Is this correct?

Is this correct?

Attached: The Holy Trinity Of Dissapointment.png (955x1111, 1019K)

I would guess 75% can say mgs5 and ff15 are disappointing in some way, but KH3 is 50/50

MGSV was good
FFXV was probably good i haven't played it yet
Kingdom Hearts is gay as fuck and if you got disappointed by any game in the series you're a faggot

La-mulana 2 should replace FF15 since nobody with a brain expected FF15 to be good


Pick one and only one

Remove FF15 and you'd be correct

KH3 is only disappointing to idiots that thought Kingdom Hearts was ending with it and to nostalgiafags that hadn't played the older ones in a decade plus who thought it was going to be the second coming.

FFXV is only disappointing to people that followed the dev cycle and anted FFXIII VS, and to people who bought it day one and had to wait a fucking year more for it to be finished.

I have not played any Metal Gear

I’d replace kh with peter molyneyx just his face.

>It's not a good game because muh bad boss and going nuclear
Yeah, fuck off retard

MGS V is only disappointment in the story. Gameplay is the best it's been

FFXV I haven't played nor KH3

Nomura is a hack.

Kingdom Hearts isn't anywhere close to disappointing as the others.

Did they ever fix the stale combat in ff15 or did they just chop up boring sections?

This quote didn't age well.

Attached: quote-a-delayed-game-is-eventually-good-but-a-rushed-game-is-forever-bad-shigeru-miyamoto-20-21-20.j (850x400, 61K)

Diablo 3 was more disappointing than all 3 of those games combined.

The only people disappointed by KH3 are morons who only played the final mixes of KH1-2 and knew nothing about what they were getting into.

MGSV while being shit story-wise had pretty good but heavily flawed gameplay. Coming from MGS4 and PW who the fuck though V's story was going to be any good?

FF has been shit for about 10 years now so its kinda no surprise that this one was shit too.

mgs5 is way better than the other two

That better be PS4 disappointments, because there can be no disappointment list without this otherwise.

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>MGSV was genuinely unfinished.
>it still won awards compared to the other two.

I’d call it disappointing that it’s unfinished. But it’s still some solid fucking quality for what’s there. They were forced to stop too compared to KH4 being rushed out in 2 years and FF15 being the duke nukem of JRPGs

>I form opinions on games before I play them

no KH3 isnt a disappointment

Fuck off retard

KH3 is nowhere near as disappointing as the other two

t. autistic kingdom hearts fans

It is.

No it isn't.

KH3 was not disappointing. Nomura said multiple times 3 was not going to end the series. Maybe the current saga yes but not the entire series. Nostalgic fags will always hate on anything new and will refuse to look at things objectively.
MGS5 was mediocre but not disappointing.
FF XV. It was when it released but now it's really solid with the Royals edition with it. I replayed it and liked the game.

only if you are a retard and compare it to fm versions instead of vanilla version or if you just repeat garbage you heard from idiot ecelebs that played it at best once surface level.

>Confirmed low IQ by saying MGSV was good and judges games before even playing them
Why should anyone take your opinion seriously?

I've only played The Phantom Pain and the "ultra royal super deluxe" version of Final Fantasy XV. In the case of FFXV I played it in the middle of last year and enjoyed my time with it. I really enjoy Metal Gear. I played the first Kingdom Hearts back when it first came out as a friend proclaimed that it was the second coming. I didn't care for it, but I'm not really a big Disney fag, plus I know this is minor, but I really disliked the character design. As soon as I see those fucking clown feet and that keyblade I'm gone.

Where the FUCK are Aliens: Colonial Marines and Spore?

shut the fuck up you vile creature

Fixed it to me more accurate OP.

Attached: Real Dissapointment.png (955x1111, 198K)

It may have failed to live up to the original vision, but the sheer amount nightmarish shit people created helped make up for it.

Man i still cant believe how hard they dropped the ball with PG6. I mean what the fuck were they thinking?

A lot of the MSGV disappointment faded once the good aspects and mechanics sunk in and got to shine.
Most of the Final Fantasy XV disappointment went away once the complete royal edition came out.
Most of the Kingdom Hearts disappointment went away when blunderfags moved onto the next big blunder.

You could probably have positive threads on all three of those games nowadays.

I could see FFXV a mile away when to overall tone shifted in the trailers from dark philosophy to friendship. Watch the Versus ones and then the XV ones.

Anybody with a functioning brain knew Colonial Marines was shit the second the started releasing (real) footage of it.

I more or less maintain the notion that FFXV would be fixed if they kept traditional cutscenes in the game and didn't try to do all the cutscenes and dialogue in gameplay

these aren't even close to correct but i'm sure this was just a bait thread anyway
real list would include shit like spore, sticker star, owlboy, other m, etc

Bitch please, Spore, DMC2 and Daikatana have all those games beat by a mile.

That doesn't stop it from being a gargantuan disappointment.

MGSV is a great game so no

i liked ffxv.

It's not disappointing if you already expect it to be bad.

Kingdom Hearts is for gay baby dingleberries that cannot come up with one (1) single reason why KH is even remotely good. It’s gay and stupid.
MGSV was unfinished but it was still fun to play.
Final Fantasy is for ultra gay super nerds who think big gay boy band hair is cool and huge bosses are “fun” to fight and also what even is a Final Fantasy? Why are there 3 hundred billion games in the series? Fucking weebs I swear you’re all holding gaming back. Grow up.

>t. soi boy who listens to synthwave and loves all MANLY video games with MANLY beards even though they are shit
cringe senpai

>having any expectations for FFXV at all

lmao what

t. Gay rattlesnake


The series sales started going downhill with Popular Game 3, PG4 was a necessary evil

>First XV trailer is just Versus
>Next big trailer
>Suddenly no focus on the city segment, open world roadtrip aspect and Cindy the mechanic are introduced
>Regis is reworked from a Yakuza looking leader to ragged looking bum

I should have known it was only going to go downhill from there.

>not waiting till DMC5 is out
You had one job, user

It is good though.

There are other games that came out far worse, but this gen? Yeah those are the most notable ones. KH3 is pretty much exactly like FF15 on the scale whereas MGS5 at least had good gameplay to fall back on.

but mgsv is good though.

Only KH3 was a disappointment, eat my ass.

>KH3 is only disappointing to idiots that thought Kingdom Hearts was ending with it and to nostalgiafags that hadn't played the older ones in a decade plus who thought it was going to be the second coming.
no dude, it was disappointing.
I played them all except the DS one.
each at least had a secret boss, had more challenging battles, and was far less obnoxious character interactions.
the game was just rushed to completion. I mean in the frozen level they just refused scenes from the movies. Answers to questions weren't answered because they wanted to drag it on even further.

dude stop pretending. I know you are a harscore fan but still it was disappointing

>Mass Effect 3
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>The entire Fable series
>No Man’s Sky
>Fallout 76
>Star Wars The Old Republic
>Colonial Marines
>Invisible War
>Watch Dogs
>Diablo 3
>The Division

Fuck no don't even put DMC 2 on that list. It was more than dissapointing, it was so bad it was soul crushing. Every minute you spent playing the gme feels like an hour of your life wasted. It really is that bad.

Mass Effect 3 was great, only bad part was the last hour.

We're up to our knees in shitty rushed games every goddamn year.

KH is a fucking disappointment.
They could've done so much more, but didn't.
More worlds, better difficulty, SE characters, more key blades, combat that doesn't feel stiff or rely on building meter, consistent story telling.
Fuck Nomura, and fuck Osaka.
Kh died by 2fm.
Only die hard fanboys defend this atrocity.

Add danganronpa v3

Not to mention the gameplay-cutscene ratio is even worse than KH1. 10 minutes of gameplay followed by 30 minutes of cutscenes? Might as well make it a movie like TLoU.

MGSV game was good, the story was pure garbage though.

The quote aged well by Nintendo’s standards. they were willing to lower sales expectations so they could be honest about delaying Metroid prime 4. at least let us fuckin know. Could still be fuckin great. KH at least gets a Final Mix in a year or two finally finishing the fuckin game but fallout don’t get that chance.

The quote is fine It’s just that this industry doesn’t fuckin learn anything.

did people even have any expectation for this looking at biowares track record?

>ps4 cover
>ps4 cover
>ps4 cover
Shill much? None of them are exclusive to the PS4 and none of them plays the best on the PS4.

Where's REmake 2? Only faggots who never played the original one like that shit.

But most of people got them on PS4 because PS4 owners eat any shit they throw at them.

KH3 was good and not disappointing.

Never been interested in MGS

I knew FF was dead after playing XIII so I knew XV would be shit

>these ps4 games are disappointing

Are you retarded?

>tfw all of them are my childhood favorite franchises
The future ain’t so bright anymore. ;_;

Be ready to make it 4 once FF7R comes out in 2022

KH3 is the easiest game in the entire franchise proud in 3 is easier than normal in 2.

>crackdown 3

I honeslty do not think any of those games would have been better without the delays. So clearly the delays are not the issue here.
The issue is the absolutely ridiculous scope and lack of focus.
Compare that to Nintendo's games. Splatoon started out in empty as fuck white rooms with nothing but cubes, until they made the movement and colour mechanics feel good. BotW had nothing until they made the running, jumping, gliding, and climbing feel good.
So that even if all else fails, the core would be good.

Of course this is no recipe for guaranteed succeeds, but it shows where the priorities lies. Star Fox Zero was fully devoted to a gimmick that the game sadly did not benefit the game.
Metroid Prime 4 did not feel good, and had its development restarted as a result.
The core of Three Houses with all of its customization etc, is still in the process of being expanded upon and thus a delay.

But fuck compare that to FFXV. That game changed directors and had its very gameplay core absolutely overhauled numerous times. Down to its very release and to some extent even afterwards. And as a result the core of that game still does not feel great.
Meanwhile they focused endlessly on visuals and stylish flare.
MGSV is much more excusable in the sense that the game was simply not finished. It's like they focused endlessly on what could be done, over actually doing it and then expanding upon it after the fact. Until Konami cut the funding and shipped the game out. But that's part of the issue, your scope can't reach forever. You actually need to have something of an end goal in mind when you develop a game and you need to reach it. If your vision for the game is endless your game is likely to not be finished either.

I loved FFXV so far but there are certain parts that are most definitely servicable

I liked the combat, but letting you hold down the attack button makes it somewhat too shallow. Good action games allow you to have some semblance of control over your attacks if you tap, press or hold the button. Meanwhile, the clusterfuck that happens when a fight is going on almost makes sure that you can't read incoming attacks.

And the map is a massive barren waste. Sure, there are monsters here & there to kill but to get from one point to another is a time wasting chore. And the car's not that fast anyway.

MGSV wasn't even unfinished, it was just incomplete. What's there in the game is polished and fun to play.

FF XV wasn't nearly as dissapointing as MGS V and KH3 wasn't nearly as dissapointing as FF XV.

true. I bet even Asuras wrath has a better gameplay to cutscene ratio.

this one has a secret boss as well. ONE. you wanna know something? that's about what to expect from a non-final mix version of a KH game in this series. you thought things were going to be different?

Kh3 wasn't disappointing though. You've been paying to much attention to shitposters

Replace KH3 with Zero Time Dilemma

Does zero escape keep continuity between games? I remember hearing buzz about Time Dilemma last year and was interested

>three games

MGSV was pretty disappointing, but I don't see how anyone could expect anything less than garbage out of KH3 or FFXV. Long development cycles are never good for a game.

Ff15 is garbage. Hold 0 to win. Thatd fucking stupid 4 gay protagonists. big open world. Pushing a car at the beginning for no fucking reason for what seemed like ever. Ff hasnt been good since ix

Have you played VLR? Strictly speaking it does keep continuity but it uses some questionable devices to do so. I mean with the shit VLR introduces it was pretty much guaranteed that the followup was going to be disappointing/convoluted as hell, but still

Eh, only MGSV fits that role for me. Kingdom Hearts has always been a shit series that everyone played when they were younger, so the nostalgia is blinding them. Final Fantasy XV isn't even bad. The combat is pretty awful, but the rest of the game is fantastic. It's got the best OST of all Final Fantasy games.

MGSV was especially shit. MGS4 was absolute garbage to the point it may as well have been a Xenoblade Chronicles game. MGS:GZ was a great demo and I played it for 60 hours. I played MGSV for less than that.

change kh3 with nier automata and you'd be right

nah, v's too obsessed with 2b's ass to admit how shit her game was

you're right my bad

MGSV was disappointing. Didn't have the same """soul""" as the older Metal Gears. Felt like desperate try of being a "movie" or "serious"
Also Open World shit isn't good

FFXV is just sad. Delayed million times, character story DLC is fucking horrendous and you can play as recklessly as you want as long as you have Phoenix Downs, which is saddening.
Also Open World shit isn't good please stop

KH3 was so fucking hyped and delayed million times that there wouldn't be any chance of it living up to expectations. Shills mainly newer Disney Pixar movies and the story has turned into a fucking mess after the first game that you gotta spend fuckload of time to get in. Impossible for new players, disappointing for old players and perfect for fanboys/girls who ship Sora with anything that moves and watch shota stuff.

I would say, yes. But for me BotW was disappointing too, gotta be that guy. Also Odyssey was boring af. Both had Skinner's Box shit that I despise
Fuck Open World. Seriously

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What I like about this image is that all three games should of been kings, but ended up being just "good". They're not disappointments in that they're terrible games like anthem, but because they are nowhere near as good as they should be.

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