance (helicoptor hall), through the Waiting Room, into the Main Hall (stunned bitch on second floor balcony with a knee shot), down through the West Office, past the Licker outside the Weapons Storage locker, around the bookshelves in the Records Room grabbing the jack for the library, back out past the Licker again into the Storage locker, around the lockers, through the hall again to the West Office, back to the Secret Room to dump at the item box (with X hanging around by the door keeping me from escaping while every zombie from the main hall - Marvin, chinese guy, fat guy who came out of the library earlier, Misty, and the other bitch from the second floor balcony - comes tromping down the steps and having to kneecap them all), then out again, circling the front desk, female zombie grabs me I escape by stabbing with my infinite knife but now I need to take her out to get it back with X right there, circle the desk again, knock her down get my knife back, dodge Marvin once more, up the stairs to the Library, use the jack, get grabbing by nig zombie twice and bitten, escape via ladder, circle around to stairs and escape into STARS office to finally lose X.
Son of a bitch was just relentless, literally on my ass every step of that.
>game was made for casuals and children.
and yet there has been endless salt about how this game's difficulty is bullshit
also let's not pretend 2 had you stretched thin for ammo either. even when adjusting for the fact that every RE gives you more than enough.
That was a fun thread, I swear Mr X had raped that anons mother
What is a "quick loader"?
>just exaggerated a bit
so it only took 15x longer than it should have rather than 30x? sorry for calling you bad and stupid.
>doing 100 Kill Quota
>decide to skip picking up final pouch upgrade
>finish game
>98/100 kills
Son of a bitch.
>can't distinguish between posts, shitposts and trolls
You shall lurk more, newfag.
It's already in the game. It's called Magnum ammo.
>20% don't even start a game
Does that mean 20% just died or got arrested?
What is it called when you throw in valid criticism with lies: baiting, trolling, false-flagging? Is this the Chinese government testing psyops in an anonymous environment? Or just shills?
We need to teach them the importance of jumping.
Not so they can dodge attacks; so they can off themselves and do the world a favor.
Can't you reload a recent save? Also, what difficulty/scenario?
What is there to do after 100% the game?
Wish you could unlock infinite ammo for the fun guns like magnum and HE .357 rounds .
Can someone mod in samurai edge from re7?
It was a standard Leon A run and my only save was when I went back to RPD to get the hiding places (still needed to find all the raccoons too,) so it's not a complete waste. Still annoying to get so close knowing I skipped two zombies just to save time.
Man this place is full of idiots, first the loser that thought about this obvious bait. Then the bunch of losers that actually fell for it.
>all achievements
>all records
>all DLC records
>get all 12 S+ ranks
If you still want to do more you could also do the weekly challenges.
damn Ada is hot as fugg
bullshit, look at the completion rate for beating the game. you're a lying faggot, and you're not hardcore for beating REmake 2
>cant avoid kickers
>they are blind
>you can actually just walk las them
frustratingly so. I haven't had to take a fap break for a game in years but ada broke me
DMC games have a dodge move though
>killing zombies with any handgun
>you deserve to be bad
Who could ever forget the fucking moth?
I don't like there's not a lot of things to look at in the environment. You never examine a desk and get a, "What a mess, but nothing interesting." or checking out the helicopter right after it crashes for a, "How did this happen?" from your character. If you don't pick it up open it up, you can't 'look' at it.
I don't even remember crows being anywhere in the game other than that one hallway in RPD.
>so used to a i-frame button
>just fucking jump
jumping has generous iframes in DMC
unfortunately most people don't care to figure this out or realize it when it happens.
i've never seen someone say this game was too hard. as a matter of fact the only complaints about the difficulty i see are that it's too easy or the sliding difficulty ruins it entirely. i think what's more likely is you take bait and shitposts seriously because youre not clever enough to recognize you're being laughed at
it's not bait it's how you start a thread for the game
like how you start a MHW thread by pretending to be frustrated at anjanath
>Matilda stock adds 3-round burst
>first shot has 110% damage boost
>second/third shot has 70% damage penalty, negating first shot's damage increase
>stock's model has visible 1 round fire selector but you can't use it
You can single fire it, just one quick click.
Also it speeds up the aim focus.
This, you don't have to burst fire with it.
I know, but I don't like having to tap the button. The game already has a mode select button for firearms so I don't see why they couldn't use it more.
I'm falling in love with her
she looks so goddamn sexy and perfect hnnnng
not surprised Leon wants to tap that
Is it just me or does everyone else end up evading the shit out of the boss when they are literally 1 bullet short of death every single time? It's always, "I could shoot him now, but I'll probably get hit, better run." and then the next opportunity I get a window that I'm sure not to get hit if I stop to shoot it's THAT ONE FUCKING BULLET that finishes the fight that I could have shot when he just started flailing a minute ago but I decided to dodge instead of fight.
>i've never seen someone say this game was too hard
there's been a thread at least every day complaining about the game being too hard.
even OP complains about not having enough ammo
How would you guys feel about a dead by daylight multiplayer for REmake 3? One player plays as Nemesis while the other players tries to escape. You can play as Tyrants and Mr.X, Police station and original arklay mansion are also stages. Exact same puzzles.
it's not just you, modern game design tends to work this way to make things feel exciting. things happen invisibly behind the scenes.
when the boss is one bullet away, it probably starts moving slightly faster, becomes slightly more aggro, etc etc.
Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure the game has a mechanic that'll leave bosses at 1 hp if they're just taking damage over time and not direct damage. Probably why you get so many complaints about Acid Rounds not working on bosses with targeted weak points.
>undead zombies
>tfw regular non undead zombie
>tfw just an infected human
why not-live bros...
While the undying zombies can be cool, as a result this game has the least satisfying pistols in gaming.
Worse than Half Life 2, easily. I hate this game's gunplay.
I love Claire.
>even OP complains about not having enough ammo
yeah, like I said,
>i think what's more likely is you take bait and shitposts seriously because youre not clever enough to recognize you're being laughed at
I heard G3 works like this. His last down will always set him to 1% HP. He can still get up and fight and 1% of his HP is a few bullets/grenades worth.
>Trying to kill most enemy's will chew through your ammo and leave you defenseless
even on hardcore I finished leon b with enough ammo to kill everything in the rpd again
>fighting Birkin for the first time as Leon
>wasn't well prepared at all, no health items not much ammo and had a knife that was one swing away from breaking
>run around the arena trying to gather as many supplies as possible while pot shotting him whenever I can
>toss a grenade his way, doesn't seem to do much
>run out of ammo
>well shit I guess I'm just dead here
>look through my inventory for a way out
>oh yeah the knife
>fuck it
>break my knife across his face
>he dies
My only problem is the adaptive difficulty making me shoot zombies an extra 10-15 times when I have a lot of ammo.
>To my bestest S.T.A.R.S buds,
>How are you all doing in that drab old station? Hanging in there against old Irons?
>Me? I just got back from a date with a hot chick. Bet you can guess what we got up to under her extra-large Umbrella.
>Europe is amazing. One month is in no way to even scratch the surface. Maybe I'll extend my vacation for another six months.
>Barry, don't even think of coming to join me. Wouldn't want to make all the cute girls cry, yeah? So you just leave the babes to me.
>Jill, if Claire tries to contact you, please let her know that I'm ok.
>Chris Redfield, August 29th
Why does Chris talk like a retarded dudebro? Shit is fucking stupid. It's a demake alright. Can't even get characters right.
it's obviously coded since the fucking captain of the bravo team was a umbrella spy, anyone else could be involved. Even claire says "that doesn't sound like chris"
It's code you undead baffoon. He knew Irons was up to no good and had to stay discrete because he's investigating Umbrella. Claire even says "this doesn't sound like Chris's writing" after reading it.
would you pass the inspection?
Welcome to your first RE2 thread.
>no ingrown hairs
>tfw can't for the life of me complete the gunslinger challenge
help Yea Forumsros
Best way to play Code Veronica? Is it even worth playing?
just acting retarded on purpose I suppose?
Yo real talk, is there any way to properly juke the zombies. Sometimes I try to run past them in tight corridors and they lunge at me with literally no recourse.
Knock them out/blow their knees and knife the shit out of them RE4-style.
single shot to stagger them while you run by
The only way to even remotely assure they won't lunge you is to not be close enough and not cross in the sort of 'lunge turn radius' in front of them. Even if you try to juke them, running anywhere close enough to trigger a lunge means the fuckers will turn 360 degrees in place on a dime if given the opportunity. And the double lunge fuckers are especially bad, the only way you can escape a grab that that point is already be running past their grasp. If you so much as brush shoulders on a zombie while passing by, they're in the radius to probably 360 lunge into your back.
Therefore disable their legs or shoot them in the face for an assured escape.
Sprint backwards the moment they lunge at out and run around them when their attack ends if you want to save ammo.
Thanks gang, appreciate the responses
The only thing, gameplay-wise, that I felt was wrong was the amount of ammo needed to down a zombie WITH HEADSHOTS.
It's too RNG. It would've been better if they had simply allowed more zombies to spawn in rather than having bullet sponges placed here and there.
>Waiting room zombies in 4th survivor/tofu
I cannot wait until I have all 5 tofu characters done. That room is so stressful even though I can usually run through the horde without taking damage. Any tips in general for Annin Tofu and Konjac? Those are the last two I need to beat.
The thing is that headshots are just a chance to crit and blow their heads apart. In reality it doesn't matter where you shoot them, as all body parts take the same damage. It's all about your difficulty, your weapon, and your invisible "score" on the adaptive difficulty that determines how much damage you do. So while shotguns and the magnum/high-powered with a proper headshot gets shit done, it doesn't matter where you shoot enemies with the SMGs or pistols unless you're going for stagger chance or a randomized crit.
Definitely does suck when you headshot a zombie with the shotgun at the last second and he decides he's not going to die, or get stunned, by it.
you are not supposed to fight the zombies
just run past them and only kill them if there is no other way
no he's just able to recognize the same thing that gets posted multiple times a day since release.
Quickdraw stuns easily and penetrates enemies. So just shoot a volley into the group and try to sprint through. For Konjac, I just blew shit up with flame grenades the whole way.
only use pistols for killing if you have a decent amount of ammo and aren't pressed for time/room. use other weapons for killing easily.
>when you headshot a zombie with the shotgun at the last second and he decides he's not going to die, or get stunned, by it
you weren't close enough and/or didn't aim right. regular zombies get their heads mashed every time with the shotgun.
I'd stick my penis in her vagina, if you know what I mean?
>its too hard i cant beat it therefor its a shitty game
Dolphin emulator
That shit is awesome. Just finished Claire A scenario on hardcore with just the starting handgun and no saves.
>284 replies and 53 images ommited. Click here to view
DSP is constantly fed directions through streamchat. He doesn't play games blind anymore because he knows it exposes him as a fucking moron.
What troll? OP is absolutely correct.
Still a better discussion than any of the threads started with Claire/Ada waifu memes.
Does anybody knows how the mechanic to escape from the zombie grabs actually works?
I wonder if you could advertise a popular product by baiting people into defending its popularity on discussion forums
There's none, if your character pushes a zombie away that means you're playing on standard/assisted.
I think it's partially RNG. It's definitely based on positioning but whether the grab turns into a bite doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason
Babby who never played Alien Isolation detected. It’s pretty much the same formula.
Does the flamethrower even do anything against G2 and 3?
Have you even tried? It absolutely melts both of them.
gtfo Todd X
It can happen on HC mode too.
Isn't 2 the "smash with a container" fight? Because if so, definitely not. Flamethrower doesn't stun at all and just does damage, so wasting ammo on a boss you can't kill yourself is just pointless.
As for 3, assuming I got the order right, I went through a full tank with the upgrade and it felt like it didn't do shit. I still had to dump a box of handgun ammo into his eyes and Magnum his chest hearts after a grenade or two.
Or I'm a massive shitter. I just use the Flamethrower for G-Adults as Ivy Zombies.
You're an absolute shitter. Flamethrower fucking destroys G2 and G3, the magnum is mostly redundant because of it.
>wasting ammo on a boss you can't kill yourself is just pointless
If you do enough damage to G2 you only need to hit him once with the crane and it's the recommended strategy for the boss to use a flash and then just melt him with the flamethrower. It ends the fight in 30 seconds
You can beat G2 on Hardcore with two flashbangs, the flamethrower and one crane pull in about a minute and a half.
when will the cracked version get functional mods bros
On G3, when he's in his final phase and his weak point is blocked while he's pulling off a chunk of the wall you can just unload a tank of flamethrower juice into him. He'll most likely be dead shortly after that.
Fucking zoomers
lmao this shit is still up
>get gift card from work worth 60€
>hell yeah gonna buy some steam cards with this baby and get RE2
>in the store I’m picking up the cards they have the physical copy for 49.99€
I’m ok with this. I’m having a hell of a time with this game.
This I did it on my S+ harscore run. Make sure you don't flame him while he's getting down or back up from a stun as he has i-frames (I think, that's what the guide told me).
Claire looks kind of like a bitch in real life
Main campaign needed the three new enemy types from the Ghost Survivors content. Would have been better fighting the armor zombies in the station, poison zombies in the sewer and naked zombies in the lab. Should be a quick patch. Mr. X should really have at least a section of the sewer and lab as well, especially in Leon's campaign.
>buying games
I pirated it and paid 0 euros. even the DLC costumes are in there.
u mad? u jelly?
Mr X can go fuck himself
They're probably going to add an arrange mode along with the randomizer DLC they said they were going to do
no mods though...
I want a mode that's the main campaign but has increased zombie and ammo spawns. Maybe the randomizer mode will have different settings for stuff like this.
I used cheat engine to give myself infinite bazooka and gatling gun. game is easy peasy
lol, I just did this and you're right you melt him away
Claire B is hard until you get the Grenade Launcher, you just focus on making acid rounds and picking up the flame rounds. On HC there are 13-17 flame rounds you can get by the time you can pickup the launcher