Is there a game where I can hold hands lovingly with a significant other, eventually take them to bed to copulate the missionary position. to start a family and then start a simple well paying job to buy steak for us to cook well done with ketchup?
Is there a game where I can hold hands lovingly with a significant other...
Real life.
>buy steak for us to cook well done with ketchup
>with ketchup
Use some real steak sauce you faggot.
r u a famipy of dogs
fuck you ketchup is better.
harvest moon
ketchup is for pure pleb
Are you saying you *don't* want a presidential steak?
what about mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together?
I can't do that in real life.
git gud
>well done steak
that's fry sauce nibba
>well done steak
truly, only the sickest freaks on the planet gather on this lebanese cartoon forum
>steak w/ ketchup
I hope God kills you.
but not the fact that it's well done.
The two cancel each other out
I disagree. If anything it's doubling down on degeneracy and God doesn't want that in his kingdom.
elder-god-tier french fry sauce
what about eating it while holding hands with a loved one?
>make significant other a steak
>it's a hunk of leather
>divorce papers are filed
You did it to yourself, OP
>americans cannot eat well cooked steak
I understand that you people are beasts and all but kindly stop eating your meat raw, you shower pissing proto-pajeets.
You can burn in hell together.
>well done
>with fucking ketchup
unironically neck yourself
No seriously, the world would be better off without your kind. I abhor you.