Would you play a game starring Doomgirl?
Would it be a better game?
Would you play a game starring Doomgirl?
If it was like that, sure, because it doesnt matter. But it wouldnt change the game because the protag is never seen outside of armor and has no impact on the game outside of their ability to kill demons.
If you can't enjoy a game without a waifu in it, you have something wrong with you and I feel bad for you.
Why would she be half naked?
Because animefags are retarded and need an anime girl to care about anything.
Ive thought about it long and hard and concluded a female fps character is pointless.
It's a first person game, who cares
When armor breaks she runs naked
weebs are the weakest race
just edit the doomguy face sprites and pitch up the sound effects
oh but you want nuDoom girl? there is nothing you can do to make that game better, it's irredeemable
If she's not a shitty weebbait anime girl, yeah why not? Strong females are great as long as they aren't obvious feminist propaganda. Though she has to be JUST like doomguy, a killing machine fueled with rage.
Yes, I would play Metroid Prime 4: Samus Goes to HELL
>how feminists convince low iq men to promote their ideals in the media
>show image of a very sexually appealing female in the role over and over to build demand
>customers start asking publisher for female girl to replace the male role in the successful game
>publisher sees the demand and agrees
>feminists now change tactic and pressure the publisher to show the female in full heavy armor, pressure more to make her an ugly black chick
>publisher relents
>game is released
>"customer what the fuck is this shit?"
>"publisher: why aren't you buying, this is what you demanded!"
>customer complains and buys it anyway
>feminists start posting how witcher 4 should have a female character and posts a sexy female version
>some random artists creates a male version of a female icon character
>mass outrage
Men are the most stupid sex, feminists know that and they know how to manipulate you.
They don't even do this to get what they want, they just don't want you to have what you want and they take pleasure in knowing you'll still pay $60 for it when they ruin it for you.
No, fuck off with your waifufaggotry. Not every goddamn game has to be "X but cute grrl kawaii ugu" What he said.
It's not just feminists it's the left in general.
They are trying to remove all male power roles from the media because they are trying to stop men excelling, it's working pretty well honestly. Women are already like 60-70% of people in higher education for instance, yet they still have diversity quotas.
The left hates anything that shows men being powerful or successful, going forward for instance you'll see far fewer male heroes in marvel movies and gaming in general. Unless some mass resistance against it starts to take place, but I doubt it will.
I hope bethy does this!
>customer complains and buys it anyway
That doesn't happen though.
You're as delusional as flat earthers.
Matriarchy is a good thing, embrace it.
are you talking about BFv that sold 7 million copies user, yes they do buy it anyway in the majority.
Just because the company says "didn't live upto expectations" doesn't mean it didn't make a billion dollars. Dark souls 3 sold 3 million copies for comparison.
Here is a real feminist argument as to why men are stronger than women:
"the only reason men are stronger than women is because our society and entertainment conditions men to be stronger"
They actually do believe this fyi.
yes and no, respectively. slayer's gender wouldn't have any impact on the gameplay.
though, given doom 16's implications that everything doom is canon and doomguy went through all the scenarios presented in mods, this implies that he was at one point female.
Women are stronger than men right now sweetie
Now user, I have a fetish for gender bending as much as the next guy but Doomgirl is a no for me.
Yes but only if she's over the top beautiful and doesn't say a word. No 'manly woman' bullshit.
You'd have to pull focus off shooting demons and fucking up hell which isn't very DOOM
That's not really true. 16's canon didn't confirm the wads as lore, it just gave him an infinite stretch of time during which anything could have theoretically happened, but definitely involved a lot of demon violence. That's taken to mean that wads are plausible, but not confirmed.
You personally might be okay with this, but if it actually happened that the next game had a Doomgirl who never takes off the armor, Yea Forums would still riot
you have to admit, hdoom being canon would be amusing
>yes and no, respectively. slayer's gender wouldn't have any impact on the gameplay.
Doom was originally supposed to have male and female characters. This idea manifested in Rise of the Triad. Basically, the different characters have different stats.
Imagine a Doom like Turok 3, where the female and male characters have different equipment. She has a grapple hook, he is shorter and can fit through gaps. Wolfenstein II's abilities were kinda in that vein.
is this also similar to how dishonored 2 is with the branching story paths of Corvo and his daughter?
More or less. It's probably no coincidence Arkane's second branch is in Austin Texas. Same location as Acclaim Austin (Turok) and Deus Ex's Ion Storm Austin. And of course id Software is located in Austin Texas. You wouldn't know it considering how neckbeardy their fans can be, but a lot of those Texan developers always toyed with the idea of male and female protagonists. It's a pretty solid way of splitting character abilities, playstyles, and stuff like that. The original Deus Ex was supposed to have a female JC Denton option. Didn't make the cut.
I feel Doom is an odd case. There's so much baggage around it, and people have this idea of what Doom Guy should be. He's an angry man who loved a rabbit very much. The way they've built up the Doom lore makes a female equivalent a bit iffy in the current narrative because Doom Guy is kind of a special snowflake who strikes terror into the hearts of everyone who isn't him. All that said, I feel like Doom Guy is getting... kinda chunky? His suit in Doom: Eternal is starting to look like a Lilo and Stitch prop. I kinda like the idea of Doom Guy as being slower and heavier, punching harder vs a female equivalent that moves faster, jumps higher, but isn't as strong. That's the kinda stuff developers casually experimented with back in the 90s. Developers these days seem less willing to give male and female characters different abilities because it's a lot of work and also because some people get pissy if they feel one gender is "inferior" in the game and they're being "punished" for their choice.
>Would you play a game starring Doomgirl?
>Would it be a better game?
1st person = male protag
3rd person = female protag
its as simple as that
there are plenty of mods that bring back the original ideas from the doom bible, such as:
doom delta, adds four playable characters and tweaks the weapons to resemble the alpha ones,
or doom: tei tenga incident, a map pack heavily inspired by the original pitch
it's an awesome insight in what would've been
i'll play if she's cute
>But it wouldnt change the game because the protag is never seen outside of armor and has no impact on the game outside of their ability to kill demons.
Have you never played Rise of the Triad, by Tom Hall?
2nd person = ?
I like how more recent Doom games have included various nods to Hall's scrapped ideas. The monorail in Doom 3. The severed hand in Doom 2016. It's weird in hindsight how Hall's idea for Doom was a lot like System Shock 2. He wanted this realistic environment. He wanted the player to be able to use all the computers they encountered. The catch is that Romero's idea for Doom, which won out, was practical with the technology at the time. Hall's version simply wasn't doable. But we see glimpses of it in a lot of later games. Probably because Hall was really close with the Deus Ex team and such.
You mean crash from q3?
Beucase people like you have dogshit taste and should frankly be put on permanent mute and strapped with a chained collar in a mine somewhere
I actually liked how Assassin's Creed Syndicate sort of mini branched the brother and sister, the sister being more stealthy and the bro being a brawler. However the story happened uniformly with the missions just having you playing as one or the other, and when outside of missions you could just switch between them.
It would be cool for a while but it wouldn't be better. Female energy is nurturing/healing, DOOMGUY as a male is all about rip and tear, bringing order and removing kebab(demons), that's why it's accepted so much.
The only rip and tear going on with a girl is her PMS.
I swear to god nothing pisses me off more when people ask for doomgirl instead of asking for Crash
what happens if you lose haha
Its 1st person who cares
I would rather Doom not be full of a retarded, barely dressed edgy anime girl. 2016 Doomguy did it right, he has no face, no features, no dialogue. He's just there to fuck up demons and that's that.
If they wanted to make a "doomgirl" they'd obviously have to sell her on "she is in fact a woman, look, she's a woman." Just take pages from Samus.
Imagine having such a fragile ego that you think everyone is out to get you because you would have no identity at all if it wasn't for your little in-group convieniently framing everything into a neat 'us vs. them' dichotomy so that you can seethe at literally nothing under the illusion that you are the morally superior and ever righteous defender of civilization.
Completely pathetic.
wouldnt matter either way, the doomguy is silent and meant to represent the player
It wouldn't change a single thing. Fps so you wouldn't see yourself. Doom slayer never talks so you wouldn't hear yourself and doom slayer had thick gloves so you wouldn't see feminine hands.
>western title
>featuring women leads
if it was 2004 I would be down, but in 2019, nah I'll pass.
t. discord ameritranny
>Smug anime girl
>attacking people for stating the obvious truth that even feminists are open about
>Found the tranny
Isn't it kind of gross that you have to scrap pubic hair out of the inside of your "vagina". Really though,faggot, take a look at europe.
you get torn to pieces like doomguy only as a female.
if the character was designed by Japs? Definitely.
if it was designed by subhuman mentally ill sjw libshit leftypol lgbtpq biracial genderfluid feminazi nu-male western dev shitters? wouldn't even pirate.
I can't believe people are trying to ruin DOOM.
Wha'ts next? Q1 remake with a female protag in 3rd person?
I saw that new doom that they're working on, and that armblade is sick as fuck.
You can't have ''balls-to-the-walls'' action if your walls are the ones getting balled
I also like living in a echo chamber too my fellow tin foil hat friend
Did you seriously answer that? What is wrong with you
You can it's just a different type of action, and not what those wanting to play doom are looking for.
I have too much time on my hands and I'm extremely bored.
>Echo chamber
I can still clearly see people opposing all feminist claims you included
>Flips to Reddit
>All countering points down voted to Oblivion
only if every enemy has a unique bad end animation
Why reimagine duumguy as doomgirl when Crash already is a thing?
what kind of animations?
the ironing
>are you talking about BFv that sold 7 million copies user, yes they do buy it anyway in the majority.
The people that complained about BFV also bought it? You're 100% sure they did?
>You don't agree with me
>Hurrr you're from reddit
Cry some more you autist :^)
How convenient all your problems are caused by your political opponent.
Its like they're trying to reinvent the wheel or something.
Only if it was a reverse H-DOOM
Only if it was a porn game with ryona, mind break, ahegao, deep kissing and monster rape tags.
What the fuck.
>I'll call them a conspiracy theorist, that'll show them!!!!
>third person shooter with quake movement mechanics
Might be cool
weebshitters should just kill themselves lmao
>No helmet
>Missing half her lower armor
>As thin as a twig
You expect me to fap to this? I want big, beefy, faceless and fully suited Doom Girl.
angry black woman the video game
Doom slayer isn't about a body, it's a state of mind.
you guys know Crash is cannon right?
No amount of "state of mind" will make me want a fat fuck
I would rather have a Doombun.
I would because I like anime girls.
>Thin, scared waif in her underwear
It's like you don't understand what makes doomguy cool. If I wanted this, I'd play other m.
m8 she's fucking pissed
there should definitely be "female" armor variants in multiplayer, kind of an oversight
I would play as Doomgal like this NOT Doomthot like this
do you even know who that is in that picture?
I just hope either climate change or the WW3 kills humanity desu, ignorance is the normal state of being for this species, I'm fine it it dies off.
dont you fags ever get tired of being massive faggots?
She looks like she's about to wet her panties and put up no resistance to the possessed that's about to rape her
A bunny is fine too.
based non-weebs ITT
No but that won't stop shitstain weebs from inserting their moeblobs into everything because they have no creative bone in their body.
I'd like the second doomgirl that is not an anime girl, or the bunny, too. The bunny shows too much emotion though, the only emotions doomguy shows are rip and tear.
every game with cute tummies deserves a play
Because demons from hell made it so
>Not liking Daisy
>Not wanting anger itself to be pettable
I'm not a furry, but I'll make an exception for Daisy.
No I meant I liked the bunny as well as the second doomgirl.
it's a first person game where the character has literally zero voice and no personality other than rage. it wouln't make a goddamn difference