How do we kill interactive movie "games"?
How do we kill interactive movie "games"?
I know this is really out of left field, but what's the consensus on "the last of us?" Have it on my PS4 and just haven't had the time to fuck with it. Am off tomm, thinking about trying it...
More battle royale games. If we play nothing but fortnite and apex companies will stop tryingto male games with stories.
They’re probably die off like every other popular genre. In fact they sort of already are
This game is going to kill the genre it started on its own.
Dont buy it. Thats how we evolve idiot. If no one buys sjw games they will die
A well-made tps with a large focus on cinematics, long walking segments and unskippable cutscenes. I enjoyed my first playthrough well enough, but the game has very little replay value.
If you dont like it, dont buy it. Its that fucking simple. Apparently there are people that like it if they buy it
It's a good game. Literally the only reason Nintendo shills hate it is because it's a Sony exclusive
Don't buy ps4 user, easy as that.
It's a good game that's massively over-praised and it's not even the best kind of game for it's genre (survival horror). So I understand when people crap on it. But I've always felt Naughty Dog has made mediocre but solid games ever since the Crash Bandicoot days.
we can't
Thanks, might try playing it through today. I have about 20 different things set for today including trying out my fucking Vive and rift, my wheel....need to talk my handful of benzos and opioids and see how much I can through in a day.
The main story isn't completely full of sjw stuff like in the second one; only in the story dlc is where its obvious. What I recommend is the multiplayer. It's full of veterans now but you can still have fun with it.
Lucky bastard
My GP stopped giving me benzos so now all I have is to take my (((antidepressants))) like a good cuck.
>on't buy ps4
At this point if you are gonna get a console (not sure why you would when for !$k you can build a fairly good PC), people should get either box or a PC NOW and say the "un-Pc"...COD games for example where you go around brazil shooting up favela monkeys and you get to blow up fucking paris...that's never going to be allowed again and soon it'l be off the fucking market and banned since now paris is literally on fucking fire and unless bolarano turns out to be a complete flunky of the Jews we may actually see favela monkeys getting blown away IRL in brazil...
tl;dr- keep hard copies of COD MW 2 and 3 in your house
Boring as fuck. got to some church-looking area and uninstalled just because I was tired of slowly crawling past clickers
They kiss fucking once at the end of the DLC when the black girl is about to die, what the fuck is your definition of SJW shit?
>My GP stopped giving me benzo
Dude, I was out of them for 7 fucking days. You think you know what hell is? try going from 80 mg methadone and 6 mg xanax a day to nothing. Forget the shit I actually take it for, between he seizures and throwing up I came close to killing myself. warning to everyone-- DO NOT get hooked on benzos and or opioids, i promise you WILL come to regret it...
>How do we kill interactive movie "games"?
The black girl character and their whole relationship and storyline is so forced and awkward it's ridiculous
They have ZERO chemistry and she's voiced by a 40 year old woman and sounds the part
It was good before the DLC made it into Oscar Bait teenage lesbian shit.
By crying on the internet
It deserves all its praise. It really was the best horror game of all horror games when it came out.
Puberty was merciless on Ellie. She got full ellenpaged.
The biggest thieves in the entire fucking market are amazon.
> spider man for PS4, hoping it might be like Arkham city
>almost 3x price it would be for a normal order. This despite no packing, no shipping, no handling, no booklet printout, NOTHING
>play for a nit, game sucks the sweat off a dead man's balls. THEN fuckers are trying to get you to buy new parts of the game for $25 (!!!) each
The most fucking expensive add-on for Witcher 3 was $8.
are they going to go all in with their agenda? theres no use for naughty dog anymore if they dont at least make another uncharted
Go ahead gaming been dead for years. All your doing is saving me money faggot LOL
Buying it day 1 eat shit and die losers!
Vastly overrated and i'm talking about both story and gameplay mechanics. First couple hours of game are legit boring as fuck.
Well they kissed and then Neil druckman confirmed she was gay. The whole relationship was forced. Why the hell do you have to sexualize a fucking child you pedo faggot. Forcing a gay relationship and the acceptance of pedo shit is sjw.
Get over it.
How do you go from this to pic related?
>Boring as fuck. g
I sort of recall the opening where her father gets the rifle and then wakes her up and she packs and then...I fucking hate games where you have to "play as a girl," only possible exception being Ciri where you're really playing as a Deus Ex Machina
>the genre it started on its own
It rips off the gameplay from Resident Evil 4 and you think it started it's own genre? Oh wait, you mean it's because it's a "movie game" which is now a "genre" with you idiots.
>.I fucking hate games where you have to "play as a girl,
>unskippable cutscenes
>Ellie is a nice young girl
>DLC time
>Druckmann heard feminists disliked the base game for dumb and goes all out to appease them
>Ellie is made gay
Bravo Druckmann.
Do you not remember being in elementary school where a bunch of the kids would "date?" Is that pedoshit because you have kids trying to kiss eachother and the adults just let it happen cause its been normalized?
I dont even managed to replay it on new game+ meanwhile i'm on my over 9000 run at RE2make. If this isnt a sign a game is boring i dont know what is.
Don't buy them. Instead of crying about it every day. Nobody is forcing you to play them
By actually playing them and resolving your false perception fueled by Yea Forums console war shitposts.
TLoU and Uncharted aren't interactive movies. They have great game mechanics and fun gameplay with plenty of variation.
>Vastly overrated and i'm talking about both story and gameplay mechanics
Got that vibe just from the first few minutes. Why the fuck can't they make games...well, let Eastern Euro studios make them and base a lot more of them on Eastern Euro folktales of history. How fucking cole would it be to have the Imperial HRW and the Winged Hussat lift the Siege of Veinna with the largest Calvary charge in the history of the world? Imagine if you had a good speaker system, could start to hear it coming very slow and faint until it got closer was closer and then the entire fucking floor was shaking and horses noses and creams everywhere as you mowed down the subhumans.
Sadly, closet we're going to get to that is LOTR since Weistin had his prick in too many gentile starlets to realize that Tolkein was talking more about the Turk than about the fucking Germans in his novel, but the fat, shit bag for him the word 'like" was coined was too busy to realize that...
Your taste is shit zoom LOL zoom zoom!
TLOU was great and "movie game" is a faggot buzzword for people who don't like storytelling in games
Quit being a faggot, Left Behind had great gameplay sections, like the parts where you can pit the infected and the bandits against eachother or fight them both at once (an enemy dynamic absent in the original game).
Get rid of David Cage and western wahmen.
Wild guess: you are either a "girl" or have chopped your prick ooff convincing yourself that you are one? you know, it's a matter of weeks at this point before some guy in some redneck bar gets really drunk, one of your type doesn't tell him you have a prick, and he's so fucking drunk he reaches down, feels it, and then beats you to death. I'm fucking shocked it hasn't happened yet.
Honestly the worst part in my mind about UC4 and LL were the final boss fights. Thats where the melee combat really fell apart for me
It's fun, It's about 18 hours long, and the stealth parts can be pretty tense on some difficulties.
I had fun with it, I played it twice, on different difficulties, but I didn't beat it the second time, because the one difficulty up wasn't enough to keep it's story-drivenness exciting since I had already played it. I've heard survivor mode fixes that.
As long as you like shit like Dark Souls, you have no right to talk about Sony games.
Stop buying them.
*beats you up no matter what buttons you press*
I am over it. You asked me a question in an aggressive manner and I replied the same way. Besides bill being gay didn't bother me since it wasn't into the story.
The adults weren't pushing kids to kiss and shit. They also weren't writing stories about about a child's sexuality or even promoting them..
To be fair I'm probably going to buy part 2 if they don't ruin the multiplayer like they did with uncharted 4.
With an interactive movie "gun"!
Too much """""realism"""""
So you have to just sort of "survive?" It doesn't seem pure "Sandbox" but then it's not in direct stages either.
But some girls kissed at the end and it wasn't two cat girls that I wanted to fuck, so obviously it's just pandering to some crowd that I don't like.
TLOU and Left behind were both fun, and the first time through, the loading-screens disguised as gameplay were pretty cool, Those weren't good the second time through, but certain landmark parts made the base game worth playing a couple more times, when i was in the mood for it.
and the multiplayer was pretty fucking tight. The biggest shame the game had was the fact that the AI was downgraded, and this is likely the case for part 2
Fights where you lose are a new thing now? I'm pretty sure this has been a thing in games since the ps2 era
Teenage people do not have emotions and cannot feel attraction or attachment to other people or else it is pedo shit, even if teenagers do literally nothing wrong.
the only good multiplayer is uc2, they already ruined it with 3
Is it really that fucking hard to learn how Yea Forums talks before you faggots shill.
stop buying them
Fuck off soiboy. TLOU is ovverated garbage, period.
>vote with your wallet
if you cant see how forced in this is you are literally retarded. its just like that game with the afro nigger from uncharted 4. no one liked that character why did it get its own game?
>hurr i am a retard and have not played last of us and just repeat garbage i heard other people say
well first you need to find a movie game to kill it i suggest some rando indie walking sim you dumbfuck.
It's a linear setpiece story game where each environment is kind of a sandbox. think MGS3, with less technology and a crafting system instead.
>Started it
Top kek
Bill's gayness was well done. Ellie's was contrived.
How are Dark Souls and movie games related in any way
Social engineering.
Seriously, stop being quiet, when people talk about this stupid shit in public laugh at them and call them fags.
I wasn't debating the fact that it was forced (the game was over already, i didn't need to know she was gay and it had no bearing on her relationship with joel) I was debating the fact that Teenagers acting like teenagers was normalizing pedo shit.
dork souls is shit and retards like you love it, so who the fuck are you to talk about "movie" games (a fallacy btw)?
It's so fucking boring. Every gameplay encounter is exactly the same as the last. The game is constantly restricting player movement with "le cinematic" animations. The story is also so stupid that that alone is enough to not bother.
And? Unwinnable fights to set up an antagonist are old as fuck, doing it through a brief scripted gamplay sequence is better than a cutscene.
How will people enjoy this game when exodus already came out?
And also vote at the election. Apart from these two options to change things you dont like, there is only civil war
sorry then my mistake
I can't tell if this thread is filled with shills, esl or just people pretending to be dumb niggers.
Why, exactly, is the Last of Us called a movie game again?
>muh cutscenes!
Most of the cutscenes are short. Meanwhile
>KH2 and KH3
>Asura’s Wrath
Have either more cutscenes, roughly the same amount of cutscenes, or cutscenes that drag on and on. Most JRPGs have “attacks” where you are watching an extensive cutscene anyways as well (See Supernova from FF7, most if not all modern turn based JRPGs, KH3)
>but but muh walking! Muh moving barrels!
Witcher 3 has tons of walking
Dragon’s Dogma has tons of walking
Morrowind has tons of walking (at a snail’s pace)
GTA/RDR have tons of walking and driving
No More Heroes has tons of walking + boring tasks like picking up trash to make enough money to pay the entry fee
Super Mario Odyssey has tons of walking + boring tasks like kicking rocks and ground pounding random spots to get moons, which are required to beat the game
Ocarina of Time has a ton of walking (at a snail’s pace, so slow players will roll to their next destination) as well as most 3D Zeldas
BOTW has tons of walking
New Vegas has tons of walking, as well as most WRPGs with a travel system or an open-world setup
MGSV has tons of walking, all MGS games have walking + backtracking
Any adventure game will have tons of walking
Most of the games above also inevitably have tons of backtracking as well because of the nature of how open world games work. Muh walking is not an argument.
>muh movie game
Is a “criticism” made by pseuds who either haven’t played the game or have, but have no real criticisms other than “it’s boring” or “I don’t care about zombies”
>TLoU and Uncharted aren't interactive movies.
Is it retarded?
>They have great game mechanics and fun gameplay with plenty of variation.
It is
Because you play as Chloe and not as Nadine, but when you bring back both Sam and Nadine and force them into a common goal, you get a pretty interesting character story, and it builds on Nadine's character significantly.
>it's just pandering to some crowd
It was. They complained about the base game even though the complaints were dumb and Druckmann went nuts trying to appease them.
Great game. First (and last) time (since Vanquish) I've played a TPS which changed the core formula in a meaningful and enjoyable way.
Before tlou threads were 90% anti-Sony shitposting the multiplayer was quite popular here because people knew it played well.
you can't, that's up to the consumer
and the general consumer is fucking retarded
it's a lost cause, just play what you like and hope you get releases that cater to you
Do you actually have a point, or something worth saying? You might have to play them before you can comment on game mechanics though.
m8 I've never even played Dark Souls, your posts are just autistic
OP never said anything about Dark Souls you sperg
Some fucking grown ass man writing a story about two kids surviving on the apocalypse and focusing on their sexuality is pedo. And then forcing sjw shit on on uncharted 4, lost legacy and this next game. You can't see the pattern. It's sjw shit, forced diversity, feminism, homosexuality, and pedo shit. Do you not see a pattern? It's sjw shit and you know it.
True. I was like oh shit he's gay. Whatever fix the truck, bill.
>post is a reply saying the game gives you freedom
>post shows you are are in fact condescendingly railroaded by the devs
>these dumb anons are more concerned about the mention of an unwinnable fight than the obvious proof of the script overstepping its bounds
You are both god damn retards.
Have you even played or watched the Lost Legacy?
Just because he didn't play it or even know who the protagonist was doesn't mean his opinion isn't worthwhile. He's speaking his truth and you need to respect that instead of gamersplaining.
this is the most retarded post in this thread by far
Yeah I do. This is meMy point still stands with Unharted
>no rebuttal
Because it’s true and you know it. Calling TLOU a movie game is a shallow meme criticism
Indeed I have played it.
The only think keeping me from using my PC as target practice right now is Cyberpunk 2077. If that blows or they go full SJW, I'm completely done.
Do you think a one minute sequence of player controlled gameplay with a set conclusion to set up a important character for the story negates an entire game full of more open maps than any previous Uncharted game, with multiple paths to traverse levels and a wide variety of ways to fight enemies?
So? There are tons of instances in video games where players are put in hopeless situations to advance the plot. Take Deus Ex for example where Gunther is invincible when confronting JC at one point and where the only resolution is being captured.
>the consensus is 10 replies that disagree with each other
when will retards learn?
There are also tons of instances where you beat a boss but the cutscene shows you losing anyways
Nothing he said is wrong though.
Then what in the fuck is SJW about the game other than the fact that it includes a black woman, and has some comedy at Sam's expense? Especially after coming off the tail of a game where two white people breed another white girl
>all these DUH IS GOOD STORY posts
You know games can have good stories AND gameplay right? They're different departments
how is gta a movie? the story maybe but you can fuck around for a lot longer than the story is. you cant do that with naughty dog games. and dont come with the multiplayer, they sucked ass everytime
also what has walking to do with it being a movie. now that i think about it again his post really is the most retarded on here by far
You're a goofball if you think that Left Behind focused on Ellie's sexuality, rather than her relationship with her friend. You can have friends and write about friends and falling in love without wanting to fuck the people you write about you weirdo.
also, there just are people of diverse background in the real actual world that you're walking on, so what's your fucking problem dude?
You're actually braindead.
To fully appreciate LoU you have to play the hardest mode.
The Left Behind dlc is too short to really appreciate most of the gameplay.
Otherwise the story is some generic post-apocalyptic mainstream like WalkingDead. Only thing Druckman can boast about is straight up lesbian kiss.
Kill yourself, retarded westcuck.
How do we kill empty meaningless arcade "games"?
If the movie industry takes over video game industry then we should take over the movie industry.
Make video gamey movies.
walking and riding during story missions often isn't substantive gameplay, just like how cutscenes and forced slowwalking parts often aren't substantive gameplay.
Most of the complaints I hear about Naughty Dog games being "movies" is directed to moments where they cut walking speeds and have the characters talk to each other. Basically the story moments in Half life 2 but they hate it
He didn't say it was, he's pointing out a double standard.
Walking is one of the most common complaints about / mechanics attributed to "movie games".
What is the message of Dragon's Dogma?
Give your developers enough time and money to finish their game.
Cyclical nature of life
Believe in Bannerlord.
It wasn't worth whatever it was meant to do. Do you honestly think there was no other, let alone better way to do it?
>Yeah let's just put up qtes that make you lose no matter what you press and disable your block button while this women you just met punches you until you die.
>lol we're the fucking best game designers ever. This will totally not take players out of the game and make them respect this villain who beats them "fair and square"
This picture is so fucking racist its unreal
>when will retards learn?
hey hard-on, think for a second, I know it might be beyond your ability but just try....chances are better than not, same sort of people who would be up at this hour and would be discussing games would naturally end toward same kind of games....that's a pretty obvious correlation. Think about it you brainless asshole, they how about sticking your tongue up in my fucking ass.
Chloe's race and personality was retconed from true blue Australian to full on curry munching indian, for one.
"Moviegame" is a buzzword invented by seething Nintendo drones when they saw how far behind they're being left compared to the rest of the industry. They've been buying the exact same games for 30 years now while everyone else is pushing the envelope, a little butthurt is expected.
They tried to capture lightning in a bottle. One gay character in Bill was nice. You find out fter you get to know him, and there's hints in retrospect. Then they try to do the same thing with Ellie and I'm like, no, this isn't feeling organic now.
I hope it's good and pisses Yea Forums off in fact i hope it kills you faggot being that mad. No really drop fucking dead faggots!
I didn't play lost legacy, Chloe was always brown and indian looking, did they change her attitude or something?
I'm a PC mustard and I absolutely loathe movie games. Max Payne 3 was such antifun that I didn't even get halfway before bailing on that "game". The only thing they've pushed the envelope is presentation and storytelling, but leaving behind what makes video games engaging - actual gameplay and interactivity.
Nobody cares fuck face your taste is garbage kill yourself eat a dick choke on a cunt FUCK OFF YOU SPOILED FUCKING WHORE QUEER NIGGER!
I hope so user i hope so...
I buyed TLoU remaster because in the PS3 era I was poorfag and skiped PS3/XBOX360 gen. All my friends saying that this game is a piece of art and for me it was a huge disappointment, walking, walking, walking, poor dialogues, poor character development, bad AI, writers using The Walking Dead comics to "get more realistic story" and In the end thet don't even let the player choose save Ellie or let her save the world. FUCK YOU ND
>Do you honestly think there was no other, let alone better way to do it?
So you want more cutscenes then? Because that's how every other game does it. Make up your mind.
They're not QTEs and there never was a block button, nor a roll button in 1v1 fights in the game. This 1 minute long sequence has really upset you for some reason.
Oh Jesus come on, senpai. It's sjw as shit. There's a trophy called "yas queen" for starters. Sam being a laughing stock and taking all this verbal abuse from those chicks and not being witty like in the main game is retarded. Also he was not doing anything to help he was made useless to prove some kind of girl power bullshit. Nadine was forced on the whole dlc. They saw how the fans weren't fond of Nadine and they still decided to make her a main character in the next game just to stick it to them. Naughty dog posting on social media implying threat Nadine and Chloe are gay for each other when for no reason at all. Im sure there's more but I don't remember since I played once on since release. .
Dude it's pedo shit when Neil confirmed that while he was writing ellies character she was gay once you bring a kid sexuality into a story is pedo shit . Next thing is you're going to tell me how "call me by your name" isn't pedo. Dude I have no problem with people with diverse backgrounds, when they start acting like they're special or cool for having a different background I immediately hate them. Anyways I have work in the morning
Goodnight, Anons
Harbingers of change usually have to go all out on the idea they're pushing, that's how it's always been in videogames. The actual games pushing the changes aren't necessarily good but you're supposed to look at the effect they have on future games, which will adapt the changes into something more palatable. The game you used as an example yourself is a good example of this concept, MP3 was bad (and GTA IV to an extent) but it paved the way for GTAV and RDR2, which are objectively good quality games.
get over it
The hunters arc came out a year or two before Last of Us release
Don't play them. Don't shitpost about them. Don't start shitposting threads about them. Kill yourself. Problem solved.
Unironically pretty excited for this.
That might be too excessive.
>paved the way for GTAV and RDR2
Both of those games are boring garbage though.
San Andreas, Vice City and GTA 3 were vastly superior video games. Red Dead series was never good.
Fuck off mario don't you have a date with your brother? i herd your gonna jerk each other off with hot wax and pipes.
>They're not QTEs
They are. Button prompts on the screen that you select to achieve things, only the game makes you get the same result either way. I think the negative reaction to the scripted unwinnable Nadine fights is upsetting you. There's probably a "I must defend anything to do with her because she's a women of color" motivation behind your reaction, since you seem to be trying to set that up. You want to use her race and gender as a smokescreen to divert all critisims surrounding her implementation in the game as an invincible Mary Sue.
You may not like them, but they're objectively good games
Still better than any battle royal LOL LOL LOL LOL!
Good game. Dumb AI. They just hate it here cause its story heavy
They are already.
You have almost infinite possibilities with games, but these cinematic movie games are much more limited, plus, since they copy films so much, more people will start to think that "Meh, these are fine, but I could just watch multiple movies with a lower price tag and get better written stories."
It's not a survival horror. It's just a stealth game. I wish you retards would learn horror means actually scary. Usually first person.. anything else is just not horror
Firstly, button prompts are not QTEs and never have been since the term QTE was coined. Secondly, most of those type of combat animations in Uncharted 4 don't even have button prompts outside of the tutorial.
>I think the negative reaction to the scripted unwinnable Nadine fights is upsetting you. There's probably a "I must defend anything to do with her because she's a women of color" motivation behind your reaction
>You want to use her race and gender as a smokescreen to divert all critisims surrounding her
What the FUCK are you talking about? You can't even talk about game mechanics without this deranged nonsense. Absolute shitposting.
this game will suck so hard and every basedboy will defend it as the game of a century. it will another linear boring fest of walking to the next cutscene.
Drake was established early in the series as much better fighter in cutscenes and in gameplay, so the moment feels cheap as fuck.
lmao does this wall of text make any sense at all?
thats playstation market for you. all the games are more expensive than on PC even when you take in consideratioin ps+ discounts. Not to mention games that are given out for free on PC are still being sold on ps or even worse - you get them for "free" in ps+ monthly bundle. Ps+ is pure theft.
>It's just a stealth game
>About to choke a guy out.
>double check the hallway is clear above around it's clear no one around
>choke the fuck out
>suddenly everyone knows
>my cover is blown!
He didn't make a sound while being choked out. yet the entire fucking hotel herd it? not even a lamp smashing nothing but pure silence...fuck you cuckmen.
ye the benzo withdrawl is bad enough, went a week without 4mg a day. you will not sleep, you will find no peace. if you scribed benzos always keep an emergency week.
Stop taking drugs faggot LOL
Drake isn't a badass pro-fighter, he's a rogue who survives by the skin of his teeth and naturally gets beaten half to death by every antagonist. I can't recall any scene where he's absolutely trashing anybody in a fight.
>i hate one of the most fun shooting segments in the game
thats you. you fucking fag
None of the things you said happened in game
Exact opposite for me
I cant finish the second run in remake 2 but I played this and re7 a shit ton
The fight literally has a "press this button to not lose" and "press this button to lose" QTE. Except both ones make you get knocked out. Wow Druckmann, you totally made me respect this villain by blatantly rigging the game to make her invincible in every encounter.
i can let TLoU get away with it but uncharted was a DRAG. Finally in uncharted 4 where most the combat is polished
>no combat, share fucking rope
You're god dam right it will 10/10 eat a turd burger gook trash.
>suddenly everyone knows
Larping this hard is why people hate the game in the first place faggot.
You're also probably the guy who also says "this game is so hard like survival you need to craft stuff and you will always be out of bullets".
Yeah, no, you see, there's tons of better and harder surival games out there that make LOS easy. And its the same shit you're doing with sneaking,
bitch please the AI is so fucking dumb, once you realise you can walk almost right pass the NPC and zombies the game instantly turns into "just walk to the next cutscene".
who in it for SP anymore?
That game is actually good. Had it been a black man I would never have bought it. Thank god birches dont have race just shades
If last of us is a movie game then Half-life 2 is also a movie game.
And MGS is especially a movie game.
Saying you want Last of us to die is like saying you want MGS series and HL series to never come back.
Prove me wrong.
Watching Drake fumble around Nadine was like watching Ultron not instantly blowing Steve's head off when they had a fist fight in Age of Ultron.
>Larping this hard is why people hate the game in the first place faggot.
Play the game
>You're also probably the guy who also says "this game is so hard like survival you need to craft stuff and you will always be out of bullets".
>Yeah, no, you see, there's tons of better and harder surival games out there that make LOS easy. And its the same shit you're doing with sneaking,
Play the game
>bitch please the AI is so fucking dumb, once you realise you can walk almost right pass the NPC and zombies the game instantly turns into "just walk to the next cutscene".
Play the game
>throw a brick/bottle away from my position
>fucking moonwalk to the next area
People with taste go play Acunt with your zoomers losers. Zoom zoom!
i dont want half life to come back. Everyone who ever worked on it are retired and i dont need to see the new bi-life the way some söy cuck imagines it.
I've already told you they're not QTEs. If you don't know what a word means, don't use it.
Play the game
>angry bitch face wimmin on cover
sony are over
I will on half life's behalf. its a god damned adventure first play through, plenty of small/big things you notice in a second
ok i forgot
>take a few pot shots so mofos dont heavy bead on me as im approaching next area door.
infected little different, also not.
bottles are amazing in TLoU
>since the ps2 era
"I started playing videogames in the ps2 era"
i need your credit card number there is horny single women in my area that need to be FUCKED!
He's not a trained fighter and she's a mercenary PMC leader with martial arts training. I don't know how you could play 4 games and have an incorrect perception of Drake, he just does whatever he can think of to survive.
there is enough good multi between uncharted and tlou to make something worthwhile.
i played the game you deflecting faggot, the second i realised i can kill the zombie in trainstation right next to another one i realised how retarded the AI is, grabbed my melee and opened every skull untill the "now you must shoot" cutscene some chapters later. with shit tons of ammo because its apperantly so hard to find !
You are clinging to your definition of QTEs to avoid the obvious. The game gives you this pitiful lie of an illusion of choice that many players see through instantly. There's this immediate feeling that you didn't lose because you were worse, but because the game is fucking you over to give this new character a dishonest sense of power that isn't in any way earned from the player.
Me to on grounded and beat it multi times your game has flaws major flaws with AI MEGA FAGGOT!
I'm clinging to THE definition of QTEs. Go play Shenmue or RE4 and tell me they're the same as pressing a button which is or is not displayed to achieve a result during gameplay. That's just normal gameplay.
Uncharted 1 actually does have at least one QTE which is observably different from what you're describing.
go to bed mong
5 minute mark toss shit across the room toward the corner you entered. why the fuck would you waste a knife on one of these things. They are attracted to sound, and glass breaking is infinitely louder than slowly moonwalking away whilst they REEEEEEEE
>He's not a trained fighter
Drake has been to Panamanian prison. Sweety, he is fucking TRAINED.
No wetback.
>Invideo games, aquick time event(QTE) is a method ofcontext-sensitivegameplayin which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character duringcut scenesor cinematic sequences in the game
They're QTEs. Get over it already stop trying to argue semantics.
Pick up the vase!
literally the fuck are you on about?
The biggest problem I have with this action is how animations are mocapped and if models aren't in the right place to play the animation the game will correct their positions. It looks like character suddenly got a shift of momentum. It looks extremely unnatural. Funny how japanese games which are based on good old startup/active/recovery animation system don't have this issue at all and works much better mechanically.
>shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt
Which don't appear in this situation.
>during cut scenes or cinematic sequences
Incredibly vague definition but it occurs during gameplay, unless you want to define the entire game as a "cinematic sequence" then it's not applicable. Wikipedia's weak definition is outdated and doesn't account for almost all modern games having context sensitive roles for buttons during normal gameplay.
Highjacking a helicopter in Mercenaries 2 by pressing three random buttons is a QTE, pressing the dedicated counter button to counter is not a QTE. It's normal gameplay with or without button prompts.
By buying and playing games in the genre you like. This also applies to literature and movies as well. It's a fairly simple concept that anyone can learn.
>rawkit lawnchair
But humans don't really stand a chance against gorillas.
Characters snap into place for animations all the time in Japanese games, you just notice it less because they generally have very basic character animation.
What if someone takes our shitposting seriously and starts a whole political movement over it?
>Which don't appear in this situation.
>Highjacking a helicopter in Mercenaries 2 by pressing three random buttons is a QTE, pressing the dedicated counter button to counter is not a QTE. It's normal gameplay with or without button prompts.
Sorry but it is.
They're not even that widespread honestly, there are very few notable and popular "moviegames". They got their slice of the market, I don't care for them, all is well in my book.
It's an okay game that gets fairly repetitive with the gameplay that is praised solely for the cutscenes. The online is like uncharted but replace the leaping around like a motherfucker with crawling around trying to look for stealth kills.
It's a fucking jewish game. Of course it's terrible that only s0yb0ys will defend. Pure propaganda from jews.
you would never know this unless you went out of your way to seek this information. Information that you looked up only to make yourself upset.
>Unwinnable fights to set up an antagonist are old as fuck
You know what would've made it not be a piece of shit. If you actually got to fight the antagonist. You don't have the antagonist show up beat the shit out of the player then never get their just desserts. That's called bad writing and bad design.
>Sorry but [pressing a button dedicated to a specific action in a game] is [a QTE].
so literally all button presses in all games are QTEs according to your logic.
Anything that has the literal button symbol show up on the screen and make you press it is a QTE. That's in the definition.
>posting movie games
Do you know how much WALKING you do in Mount and Blade?
>If I don't like it, then NOBODY is allowed to like it!
What are you, 12? TLOU is actual dogshit poopy caca, but it doesn't affect me in the slightest if normies want to fill their gullet with poop. Why does it concern you? Id poop your domain? You're the king of shit, huh? "Uh, sir, telegram from Mr Caca. He said you better stop enjoying that pile of shit before he comes down here and gets mad!" Lol shutup you regal fecal.
So you agree that only a literal QTE is a QTE, and that differing dialogue prompts, as seen here: , are not QTEs.
You are assuming there is mutual exclusivity. Probably out of desperation. Those are button prompts that take the cinematic in a different direction for a bit. The final QTE prompts for this scene before Nadine knocks Nate out are "resist" and "submit".
Good RE4 style shooter. Much more gameplay focus and more restrained use of walking sections than Uncharted 4, which was unbearable.
As per your own wiki link, another aspect of a QTE is a potential for death/game over should you fail to complete them. Immediately following your quotation in this thread , which you conveniently left out:
>Performing the wrong prompt or not at all results in the character's failure at their task and often in an immediate game over, or a life being lost and being shown a death/failure animation.
Dialogue options that present no potential for a failure or a game over are thus are mutually exclusive with QTEs, regardless of how they may be presented visually.
900+ awards before the game even comes out, how is this possible, who the fuck are these awards people
That's why they are bad design. They make you lose either way. Christ, why are you trying to die on this particular hill so hard?
>They make you lose either way
If your choice is irrelevant, both options proceed the story, and you don't receive a game over and have to repeat the sequence, they're not QTEs.
>why are you trying to die on this particular hill so hard?
As opposed to the "I'm going to obsessively insist that this particular thing is a QTE even though by the literal definition it actually isn't" hill you're on?
The game not having a fail state in spite of its presented illusion that you have a chance of avoiding the BDSM session it is subjecting you to is a reason for why its bad. It doesn't change that you have QTEs along the way.
You are arguing semantics.
perfect example of a one-playthrough game. it's a fun enough ride, especially if you actually use the guns and tools at your disposal instead of just stealth choking/stabbing everything
very little replay value unless you want to beat the highest difficulty for completion's sake or for trophies.
wouldn't know about the MP. was pretty fun, but i'd imagine there's only savants refusing to let go playing by now
By stop giving them clicks, money, and views. Ez.
by not buying them
Cry impotently on Korean origami boards while it sells millions.
Dont buy
It's a good game.
The Last of Us does not deserve any of the praise it gets. It's seriously nothing special, and in fact I can even levy a complaint thrown at Fallout 4 to this game too.
>You're supposed to give a shit about Joel's kid dying when you've not even known the both of them for a minute
At that moment it's just some random fictional kid dying. I don't even remember her name. This is the exact same poorly executed beginning as Fallout 4 where you're supposed to be "upset" that your spouse is killed within minutes of entering the vault.
Gameplay is mediocre, the AI is retarded despite what pre-release footage shows, and Naughty Dog have gone right back to faking hyper intelligent AI for the sequel with blatantly pre-rendered "combat."
Game Journobloggers. The same people who defended being a blind fucking retard with 0 hand eye cooridination. Actually no, that's offensive to blind retards with 0 hand eye coordination. They'd still do better than journobloggers.
>These are the people giving games, awards
You walk around slowly and the stealth is boring as fuck, mixed with a cliche story. They really suck any kind of fun or enjoyment out of survival horror with this game
we can't
Sony indoctrinated 2 generations in a row to hate objectively good gamedesign
But RDR2 was super popular.
Who says you are supposed to care about her? The scene is sets up everything regarding how Joel treats Ellie.
Not a person on the world likes that default walking speed control set up.
You don't it keeps getting better and better and better and better till finally Yea Forums has a giant stroke and dies off and i die a happy man. No really fuck every one of you to hell burn like niggers!
>How do we stop practices targeted at dumb people
We never will. They're the majority.
Good die off cum sucking cunt!
What do you think is great gameplay there?
>Boring third person shooting
>Cover system that's older than GTA IV
>Retarded AI
>The warning system telling you where you're about to get hurt
>The red damage on the UI showing you're hurt
>Total lack of difficulty, allowing you to seem like you're doing a lot with forced animations, but offering no challenge
>If you wanted to increase difficulty, you're gonna be forced to use cover
Kill JRPGs
Kill people like you...if only man...if only you would shut that trap up real fucking quick.
Weebcuck came fast to defend his shitty cinematic walking sims
Keep talking...
Go jerk off to AMWF hentai you race traitor weebcuck
>Race traitor
Stop buying them and stop talking about them. None of you fucks here can do it so they'll keep on living.
objectively shit-tier gameplay broken up into segments with walking-segments and non-interactive cutscenes
writing and acting seem like they're done by 12 year olds
it will be, lib cucks will perish.
Do you know originally Nathan had a son but then the feminazi dupervisor asked 'it changed a lot for you if he had a daughter?' And Neil Cuckman changed it. Drake's heir...lost. Now imagine yourself buying products from a company who hire feminists to supervise the final quality of the product
Good luck with that society says no LOL
die like a bitch stroke?
Maybe wanna rearrange that or add some punctuation?
Despite (((Druckmann))), Last Of Us is actually quite good.
Females cant beat males in combat as everyone who took a martial class can say to you. If Drake was beat by a five year old kid what you would've thought? Now you know why that scene alone is a game ruiner.
Already happening in Europe. Hungary banned gender studies bc lack of scientific proof at support of their theories and in Italy only Italians have free access to the new welfare system.
The last of us 2 and other games like it, are made to pander to white male, sjw feminists and journalists. They play these games to give themselves a pat on the back and to look progressive to gain approval from women and their peers.