Bioware managed to create a game so boring and devoid of soul that threads making fun of it on Yea Forums have died out days after release.
Bioware managed to create a game so boring and devoid of soul that threads making fun of it on Yea Forums have died out...
Nobody here has played it like most of the shit that's discussed here. But im sure the ecelebs told us all abojt it
It's not even interesting enough to make fun of imo. It's the worst thing a video game could ever be: boring.
agreed absolutely soulless mediocrity, how long do BioWare have left?
I'll give it a shot when it's free/$5. Flying looks like it could be fun for a couple hours.
... you didnt fall for the hype
The only threads about this game were made by EA.
Absolutely no one on Yea Forums gave a shit.
Which brings up a point, I really wish the mods would separate Yea Forums into unreleased games and released games. 90% of our fucking threads are not shilling by AAA developers by pajeets.
i played this game all the way though, and i hated most of it, the only positive thing that comes to mind right away was that the game is visually stunning at times the lighting effects are great.
Makes you long for the days of "I want to be a dragon" and gay wizards getting mad you turn them down.
This is your diversity hires at work
Yea Forums literally made fun of Destiny 2 for months, Anthem gets next to nothing
hilarious, but also sad that anyone would fall for this scam. maybe anthem will improve like destiny did
The fucking abysmal load times and server issues are fuel enough to hate it, but combat and flying around is actually pretty fun. Fort Tarsis is fucking retarded though and completely contradicts what the game is trying to be
It's cause I can't pirate it. If I could pirate it and check out the laugh riot without paying my interest in mocking it would maintain some. As it is, nothing really to sustain the shitposting.
Dragon Age Inquisition had more soul.
killed by a lack of gameplay diversity, really made me think
I got it for free and played it for about 8 hours over the past couple days. Most everything being spread around is true. The game fucking sucks. I've already uninstalled as I realized how bad it actually is. Totally DoA no amount of patching or updates can fix the major core issues of the game. The structre of the game is totally fucked in a dozen ways and there is no way EA Bioware of all devs can fix it. This game is so bad I dont know how it was released, it must have been BAD at Bioware for this to be the state its in. Like they must have totally remade the game 2-3 years before launch because it's just such a confusing mess
Justice for Bullfrog!! >:(
We haven't had a Apex Legends thread in a while either.
Quality thread OP. Can't wait for X made a game so bad that Yea Forums doesn't bother making any intelligent arguments as to why it's bad. Yes this line of thinking is going places.