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Other urls found in this thread:


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loool little kids, cringe xd

>shit talking literal children for liking a video game on a video game board

Why you filming kids you fucking nonce?

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god i wish i was a kid :(


macarena good
flossing bad

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>kids being active, dancing and having fun
Wow, our society is fucked.

Replace the kids with myself and my peers 20 years ago and Fortnite with Pokemon and it'd be pretty much the same.

i don't like children

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>blue overalls

i whiteknight kids that get bullied on public csgo servers, most of the time theyre not even doing anything when some fag just starts ragging on tyhem for no reason >:(

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>Yea Forums belittling children for acting like children

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That kid on the left is way ahead of these other scrubs.

>All white

Still makes me laugh.


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remember all the cringy shit you did as a kid?


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Fuck off Sanchez.


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Yeah and i would've made fun of my younger self for all of it too

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Dont make fun of me for being a pathetic virgin attacking little kids online!

After many times I've seen this webm I finally accept it.
they're just having fun

>osmosis jones
based as fuck, i'm on your side now


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I like fortnite a lot, and probably clock 15 hours a week still

it was a mom who recorded it you fucking basement dweller

what an autistic thread, just popping in to let you know I'm above all of you

>above all of you
>at the bottom of the thread

Haha yeah, us radical 90s kids were not cringey at all!

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Who said we weren't? Ww laughed at those kids as well

No you wouldn't you faggot.

me in the overalls




Dont remind me

not your personal army faggot
Laughing at kids for enjoying things innocently at any age is just immature and goes to show the insecurity those laughing have

they laughed at me ...... mocked me......now its my turn

Attached: rape.jpg (425x503, 33K)

Why do you have videos of children

Nah i totally would, and I'd laugh at your younger self too

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>these anons with multiple videos of children grabbing their genitals and shaking their butts

Attached: Concerned_Clover.jpg (602x533, 76K)

Why so angry? What did harmless enjoyment ever do to you?

What dance are they doing now with Apex being the new bitch in town?

>omg how COULD you laugh at dumb kids doing a stupid dance you MONSTER I'm LITERALLY shaking rn

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>letting small children play video-games and use the internet
History will judge us.

Attached: me on the right.jpg (500x611, 61K)

You brought it upon yourself noob

>Finally.... Zyklon B

Attached: zyb.jpg (1600x1203, 186K)

Remember that these games keep these children locked away from YOUR games, be grateful

Why do i need to be angry to laugh at stupidity? If anything I'm enjoying it

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Not an argument

Good. No kid today has the patience to get good at Quake

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I never agreed with your argument to begin with

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>I never agreed with your argument to begin with
I could tell by your retarded straw men.

did he die?

that's not applicable here newfriend

>making fun of kids is wro-

Attached: retsupurae.jpg (900x900, 49K)

No one ever truly dies, user.

>Oh no kids under 10 having fun WHAT A HORROR
>Because i know remember things i did as a kid and because i'm still didnt mature they still haunt me

Imagine being this insecure lol just kidding most of you fags are

Attached: 1464640052739.png (996x868, 798K)

>Finally cave to crybabies because of money
>Become the most neutered fucking pussies on the internet

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Retsupurae are goon libtards, worst example.

Man you need to chill, go watch some funny internet videos of kids being cringey of something

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The crotch grab is questionable.

I am chill, I'm not the one screeching how mad people are
>Go watch videos of kids
No thanks, nonce.

My mentally challenged brother and his classmates at the school for mentally challenged.

>not your personal army
He didn't make a call to action, he was talking about the past. Are you brain damaged?

There are far worse things out there. Remember when twerking was at its height?
Also ITT

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this thread reminds me of that guy that took a picture of that one kid playing the Xbone demo booth at Walmart


nah im not a faggot


I bet he is one of those cunts who timestamps xvids on YouTube showing kids

Yeah, all we have now is a bunch of things that would bring the “go back to /pol/“ crowd sliding from the woodwork

I remember reading about the most outlandish trends just being autists in zoot suits climbing flag poles and women cutting their hair short. What happened?

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>Dad raised me not to have fun with new games
>He goes into a temper tantrum because I'm as much of a cynical asshole as he is.

>Because i know remember things i did as a kid and because i'm still didnt mature they still haunt me
You DO realize that the reason they never matured is because no one made fun of them, right? No one told them what was retarded and what wasn't until it was too late, and this is the result: a generation of manchildren. Maybe if we were allowed to point out reality, and call cringey shit cringey shit, atrocities like the soiboi epidemic wouldn't be repeated in the future.

Remember: the anons that you're making fun of in this thread are the way they are BECAUSE they were never bullied. By not allowing bullying, you are allowing these kids to grow up into the very thing you mock.

Now can someone please post the fuck-ugly mugshot of this retard? I recognize the name, but forgot to save it.

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god dammit this really is a kids hobby isn't it

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Thanks every law maker for making bullying dumbass kids a jailable offense

>mfw ten years from now all zoomers end up being cripples because flossing is now the #1 cause of permanent meniscus worldwide

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>making fun of dead kids' funerals
>Yea Forums: this is fine

>making fun of a stupid dance that living kids do

Do you faggots go out of your way to be hypocrites?

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They should have just Macarena'd instead.

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You're bullshitting

How comes no one ever answers this question?

What are they hiding from us?

he's not, it's very straining for kness

Death is more suitable to be made fun of than children innocuously dancing and acting like retards

he run out of oneups..........................

These kids will be posting here in 15 years and they're going to have huge nostalgia boners for this game. Minecraft and Fortnite will make at least 90% of 3x3's

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>been playing fortnite for a year and some change now
>started off slowly, struggling to actually play competently, seldom win, performance anxiety, etc
>within the last month and a half something has clicked, and I am now racking up at minimum 3-4 kills a game, but usually closer to 6-7 on average, and more if I win (I'd say about 10-12%~ of the time now)

Lads, should I be le epic streamer

I try not to, that's why I laugh at both

What indeed, friend?

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As much as I hate to agree with this it's the truth. I was bullied as a kid and it made me toughen up. It forced me to stand up for myself and not take anyone's shit.

reminder that "CoD:MW childhood" pictures stopped being ironic long ago

Given the current state of this board, I'd say more like 5 years.

>15 years
more like five

It's literally the exact opposite you dumb faggot


>Super Shame

Nice parroted opinions. It's not another kids responsibility to make sure someone grows up "normal" maybe their parents should've told them "What was and wasn't retarded", you DO realize this is just how you delude yourself into believing being made fun of for being a faggot was okay, right?

me in the blue dress

>implying they're not already here

There are people in that are in their late teens/early 20's that are already nostalgic for Minecraft user.

It's similar in principle to how kids react to their parents being alcoholics, probably. 30% are just able to have a few drinks and be fine, 35% never touch the stuff, and 35% become raging alcoholics. I'd imagine being bullied a ton either steels you as a person, or completely crushes any self-worth you have and makes you more cowardly. I rest in a place where I have no self-worth but I also don't take shit, so I guess there's a gray zone.

Do you actually have fucking brain damage? Yea Forums isn't one person.

I'd have fucking destroyed me if it wouldn't have got me put on a list and then retroactively and postactively on another list.

We used to post this ironically.

Attached: my first fps.jpg (196x258, 13K)

>not your personal army
Good job outing yourself newfag. lurk moar before using phrases the wrong way nigger lips

Meniscus is a natural protective layer of fluid in your knees.

Well I am a gay man with wanderlust!

Does anybody have the webm of the high school kids having a Fortnite Dance battle?

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>It's not another kids responsibility to make sure someone grows up "normal" maybe their parents should've told them "What was and wasn't retarded"
Yes, because parents are the arbiters of youth culture and how children interact with other children, you dumb fuck.
>you DO realize this is just how you delude yourself into believing being made fun of for being a faggot was okay, right?
>implying it's not okay

Found the fag that got bullied for being a fag even though mommy told him he was special.

Not really. People make light of what they fear in order to cope with it, but if it's just a bunch of kids dancing around then there really isn't a whole lot of material to work with. Maybe you can upload it to youtube and get some views, but black humour or just taking the piss out of someone dying is essentially just a cathartic type of deal.

Only bad things about drinking is drinking alone or drinking to dull pain. Being out with friends and drinking enough for a buzz is the only right way to do it

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You actively could not intentionally talk about Halo here for a long while. It didn't help it was right on the cusp of that weird "Who the fuck would play a FPS on a console?"/"Who the fuck wouldn't play an FPS on a console?" tipping point too.

Maybe, but it's certainly a hell lot more actually acceptable to say "hurr look at these dumb kids" than it is to bust out dead baby trashcan joke #34

>"Who the fuck would play a FPS on a console?"/"Who the fuck wouldn't play an FPS on a console?"
To be fair, this is a valid point even today.

It's cartilage, and I meant meniscus injury.

He is. It's not straining to have straight legs while your ankles and hips sway.

I remember when people were doing WoW racial dances lmao

The knees suffer no damage at all from being straight. You really are a retard.

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What if i broke my arm and didn't have any pain killers nearby for atleast 30 minutes?

>tfw Yea Forums has daily naruto threads now
Yea Forums had a good run, but the bad guys won in the end.

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Your knees suffer damage from being gay though

>The knees suffer no damage at all from being straight.

I'm sorry animetranny, what's the point you are trying to make?

You remember the most obnoxious song you can and just scream sing it.

Halo is better than Quake

Only if you forget the kneepads.

maybe i guess but we're zoomers baby

Drink bleach

Doom is better than Halo

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So much cute and funny going on in the webm

Good one you fucker

This was one of the worst decisions moot made before he left instead of just splitting Yea Forums up into smaller boards. Don't remind me about Yea Forums. It still irritates me fucking Spongebob and all the 00's kids shows memes are everywhere. Spongebob and most shows of that time period were very unexceptional when you compare it to cartoons that were made in the 80s and 90s especially with how fast it took for them to have their golden run before turning to shit.

>Yes, because parents are the arbiters of youth culture and how children interact with other children
Yes, and the childless loser who parrots Sam Hyde tier opinions does. LMAO.

You win this one, sugar shorts

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Moot killed Yea Forums. The last bastion of oldfags (/jp/ is originalfags).

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Ahh yes, I see now I'm talking to the lvl 999 flossing guru who has achieved perfect flossing form.

Unfortunately most of the other 12 year olds floss with their feet firmly grounded and swaying their hips, which definitely strains their knees in ways that cause wear and injury to the meniscus.

The fact that the FPS genre is "ruined" for Quakefags makes each day a little brighter for me. Keep seething

Reminder that there will never be a good Halo game made again and that the original Xbox Live is dead

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Imagine being so pathetic that you bully kids while posting on a anime imageboard populated by the biggest losers on Earth. In fact, you could be one of the biggest faggots in the universe. Make fun of them but in 15 years they'll be smashing more pussy than you did and you'll have either killed yourself after you realize life passed you by while you shitposted on Yea Forums, or be alienated from society due to your lack of any goodness and you'll be nothing more than a statistic in the census with no impact or legacy left behind. You faggot, I wish you weren't anonymous so that I could be the only person at your funeral and pour out a drink to commemorate the all the resources you wasted through your very existence. To think, the next Einstein may have been aborted but your mother kept you. I'm not even going to call you a nigger because they at least invented rap and crack which is a lot more intelligent and inventive than anything you've ever done and that's not saying much.

Attached: rneZJyxA_400x400.jpg (400x400, 35K)

Quake is also dead, forever

boomer should stop pretending he wasn't into LEDs ten years ago. In fact, I guarantee the faggot still has a glass panel case to show off that ugly ass noctua.

I can still play Quake online. You don’t even have the friends to play LAN

Are you aware that's a drawing, not a real person?

Is fortnite popular in other countries? It always seemed really fucked up to me how popular a game about shooting and killing each other is in america with kids younger than 7 years old


And I can still play Jedi Academy with the three brazilian regulars but it's a dead game

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No, user. You are hero to us all for pointing it out. You must be the smartest person on 4channel.org. Too smart, even. You should go to reddit with all the other high IQ individuals.

>Hear Noctua is very good
>Their price is so high here that i can buy a goddamn CPU with the money they ask for coolers
Poorfags unite

Wasn’t the original argument but okay

Anakin, get the lightsaber

I fear dancing children

Has he landed yet?

You should follow him.

>Yes, and the childless loser who parrots Sam Hyde tier opinions does. LMAO.
Wrong again, faggot; children are ultimately the arbiters of how children grow up, as it should be. Their parents may impart lessons, but peers make the man.

>fag gets called out
>tries to deflect
It's okay, I'm sure Ricky has forgotten all about the time you tried to grab his crotch in gym.

My original argument was that Quakefags don't deserve happiness. You are the stinky melee niggers of FPS games, shut the fuck up about it already

Halo invented FPS. Show some respect, zoomers.

>glass cases back in 2007-2008

Except for the most exoteric cases, no one did tempered glass. You had plastic cutout windows in select cases at best but cases were actually good at the time. Trying to balance and optimize for space and airflow, you got stuff like the Cooler Master HAF and Silverstone Temjin which are some of the more iconic cases of the era. You can't say the same today with how many of these cases are so absolute trash at airflow that it took bitching from Gamer's Nexus who rose to prominence to finally get changes last year where the cases finally started heading back to airflow in a sane way with 2019 aesthetics that people want.

My 10 year old Noctua is still running as good as new. Costs less than $10 a year.

It always seemed really fucked up to me how popular a game about shooting and killing each other is [...] with kids younger than 7 years old
When has that ever NOT been the case, everywhere in the world?
Quake, UT, Goldeneye, Halo and CoD were all really popular with kids all over the world, and that's just the multiplayer ones. Kids are little psychopaths.

Attached: sundowner.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

You owe your favorite game’s existence to us. Be grateful

Can't wait for us to have a simple therapy or surgery to be able to remove those memories from our brains.
Otherwise a bullet will do the trick.

Maybe...y’know just maybe...even little kids can tell the difference between video game violence and the real world?

idk, maybe its just my upbringing. I wasn't allowed to play Halo or GTA until I was like 14. Honestly tho, I'm thankful my parents put that restriction on me, I probably wouldn't have played all the great nintendo and ps2 games growing up if I just played Quake or Counter Strike all day.

>Except for the most exoteric cases, no one did tempered glass
Are they really that recent? It seems to me that they overstayed their welcome 20 years ago. What a stupid fad they are.

>Gamer's Nexus
God bless them. They are literally based.

why do americans always think "sex" as soon as any mention of kids is made? Yall got dog brains

My favorite game is DKC2

Nobody is saying they can't. That's not what the argument is about. In fact I don't know where you're coming from. Nobody is arguing with you, you're in the wrong discussion, you're weird and you're probably fucked in the head.

Kill yourself.

The trend really started with Inwin with the 904-905 series in 2013 and when Lian Li released their own cases based on that, everyone got on board and by 2014 it basically took over the market. I was looking at a Silverstone Fortress at the time and I could not believe the regression that happened from the FT03 to FT04 and decided to get the original Cooler Master Cosmos II instead. Those lines of cases all got fucked up by tempered glass and it's been pretty bad since until recently with the HAF 900P Mesh, which is a good compromise but I still want the older style cases back.

>sonic heroes

this is very specific and has nothing to do with the thread. you okay sperg kun?


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>proof that white people can't dance

Why are there no black kids?

It's really weird seeing Early Zoomers nostalgic for 2007-2012, saying things like "In my day we had Minecraft and icarly, not Jake Paul and Fortnite", "2008-2014 was the golden age of music", "Adventure Time ending marks the end of my childhood." Just a few years ago, that Late 00s-Early 10s stuff was widely considered the downfall into shit era.

I consider the year 2000 the beginning of the end with few exceptions, such as the general internet, which tipped into irredeemable shit right around 2012 or so.

Pretty much the only thing carrying the torch of the 90's was the Internet, before social media changed it.

Every paedos excuse you fucking fat nonce.

definitely. He's a Class A kiddie fiddler

2000 was a great year and so was the start of 2001. Everything post 9/11 went to shit. The cascade effect from that from the dot com bubble bursting and Enron exposed to America sending troops in Afghanistan and then Iraq just erased everything good from the past decade.

Smartphones and social media were way worse than just general internet. Children should be shot in the streets

If chris wasnt retarded he wouldve been a chad. He really isnt ugly. Im wonder what his soul thinks being trapped in the infamous cwc?

>Who said we weren't? Ww laughed at those kids as well

this. grow some skin you snowflake fucks.

Woah, images aren't real, it's just lines on paper. Come to think of it, this whole site isn't even real, it's just particular arrangements of pixels meant to represent ideas and thoughts. I'm not even communicating with anyone right now, I'm just pushing keys that I hope will produce an arrangement of pixels that someone out there will look at and respond to as if they were real thoughts being shared by a real person. Mind fucking blown.

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>macarena good

noone who was a kid when that came out ever said that. that shit was tiered towards lame adults

wtf is her problem?


>kids happy and dancing because they like their favorite videogame
>virgins on Yea Forums laughing at them

when the first pokemon were launched in the US and Europe, we were probably the same

different times, same kids

bruh XD CRINGE!!

Whenever i see that floss dance in anything I feel a repulsion towards the game. I was loving Deep Rock Galactic till I saw that it was a dance in it. Something about doing that kind of shit unironically is actually pathetic.

>Implying this hard
Everyone my age was a fucking retard, nothing changed years later

When was there ever a pokemon dance?

The difference between then and now is that I didnt do it all on fucking camera. Stupid in private is the best thing children today dont have to save them from making the world a retarded place to live. Children are fucking retards, now everyone can be reminded of that and spread the influence much easier so there are more retards.
>its children being children
Yes, children are retarded. Children kick and scream when they dont get something they want, it does not mean it should be encouraged just because its considered normal at that age.

The West is fucked. China will literally walk into the US with no resistance and take it.

There was a gay song

If you dropped deep rock over that I seriously pity you

Fuck you, it was great

I didnt drop it but it gave me this feeling of "oh, its one of THOSE games" and felt really detached from it. Its a bit of an indicator of where their heads at when they do updates and I dont like the concept of memes in videogames, infact I hate it.

This. Dont even pretend you didnt do silly-related shit like this when Pokemon was crazy popular

>The cartoons I grew up with are better than the cartoons everyone else grew up with!!
Have some self awareness buddy.

>-ng. - NuSlowbeef and NuDiabetus

Talk about a downfall.

She assumed he was air-humping and, unlike men, grew into an adult without realising there can be consequences for attacking other people.

Based boomer.

>not the full version
The way he acts like a little boy getting scolded by mommy and fumbling his glasses around is the best part.

Pokemon barely had shitty dances though, if even

I just got done seeing this shit at work. Why must I see it at home too? Why must I torture myself going into this thread?

Attached: monkeyman.webm (198x360, 2.93M)

who can be so pathetic as to get mad at a couple of cute kids for playing videogames
My dad taught me how to play them and i hope to oone day do the same

>children aren't allowed to enjoy things i don't like

literal autism, neck yourself and leave kids alone you sick freaks

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I want to fill that room with mustard gas.

>Kids like stupid shit
Wow, no way.

literally none. me and my friends did 0 cringy shit as kids.

China zoomers are even worse.

Homo Multiculturalis

That's clearly a Boomer listening to the latest Marilyn Manson jam.

the documentary was pretty kino


Yeah and my bigger brother called me out for all of it.

t. weaklet with zero confidence

Attached: 1529238937326.jpg (640x640, 51K)

All of these posters are in high school and identify with flossing children, thus the personal offense taking


wew lad

Attached: niceass.jpg (258x489, 25K)


God I would rape the one in overalls and serve the jail time in a heart beat.

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We need to put together a team.

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What show is this?

>he really isnt ugly
sure thing chris

he was just doing a lil dance, why punch him?
He wasnt even harrassing her

This is how mankind ends
reckless faggotry

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>when you take your switch out in front of children and they start dancing around you

Oh right, the song all the female teachers got kids to dance to about a chick cheating on her boyfriend because they hold young boys with the same contempt as rapists.

>Those kids dance better than you

The sound technician made easy money that day LEL at him jus sitting beside the control board


>schools now have "meme days"
Holy freakin BASED

Attached: Professional memer boy v=R3Tj0i6mQ1A.webm (540x960, 1.95M)

Let the kids have their fun, grandpa


Wrong. Stop projecting...as you see this girl and boy got together after the fierce battle.

Attached: Fortnite dance battle.webm (640x640, 1.79M)

Isn't that a tranny?

dude you're a fucking creep

>Ugh, like, sooo creepy wtf???
Fuck off, normalfag.

Attached: 7357357.jpg (880x750, 64K)

She thought he was air humping her. Someone actually managed to post the video here and it went like
>video starts and the guy behind is signalling to the guy recording
>hits him
>"I told you to stop..." (implying he did it before the video)
>"i-its flossing!"
>"back off"
>"but its flossi-"

reaction animes, expected.

How much do you think he'll regret that in a year or two?

Attached: 137479603729.jpg (600x595, 64K)

There were 2 popular tiktoks that did hit or miss, one of them is a tranny the other is an actual girl. She explained in an interview her flat/boyish muscular body was due to a childhood and teenage school years full of doing athletics and running track. Think her handle was nyanncosplay

>they remember too

Attached: 1533006658490.jpg (400x400, 28K)

>"but its flossi-"
lmao fucking betas

Attached: 1509292411618.png (524x610, 227K)

(You) me next time, normalfaggot.

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>flossing children
i do floss, what do you mean by it?

I wish I had Fortnite and do this kind of things when I was a kid. Instead I grew up completely afraid of my body and my dance doesn't go further than slightly moving my head to the beat.

no one will ever love you

>kids having fun
>loooool look at this cringe fest

Attached: 1529791410604.gif (400x300, 1.64M)

Act like a faggot in someone's personal space and you get decked.

I don't want love. I have little girls.

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>to be an adult at a middle school dance in 2018-2019

Attached: S.png (300x400, 57K)

>Yea Forums acting like they are older than kids
I've heard underage people in my college talk about going on Yea Forums. Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums stuff is all they talk about, throwing in stuff like "pogchamp" and "pepega" or whatever the fuck.

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that's really cute honestly

>School shootings are a bad thing

This is the typical poster here. kek

Vid related is actual cringe.

Attached: animeconvention.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

They are though

Attached: 9c19b94c37f2a84535f8b43bba24f6d8.jpg (701x927, 114K)

I do
Is that gonna pose a problem?

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That is why I drink

Well, I hate to break it to you but... those kids would be the ones saving everyone's ass.

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>he doesn't know that story behind this

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I'm very well aware of tunamelt-chan thanks.

I wonder what it would be like growing up in an era where video games are popular rather than a reason to be bullied.

it was a different time

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>They're having fun so it's not cringey :)))
It's cringe.

>not posting the classic
some moralfagging in the end but overall it's great. Also his Stranger Danger is better than 90% of the youtube's recommended vids or other reviews that crack 100k views

>all of the people in this webm are male


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One in the pink is a girl. Her smell still lingers the convention center grounds.

You're a fucking idiot.

>Having taste

Yea Forums won't be around in 15 years

>dead game
>player base the size of half of earth's population

They look way too old to be acting like retards.

I would sue the shit out of her

I remember "playing" CS in the playground and we were even acting like if we were buying weapon, so I'm no position to make fun of those kids.

Tunamelt chan is absolutely female, dude. Your fantasies aren't gonna fly here.

You're going about it all wrong. Yell at her until she cries.

Brazilian children don't post on Yea Forums

>All these replies who don't realise its CWC

Fucking newfags

no because I had self awareness at a young age and already had crippling social anxiety so I avoided all activity

>s-she hit me!
>she didnt do it for no reason, for the case we they will be looking at her side of it too, what did you do that made her hit you
>I was flossing!
>*flosses infront of the courtroom*
>the jury and public arent children and have no idea what is happening
>one kid in the public stands shouts "NINJAAAAA" and dabs

>that girls ass
>mfw my dick got hard
Yep, time to kill myself

And waste your money on legal fees losing to her simply saying you were doing sexual gestures behind her constantly, even after being asked to stop multiple times. Congrats, you may be retarded.

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>the post nut clarity hits

Gamers rise teh fuck up

He would lose, there is video evidence clearly showing him gesturing behind her. Do you really think a jury of wrinkle skins and mommy/daddy will care what fucking flossing is? Dont act like a fucking retard in public, just because the internet shows videos of e-celebs getting away with it doesnt mean you can.

>people actually siding with the overgrown child acting like a spastic just because its male
I hate dumb women as much as everyone else here but lets not get stupid about it.

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muh dick

To be honest i would deck her.

I think those dances are hilarious and stupid looking, but I also don't think that its some kind of social degeneration leading to civilizational collapse like so many here apparently do.

Who did it better?

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Nice tits

So I'm legally allowed to punch every person in the face that dances in the public?
good to know

>grew up thinking raves and shit were cool
>Still want to wear one of those outfits and gasmask
Don't think I'll ever grow out of this lads.

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>now this is cherry picking

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what i would do to be a kid again

jesus this is cringe

>Its bad to hit retards
They will never learn otherwise

>personal freedom is a bad thing
whatever you say commie

Nigger, the whole point of having kids is laughing at the stupid shit they do. I bet you're even a virgin.

You really are retarded and I hope you do that. Go to a club, there's plenty of people for you to punch there.

lmao what the fuck is this can't tell if people are genuinely crying or just trying to not burst out in laughing

If you hate it so much, why not go to another fucking website then? You people complain and complain and complain yet, you still come here? Who the fuck is the hypocrite in this case you dumbass anglo nigger

They're audibly crying.

I'm sure whoever's in that coffin wanted this but the more you watch it the more life seems absurd

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post the vid

Have you never been in a fight outside of school before? People dont get into a fight and then file a lawsuit, you know you have to pay to take something to court right? At most shell be told "dont do that again" given the evidence presented. You shouldnt hit people but it was certainly not without reason and just random assault.

Most of us aren't allowed within 500 feet of a playground, user.

Call me a boomer, but I don't think children that young (what are they, preschool-early grade school age?) should play video games, let alone an online video game.
Because children that young are literally too stupid and don't know any better and you're going to make them get addicted to vidya at an earlier age and make them spend too much time playing video games instead of learning other useful skills.

Looks like they are spics, they dont really take death serious. Unlike most western white countries were people are scared shitless of death.


>not wanting to troll your family and friends even in death
We need to get on the dead guy's level.

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Can’t wait honestly. The chinks will kill all the inferior races that whitey was too sympathetic to kill.

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weirdest shit i've seen this week

It's not even making fun of the children, it's making fun of adults who play the same game and inadvertently place these children as their peers, you absolute braindead morons.


1...2...3... DANCE WITH ME!

why's the girl in overalls standing with her ass out like that?

to be honest i was thinking the guy in the coffin will open it and start dancing with the dudes

>I should be free to act like a retard and annoy those around me for lulz

nigger all videogames are for children

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>spics, they dont really take death serious
Funny how right you are, this week one of my neighboors got shot by his wife when she found out he was cucking her with a twink, people are making jokes about it till this day.


damn I knew someone else would beat me to it

Playing pretend power rangers with my friends or playing pretend with my toys?
Seems pretty normal to me.

good for you, not being afraid of death is half way to winning life

Lordosis behavior, google it.

>the girl with the blue overalls

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tranny jannies

he probably regretted it while doing it.

why do you hate freedom so much commie?


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>Playing pretend power rangers
Holy shit i did that too, each one would take a shirt with a diferent color and wear it in the head like a terrorist, the color of you shirt would decide what ranger you were.

I have 2 nephews, both play games and are 6 and 7, they play minecraft and Fortnite. One of them gets so upset playing fortnite that he is no longer allowed to play games at all because of it and the other has literally shit himself because he didnt want to get up while playing minecraft, this happened several times and he took to lying about doing it and hiding his shitty drawers so noone would find them(which failed because of the smell). I dont think children should play games until they are at least 10, games are no longer the same a they once were, there is so much exposure to them that kids see nothing but the games and will ultimately miss everything else around.

Even when their mother takes the games away they do nothing but ask for them back constantly, I myself got annoyed with the constant reperted asking and made them cry when I shouted for them to stop, I didnt even mean to. The problem is the kids are use to nothing BUT playing videogames on phones, tablets and consoles that when they are gone they literally do nothing. The one that shit himself has taken to watching that adhd shit on youtube that is suppose to be for children and my sister just keeps trying to block it, but its either get rid of youtube and have them constantly cry and moan about it or give it to them and have them not shit themselves and cry but watch that dumb shit.

>If chris wasnt retarded he wouldve been a chad.
i unironically think the same thing about eliott rodgers.

Wanna know something even worse? Fortnitebabies are already having nostalgia for things from only months ago.

I've heard of it before but you'd think they'd not start doing that so young.

People like you should be banned as soon as you press submit

Freedom to do do stupid shit doesnt mean you are free reign to be a spastic, it means others have the freedom to react to your stupid shit. The problem with idiots like you is you think that the freedom only applies to you and everyone else has to deal with it, everyone else is free to do what they want too you absolute idiot.

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Why is she so skinny?

>white people


why are you defending them? are you a pedo or 7?

We used to pretend to be the monsters from yu-gi-oh cards.

What is a "Pepega"

Well, yes, they need to grow up at some point, if you let them carry on like that unhindered they wont see a problem with it and then you get an adult whos only aspirations is to be tictok famous.

>at some point
Yeah, exactly. Kids are made to grow up far too fast nowadays. Let them enjoy their childhood a bit before you crush them under the weight of the world and turn them all into jaded cynics. The kids in the OP all look younger than ten, maybe seven or eight at most. You're saying that someone that young shouldn't be allowed a little leeway to goof around?

Maybe I was too harsh and they are still young, but it takes a while for them to "get it" and the earlier that starts the earlier they are ready for it, you dont start telling them shit is real when they are 20 so they learn to cope overcome it when they are 40.


can we call it "generation fortnite" already?

>all the boys doing this stupid fortnite cringe shit
>all the girls just kind of awkwardly standing there
Fucking hell, this next generation is going to contain more incels than all those that came before

I danced like this youtube.com/watch?v=blBh_1f7-dE and not like a dumb videogame

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Sounds like a parenting issue.

Its already called z generation. Zoom zoom!

*clap clap clap clap*

Hell yeah my fellow American.

Any decent man with balls that doesn't live in a shithole where you can get sued for being agains trans would have knocked her the fuck out.

Parents of that kid really want to put someone in jail.


This used to be a meme around here. I don't know if it was a lolsorandom thing or if Americans actually danced it.

Who the fuck would play a FPS on a console

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Co-worker and I were talking about why we don't like Fortnite and this was the number one reason. 90% of the players are preteens. This is why the free to play model is cancer


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dota 2 is free to play and has no preteens. It's the game itself, not the payment model.

DOTA 2 is PC only

Are you really gonna make me post it?

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Do it you faggot

Just fucking imagine: forcing a perfect innocent into a rotting, shambling doll of flesh, condemning them to die, giving them curses of hunger, thirst, need of shelter and countless more.

And then they do this stupid fucking shit to make it really sink in how hard you fucked up when you committed a sin of creation.

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Fortnite is like a white people thing anyway. In my country preteens watch minecraft shows on youtube. Like they don't even play the game they just watch them because of the show, the players act like they're in a tv show for kids. My 8 years old cousin is glued to her phone/tv watching minecraft on youtube literally everyday.

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I have that exact fucking shirt
GIF killed it for me

I literally work in a court, it usually doesnt matter who throws the first punch, but who throws the last punch. Meaning guy who loses / gets knocked out is the one pressing the charges, all you need is papers from doctor saying that damages you have could have been caused by punches or kicks.
"But I tought..." isnt a valid defence when it comes to assault. In this case suing her most likely wouldnt have been worth the effort even if she would have to pay for the legal fees. Looks like she didnt cause any real damage and would have only gotten a small fine.

I usually tend not to hate on very popular game but with fortnite I just simply don't understand why it's so popular. I do enjoy dozens of popular video games that have been created but this game I simply don't understand as well as other Battle Royale games

Maybe its in some white country?


>Why OP is a shut in

You crying mother fuckers don't even have kids, if you let them grow up to be autistic little shits they'll be autistic adults.

I unironically enjoy seeing people do Fortnite dances.

they seem happy, people who created video games would be proud if they were alive.

all of you faggots were playing fortnite daily until apex came along and then you're all "FUCK FORTNITE ONLY INFANTS WOULD ENJOY IT"
Little two faced bitches. You cant enjoy apex while hating fortnite, both are the same boring garbage

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>To us
But you've done nothing but cry for decades? You're literally incapable of creating anything worthwhile?

>all of you faggots were playing fortnite daily
Speak for yourself, I haven't touched any of those shit games and I don't ever plan to.

Purge the little faggots

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I remember trying LED fans and clear cases once, the lights were too distracting and annoying at night and all the clear cases I looked at had shit ergonomics and were miserable to switch parts/work inside of. Got a giant Phanteks case and Noctuas and have been content ever since.

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post the one with the grim reaper dabbing and anal voring the coffin

but OP, you are the mom

anyone have the wojack edit of this lol

how is this any different from WoW dances being popular back when the game was new?

Is that a deformity? Why is his face like that?

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It's not, but this thread is full of "adults" and dumbass teens with no self-awareness.

Solid 10/10

>this thing has a better physique than most of Yea Forums will ever have

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REEEEE DELET THIS A-at least Yea Forums has bbbetrr looooks

Doesn't matter. Leave the fucking kids be faggot. Obviously you did stupid shit at that age

What the fuck is an apex?

kids having fun and being active. Whats the problem here?

All I did was read, study insects, and collect rocks. Also got really really high off of my Adderall and Vyvanse prescriptions and played video games.

My life has been terrible :D

>those asses

ffs fortnite trying to turn me into a pedo

Gaysex Legends?

european kids tend to be way more slutty for some reason

as a czech i can confirm i have known many slutty girls in late elementary and middle school

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I talked to my toys because I had no friends. However none of this was filmed and it was all in private. If kids do that today, they'd get made fun of and shit. And that just sucks to me. Every kid shouldn't be ashamed of the stupid stuff they do they should be free to be children, or else they'll grow up like me and develop a personality disorder

There's nothing wrong with this, retard. Video games are for children. Let kids be kids.

Careful user mods permaban you for pedo jokes

The fuck are you smoking? I'm Spanish and most of my HS friends lost their virginity at around 18-19. Someone dating before the very last year of highschool was almost unheard of.

I'm 21.

In the mobilefag era, permabans are useless.

I used to do dances from WoW

I shit talk all my friends that play that garbage. THIS is the audience they play with - literal children.

Never played a BR game ever and I'm proud of that.

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>ever showing sexual restraint
Fake news.

You'll warm up to the idea when your favorite game's server is swarmed with Chinese, Brazilians, and/or t*rkroaches.

What did we monkeys do to upset you, user?

depends on the country i guess. The kids in my country are the most annoying and biggest brats ever. It makes sense for them to know this shit way too early than they should IG

>kids have a different childhood than I did

Wtf why

>that one slow kid who can't do any of the moves

Shitted up a few games with "BR BR huaehaueahuea" having to see/hear bastardized portuguese, and otherwise exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior/being a nuisance.

You guys are bad, but Chinese and especially roaches are worse.

Nice blog post faggot


>kids being kids

My friends and I would run around pretending to be 00-Agents jumping out of my treehouse with squirt guns.

Then one year we went to a renfest, had costumes done that looked like Link tunics in different colors, and ran around pretending to be Links.

Let kids be kids. Of course it's cringy to look back on, but at least they're not as jaded and beaten down by life as you sad fuckers are.

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God, dat sexy loli ass. I hope they'll add stip dancing emotes in the game.

what kind of shit CPU costs the same as a Noctua?
If your CPU is usually less than 200 bucks you are generally fine with a stock cooler anyways.

>3 sentences
Calling out blogposting was reserved for people that write paragraphs here, but I suppose newfags wouldn't know this.

Day of the rope soon mobilefag. Required registration for your kind is coming.

>children doing kid shit

Your argument has merit when arguing against peoples' misplaced nostalgia, but quality is not a straight line, and there are very bad modern cartoons, just like there are very GOOD modern cartoons. The problem with our "always online" modicum of connectivity means that the terrible shows of today can still be very easily watched, while the terrible shows of yesterday quite literally fell off the face of the planet.

I'll get Metal Gear Solid 2 on your ass and imply that social media and constant internet connectivity and convenience is actually killing conscious quality control, and lowering the overall quality by ever refusing to let anything ACTUALLY die anymore.

So, yes, in a dumb, roundabout way, shit WAS better back then, but that's only because social darwinism was in effect, and the bad shit died.

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>mfw never did autistic stuff like this when I was a kid because I never had a real childhood

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She's developing early

Age based constraints is LITERALLY a social construct, and kids will do anything and everything when they feel ready.

Why is Khali such a leglet?

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These are the Yea Forumsirgins who say Black & White 2 are the best pokémon games.