ITT: Games that allow you to choose Male or Female protagonists
ITT: Games that allow you to choose Male or Female protagonists
>I-I just don't want to stare at a man's ass all game!
why is aile so cute?
If I'm playing multiplayer with people I know I'll make a male character. But if it's solo then it's female characters all the way unless it's underage shit like Pokemon in which I go male because I don't sexualize children
>I'm tough, I'm fine with starting at a man's ass all day
found the fag
Fuck Mega Man Legends, i want a MML style remake of the MMZX Series.
GOD I want to fuck Aile until cum pours out her throat
I don't self insert. I just want too see as many cuties as possible.
>it's another self-insert fag episode thinking those who play as the female avatar mean they're gay even though most gays play as the Male avatar
How much longer are you going to drag this shit?
I want to be a cute anime and get railed by fat cocks, but since that can never happen and I'm not a brain damaged tranny retard this is how I live vicariously VR is a great thing
This is what you were waiting for isn't it?
what a faggot
should've been OP
>when you a tranny but too coward to act on it
>game with 2 male and 2 female protagonists
>everyone just plays one of the 2 females
when i play as a female on an rpg its always my little wifu.
reminder that's not a bodysuit
>play rpg for young children
>still try and make a cute lewd girl
Not choosing Aile is not an option.
Reminder the black color is actually her skin, not clothing. OP's image makes no sense.
I always play female characters in online games for free shit
I want to kiss her tummy
sauce on this qt3.14?
I'm content with being a cute fuccboi and then aging naturally into a man, also I like my penis and so do some others quite a bit
My custom character in Fantasy Life
>short hair
you did good, son
>black color is her skin
>literal clothing lines on her "skin"
you really are mentally retarded, and most likely gay.
I'm controlling a character, I'm not playing "as" them. That requires role-play or whatever which isn't in every game
It's nu-skin bro
Get a load of this secondary
Weren't Vent and Aile different? Like they had different charged shots?
Metal Slug
I think you mean Ashe & Grey from Megaman ZXA
Oh maybe
I-Is she going to be okay?
>years later and waifufags are still butthurt about this
Some things never change
I want to be a lesbian anime girl.
Misaki is cute. CUTE.
>when you are a degenerate but not a complete retard
You post your penis right NOW user
I beat off to this pic like 20 times when I first found it. I love it