>*COUGH COUGH* >I'm so glad... >*COUGH* >I'm...so... >*COUGH* >I said...I'm SO GLAD... >*WHEEZE* >DAMMIT! I...I SAID... >*COOOOOOUGH* >I..I FUCKING SAID...I'M SO GLAD... >*COUGH* >I spent all those hours... >*cough* >Playing...video... >*COOOOOOOOOOOOUGH* >P-PLAYYIIIIIIIIIING! VIDEOOOOOOOOOO! >*COUGH* >Games...
>flashback sequence starts >sad music plays >memories of his pathetic life play throughout his mind >fades to white nothingness >he sees what could have been >he drops the controller >gets a good education >gets a good job >finds the girl of his dreams >they start a family together >he lives happily until he dies in a bed in his home, with his loving wife, kids, and grandkids holding his hand, comforting him as he passes on >snaps back to reality
>N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PLEASE COME BACKKK!!! >*COOOOOUGH* >OH GOD, PLEASE! NOT YET! NOOOOO!!! >HNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!! >*dies* >nurses laugh >doctor confirms time of death and dabs
you're god damn right grandpa, I may not live long or achieve much but I get to live on my own terms
David Scott
>get a good education >can't get a job because all the work has been given to machines or outsourced to poos >end up flipping burgers 90 hours a week in hope that you can pay off your student debt before you turn 60 >commit suicide in mid 30s I'll take vidya thanks
Daniel Ross
I figuratively killed myself years ago so I’m basically crusin life
Joseph Moore
I already accepted the fact that my life is a waste. I'm just debating whether I should cut it short or not.
>got education and good job >still have no friends, no girlfriend, spend all time on anime and video games
Grayson Price
>>gets a good education >>gets a good job >>finds the girl of his dreams >>they start a family together I did that and I still play about 12 hours of video games each week.
Hudson Davis
I personally thought he was gonna say nigger and something about the janny.