Claire Redfield thread
Claire Redfield thread
How do you think she feels about the nude mods? She MUST know about them by now.
Wesker's dearheart
No thanks, I’m good.
Did Capcom full body scan her or just face scan?
Anyone got that pic with Claire looking sexy as fuck with them bedroom eyes?
If she found out already, probably laughed at it at first. Then tried to stop projecting herself onto the character to detach herself from Claire.
Days later while trying to fall asleep probably realized how fucked up and out of her control the whole thing is.
DIOS MIO... Dios te salve María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Creo en un solo Dios, Padre Todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible.Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza que el Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó del cielo, y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y del Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo, recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo Bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro.Padre Nuestro, que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre; venga a nosotros tu reino; hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día; perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden; no nos dejes caer en la tentación, y líbranos del el goblinos de Capcom. Amen!
this bitch look like carl
Who dıs op?
My muthafucking nigger
Improved Claire!
Everyone has bad angles user
soul soulless
>doesn't remove her shit lipstick
>doesn't fix her eyes of autism
Shit mod.
I don't see any angles
souless soul
She looks 100% white, she's cute as fuck and you, sir, are an idiot :)
>when ada exists
>ayy lmao
It literally made her worse wtf
>i """"""fixed""""""" it guise
t. Capcomfags
Bet you think Handler is most beautiful woman that ever existed as well.
Face it: Any chick not-Ada that was produced by nu-Capcom looks like garbage.
Claire > Jordan
>cherrypicking this hard
fucking based
Different mod. This one doesnt change the hair
What the fuck does this nigger phrase even mean?
Ada is perfection
At some point it becomew you who cherry pics decent claires
>says the one who cherrypicks
And even with attempt of cherrypicking for an "attractive" Claire photo, you still managed to post one in which she looks like goblin. So, congratulations, user. You truly proved me wrong.
no webm?
>ayy lmao
>nigger phrase
You cant be that new
Im not new actually, but I havent seen this posted that much and I never asked. Either way, it sounds niggerish
>haha memes!
Claire really looks different in RE2remake
she looks like she fucks asian guys
oh wait...
>says t. seething Capcomfag who converted himself into goblina lover
Phew. But you sure love ironic posting.
Nice try chang, the guy said it was nothing.
Ouch! I hope she has a green herb
You guys must be so mad after months of memes that Yea Forums likes Claire
Only a few incels
>haha memes! Dios!
trips and I will kill myself
WTF? I thought the bow was cut from the remake?
>Implying Clairefags aren't transients from r/residentevilfandom
>incel poster
Oh, hello there. How's life now that you got boot from BW?
>goblinfags are this retarded
Im suprised you arent attracted to that tranny too
Proof? Show me its not the opposite and el goblino is not a few incels? Can you?
Seeth more tranny and please, don't forget to bitch about me in your blog while at. I'll even make account on dumblr just to like your post and follow.
She looks like she fucks black guys.
T. Pathetic black boi
>calling lady ugly
I'll kill you
>comes from gobolovers who constantly post underage girl and meme about fucking her
Irony is always beautiful. Which is why I love it.
these mods are so retarded. that thing on the right doesn't even look human, it looks like some anime shit for dumbass weebs
Instead of killing him, you can try killing yourself instead if your Ageusia is that bad.
>underage girl
Jordan is 18
kill yourself
i really want to fuck rebecca tho
She sure wasn't last year when fapping to her started, my dear incel posting gobolover.
Im suprised a goblinfag isnt there already trying to pick up "women"
Kek what does this even mean? Do you really think only one dude uses the word "incel" here?
She looks like a human instead of a goblin though.
>w-we're not bunch of pedos b-b-because she's barely legal now. haha. take that!
Cool. Now, you can go and find someone else to fap to since she's going to be too old for your taste way too soon. You might want to try Sherry's face model instead. Since that seems to taste of Jordan posters.
>when she was 17
lmao i can LITERALLY have sex with people that age tell everyone and NOTHING can happen to me ROFL BURGERS
>gobolovers admit being pedos who like jacking off to high school girls
Wow. What a surprise indeed. Who would have thought?
She's 18 bub. What other mental gymnastic hoop do i have to jump through after the legal one exactly? Here is another photo posted just this week. 18. An adult. Stay mad.
lmao imagine getting in trouble for fucking a 17 year old
A-A-Are you ok there goblin-cel poster?
You might want to lower your voice a little. We wouldn't want of your mother to come to your basement and see this, now would we?
>we're not bunch of pedos because she's barely legal now.
Yes user that is literally exactly how that works. She is an adult now. Responsible for her own actions.
Good god I want to swan dive right into her laundry hamper
t. absolute state of goblina posters
imagine sleeping in that comfy bed
>fuck Jordan is legal
>h-here look! A 12 year old
See what exactly?
And, she's gonna be too old for you next year, user. So, I advice going to schoolyard to scope out your new waifu. However, I just remembered that this would require of you to actually leave your basement. So, forget what I just said and instead google "17 year old getting fucked by nasty fat man with small penis" in order to self-insert.
Imagine sniff fapping in the slept in sheets
>this is who is calling you an incel
>I jacked off to Jordan so much last year, but that is ok now because she is 18 this year, bay bay! WOOOOOOOOOO!!! Damn I love 17 year old gears. They get legal for me fast. Totally not a pedo.
Again, keep your voice down so your mother doesn't hear ya, BUB.
I actually live by a rule of and wont fuck a girl under 21 and each year from now will increase that number so next year 22, then 23 and so on, but the fact remains. 18 is a responsible adult. Stop acting like she is a child. She isn't.
I just want to hold hands
>Jordan posters are just pedos who write their posts like underage children
>I jacked off to Jordan so much last year
But i didn't even know she existed until 3 weeks ago. Sorry but when is it ok exactly? 6 months after becoming an adult? A year? 25?
Sure thing Mr. "lmao i can LITERALLY have sex with people that age tell everyone and NOTHING can happen to me ROFL BURGERS"
>cant fuck a 17 year old without ruining his life
>meanwhile its an everyday occurance in my country and no one cares because we dont treat 17 year olds like new born babies
What's wrong with Ada?
She looks pretty.
Don't forget "XD" and "lol", Ahmed.
Yeah i COULD, but i dont like teenagers irl if im honest. I dont even like people in uni/college age these days. But its hilarious that if you got caught kissing a 17 year old you would be PUT IN A CAGE. Sorry but that really is LMAO. Uniroinically hilarious.
He literally said that anyone not Ada deserves to be burned with fire.
Absolutely seething
t. butthurt whitties
Look, mom. I posted it again.
You sound like you are mad you cant do it yourself
Hey, I wasn't the one who made the laws. Go talk with your local police officer about it if you're so mad that you can't kiss underage girls in public without them zapping your ass for it.
Indeed. I'm absolutely mad and in envy of you and likes of you who have such "great" parents as to let you leech of them for your entire life. I wish mine were like yours too. Then, I could forget all about sun and fap to failed models who are barely legal like you.
I truly envy this lifestyle unironically.
But i can do it in my country. In fact worse, in my country i could fuck a 16 year old in every hole, stand outside the police station and tell them about every date and time i creampied her and they would do NOTHING. they can do NOTHING. Doesn't mean i would or want to, who the fuck likes spotty losers who think they know it all already, but i could without my entire life getting rekt.
>barely legal
Its just "legal" actually user. There isn't a law about "barely" you see.
She was 17 when capcom mocapped her. Claire is pure.
Julia Voth was 15 when they scanned her for REmake, i dont see people frothing with rage about that for some reason.
Americans are retarded, they have strange CORE VALUES
Racemixing is illegal in Raccoon City.
Its just so trivial. Id hear some 20 something year old dude in my country fucked his 17 year old gf and think "oh. Maybe he should find someone older though more his age" and that would be it meanwhile in America fucking a 17 year old it would be headlines "20 YEAR OLD PERVET HAS SEX WITH VUNERABLE CHILD RECIVES 175 YEARS IN PRISON."
They've orchestrated this campaign on their Reddit subs.
Its not. Look at Kendos daughter.
She's half European half zombie.
Something isn't right here...
Why would American media write like ESL?
When i was 19 my gf was 16, same for my best friend and many others couples of people i knew who ranged between 16-21 years old.
Who hired this journalist? Because he sure isn't American.
I'm not going to tell you.
That's almost everywhere in the world and even most US states, my brainwashed prude good buddy
I absolutely envy this journalist. I mean, writing like this and being hired for American media? Phew, lad. That's some talent in itself. I truly want to know what's his secret.
>seething burgers will never know what 17 year old walls feel like
>that post
>Either Jordan is a naughty bad girl, or that isn't her twitter account at all... yet the moddeling agency does keep retweeting her posts...
Fucking 17 years olds is perfectly legal in all civilized countries.
You sound like you haven't read any articles written in the last ten years. Apparently editors no longer exist.
It's not like I've been counting or anything but I can't say I've read anything written in the last six months at least that didn't have glaring spelling or grammatical errors. They don't fucking care.
user, sadly for your epic greentext, I'm not American.
Sorry that I forgot to mention queen in the post and attach this photo to my post as well in order to avoid the confusion. Is this better?
She's just a bit... slower then most.
here she is!
That is fucking vile
What the fuck, this is 100% Stephanie Joosten.
I just escaped the parking lot and I noticed the ticket machine says
there was also a second face mod just released, this one (made by the same guy who did Katherine's "Beauty" face)
I wish she wasn't so clearly dull. Any video i have heard her speak she has the voice of a 15 year old boy and is just like "huh? Oh... yeah. we. like. to. party. Woop woop."
I can assure you that every girl past their early teens who does any kind of modeling knows exactly that hordes of creepy men masturbate to her, and has probably been directly approached in social media with more disturbing things than some nude 3D fanart.
It's just something that comes with a job and is accepted as work hazard. If Jordan was seriously disturbed by wankers fantasizing about her she would have quit modeling pretty much in the beginning.
someone made a thread for it:
fucking disgusting
Flat as a fucking wall. What a shit tier body.
Her body is too average for a face so skinny. It bugs me
Lots of models are flat, they are supposed to be neutral tabula rasas to advertise products with their bodies after all.
I swear, none of auistic fucks that make these mods have ever seen a real human being's face in their life. Who the fuck looks at this abomination and says "yep, that's an improvement"
American journos unironically suck @ grammar dot com.
It's not just American employees that are gem about it, just look at this Canadian gem here .
her head is just too small for a body, in both those mods. She looks like a giraffe in them
is there a sherry mod already?
that grammar holy fucking shit. I couldn't believe that it was actually her and not some third worlder getting a kick out of being a girl on the internet.
I STILL think thats the case. Her twitter and instagram are so different. On twitter dhe never shuts the fuck up about Claire, on instagram she NEVER mentions it. I think the twitter is fake and the modeling agencies have been tricked too.
No, but there is a mod that lets you swap claire or leon's models with sherry and do a full Sherry A or Sherry B run.
This psychically hurts to read and I'm not even English native speaker.
This. I feel the same.
Well, no wonder why so many here treat her like an underage. My 6-year-old child writes better than that.
>"Come on user..."
Fuck you and your "realistic approach" of course people Claire to look perfect, what kind of logic is that?
I've met a 19 years old grill this summer and she dont even knew what twitter was.
Hannah Hays writes better than that Jesus fuck.
Well she can't a leon so she settles with people who would date a goblin and give beta bucks
>calling others autistic while browsing a thinly veiled video game R34 thread
>no pubic hair
Come the fuck on. No really, show me one RE2 Doujin featuring Claire where she doesn't have hair.
Handler and Lady are cute, you uncultured savage
Too kewt
Why would he fuck her asshole? Her teen pussy is RIGHT THERE.
Now I know why there is so much fuss about her age here. She spells worse than kindergartner.
Claire >> Lady > Ada > Nico >>> Trish = Mia > Zoey > Handler
>I noticed the ticket machine says
You see this alien infront of you, do you pull the trigger?
Still would make her suck my cock in gunpoint.
Claire needs a family, if Leon wont give her one, things wont turn out so well...
can't start the show with the showstopper
Best grill
I fucking wish.
la criatura...
Finally fixed. Fucking insufferable goblin
Worst girl. Goblinafaggots have the worst taste possible and now it's proven by modders, normies and everyone else.
I love that smile
>playing without nude mod
I have no idea what she's trying to say here. Don't Canadians go to school?
>girl gets turned on by 2.5m rape machine
Wont be much sleeping going on
Really? It's not that hard to decipher. Capcom approached a modelling agency, the modelling agency gave them her profile, they contacted her but she couldn't take the job without her mother's permission as she not a legal adult and her mother told her she should do it. Is English a second language for her? You say she's Canadian so maybe she's native French?
>so maybe she's native French?
wew that's kinda hot
>french accent
this makes my tyrant the super tyrant
I'm glad modders fixed her face
French Canadian aren't real French. They are fake poser French.
Either she was speed tweeting and wasn't really paying attention to grammar, or she's very lucky she is moderately attractive and could model instead of having to use her brains at a job.
McEwan isn't a Quebecois family name and she was born in Toronto afaik.
Man this would be just right if the cheeks were just a little bit bigger and the chin was slightly less prominent.
Requesting the armpit webm please
>and she was born in Toronto afaik
Well, according to wikipedia about half a million French speaking citizens reside in Ontario. I don't know. Maybe she is that stupid but that message really does seem more like broken English than idiocy to me. The vocabulary is not terrible but the tense and sentence structure is a mess and there is a couple of slightly inappropriate words that would only stand out as such to a native speaker in there.
all they would have to do is move her lower jaw forward a few millimeters if they wanted to make an actual good alternative Claire mod. Her facial features themselves are gorgeous, people just don't like her underbite
post ramen jordan
Do you think Leon's having a good day?
This one?
imagine giving your face to a videogame and people use your model for porn,i wonder how she feels
She looks like one of the newtype girls into AMWF, based.
At first I thought his hat said OUCH! like the Chad shirt