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Other urls found in this thread:


W...where is that screen from ?

i love vergil

Where dis from?


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waiting for spoilers

We're out of double digits and into the home stretch now. It's been a pleasure serving with all of you.

DMC threads on Yea Forums every day since release and I couldn't be more motivated

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I should stop reading resetera retards, my braincells are going to a negative

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capcom pls put this song in the all versions of the game

dragons dogma 2 died for this

that is a very big and long kitty

>wait 10 years for a sequel to read the spoilers on a shitty basket weaving forum

Why not just play the game and experience it for yourself?

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3 remaster?

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I just want a screenshot of Vergil's face. That's it. Then I'll gladly stop lurking here until I play the game.

Yeah, we usually call these black panther.


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You should be hopeful that DD2 will be better than ever thanks to DMC5's success


catto is long

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I swear just yesterday I was exited that we had hit under 50 days. Now were under 10. Time goes so fast

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>cut across the hand
Urizen confirmed for time traveled/alt Dante. This is why the sky is broken, reality couldn't handle the paradox.


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Where the no damage squad at?

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I wonder what the magic on V's cane is

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Has Nero (or anyone for that matter) ever said "fuck" in DMC? Obviously not counting DmC, I swear Nero has before in 4 but I could be wrong


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We in this

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>capcom pls put this song in the all versions of the game
Why? it's not even good.

moon dust

I like seeing people yelling like mad at spoilers.

>Why? it's not even good.

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>souls good
>DMC bad
>DMC good
What did he mean by this?

Nero never said "fuck" in 4, but he probably will in 5. The ESRB description says that the dialogue has words like "shit" and "fuck" in it.

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No it isn't good. You're simply excited because it featured new stuff, the song itself is quite lacking. Serviceable as a backing track for a trailer but that's it.

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>pretending to know the reason why I like the song
Good god, can't someone just enjoy something for what it is? Why is everyone so cunty when it comes to music?

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Nero trying to play it cool like daddy after getting beat up.

Attached: Nerostun30.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

>Good god, can't someone just enjoy something for what it is?
By all means enjoy it but spamming "THIS SHOULD BE IN DMC GUYS" is just lame.

Do you think Okabe was just messing with us when he said there's a secret about Crewcut or no?

Haven't you heard, user? You're not allowed to like anything anymore and if you should be dastardly enough to do it anyway, you're obviously just a paid marketer and something something identity politics

Thanks user. I'm 100% fine with it, but I hope Dante doesn't say it



It's probably a Resident Evil easter egg.

Can you not play the victim? it's how you attract people like the OH NO NO NO shitposters. You can like shit but constantly arguing the merits of said shit isn't going to get your dick sucked, it's just going to get you called out.

He's Redfield.

2 Hours

Dante calls someone a pudgy fuck in the anime.

He's Lady's boyfriend

Why does everyone seem to have this idea that Dante and company are supposed to be totally straight-laced and never curse? That's kind of a weird thing to focus on, honestly.

I wonder if they based that prison warden after Irons from RE2?

> Not wanting to hear "WE'RE FALLING TOGETHER" when reaching S rank

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Sparda sleeps around, Vergil sleeps around, Dante sleeps around. Only one who doesn't is Nero because he has a wife.

No I don't because the song is shit, no amount of capital letters will change that.

Goliath says "you motherdfucker" sometimes if you stun him

It’s from the retarded idea that Dante is a straight-edge with no vices that people only started saying because DmC featured Dante smoking and whoring.


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>vergil reveal
>see this

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>Dante sleeps around.
Lucia and Patty wish

so is the secret taunt the meme dance

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Dante's never really been one to swear all the time. He's more of a sarcastic, wisecracking dude. Nero is a lot more direct.

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It's stupid, but I guess it's not as bad as the "Is Dante a virgin???" meme.

He does, read the novels. He stopped doing it as frequently because girls would bully him.

he does say fuck you when you dt buster a commander angelo

>Dante's one-handed Devil Arm is a microphone he shouts obscenities into

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Dante does sleep around, but not in the meaning you are thinking of.

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doesnt he cry in his sleep?

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No he doesn't. He says "rock you"

Dante is a manwhore and V will be his bastard son, taken for a ride courtesy of Mundus.

For some reason, some people also complain about characters cursing in RE2Remake
I don't get it either

But he is.
How else would he posess all these wizard powers?

Yes, he has nightmares about mommy.

For the last ding-dong diddly time, it's "ROCK YOU."

it's a good song with good chorus melody. The song is more than just "trailer background"

Plearse, post Lady's butt

Funny how the dance as one of the biggest memes in these threads it got so big that the devs even got into it and then it just completely disappeared and everybody forgot about it I miss it

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I need to see her nude scene in dmc5

Here's the stun state thing an user was talking about, you have to get hit by the flying empusa's spit attack a few times.

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I want it to be like the Conga from TF2, where you can move around while doing it. Activating the taunt at peak SSS causes enemies to join in.

Makes me wonder if the aggression will be turned up in the main game

Dante looks like a Bloodborne haha

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why does Dante sometimes randomly kick in 3 using rebellion? i dont get it how do i do it?

Thank you, tovarisch

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I had no idea they even attacked

> haha the exceed is easier than ever bros
> still couldn't get it 10/10

I hope there will be a middle ex-act where it gives you 2 pips if you have Max-act and couldn't get the timing right

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Dante does the kick attack when an enemy is behind you.

If you throw Rebellion, you can punch and kick

Honestly, the frame timing on exceed isn't much different to how it was in 4. I think the main difference is the placement of those frames being more conducive to the swinging motion


Mad qualia was shown at the same time as crimson cloud in december, I think at this point the hype from the trailer would calm down and let people see if they actually like the song outside of the trailers.

is that qliphoth on the background?

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I'd love Mad Qualia to be in DMC5
Too bad we never got DMC4's Larc en Ciel song
It's pretty hype when you get to the chorus honestly, for both songs.

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That's one way to use your demon powers

Ok NOW it's time to bow out of these threads. That shot looks like the endgame.
>Magic effect never before seen to this point
>Boulders and mountains in background in an area not revealed yet

Nigger V doesn't appear end-game. His prescence somewhat changes after Mission 12

It looks like it's after the horse boss desu

Oh you have spoilers? Please share.

V's book consumes him and Urizen snatches the book to become even stronger and summons an evil V from the book

Not that guy but Itsuno literally said it in the interview mission 12 is where the game begins V gets more brutal and changes .

>weak nerd
>getting brutal
I'm shaking

His skin isn't cracking yet so it's clearly not late game. Probably barely mid game at most

Can anyone find the raw quote of Itsuno saying that

V probably is legitimately Sparda. He's mysterious as fuck, Nero's instantly questioning just what he is, he plays it cool and elegant but also has his stylish moments. He has a great fascination with human literature and the like but a deep understanding of hell and things like Urizen. Demons obey his commands. White hair is a natural state of his that seems to be kept back by the fact that his body is fucked up, possibly from not having all his power since Sparda tossed a bunch of it long ago. His weapon's a literal cane blade of regal killing. He's obsessed with Dante and Nero and tries to keep up with them whenever possible, protecting them when he can. He saw all this coming when no one else in the world seemed to. He appeared literally out of nowhere. The most condemning evidence though? The family portrait has damage where Sparda's face is, watch as it's because it's his face.

holyshit why this one was so hard to break compared to previous?

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Fake and gay

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>all those gameplay clips with the HUD on
>that scene where Nero gets hit
>the clip of Dante running away from Echidna, which only happens in Nero’s run
I love the fact they recreated most of this trailer for SE’s intro cinematic

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Then why would he appear as a frail young man instead of just appearing as Sparda's original cockroach form?

unironically can't wait for a mod that will give nero vergil's haircut

Dante should recognize V then, retard.

Who is “Creedo Nigger” and when is he streaming the final Dante showcase?

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He gave up the sword Sparda and split his power into two amulet's, chances are he's lost so much of what he was in the process that his true form would appear with malnourished weakness and the same wounds the human one has. Better to appear as a human that demons will underestimate than as a falling apart demon. Especially if he wants to gain Nero and Dante's trust.

I want to believe it, but that wouls make Sparda even more ireesponsible dad and grandpa than before.

Why? Demons could change appearance.

Dante has shit tier memory, the prequel novel made the point that he's forgotten every demon he's ever faced other than Mundus who killed his mother. Given that he says he wasn't close to Sparda and doesn't remember a lot about him, seeing his face on a young dark haired body probably wouldn't be enough to make his memory hit up. Especially given that he didn't recognize Trish as looking just like his mom till she took her sunglasses off, his mother being the woman in his life he did make it a point to remember. Hell, he didn't even recognize Nelo Angelo's helmetless form as being Vergil till he found the amulet.

>Why? Demons could change appearance.
Then it has no bearing on the portrait and the damage hiding V's face, your own argument.

>irresponsible dad
To be fair, as a demon he probably doesn't have the same understanding of a family like humans do. And he certainly wouldn't be the first dad that screws up in thinking what he is doing is for the best.

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>your own argument.
I'm a different user, I just think that V is Sparda theory is plausible

It's probably his way of suppressing the massive trauma he has suffered


Nice guests on the pre-launch event

>I'm a different user
Sorry, I'm a retard.
I kind of don't want it to be, the same way Urizen shouldn't be Vergil, but I guess it's not impossible. It just doesn't add up entirely.

Is there any person on this planet who actually enjoys fighting these enemies?

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>only 10 days left

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So if V is Sparda, did he try to avoid looking at naked Trish not out of embarrassment but because he felt seeing a demonic replica of his wife's bare body would fuck with him?

They can attack? Now that's a surprise. Honestly, I'm excuted for higher difficulty. It's like every enemy is hiding some new attack they couldn't do in the demo.

Maybe. At least it's more realistic than suddenly embarassed Mundus.

Wrong pic

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>>raw quote
come on now user

V is Yea Forums
pre2012 Yea Forums

the mod for 4 with that is pretty good

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The first Rebellion Combat Adjudicator requires you to reach B rank to break it. The one from the Temen-Ni-Gru elevator room requires you to reach SSS rank. It's pretty easy if you use swordmaster

Slightly more bearable with royalguard, but I still hate them.

Because Dante was conceptually a hero that never needs to swear or use vices. He has no need of it before to become a good character and he has no need for it now. Adding them will not do anything either. It's just unnecesary that comes off as tryhard and edgy. I honestly don't care if Nero swears as long as it's reasonable.


tomorrow you fuckwit

Never, he's removed from the game

this looks... out of place. nero looks like a bleach character (fun fact: JYB dubbed ichigo)

Tomorrow 10AM-12PM GMT

>(fun fact: JYB dubbed ichigo)
thanks I had no idea

Kyrie's voice actress also voiced Orihime.

Where is last week's interview?

I can get the ebook version of the novel, fully decrypted and in clear text for you all.
All I want to know is if we have a translator.
Even if we don't I'll still be getting it.
I can have it on March 2 at the earliest.

We had one user who did a pretty good translation of the first 50 pages of the book, so I hope that nigga is monitoring this thread. If you already have the full copy you can provide a link and hopefully someone will do the translations.

Novel won't be out for another 29 hours

When does the game unlock on steam? Will I be able to play it when it hits midnight where I live or is it gonna be some bullshit where I have to wait until the afternoon or something?

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9th march

I was initially kind of dissapointed with how floaty the combat looked now. It still feels really nice and satisfying with the added air mobility. I hope it's better with turbo mode

What? Why? Where do you get this information from? I'm hoping I'll be able to play as soon as it hits midnight next thursday.

I don't even care if you hate the song, but you sound like gigantic, sour cunt

fairly known french DMC player (in the french DMC community at leasy) who does a lot of combos video

stop that

Turbo mode is going to be a PS5 exclusive

is it that kyo guy? he tweeted earlier that capcom booked his flight to the wrong date so he probably wont be there tomorrow


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I'm assuming it will be on PC if the consoles cant handle it. Like LDK and Turbo Mode for DMC4. I'm fairly certain that it's going to be in game, don't know why they would refuse to comment on it but even if it isn't someone will just make a mod that speeds up the game by 20%

oh nvm i checked and that's already fixed apparently?

Redgrave Kyo thats him. I still can't find that video where he supposedly said Credo Nigger, why would he say that

Tomorrow, with Credo Nigger


How many pages does the full book have, anyways?


what are they going to be showcasing this time?



40 minutes for each character

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those 52 pages alone drained the hell out of me so i'm not sure i can pull out all 250~
My translations are also jank trash so someone better suited can probably do it


He looks like Grimmjow.

I just hope we get to see gunslinger for more than 5 seconds.

holy shit
that's a lotta info

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>novel has about 250 pages
>first 50 pages have nico, dante and nero
Who else is missing besides V?

But he is a virgin, everything except the mostly non-canon DMC1 novel seem to show that he has horrible luck with ladies and would just prefer to keep his virginity. Even in Before the Nightmare, he no way fags Lucia and comes to the conclusion that since he doesn't sleep around and come up with shitty excuses for it that he's better than his father.

Lady, Trash and Vergil

That would be incredible

Does anyone have the archive links for the novel preview translation?

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>that one taunt where he drags his thumb across his neck and goes "SCUM"

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Actual spoilers trish dies for good


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where can I listen to the new version of Dante’s theme with the new singer? All I find on youtube is the old one.

He's said Bullshit

There's no proper upload of it yet. The closest is a snippet of in the motorcycle promotion trailer but the version there is heavily filtered and different from how it is in game

That would actually make Dante re-live his mothers death, make him snap and get really angry.

Would be interesting, though I am not sure how people would take her being perma death'd

It's not official, though, and just a big mashup of snippets put together to resemble a full song

How good is VJ?


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Very good, but hard. Dante's OP as fuck though, and only available in the PS2 version of the game.

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Good. Honestly I can't believe we're still dragging that awful character around. Dante at least has gotten fleshed out in the intervening 4 games and anime, but trish has barely gotten any more character than she did in dmc1 and that was very little.

Can someone post the drawing of fangirls gushing over V?

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I agree. I would've prefered them to have tweaked it abit but I'll manage.

Proof bitch

Doubt Itsuno would kill Kamiya's character.

Honestly, it's probably for the best at this point.

Thanks, that sounds much better than the original one. Did they change it because of feedback / backlash to the original or was it coincidence?

lmfao I dont understand these people

This is just confusing, why is talking about DMC as if it has some kind of political message?

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

Itsuno has never done anything that can fully mess with DMC1. During the development of DMC3, Itsuno and Bingo had Kamiya advise them on how to handle Vergil being alive in DMC3 even when he was supposed to have been lost as a child.

The previous singer supposedly tried to get an underaged fan to sleep with him and when she refused, he tried to make her commit suicide

There was some kind of sexual misconduct accusation against the original guy, so they switched just to avoid a potential scandal. As far as I'm concerned, both versions are shit. The original guy sounded like a whiny kid, and the second guy sounds like he's putting no effort in at all. Shame, because the track would otherwise be pretty catchy.

Just some boomer yelling at clouds. It wouldn't have mattered if it was DMC or not. DMC just had the bad luck of being recommended to him through the algorithym.

I remember people spamming that when the video clip came out, but I wondered if that really ended up being true or if people were making things up to get the guy out of the project

What's amusing is that Trump hates video games too.

she is the boss for one of the last few missions i think 17 or 18

No it's totally true. He even copped to it. Although she wasn't "really" underage. Just underage in the states, but she was from Europe. Still a pretty shitty thing to do.

>Trish gets captured once and turned into a boss, and then again
Damn, it was promising too.
At least lie better


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>The new sword has Stinger
Seems like it'll be another Rebellion reskin.

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Kinda sad but not mad

Stinger is such a basic part of dante's kit, though.

So does Dante just cycle swords, then? Starting with Rebellion, switching to Sparda, and then ending with that thing? That's stupid.

never should've lived after Mundus killed her in the first time

god the outro of DMC was such a cheesy, shitty asspull

you wish it exist nerd

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That's what he did in DMC1, so it wouldn't surprise me, though it does seem to be charged up in that stinger pic so it might have a trick up ot sleeves

Real spoiler: V is straight

I'm fine with it
but only if bui lives

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Sean Bean is Urizen

Nero said "fuck" in the last boss fight of 4

How would you react if it turned out V was voiced by the guy who voiced DmC Dante?

I really hope there's a bit more to the sword than just Rebellion.
Either way, we know there's still something, Itsuno hinted at a "weapon or system" that would completely change Dante's playstyle.

We are brothers. After all.

I'd be glad he got a bit more range.

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fuck you

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I just played it and dont remember that.

that's Kamiya's thing at this point, it happens in Bayo1/2 too. Maybe Okami?
regardless i don't hate trish but she is absolutely the least interesting main character at this point. Lady had a lot more going for her in her debut game so it's more excusable if she doesn't do as much now

Where's this from anyhow my guy?

>Magic effect never before seen to this point
Except in literally all footage of V and some of Urizen you fucking retard.


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He says jackpot but his voice is so distorted it sounds like "Get fucked".

aw shit. thanks bud


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I think Trish will have something going on with her brother

Nice, the "History of DMC" vid is probably gonna be in 5

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Catto sleek and stylish

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DMC 5 is even better than DmC? Are they finally admitting defeat?


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What control scheme are you guys using? Seems hard to Breakage and combo.

which outlets do you think will suck DmC's dick in the reviews and whine about outdated controls?
I think kotaku is a given

>Dante does the curving flicker jabs from Hajime no Ippo when using Balrog's basic attacks

Attached: wojak_vs_pepe.gif (500x375, 2.84M)

Do you really think every journalist will have the same opinion?

Dragon's Dogma is the most fucking overrated game of all creation.
It's just a less boring Witcher but faggots sucks its dick like it's the only videogame worth playing.


Attached: catgrips.jpg (700x582, 65K)

>it's just the Dragonslayer


Trish getting captured for a second time is nigh impossible but I believe you.

default controls are fine, you can easily charge the breaker while using melee and you no longer need to hold charge shot all the time because loading it now has a single dedicated animation

None if I'm honest. None of the big ones anyway.

DMC4 pic, but I use the same control scheme in 5.

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The only thing I don't like about Balrog is that he only uses one arm when he jabs

That's one big boy

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Definitely this guy from VG247 if he gets assigned to review the game, which he very likely will.

Remember: He got really butthurt on Twitter when people called him out and corrected him. I'm sure someone has a screencap of the Twitter exchange.

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*fart noise

*fart noises*

t. didn't firegrapple final boss to death.

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default + switch gun and DT is the optimal way, I think Itsuno said he also does that
In the demo you still had to charge your shots, and I imagine in the full game there will be another level or two for it

yikes, this looks terrible

fuck this guy

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>Dragon's Dogma is the most fucking overrated game of all creation

>he says unironically in a DMC thread


if you charge your gun once and taunt you no longer need to hold down the button though


> videogame ****journalism****
what a fucking joke

Even in that case you still need to do it quite often

I'll have you know it's very comfortable!


Attached: 177.jpg (600x707, 45K)

>not putting attack and jump next to each other for swipe cancels

Devil bringer LB what the fuck

Literally all he had to do was apologize for the error and correct it. That's it. Newspapers make factual errors all the time. It's the kind of shit that gets an editor's note at the bottom saying that "a previous version of this article mistakenly said XYZ". It could have ended there.

Instead he doubled down on being a petulant child.

5'11'' vs 6'

Default for Dante. For Nero I swapped exceed and gun with each other.

having the bringer on LB seems impossible to get used to for me, but then again I've been stubbornly using default controls for 10 years

Trish what was in that drink you gave me?

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Not him, but I still think you need to put a gun button on a shoulder button, because even if Nero doesn't need it, Dante's Gunslinger controls will definitely require it.

> why do people not take game journalist seriously???

gold orbs lol

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They look fucking cool. Kneeling to turn invisible reminded me of the Predator. Then lunging for a quick armsword swipe. It feels that their mobility is huge.

The enemy design in DMC5 looks to be the best in the series. Thus far I have not seen a single annoying enemy on the same level as Fallen or Enigma or Bloodgoyles in DMC3 or Chimera in DMC4.

I switched it to LB/L1 when I found out you could hold enemies and fight at the same time in 4. It comes in handy for me in 5 when charging for breakage.

Attached: Guffaw.gif (124x122, 730K)

The only one who needs swipejc is dante, and he just needs it with the style button, not the attack one

Attached: reavejc.webm (711x400, 2.29M)

>not putting your thumb vertically over the default attack and jump buttons
thumblets get out

Game is way too repetitive and the good bosses are few and far between.

>Dante still has nightmares about Eva in DMC5 even when he’s nearing his fifties
I just wanna give him a hug guys

I'm gonna use mouse and keyboard to play DMC5.

>fart noise
D-do you think he lurks here Yea Forumsros??

>cocky brash asshole
when is he ever even vaguely assholeish

good luck retard

> replaying 4 after 5 years
> B's and C's everywhere
Holy shit I lost my touch so bad, 5 is going to be hilarious for me. Doesn't help that I'm a pcfag and didnt get to play the demo
> mfw don't even wanna imagine how I'll do if i try 3 now

Attached: 1360514373099.jpg (720x575, 70K)

>reads your inputs and auto-backhops all your attacks on VH and DMD difficulty

Heh, nothing personnel, Son of Sparda.

Attached: Enigma.gif (600x528, 57K)

He's early 40s in dmc5

>tfw you will never hug Dante and provide moral and emotional support to him as he struggles with his decades-long PTSD

Honestly, I think journalist purposely use inflammatory titles and double down on mistakes for more clicks. It usually work too.

Thanks, user.

Attached: y774urod88421.png (750x1832, 1.37M)

I'm talking about the superior game with no inertia bullshit

You'll be fine. Game usually teaches you all you need to know.

Almost a week and still no spoilers. What in the world is going on?

Attached: 43691826_279587872681612_5230903024215358269_n.jpg (1080x1026, 85K)

Being bad as Dante I can fully understand, I still eat shit when I play him at the moment. I hope I can fix that and post no damage webm's of Dante vs the bosses in 4 before 5 releases.

Nero though? He is powerful as shit, tablehopper and DT having so many iframes, the grab and exceed just shreds shit. He is a slightly weaker Vergil in that regard.
Getting an S for each mission is pretty easy and you should be cruising on As the whole way through

>inertia is bad
Its not even something that affects most people, why would you even be mad about that

Attached: bael.webm (711x400, 2.86M)

>jump to second topseller on steam overnight
did they announce something while i was away?

5 is way easier than 4 or at least that's how i felt. Got s rank first try on the demo and i am not particulary good at this series (never got s ranks in 4 save for some levels in devil hunter despite finishing hell or hell, 3 i finished the game and thats it, never played 1 and 2)

>why would you even be mad about that
I'm not I was just joking.

Aparently trish dies

I’m a journalist, I love all DMC games but 2 (yes, including DmC). Politeness and reason don’t sell, if you make an article where both sides of an argument voice their opinions, you get X number of clicks, if you only have one side talk, you get at least twice the number of clicks because the side that didn’t get heard gets mad and links the page to their friends “did you see this shit?!”

stop posting these shitty webms already


The demo of 5 is insanely easy, I presume it’s on Devil Hunter difficulty, I really hope things pick up in higher difficulties

Give DMC5 a 10.

That was clearly a bait

Attached: 65268-076.png (776x648, 85K)

Why is the world like this?

S ranks requirements in the demo are explicitly made easier for normalfags. Not to mention that 90% of the mission has been gutted out

Same guy did an article about the Raimi suit in Spider-Man PS4. A line from the article went as follows
>Basically, a handful of people were really annoyed that the latest DLC didn’t add the Raimi suit – you know, the one from the bad movies. They took to Twitter to hurl abuse at Insomniac, threatening to boycott the game over it.

Attached: 22F14069-C1CD-43B9-B536-3FED93FF900E.jpg (698x680, 62K)

Same user here, i think it may even be in human, it's easy even for devil hunter

Devil hunter may seem easy to you now because you probably have played a lot but for todays standarts and for 2008's braindead easy games it was not the walk in the park this demo is

It wasn't hard by any means but it wasn't this easy either, specially noticeable with the boss

Do you not know what a jab is, retard?

Because journalists and gamejournalists have no fans, reputation or even really established fans that people consume the content of no matter what.
You don't read game reviews because they're entertaining, you don't read most a site writes because you like their writing nor do you trust game reviewers.

In a way they're even less accomplished than Youtubers and Twitch streamers, these people at least have fans who will watch nearly anything the fucker puts out, but a game reviewer?
Nobody gives a shit about him, at best he is just some retard who gets to play games and write about them before anybody else. Which is why they need to write sheer bait to get clicks in an ever lasting race to the top of mount retard


Attached: nerofug.png (992x988, 647K)

Which is why I'm going to try it, thanks for the original reply.

Yes I did.
Unlike Dragon's Dogma or Gravity Rush fans, Devil May Cry fans aren't on your face shitting on the games you like while proclaiming how their game is the ultimate videogame.


played 4 for the first time last year. Nero made it quite easy. it's when you play as Dante your muscle memory really fucks you up, but still darn manageable

now 3 though, i can relate.
>played 3 last month. last played when it was released on the PS2
>no Style Switcher
>no advance techniques for each style on the get go
>h-how am i suppose to get SSS rank with this?
>Ds on the first 3 missions, on first tries.
>Die from cerberus and A&R far too many times
>Easy mode is unlocked for you, pleb

that's all on Normal. I'm too ashamed to show my score card, especially M20. RG is growing on me though. I'm thinking of going through DMD one at a time, eventually (fuck S rank. i only care if i get to beat it) but i'm gonna need a bit of a break after M20.

Attached: 1308550598647.jpg (220x282, 10K)

It took some time to get used to for me, but using all the shoulder buttons for hold functions worked wonders for me. Hopefully it works out for you too.

Attached: SantaDOg.png (210x209, 118K)

Not with that shitty V character gameplay


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>even for devil hunter
It can't be devil hunter. Enemies on human flat out almost never attacked you at the same time. They behave much how they do in the demo. Waiting for you to do anything before they so much as even consider moving towards you to throw an attack and much like DMC1 on easy automatic and DMC4 on human, in 5 I was able to (with a bit of difficulty) kill the boss.
t. somebody who "demo difficulty" was designed with in mind

>1.35 weeks left

Attached: 1548066231970.png (764x712, 453K)

They said it was based on DH. Not sure what that truly means. I do think it's a bit on the easy side but it's just Mission 2 which is the equivalent of the Hell Vanguard from 3 so what would I know.

Fuck you, I think that V looks fun.

It’ll get a two weeks delay due to retail issues

>V is Donte that traveled to a different universe in order to help Dante
>he's dying because this timeline is trying to expel the irritant
History abhors a paradox, Raziel

I'm not guy but I actually think the game is more balanced around V than Nero or Dante from all the initial footage we have. I'm excited in what the game will bring

>V is Donte
But he never said fuck

He's not really an asshole in that but he is kind of apathetic to how many people are dead in the city I guess.

I find weird that the Steam version doesn't have a release date.
Maybe Capcom is going to pull a Metro Exodus?

V will start saying fuck after mission 12

Nah, some Capcom employee confirmed on faggotera that the game is 100% coming out on steam on march 8th,

>Lady crying and telling him about her dead dad
>not an asshole

>the SSS rank adjudicators as Vergil

Attached: [heavily distorted screaming].jpg (640x480, 171K)

I'm a bit late to the thread but I'm the autistic user that bugs the DMC5info translator on Discord. I'll summarise a chat we had last night.

She said she's buying the book the second it drops and doing a big breakdown of the book as quickly as she can, then releasing the big summary as a PDF. The impression I got is that she thinks you're a cool guy. I asked if she was going to post your translation and she saw how you weren't happy with Reddit sharing it, so she wants to respect your wishes and not steal your shit.

She also said that if a Kindle version drops (right now it's that Bookwalker site), she has software to break the DRM to make it easy to distribute, but doesn't want to get in trouble for copyright infringement because apparently she's been in trouble before.

Exactly, this is why I think having high expectations isn't really that unsafe.
To me, all they have showed me is that they have fixed the issues from both 3 and 4.
The game just looks damn good.

Early missions are always easy on almost every difficulty.
Even DMD in 4 on mission 2 is insanely easy.
It gets harder when we get harder enemies on those difficulties.

is she cute tho

Anyone else getting pretty excited for Kyo on Wednesday? It's going to be pretty much the first time we're going to see 5Dante really being taken advantage of and used by a skilled player.

Why does everyone call redgrave credo n word

Sounds like a based woman tbqhwyf.
Hopefully she can get the summary and breakdown out before the game releases.

yoooo credo nigger

I'm gay so you're asking the wrong person. Main thing is she's pretty friendly so it's real easy to just straight up ask her stuff, I'm the person that told the threads that nude Lady is very heavily hinted at before the translation went live.


I'd hit it

Attached: DybmrZrWwAEaNta.jpg (1200x900, 115K)

Kyo said it during the fundraiser stream. It was a one off moment and people probably gave him a pass on it since he doesn't have a full mastery of english.

LMAO on the capcom channel too

>thread going to eceleb shit
the fuck?

>Nero never said "fuck" in 4, but he probably will in 5. The ESRB description says that the dialogue has words like "shit" and "fuck" in it.
We've already heard Goliath say "motherfucker"

Attached: 1530603338205.jpg (600x600, 106K)

Very few people on DMD actually fought a lot of the enemies in DMC3 "properly". Go watch any superplay video and even the best players just relied on camera tricks to kill enemies like Bloodgoyles, Soul Eaters and Enigma while they are offscreen and passive. Or, equally as often, they just skip areas with those enemies altogether.

god I wanna hug itsuno

Are you going to do challenge runs in 5?
For me, this is the ones so far that I'm going to do after completing all the difficulties.
Challenge runs in 5:
>Tomboy only
>Ragtime only
>Rawhide only
>Helter Skelter only
>Overture only
>Punchline only
>Gerbera only
>Buster arm only
>No breakers run (only Red Queen and Blue Rose)
>??? We have yet to see how the Devil Bringer works in action in 5 and we have yet to see if Nero gets any Yamato usage or so on, so potentially more
>Royal Guard only
>Swordmaster only
>Gunslinger only
>Trickster only
>Guns only
>Cavalier only
>Rebellion/Sparda only
>King Cerberus only
>Balrog only
>Majin sword only? Maybe it'll have special mechanics we don't know about yet
>Potentially more Devil arms not revealed yet since Itsuno and Matt said there were more to Dante they haven't revealed
>Unarmed run? One of the trophies seem to insinuate you can do no weapons with Dante
Can't really think of anything since using the summons seem so tied together and such

>Are you going to do challenge runs in 5?
Nah. Challenge runs aren't all that fun to me.

Scoring runs on the other hand.

gay people still know when women look attractive and when they do not

That's a stupid amount of runs.

Nero is fucking his sister, friendly reminder.

Even if you fight them the right way I still don't think enemies like Soul Eaters are fun to fight. It's boring and frustrating to have to wait and then wail and Dullahans are anti-fun.
There's a way to fight every enemy, even chimera's in 4, but they're not fun to fight in my opinion. None of the enemies they've showed in 5 so far seem to be anywhere near as bad as the bad enemies in 3 and 4

ADOPTED sister
this happens all the time in Japan apparently

>But he is a virgin, everything except the mostly non-canon DMC1 novel seem to show that he has horrible luck with ladies
It's pretty heavily implied he's fucked women in the past. His bad luck with women is that he can't really keep a relationship going for long, you're taking things too literally. That part of the novel doesn't directly contradict anything in the games. I don't why you seem to need a Mass Effect or Witcher-tier sex scene to prove a character has had sex before.

Attached: 1548908422337.jpg (460x728, 229K)

Adoptive sister is hardly the same, it's like childhood friends.

AND he's having a threesome/voyeur with Lady

Attached: kyrie facemodel.webm (640x1136, 2.09M)

And Dante wanted to fuck his mother and maybe he did
Just a family trait

of course, why would I forget. that's the best part.

idk man, Nero's mom is pretty similar to Kyrie

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Attached: flying_butt.png (505x776, 589K)

It's fun for me to do them. And Nero and Dante and V can't play every level. We know Dante starts at mission 10 and then there's 10 missions left and he probably doesn't get every single mission in those 10 missions, so we're looking at doing maybe 7-8 missions or so with the Dante runs and 9-10 with Nero I guess since they're saying Nero is the lead character in the story while Dante and V are still protagonists it's mostly Nero who is the hero. And they also said V doesn't even get as many solo missions as Dante and Nero

At least her chin won't be so big this time.

Those tight shorts look nice. Dante is foolish for not hiting it.


Attached: NO WAY FAG.gif (422x169, 1.72M)

Lady was foolish for not hiting this.

Attached: devil_boy.png (906x493, 1M)

Oh please, her monologue at the end of three sounded very much like a girl trying to sell a guy to her parents.
She probably put the moves in the interim between the games, Dante went NWF and skystarred out of there, and Lady is butthurt ever since and bleeding him dry.

Silly user doesn't realize that She's wearing the same style of clothing as Dante did in 4 and adopted his mannerism
The same happened in 4 in relation to 3, but she didn't have enough screentime to make it more apparent

>tfw reading that part in the novel where that chick makes fun of Dante for calling out for Eva in his sleep

Attached: 1545347515126.png (1920x800, 751K)

Just finished re-run of DMC3. E&I + Spiral cancelling + Nevan raped them so hard i barely felt my usual annoyance with them.
The only bad thing about them is their ability to go through walls, if the fuckers simply stayed in the rooms they would've been far more bearable.

>Matier wants Lucia and Dante to hook up and make a babby
O shit son

It's her fault, she NWF'd him first

Attached: Vergil_win_quote_Trish.jpg (1366x768, 173K)

I can actually see that from 4 to 3 but 3 to 4? Her slut suit looks nothing like dante's punk look.

What i really want from this sword is to have some actually useful charge moves

Dante was such a Chad in that scene. There are actually people that unironically think he is a virgin, just lol

dmc threads are starting to go smash tier cringe fest. hundreds of threads 0 actual conversation about anything important. kys all of you.

actually this, even the belt on the chest is the same

Attached: crop.php.jpg (768x1280, 62K)

>Hey, Lady, want to have lots of unprotected demon sex with me and have me ejaculate into your cervix over and over until I pass out due to dehydration? I've been on nofap for 2 months.

Attached: lady dies.png (870x582, 991K)


What conversation are you hoping for, attentionfag?

Hey user, put a spin on this

Attached: 73670_FUCK_YOU_wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 89K)

>people think they didn't just change a few things and called it a day since she was just a generic NPC

That's exactly what Capcom would've done to save money.

Dumb fan theory: Nero doesn't consider Kyrie and Credo as siblings.

In the opening of 4 where he fights Dante in the church, he yells to Kyrie "Go with your brother and get out of here!" or something like that. By your logic, he should've just referred to Credo by name, since he's apparently her brother too. Dumbass.

I wanna cum on that abdomen, bros.

Attached: tumblr_inline_o8azy5wegV1sffw3d_500.png (420x573, 256K)

I absolutely adore the fact she just took the name Dante gave her instead of the one given by her father
Wish they actually hooked up or something, that would've been natural after all the development they got in 3.

>Kyrie is a clone of Nero's mother

Attached: pikachu surprised.png (1354x784, 869K)

Ghetto Translatorfag here. Honestly I don't care all that much if reddit takes my shit cause it's just janky rough translations from some nobody. I didn't do it for any kind of attention and I don't hold much attachment to it so people can do whatever they want.
I just dislike how some fags will latch on to any kind of OC the second it's made and post it for le epic upvotes.

>implying Dante will not settle down with Lady in DMC5 ending


Attached: lady looking at dante.webm (640x360, 26K)

He doesn't do that in that scene. He literally tells her 'I'll stop him for you so let me do it.'

release the game already

Attached: file.png (649x686, 654K)

That's the library scene. He's talking about the corridor shootout where Arkham was on the floor, faking his death. Dante was pretty subdued at the end of that scene though.

same pants too

Attached: 70411.png (1514x1147, 1.26M)

>but 3 to 4?
Are you comparing her outfit from 4 to Dante's outfit in 3? I can see it a little bit. In DMC3 Dante's jacket is open at the front, showing off his chest, and he's wearing a strap across his chest. Lady's top is open and revealing a lot more of her chest and she has the belt going across, although it's not as low as Dante's was where it was basically across his nipples.

Attached: lady_mary_dmc4.jpg (1024x768, 56K)

He only woohoos once in that scene and it's before she mentions Arkham's her papa.

>implying he won't NWF her as revenge for the DMC3 incident

Attached: Female_dante_by_uchiha43-d3a1si2.jpg (848x1200, 404K)

they better hook up in 5

Attached: it's only the rain.png (500x500, 11K)

Never played a DMC before and downloaded the demo on a whim. It was pretty fun. I like Ninja Gaiden and MGR so I might pick this up.

he already NWF'd her for a long time

"at least someone knows how to get the girl"


Attached: 1542242413447.jpg (1191x670, 52K)

Eeeeeh that seems really vague. I'd be more willing to chalk it up to the strap being a recurring motif of the artist.

What did the nips mean by this?

>nero open up artemis
>sees naked lady
>lady teases nero through the game

Attached: DEMON TITTIES.jpg (1202x863, 95K)

Hey Lady I think you got the wrong door

Nero belongs to Kyrie.

True, but he was only WACKY WOOHOO when she was telling him about the awful things Arkham did. At that point to Dante Arkham was just some asshole evil guy he barely knew, so why should he care? He chills out a bit like immediately after she reveals he was her father. Remember Lady doesn't actually even reveal Arkham was her dad until after the whole Matrix shootout scene.
Yeah I know, I wasn't really saying it's concrete evidence, just saying I could see where people make the comparison. Probably just a coincidence though.

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drink it down >>>>>>>>>>>> mad quallia

Attached: headset.jpg (442x795, 37K)

Fuck you.

Attached: Boss of this tower.png (1110x649, 646K)

V is Sanctus

V is Savior, even his theme song hints on that

According to my totally not google tanslate translation
"Mr. V and DMC 5 made too much fun and the sisters made their talk with DMC 5 and V too much pleasure"
>too much pleasure
I've come to the conclusion V slays nun puss. I don't know what the words in the actual video say though

Attached: demon_breeder.png (595x477, 256K)

I can't read nippon.



Attached: 82js7.png (530x530, 422K)

Do you guys preorder the normal edition or do you spend 70+bucks on deluxe?

Attached: 1548368190958.png (657x527, 38K)

Deluxe. It was only $10 more than the normal edition.

Deluxe, full price.



Attached: 1515842873441.jpg (772x501, 64K)

Deluxe. Gotta have that classic music.


my peepee leak cummies

Attached: 1550420727642.jpg (827x464, 103K)

march 8th

Nero is Vergil son

this anime was so fucking boring it put the main character to sleep

I peed my pants a little. A leak.

_______ur gay_____



My shower keeps leaking if i don't close the water register in a very specific position

chill out Ner DEAD WEIGHT

someone translate what this says

Attached: Dz3aqpyV4AAZpwT.jpg (800x800, 118K)

V is cute

Deluxe physical, steel case cover. It's 86.16 dollars after converted from my shithole currency, which is just as much value

"Nero when are we gonna have kids? I need to carry your one-eighth-Sparda spawn."

my belly is bleeding

>Kyrie: "You're starting to look like your uncle with that stuble."
>Nero: "UNGA?"

I just shit and maybe cum

I'm spending 70+ maple bucks either way.

Attached: 1550679263715.jpg (328x330, 34K)

I believe you

What time is Capcom TV tomorrow for us West Coast-ers

What button should I rebind shoot to in DMC 4? I'm beginning to realize that I should pretty much never not be charging a shot with Nero, but square does feel a little awkward. It could work, but it might be better to just change it now before I get too used to anything.

>Matier told me to tell you to tell Dante to fuck Lucia


I can leak something if you post more Kyrie alright

Attached: 1549981688059.png (1051x968, 1.49M)


Deluxe in my country is still cheaper than most games

Any trigger you feel comfortable with. I don't feel comfortable with any of them, so I just don't really shoot much.

Can artificial demons even have babies?

maybe this sword has customizable moves, as dantes new mechanic. think god hand. you can assign stinger to the stinger input or maybe some new moves that fit the slot.

i mean, i dont actually think this is the case, but if there's something I've wanted after a decade is for dante to get some new sword moves. I like the idea of rebellion evolving.

Dammit Leon Blanco.

Attached: kek 2.jpg (441x384, 46K)

>no God Hand arm for Nero

Why Not? Demons are demons and Sparda managed to do it.

Only if the plot demands it and they look human enough, I assume
>Bianco angelo, Nightmare, Cutlass, Gladius, etc.
You can fuck these if you try hard enough, but it won't make babies
>Lucia, Trish
If Arius and Mundus put any attention to detail, they probably have the necessary organs to make babies

Nero’s trying to grow a beard and Kyrie’s saying it doesn’t suit him

>too much information at once
Nero really is unga bunga, eh?


Attached: DANTE PLEASE.png (905x538, 468K)

Attached: 123123.png (274x385, 130K)


New Rebellion has Dante gem?

Attached: QoNuO6J.png (272x342, 203K)

No way hag.

Attached: dante.jpg (425x628, 40K)

Attached: dasdas.png (513x390, 491K)

>Nero with a beard

Attached: 5695_103556.jpg (359x501, 141K)

Oh they do, outrage baiting is becoming a more common strategy for attention.

Attached: ludwigs holy blade.jpg (268x268, 12K)

>Slob clingy lucia gf
>probably fat too
God damn it

On a different subject, I'm actually glad matier posting and UNGA BUNGA posting somehow became a thing over the past days. I thought they would get real old real soon, but they seem like they have staying power.


>tfw Nico will never spit in your face or whatever that sentence was supposed to mean

your swordfu got shit on mine swordfu

Attached: Fq4EQZz.png (477x680, 296K)

t. unga bunga poster

It's not funny

Devil May Cry?
Devil May Piss His Pants?

You're swordfu are all shit

Attached: 1503756110733.jpg (1600x800, 302K)

damn nero look like THAT?

>Nero really is unga bunga, eh?
I'm surprised he even knows how to hold a sword

There was another user who corrected that, but the part didn’t get put into the summary for some reason

How strong can a man be in order to lift this sword??

It's the only thing he knows

Where is this from?

Devil May Run Up on a Nigga.



Attached: 1550506670406.jpg (560x632, 35K)


new thread where

I actually have never posted it once, neither matier posting. I just find it funny in small doses.

Wait, that's not his DT sword, is it?

Looks like it. It’s not Sparta and it’s bigger than Reb.