Team armpits or Team feet?
Team armpits or Team feet?
Other urls found in this thread:
Team get the fuck off my board
team butthole desu
armpit because im not a degenerate
No question.
Armpits are such a personal space.
Because they're constantly put to more work, feet smell a lot more and get a lot more dirty. When you're a sick fuck like me you go for the depraved and feet beat armpits in that regard, sorry to say.
Team ass sniffing owo
team nape
fight me
Team underboob crevice. The hidden treasure trove of built-up sweat and hormones.
Actually user, the average person doesn't need to put deodorant on their feet to make them smell better, unlike armpits.
Team "fetishizing feet and armpits is a disservice because it ignore what makes them sexy in the first place".
Footfags and armpitfags ruin what are otherwise perfectly attractive body parts. There's a lot of sexuality hidden in them, but it's subtle, and the moment your drawing has a fucking "armpit-pussy" in it you've fucking gone off the rails.
team water tribe girls
Pits and Navel
Team Chocolate!!!
Team Abs!
Team midriff
Have you ever smelled your own foot before? Is it the smell? The look? I just don't understand the appeal behind feet. That said, pits.
pits are a meme fetish
>I just don't understand the appeal behind feet
>That said, pits.
You are all a disgrace to humanity
Show me the armpit pussy here you idiot
both are ticklish spots, so eithers fine by me
cant say i enjoy the smell of armpits either
team tights
pits no question
I'm on this team.
I hate footfags and all but every fucking time I see a picture of a character with her armpit exposed doing a peace sign as if to spread a pussy open I can't help but feel they are somehow more delusional and retarded.
Team not an autist, you absolute fuckwad.
that's that good shit
Team cock
Based fpbp
Team thick eyebrows
If you keep your feet clean, they don't smell
and I mean actually clean, take a washrag and some body wash to them when you bathe, don't just let the soap flow over them as you wash your body and call that clean.
Also wash behind you ears. Yes, you actually need to do that. If you don't believe me, rub your finger in the crevice behind your ear and smell it.
Team pussey
>This thread will stay up and receive 5000 replies and 2 trillion image replies
>video game thread gets 3 replies and one of them is a sage
team mommy
10/10 taste.
>If you don't believe me, rub your finger in the crevice behind your ear and smell it.
doesnt smell like anything and i never pay particular attention to that area
Team feet
what's the appeal of poor hygiene?
I'm with this user.
hairy armpits
Anything but the feet, fucking pleb fetish.
Armpits,belly,navel,hips,thighs,ass,boobs,collarbones are all godtier.
Been a fan of both since I was 12, both being aided by my smell fetish
why faggots need to signal so much that they are faggots.
Clearly an hetero thread about cute girls and body parts that are usually found sexy by guys (never heard of a girl with a foot fetish, probably exist, but a veeery small minority, same with pits), yet you need to come in here and scream “I’M GAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AND I LOVE
This, I have a panty fetish but whenever someone talks about dirty panties I want to vomit.
Why are people here so obsessed with feet and armpits?
Steamy hot sex
I barely enjoy the smell of pleasant aromas, I don't get this at all.
>being mad about a fetish in a fetish thread on a fucking video games board
team mommy feet
It's a fetish you dunce, there is nothing to get
Patrician taste my guy
Team Navel
What about shit in panties ?
We're damaged as a society.
i'm putting together a team..
>no tummy
>Saying that while listing the most pleb fetishes imaginable
Leave this thread right FUCKING NOW
Choose your fighter
team bobs
I might sound like a pleb but boobs pushing undersized shirt up is my jam next to strap on hipbone.
Boobs pushing undersized shirt up, this isn't even a question
Feet and Armpits are gross
God invented socks and long sleeved t-shirts for a reason
Huge sitting ass every time
Legs and calves.
Corset combined with thighgap.
This. It's such an underrated fetish. Thick eyebrows are cute as fuck.
Team cunny
Nah, just find fags funny.
They are a walking stereotype. Every single one of them. Clones, literal npc.
short hair, leggings, nice face
fully clothed
prove me wrong faggots
Team face jammed in armpits while receiving a rough footjob
Feet lover scum
Thigh gaps are disgusting and look unhealthy. I'm not even a thicc-fag.
Thick eyebrows are cute!
Corset. It's still sexy, but also maintains a level of elegant beauty.
>love Toph
>hate feet
I'm conflicted
Team peep
Team girls
between those two girls, I find the one on the left much cuter, so I choose her.
But in general, I care for neither feet nor armpits. I like long legs and toned tummies.
But more than any of these things, I value kindness, a nice smile, and shared hobbies.
Same. I feel like my love for the character is wasted on her.
A team i can get behind
Team chub
Here it cones
Lips are underrated.
Team giant feet
Don't talk back to your superiors degenerate.
FeetCHADS run this board so you better watch your mouth.
>Europe hours
>Civiliced discusion of porn
>America hours
>Shitposting o'clock
Learn the diference my man, europe morning best time for the site-
>horned rim glasses
>tumblr art style
Better get your kicks posting here before you get back to resetera.
How about team normal male sexual attraction that doesn't fetishize two of the most unhygienic parts of a persons body, you delusional manwhore?
t. roastie with shit tier pits and feet
shared hobbies
I could share in it a bit, but I'd like to keep my most enjoyed hobby in general to myself as a needed outlet. from time to time. It's like going out to bowling with the guys, but you bring your wife along.
Dumb frogposter
spats, spats, spats nothing but spats
>Cleavage of hanging boobs
Ya'all don't know the great sight of a women in the morning
You seem like a chill user desu.
Thick eyebrows are nice and I really hate when girls pluck it into just a thin line. I had an ex gf who always did that no matter how much I told her she was cute. Damn, such a waste.
the hands and mouth? those sickos
Team Shitting Dicknipples
>Europe hours
>no video games
>American hours
>no video games
Whoa holy fuck it's so much better!
Boob tent. It implies she put effort into her looks despite her large titties.
I want you guys to explain why feet and armpis make less sense than ass
tits at least make some sense, big tiddy=motherly=good for breeding
But the ass is just a poop disposal chute. it serves no reproductive purpose, it's a hole that the body pushes poop through.
Why is eating ass seen as normal but sucking toes seen as weird?
"feet smell bad" so does a poo hole, nigga, wash them.
I love every part of a woman, holy shit, I wanna fuck it all
Fucking based.
one time i insulted my friend about how smelly her armpits are. they weren't actually smelly, i was just joking. but they sweat so much though.
after that she became insecure and always asks me to smell her armpits if it's smelly.
I haven't seen this image in a life age of the internet.
That's the shit
team hand holding
Both are shit, but at least armpit pics has a chance of showing some nice delicious side boob
Ass+hips = fertility semen goddess
user did you lick her armpits? Please tell me you told her you want to get that armpit close to your mouth
i like cute, subtle and well-maintained feet but most art for the fetish is deplorable
i can't get into the mind of smellfags and people who like super close-ups of ugly, dirty, wrinkly feet
Feet don't have any fat to grapple on. Also our penis is where we pee from and yet it gets sucked. Man up you idiot and stop being tasteless man.
>nice delicious side boob
Aaah yes, a man with taste.
Team hairy pits
It's weird... seeing one of these pics you think "it's obviously a joke". But I have seen so many, that I'm thinking it can't be a joke...
>Europe hours
>no videogames, but have fun and shot like the picture above you
>America hours
>no videgames, no nothing.
Whoa, it's like an actual diference!
Team bush.
Shitting dick nipples is old Yea Forums stuff. I'm sure people got off to it but it was mostly a joke.
>It's off topic and is detrimental to the board
>but it's fun!
Literal child
This isn't the alternative hentai board
there was one time she went to pick me up at my uni and i greeted her something like "hey smelly" and she umped and slammed her armpits on my face
my classmates thought we were some psycho kinky freak couple
The only human being in this thread.
>when he fucks her belly button
>It's off topic
>But also no videogames in any time of the day
Yo man, what's the on topic thing to discus if, like you said, there are no videogames in any hour?
The penis is a sex organ first m8, the fact it pees is an added bonus
You can live without the ability to fuck but you can't live without the ability to piss.
Of fuck dude, you sure convinced me
> There's a lot of sexuality hidden in them, but it's subtle
>They're sexy if you don't think they're sexy
>Cleavage of hanging boobs
Team pubes
Same here. Maybe it's not even right to call my own thing a panty fetish though, I'm only into them when they're on the girl.
Not that user but that's how I feel about bare feet. I don't get off to them but characters going barefoot is charming sometimes.
cleavage of hanging boobs or black tight athletic shorts under skirt for me
>slammed her armpits on my face
God if I were you she would've noticed my boner right away
Pitbros are cool too
How the fuck is this Europe hours? It's Tuesday morning there.
This is Australia hours.
Team Absolute Territory.
Team toe rings!
The only real answer.
That's because your normal. If they are the focus it feels more filthy than sexy, but something little like a girl curling her toes when in pleasure is cute.