The original Legend of Zelda (1986) has more unique enemy classes and unique boss fights than the Legend of Zelda...

>The original Legend of Zelda (1986) has more unique enemy classes and unique boss fights than the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (2017)

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Other urls found in this thread:

I agree OP nothing in the industry has changed since then either.

>missing the point

All of the budget went into the beautiful vistas of emptiness that you sprint across (in bursts because of stamina).

>3D is the same as 2D

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however, the impetus to explore, the ability and freedom to explore at your leisure, and the rewarding nature of both movement and planning your journey are far better

nevermind the fact that fighting those same 3 enemies is more fun than the various NEs enemies
you are comparing the quality of 2 games bsed solely on a single factor while also ignoring the differencei n player motivation between the two

like claiming counter strike has worse stroy than half-life, therefore its worse

What are some good games with a ton of enemy variety? And not just some recolor rehash shit?

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Holy shit, Nintentard cope again

so how long until Yea Forums shuts up about BOTW because this shit has been going on daily for almost 2 years straight now

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>it has been 2 years since my birth
>I have seen games come and go
>some have lasted longer than others
>but eventually they all are forgotten.
>but not me
>I am remembered

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the NES game was more overtly a puzzle game, with the enemies being a combat puzzle that requires specific patterns to be recognized in order to progress

BOTW is more built around the process of exploration and setting your journey
such that the core gameplay loop is based around spotting something interesting and then climbing, riding, or gliding your way there
the enemy selection isnt as important in this case because the challenge comes from determining the best way to traverse the environment

to compare their quality based on a single arbitrary aspect is disingenuous at best
and this isn't a purely nintendo thing, but applies universally to all games

Is there a way to keep weapons from breaking?

I assume the Master Sword is in the game, right? Does it snap in half like a branch too?

Nope, it wears down and starts doing less and less damages so you need to rejuvenate it

master sword is unbreakable, but needs to be recharged after it runs out of energy
finishing the DLC awards you a master sword with so much hp it will not break under normal circumstances

unbreakable weapons would be incredibly OP in this game, however
and the unbreakable master sword makes all challenges in the game piss easy

God. It's like they took the Giant's Knife from OoT and adapted every weapon to act that way. I'm so tired of this shit.

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can you explain what this post is supposed to mean please user?

the game is designed and built around the mechanic, so you are never unfairly punished for breaking weapons

there are usually a ton of spares, you have a dozen ways to kill your enemies without resorting to weapons, you can easily sneak or bypass most enemies, and you can utilize the environment to aid you in combat to stretch out the durability of your weapons

it can be annoying, especially if you like just rushing in to kill everyone, but the game is pretty good about keeping your options open so you are always able to defeat your foes through alternative means

Battle mania daiginjou is an excellent Sega genesis SHMUP with literally no repeating enemies between stages. You'll see an enemy once and they're gone until you reset and there's 6+ stages.

Untill you nintenbabbys accept what a horror game it was. Children need to be schooled after all.

git gud

Never. BotW is the Bloodborne of Nintendo Games, the day Yea Forums shuts up about it is the day the Switch is no longer relevant.

i see your point but even bloodborne isnt shitposted to death with quite the same frequency, it's fucking insane

okay dipshit

Fucking this, why can't people just let this game die off? It gets threads daily and games like God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2 are forgotten

Guardian Scouts
Guardian Drones
Guardian Towers
Shrine Guardians
Shrine Guardian bosses
Talus (various types ice/fire etc)
Yiga Assassin
Yiga Warrior
Wizrobe (various types ice/fire/electric & swarms etc)
Malice spawn
Keese (various types ice/fire/electic etc)
Talus sprogs
Lizalfos (various types ice/fire/electic etc)
Stalfos (various types)
Weird ostrich things
Octoroks (water/land/volcanic types)
ChuChus (various types ice/fire/electric etc)

This doesn't even include the vast amount of non-hostile wildlife to hunt/kill/capture/interact with. Nor does acknowledge the gulf in enemy animation, AI and behavioural routines compared to every other Zelda.

You need to kill yourself OP. You've wasted two years of your life trying to think up new ways to shit on BotW and every day you have to wake up in a world where it's considered one of the greatest games of all time and there's nothing you can do. The mental anguish must be unbearable for you.

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Why do you think quantity is better than quality OP? Do you poo in the loo?

To be fair, you encounter a portion of that list so often that you think the enemy diversity is small.

That's because Bloodborne is no longer viewed as "the literal only game worth a damn on PS4" thanks to PS4's more recent titles, compared to Switch which non-Nintendofags don't see anything of merit beyond BotW since it's the only game of the bunch that's actually doing something drastically different to a positive degree compared to the rest of its franchise, while everyone else is still more or less doing the same that they've always done with a little more pizazz.

>Lying on the Internet
Cope more

>thanks to PS4's more recent titles
Such as?



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fucking huh, im a haxor and shit

what a useless tard, why did you even make this thread?

god of war, red dead redemption 2, last of us 2, spiderman, nioh (i think), shadow of the colossus remake, horizon zero dawn, and so on. and i say this without bias, or remarking about the subjective quality of said games. simply listing the exclusives as you asked


it's a 7/10 objectively speaking

cringy af

But you are speaking of their quality since you're listing them as "games worth a damn on the PS4". God of War is a maybe. Nioh is on PC. Horizon is not held in high regard here, same for Spiderman. Shadow of the Colussus is a remake.

OP REKT again and doomed to stew in his own seething Nintendo hatred.

Why didn't they include more classic Zelda enemies anyway
>no Armos or Goriya even though they work with the whole "enemies need to be humanoid so they drop weapons" idea
>no major undead enemies like Ghinis, Poes, Gibdos, etc
>no bug/insect enemies like Tektites
>no plant enemies like Deku Babas when the entire game's focus is on nature
just feels unfinished

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i'm not the person who said that but i get your point. still, while i wouldn't say a few of those games that i mentioned are ones that even i personally like, they're still solid enough gameplay experiences from a purely objective, technical standpoint, and definitely have their own fair share of fans regardless. no shovelware here. i'd say they're still worth a damn depending on the person

>Source: My ass

I can't remember the last time anyone brought up bloodborne

>its not quality cause i didn't like it!
fuck off you retarded goat fucker

>op's script broke immediately upon starting the thread and now all he can say is the word "cope"


count em up nigger
legend of zelda:
like like
pea hat
pols voice
river zora

meanwhile breath of the wild has like, 5 fucking enemies total:
big moblin
and thats pretty much fucking it not counting bosses. oh wait thats 3 enemy types. kek.


fucking outskilled.

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>Can't even spell most of the enemies right

>caring about whether or not something is a multiplat
real yikes

actually i did spell them right. blame the japs for making fucked up names.
well except darknut. i accidentally typed darknet. big fucking deal.

>multiplat suddenly doesn't count if its on the snoy
Yikes, pony with the hard backpeddle

i'll direct you to my other post

Yeah, and? It doesn't mean they're unique when they're just 2D sprites you hit until death. 3D models require a mesh, textures, animation rig, sounds for multiple actions, ragdolls, all sorts of shit.
Am I making too much sense for this thread?

oh nononono
also enjoy half of those enemies doing exactly the same thing with slight difference (so exactly like BotW)

even counting similar movesets, loz still has way more enemy types than bow.

Windwaker 2 when?

Bored of your movie "games" already user?

Based. OP btfo

Sony niggers are just jealous, because they have been ripped off with a shitty movie machine.

Even discounting this, the basic Bokoblin AI is probably more complex than every enemy in the original put together.


>It's a boring open world game

Gave up after 2 hours of playing it

the bosses did suck cock tho


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Zoomers really need to stop worshipping BOTW and fuck off from the franchise.

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It's almost like some people didn't like the game or something. Such a horrible thought.

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oh no

bitch i'm not on your side, i'm not on either side. i'm on the side that just wants to fucking play video games without getting dragged into your obnoxious fucking brand loyalty console war bullshit

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>basic Bokoblin AI is probably more complex than every enemy in the original put together.
i actually felt like jelly goodall observing their behaviour

>will hunt animals on their own accord
>will eat the food drops, will also eat what you leave out
>larger camps will leave a look out while they sleeo
>they have a designated refuse pile as well as a designated place to leave weapons when not in use
>cant swim, will drown
>will happily grab and throw things you throw at them, including your bombs
>perform happy dances on successful hunts

also, moblins will throw bokoblins if they have no weaopns left to throw

lmao you haven't even played the game. And your opinion has nothing to do with the game. Your opinion is based solely on the fact that NINTENDO received a fuckton of acclaim and you can't handle it.

What a fucking loser lmao

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BotW is a game with some great ideas and truly excels in some areas, but it’s undeniably terrible how uninspired the combat gameplay and enemy roster is.

The enemies were clearly built for outdoor environments, but it seems like at one point during development the world got much bigger than initally intended (what’s up with 90% of Hyrule beaches and sea? What’s up with the tropical village that has absolutely nothing for you to do? what’s up with that area above Hyrule Castle, between the bird people’s home and the Goron mountain? It’s all empty as fuck).

It seems like designers simply didn’t bother making more enemy designs, so they said “fuck it, let’s just copy paste them to every area, who cares that Hyrule Castle and city ruins have no knight enemies, who cares there are none of the iconic plant enemies in the jungles or forests, who cares there are no like likes that grab your shield or hands to grab you, who cares there are no poes in graveyards and battlefields etc”.


This is a list of stuff in BotW, now look at the enemy list for the NES Zelda.


>counting wildlife as enemy classes

Just because they aren't classified as monsters or under Ganon's influence, it does not mean they aren't enemies.

Tell me about the thrilling combat encounters you had with the wildlife in BotW.

I guess RDR2 is the game with the highest enemy class count now by that logic, the other day I found this amazing enemy class in it, it was called a woodpecker, gave me tons of trouble.


Like alot of detractors, you winge about whats not in the game rather than what is. Why don't the other Zelda titles have giant robot spiders which will relentlessly hunt and kill you, ninja assassins which disguise themselves as NPCs, giant sand monsters which listen for your footprints, stoic warrior centaurs which will give you the fight of your life? Where are these in othe Zelda games?

Its been two years. Just admit Nintendo made a good game and move on.

I'm sure they could have added plenty more, it's just that they wanted all the enemies to give you a weapon after you kill them. Look at the enemies that don't give you weapons, wolves, octorocks and keeses can all be killed with one or two bombs.
This basically limited them to only weaker non-humanoid enemies. Which is rubbish, they should have added some sort of weapon crafting system, or let you use monster parts as improvised weapons.

>I guess RDR2 is the game with the highest enemy class count now by that logic
Bears are far more interesting enemies than random fucking bandits or the poor excuse of law enforcement the game has. Of fucking course the wildlife counts.

Wow you really showed him. No one gives a fuck if someone didn't like BOTW so they really need to stop thinking they're something special because of that.

A good game can still have flaws.

>giant sand monsters which listen for your footprints
Moldugas are not fun to fight.
>stoic warrior centaurs which will give you the fight of your life
Those are from the NES Zelda.

>just copy the image and reverse it

>No one gives a fuck if someone didn't like BOTW

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True. But that one bokoblin probably has as much complexity to its behavior as every enemy in LoZ put together.

>Moldugas are not fun to fight.
Speak for yourself. I love Tremors.

>Those are from the NES Zelda.

Behavioural routines a AI are nothing like NES Zelda.

>Moldugas are not fun to fight.
Not him, but Moldugas are the best overworld boss in the entire game.

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Watch the shitters try and pretend it doesn't count lol

>Its been two years. Just admit Nintendo made a good game and move on.

I literally started the post by saying BotW is a good game. Also, it’s fine if you want to use the same argument for past Zelda games, but I’d just like to point out that those weren’t full open world experiences on modern consoles, I expect more enemy variety out of a game that sells itself on exploring a huge landscape.

I quickly found out that it was very predictable to know what I would encounter over most hills, no matter where I was in that map, it was either one of the small number of korok puzzles, a shrine that rarely expanded upon the neat ideas shown inside them cause they were more often than not short as fuck or the same enemies over and over and over. Don’t even get me started on this game’s sorry excuses of dungeons.

I actually hate Wind Waker for introducing Bokoblins.

Tell me more about that cave in the BotW screenshot

Why are we still shitposting? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my user score… and my "Bore of the Ubishit" webms… even my filtered image hashes. The fanboys I’ve lost… the consolewarriors I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still spamming '7/10". You feel it, too, don’t you?

most of the enemies in the NES game do 1-2 actions tops. The Bokoblins can wield most of the items that Link can. Lizalfos can adapt to being in water with entirely new behaviours.

It leads to 1 of over 100 completely unique subterranean challenges, puzzles or assault courses.

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>a shrine
>another shrine

It's not a cave. It's a slyly cropped image of one of those copy-pasted skull outposts that the Bokoblins tend to inhabit.

>BotW is getting universal praise by game reviewers and developers a like
>But I think it's shit! And I can say that as a person who has never made a game but did play through most of Ocarina of Time on an emulator after hearing it was the best game ever made
>I better make a completely pointless thread on Yea Forums so people can bask in my profound opinions

Or it's just a thread subject guaranteed to blow up in replies and some very sad people enjoy the attention.

>a painting
>an actual video game


>a concept
>something that doesn't match the concept
good talk, get some sleep, you've been yawning a lot

Why are you talking shit?

20 of the shrines are copy pasted trials of strength my dude, and there are like 8 challenges the size of those in your pic, the rest are much smaller rooms that only deal with one rune power at a time

>it was either one of the small number of korok puzzles
i dont get the hate for korok puzzles

they are a mini-reward that incentivizes looking in the darndest places
they were never meant to be some big reward, but just a nice little pat on the head for going off the beaten path

getting to the korok is a lot more fun than the reward, but thats not a bad thing because climbing and gliding is an inhenrently fun thing to do

Actually That specific cave is a blessing shrine
For real. You can go check, it's the one pictured

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holy fucking based
nintendo retards btfo forever

Man this thread made me want to replay BOTW for the third time. Thanks OP!

>20 of the shrines are copy pasted trials of strength my dude

He basically already took those out of his count.
There's 120 total shrines in the base game.

Zelda was better with gated progression. Not Twilight Princess levels of linearity, but more Link Between Worlds.

BotW is a good game, but it only gets praise for being easily digestible and having a fun tutorial area, I’d like you to point out the developers that actually played more than 20 hours of BotW, where the flaws really start to shine, which is not a long time for an open world game.

No, it's not, there's a shrine inside.

To be fair, no game ever made has matched that concept because it would be super expensive to develop a game with both the massive overworld of BotW and the detailed dungeons of, say, TP.

I think BotW gives it a good shot, though.

They should've at least added Darknuts and Redeads since they still work as humanoids

Good thing that the post wasn’t saying he lied about the number of unique shrines then, huh

people OP and his fellow shitposter convinced not buy and play Botw: 0

Nah, it took me a good 70 hours in BotW before I started feeling any fatigue.

Eh, we've had over a dozen zeldas in that style, let's try BotW's approach one or two more times.

Because Nintendo is a very strong cult. Very few Nintendo games ever get forgotten.

Its amazing the amount of mental gymnastic hoops and logistical fallacies shitters will indulge in just to try and convince themselves Nintendo didn't make a great game.

What do you want me to call them all up and ask if they've played for more than 20 hours?

How would saying
>nuh-uh, 20 shrines are combat shrines
be a sensible response to
>there are 100 shrines excluding combat shrines

He quite clearly didn't realize that the other guy had already removed combat shrines from the count.

If BotW had actual dungeons and more enemy types it'd be a masterpiece.
There are a lot of other things I'd like but really, those first two things would've done it.

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You were still trying to pooh-pooh the total number my dude

they should've made towers dungeons/palaces that you had to complete in order to get the region map rather than just short climbs, they would still be visible from a distance but would give more variety to the scenery and fit in more with the context of the series

It need a severely condensed overworld too. Instead they made Ocarina's Hyrule Field x 1000.

The fact that you're in this thread complaining about people complaining about BoTW is just proving my point, I don't understand why you quoted me.

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Link Between Worlds had an ALMOST PERFECT formula, the only things that needed correction were:

- overall lack of difficulty, cause most areas were balanced towards being accessible to normies who approach them with 3 or 20 hearts

- all but one dungeons required only one item to be completed, in order to keep the areas accessible at any point

If BotW improved upon the flaws of Link Between Worlds while also keeping the Zelda structure we love and the freedom of LBW, we would have a true masterpiece. Instead of that, they barely addressed difficulty (it was still fucked because of the way healing works in the game) and made a merely competent beta severely lacking in original content, with a butchered Zelda structure, cause most stuff that populates the huge game world can be found and experienced in the tutorial area already.

The best way to experience BotW is to do the tutorial area and stop playing after that to avoid the saturation.

there was no “nuh uh”

>rather than just short climbs
the early towers are simple climbs, but the approach gets much more complex the farther you get

but later towers are much more dungeon-like
usually involving combination combat, item, and climbing challenges
the akkala tower is a pretty rad climb past flying guardians and monsters lining the entire mountain side and fortress with ganon goo at the base
unless you go out of your way to cheese past the challenges, its actually very thought out in regards to how you approach them

It was a mixed bag, there were some decent regions like Faron, Necluda and Akkala, but then there were a lot of areas that amounted to nothing. I barely remember anything about Hebra, the Gerudo Highlands or Death Mountain, the latter of which really disappoints me because I usually love Gorons.
If there were actual dungeons taking up space and a higher variety of enemies, I think they would've filled out the world as it's currently sized quite nicely. Remember, more enemies would likely mean more camps and gatherings, so those would take up space too.
There should've been poes haunting the overworld at night around ruins and cursed places. Would've made nighttime exploring more interesting than just stal- creatures over and over again.

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>I barely remember anything about Hebra
hebra is one of the best endgame regions
its where most people end up spending all their time, alongside akkala

Not only are empty spaces integral to they way they've hidden secrets, where things are hidden by the size of the world instead of by being invisible or esoteric, but there really isn't that much truly empty space anyway.
There's like, the center of Akkala, the outer slopes of Death Mountain, parts of Hyrule Field and north Hyrule Field, and the probably like 2/3rds of the desert, but that's a fucking desert.
There's almost too much stuff hidden in most other sections.
In fact, there's so much stuff for the space that it already ends up having a negative effect on the preparation aspects of the game. You just get completely laden with the resources they hand out because everywhere you go stocks you up.
Like, turn your sensor to treasure chest and take a walk through the Faron region or something.

Wish that it had more enemies, it's an absolutely fabulous game, but it needs a little more variety in it's monster category. Bokoblins and Moblins are basically the only thing you see commonly.

>no deku scrubs
>no deku baba
>no dark nuts
>no kargorocs
>no miniblins
>no peahats
>no molodrums
>no wolfos
>no skulltula
>no ropes (only seen in 2D games so far)
>no armos
>no redead
>no mummies (forgot what they were called)
>no ghi
>no poes
>no freezards
>no likelikes
And adding onto what another user said, most of these don't need complex AI (though some could use some regional variants like wolfos). I'm also surprised there was no poison variant for weapons as well. Would have been especially helpful in hero mode.

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It's a decent game but it's a shitty zelda game. I'm so sick of shrines just to get an orb just to do it again to eventually get a heart. Also wheres my hook shot. And weapons shouldnt break it's stupid in everygame

owned him bro

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>it's a shitty zelda game

It's one of the most Zelda games ever made.

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>maze to find a shrine
>shrine inside a cave


Horizon is literally the best game ever made. Makes breath of the morning look like asshole

I thought LBW was pretty good difficulty-wise as far as combat went, due to the damage enemies did wasn't a quarter of a heart like WW and TP did. Same goes for SS having enemies do actual damage for once.


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There are also over 4x as many pixels on that one bokoblin than there were in the entirety of the original nes game.

That's the problem, open world is a time waster meme.

I keep flying over Hebra on my way to shrines, I really just can't be assed. I did find a cool spring there recently so you know what, user, I'll explore more in the future.
I've only got like 12 shrines to go, though. Lots of sidequests to do but I'm not sure I'll have the energy.
Akkala is great, though, I hope we get to see a more established Tarrey Town one day.
If I registered that horse, would you die?
>no mummies
You're thinking of Gibdos.
Great list though, I'd have loved to see most of those guys.
Needs Medoh behind him.

This. Even goats can unironically become deadly enemies if you aren't paying attention while running up a mountainside or cliff edge.

Kingdom Hearts games

No it didn't.

Getting stalked around a Labyrinth by giant killer robot spiders was fucking amazing. Cry more.

Teba didn't fly so good.

At least he can talk.

lmao these nintenbros, I enjoyed the game, just fucking hated shrines

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Here's everything that a BOTW Bokoblin can do just off memory:
>an unarmed attack
>either a basic swing, a combo of swings or jump attack when using a club/sword
>block your attacks with a shield
>do a large swing with a bat/longsword
>shoot a bow and any arrow type at you
>jab with a spear
>do a spin attack with 'light' weapons
>throw rocks and barrels if you're at a range
>pick up food and eat it (if not in combat)
>investigate noises
>run from 'paranormal' things like objects falling out of the sky or seeing a friendly die without knowing the source
>hunt animals, talk with other bokoblins, dance around a campfire
>attack and stun NPCs
>get ragdolled by explosions, wind, strong attacks
>navigate 3d space
>go to sleep at night
>dedicate to watchtower duty
>kick away bombs
>light their weapons on fire to do more damage
>do almost all the above shit on horseback
Now here's what a Moblin does in the original game
>walk in 4 directions towards you and only you
>do a one-frame-long attack

>talus sprogs
>malice spawn

I unironically defend botw when people complain about the lack of content, and enjoy the game very much, but the actual enemy count (not meme enemies that die in one hit or don't do anything) is abysmal. There should have at least been fucking darknuts.

and llike other people are saying/have said, the lack of classic ez-pz to program enemies is retarded.

>no poes
>no redeads
>no skulltulas
>no deku babas

The only actual enemies are: Bokoblins, moblins, lizalfos, and guardians. That's it. Everything else either has no variety or dies in one hit.

>then you realize that most of the enemies either walk towards you to damage you, shoot something at you, or bounce in irregular patterns to hit you, making the “variety” moot

> no variety or dies in one hit.
This criticism can be leveled at all Zelda games. Most enemies in Zelda games are one note enemies that might as well not be there since they pose no challenge.


who is Moot?

Retard, moot isn't a person, it's a word

I like the open field to get to the one maze, just north of Hebra tower. And Hebra mountains is a solid mix of OK/Good/nothing. And I would have highlight the Lanayru Wetlands as good. The Faron grasslands is OK due to them having some unique assets and the giant horse. And I'd OK Hyrule field, but that's just me being a sucker for lush green plains.

??? You can play every ps4 game worth playing on pc except bloodborne

*tips dreidel*

- the map is either to big, or to empty.
- that ugly ass haze over everything which can at least be fixed with emulation
- weapons break in 3 hits
- monster variety is hilariously bad
- shrines are shit
- no dungeons
- very few typical zelda items
- whatever the fuck you want to consider these "bosses" which consists of moving wings an elephant trunk around

its clearly an unfinished rushed product and feels nothing like a zelda game. they should have just replaced link with some new character and slapped a new name on it.

You do realize it was easier to create different enemies in NES games than it is in a 3D game where you're expected to have some kind of AI?
In NES games all you had to do was have the enemy move around the screen and sometimes shoot a projectile or something. To introduce a new enemy all you had to do was have them move slightly differently and shoot a different projectile.
Moblins have nearly identical behavior to Octorok in the original LoZ.

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OP still traumatised two years later.

lmao based Nintendo.

>having a fun tutorial area,
I loved BotW and it’s probably my second favorite 3D Zelda, but holy fuck is the starting era superior to like 90% of the game. I’m not even 100% sure why, but the only era I consider it’s equal is hyrule castle.

Imagine a game being so shit you're still reeling from criticism two years after.

I wish it had more but they were likely just seeing what they could do with it, so they kept the development pretty safe. If they make another zelda game like this I hope to see a larger enemy variety and maybe some returning elements like dungeons and either the tuning or removal of stuff like weapon degradation.

>I’m not even 100% sure why
- Brand new world to explore is given to you for the first time (after 100 hours it's a lot less fresh)
- Smaller play area, so more condensed objects of interest
- New items/tools are given to you from each shrine which then unlock more methods of interacting with the environment, instead of just an orb
- Familiar landmarks like the Temple of Time and ruins of Castle Town around it

>why can't people just let this game die off?
Because people are still angry about it. Not even Nintendofags are talking about the game anymore so these threads just become dedicated shitposting threads.

differing types is not diversity. Also this list should be like twice as long based on how many enemies they could have taken from previous titles.

>its clearly an unfinished rushed product lol what? If anything they probably held back release to make it a Switch launch title. BotW was almost certainly ready for launch in 2016 for the 30th anniversary of the series. Its worth pointing out that this was Nintendo's first ever attempt at the genre and they were coding it on a fucking Wii. And they still managed to shame the rest of the industry. Overnight, nearly ever other open world game seemed archiac and dead. I was in the middle of playing HZD at the time (which released just days earlier) and BotW completely exposed how outdated it was.

>it feels nothing like a zelda game.

Its more of Zelda game than most other entries in the series. Pic-related.

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100% sure why

>Brand new world to explore is given to you for the first time (after 100 hours it's a lot less fresh)
I’ve played the game through 3 times and the start is still one of my favorite parts. I don’t think it’s just the freshness of it
- Smaller play area, so more condensed objects of interest
It think it’s this, but more to do with having a tighter design due to the limited space and objectives. It almost feels like an immersive sim at times.

why is the recent Spider-Man so hated?

You do realise he only listed the unique enemies, right?

>differing types is not diversity.

Not him, but he's only highlighting it in brackets and not making a big deal out of it. But I would argue those different types require different strategies and exploits. Fighting the Fire Talus in the lava lake sure felt more challenging than the regular one I fought on the plateau.

it feels like a real "we tried something but we didn't want to get too risky with it" kind of game.

>Tutorial island
Fucking kino
>Leave and discover the rest of the game has literally nothing new
Shame. But if Nintendy build on this with a game that has some fucking content, it'll be amazing.

Didn't live up to 2 and ultimate but you're not allowed to talk about it unless you think it's the best shit so people have just gone with overwhelming hatred because it's easier than having a legitimate conversation about it.

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Nice job showing everyone you didn't play the game. You forgot Lynels, you dickhead.

but when it's the same shape with the same attacks with lilke maybe one new one, I don't consider it a whole different enemy, same reason GoW 2018 had pretty boring bosses, as all of them were trolls and were so similar. I'd like to see actual variation. Bring back old stuff and give them their own behaviors and stuff. Each main enemy had 4 variants, 5 if you play master mode, that were just harder versions.

I thought it was really good, and the swing mechanic were just good, though Spider-Man 2 has some real nostalgia to it, and it also swings damn good. Does nobody talk about Web of Shadows, that shit was good too.

>but when it's the same shape with the same attacks
Why do you think he put the variants in brackets?
Do you think the Yiga Assassin and Warrior are the same enemy or something?

>There should have at least been fucking darknuts.
>lynels final make it into the game
>they’re counterpart doesn’t
Fucking shame

not him but those also get old to a point where they become easy to beat, even in master mode.

>Does nobody talk about Web of Shadows, that shit was good too.
There was a bit of love thrown its way around the release of pspiderman other than that nothing.

>Leave the plateau and discover the rest of the game has literally nothing new

So you didn't find all the unique towns? The city of fish people? The town of bird men? The city of amazon bitches? The village of rock niggers? The giant fucking robot animal monsters? The island? The 3 huge labyrinths? The dragons? The maze shrouded in darkness? All the different weapons? The champion abilities? The horses and stables? The ninja hideout? The spook forest with the magic sword? Hyrule castle?

no but he mentioned the variants for a reason, in response to a comment about there not being enemy variety so to a degree he's saying that because there are variants that it's more diverse. I get that it was more of a passive mentioning of them, but if he wasn't trying to say they make for more variety he wouldn't have mentioned them at all. that's all I'm saying.

So you're just nitpicking to salvage your point.

That's a bit of a shame because that game has some sexy swing mechanics in it, not to mention it looked pretty good for being mid ps3/xbox 360 lifespan. Looked so good it ran like complete shit on either of those. I really like Spider-Man 2018, it looks good, and the stuff that should feel good does, or at least feels good enough.


Breath of the Wild has outsold Ocarina of Time.

Breath of the Wild is the future of the zelda zeries.

I mean if I'm nitpicking it's only cause he had to do some reaching to make his own point. He also added animals to that list and they don't feel like enemies when you can't lock on and some of those are really scarce, like the bears.

>So you didn't find all the unique towns?
Filled to the brim with unique sidequests! Oh.. Wait. No.
>The giant fucking robot animal monsters?
You mean the single dungeon that was split up into 4, that all use the same gimmick?
>The island?
The only way the game can repeat the fun of the opening hours, by literally repeating it.
>The 3 huge labyrinths?
Oh yeah those were simply epib. Climb walls, run along the top and then do.. Dun dun dun.. A FUCKING SHRINE. Wow. So unique.
>The dragons?
The flying shitters you see and think they might be interesting, but it turns out they are just big dumb loot pinatas that you bow to death.
>All the different weapons?
You mean the three or four 'types' that are reskinned throughout the game. Oh and they break, so the few weapons with unique traits are literally worthless.
>The champion abilities?
Only interesting system in the game that is not part of the opening plateau.
>The horses and stables?
What the fuck are you talking about? The repeated clone stamped stables around the area? Amazing. Wow. Nothing like that has ever been in a Zelda game! Stables!? Truely Breath of the Wild is the game of the generation.
>The ninja hideout?
Congrats BOTW you have one, count them one, unique dungeon.
>The spook forest with the magic sword?
Mildly fun but doesn't make up for the lack of content.
>Hyrule castle

Not arguing the game has NO CONTENT, I'm arguing that 90% of the game is drab fucking garbage and people are jerking it off because they spend six hours doing nothing, then 10 minutes doing something mildly interesting, then jerk those 10 minutes off like its the second coming of christ.

Yet the Bokoblins alone have more attacks and mechanics than all the original Legend of Zelda enemies combined.

>Filled to the brim with unique sidequests! Oh.. Wait. No.
as standalone towns, they were nonetheless beautiful with some pretty cool dudes inside
kakariko is based off jomon-era japan
and the shrine quests were still pretty fun
not the shrine itself, but the process of looking for one is fun in itself
i think people get so hung up on the reward just being a shrine when i find that physically climbing and gliding to where i think they might be was a fun and rewarding task in and of itself
>You mean the single dungeon that was split up into 4, that all use the same gimmick?
i would say they were actually pretty good puzzles that utilized moving a giant creature around very well
the camel in particular felt really good with the electrical manipulation

That's not accurate. If you keep it to new designs per entry, there isn't that large a variety. I'm actually accept that Nobodies come from strong willed, because it led to less designs of them.

Which is one of my biggest problem with this game. It lacks diversity in enemies because of the breakable weapon design. This design choice alone has limit the game to mostly enemies that use weapons that link can pick up. Because of it we don't get a lot of iconic enemies from the series past. What's even worse is that there are no like-likes in the game even though this is the perfect game for them to be in.

as far as 3D standards go, what they enemies can do is not impressive, so comparing it to 30 year old games will always make it look godly. Doom 2016 compared to original Doom, Doom 2016 looks massively more impressive.

>what they enemies can do is not impressive
they certainly have a lot more little details and adaptive behaviour than most enemies you see in games whose behaviour is largely limited to "wait for enemies" and "attack"

>what they enemies can do is not impressive,
Eh, you say that but you forget that most 3d games have enemies that do two things, patrol and attack.

>Not arguing the game has NO CONTENT, I'm arguing that 90% of the game is drab fucking garbage and people are jerking it off because they spend six hours doing nothing, then 10 minutes doing something mildly interesting, then jerk those 10 minutes off like its the second coming of christ.
you just described Shadow of the Colossus and Ico though

>as standalone towns, they were nonetheless beautiful with some pretty cool dudes inside
Yeah they were great visually, but had little to do. The fucking fishing village for example literally has zero sidequests.
>Process of looking for shrines is fun, not the shrines themselves
That makes no fucking sense retard. Looking for SEEDS is fun, looking for MEMORIES were fun, because they weren't followed by a shitty 'dungeon' that plays out like a tech demo, because thats what the shrines are.
>Giant dungeons
Getting into the dungeons were fine (Outside of the bird which was literally just go see a nigger and do one small shooting challenge). Dungeons themselves were trash.

Game would have been 100% better if it was following the original journey. The cutscenes had charm too them, and frankly I believe it was the original plan for the game before they massively cut corners. There is a reason why the world is so empty, why every dungeon is either a tiny tech demo of puzzle or one of the many shitty combat trials, there is a reason why all four divine dungeons look and act basically the same once you're in them.

Even Skyward fucking Sword which was a piece of trash had more unique content in it, and had more character and story, and that game was shit.

You need to see a mental physician.

>That makes no fucking sense retard
they tell me some clue or task, and i have a lot of fun traversing the landscape for them

the act of climbing to get a good vantage point to glide from is a fun task in itself
the shrine is a goal that encourages me to go out and do the tasks of climbinb and gliding, but its more fun with a purpose

>he doesn't think a nintendo game is perfect, he needs to see a physician!
The absolute fucking state of fanboys.

BotW was a tech demo through and through. Don't limit it to the shrine puzzles.

SS was lucky because Twilight Princess was the tech demo for Wii.

Take the dick out of your mouth.

Botw sucked

I guess this is true but you can boil down everything a bokoblin does when they don't see you as just "waiting", but it's certainly waiting with personality.

>BotW was a tech demo through and through. Don't limit it to the shrine puzzles.
Completely. The stuff that was good in my eye was REALLY FUCKING GOOD. The visuals, the design of the world and how everything interacted, the memory cutscenes etc.

But it seriously felt like you were dipping in and out of a fully finished Zelda game and back into a fucking tech demo. Got high hopes for the next game assuming they are using all the tech from Breath, likely a bunch of its assets too.

I'm shitting on the game because its so close to being fucking great, its annoying. Skyward meanwhile was just trash. It wasn't close to anything great.

>scaring bokoblins with metal crates

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responded to myself like an idiot.

Yeah, it should be obvious to anyone that's what they fucking do. They do it with Mario, Smash, Zelda. It's a waste of time, but sometimes it works.
I think Wind Waker did what BotW was trying, way better.
And it was smaller scale.

Until the snoynegro autism abates. Likely never

it worked because it was smaller scale. BotW is a try at seeing what they tech can do, and if people would like an open world style. They can refine it in a future title, but for now we have what could eventually be known as the "lesser" open world zelda.

>but it's certainly waiting with personality.
a lot of the time, it doesnt feel like they are waiting

the bokoblins feel like people in the world who have lives that was interrupted by the player
chasing a goat which turned out to be also hunted by the bokoblins makes it feel less like enemies padding the world and more like a just interrupted the daily life of a bokoblin

Real dungeons with varying themes and unique loot would've made it a 10/10 for me. Also more variation in the monsters you constantly bump into, which in botw are just bokoblins and moblins. I understand they have alot of variation in their behavior, but you are most likely just going to smash them forever with a weapon until they die/stay stunlocked anyway. Only really enjoyable areas were death mountain, hyrule castle and Faron

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Wow people talking about modern games on a video game board.

I will say they followed through with promises.
The biggest being:
"You see that mountain? You can climb that."
You can seriously see a point in the distance, reach it, and climb it.

>No grapling hook
>No boat (No the shitty raft doesn't count, faggot)
>No coop
>Every weapon breaks
>Master sword has a cooldown
>Iconic Zelda shields, fuck you broken hope you had fun
>Armor system that completely breaks the games balance, has no reason to exist when armor simply providing buffs or extra hearts would have been fine
>The story: Devs dropped their cutscenes all over the world and its up to you to find them to have any form of character in the game

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People like that kind of story telling now thanks to Dark Souls.

What story do you want from Zelda?
There's Ganon taking over a land and Zelda is in some sort of distress. Go save her and beat him

Please don't compare the two. Are you joking? There is no enviomental storytelling in Breath of the Wild. The fuck are you meant to gleem about the world based on one mountain over another?

>Every weapon breaks
like a few people have explained above, the game is built around this limitation and give you many opportunities to dispatch your enemies creatively and provide you with a lot of spares to replace broken ones
>Iconic Zelda shields, fuck you broken hope you had fun
the hylian shield is so absurdly tough, this should not be an issue
it can tank about 8 guardian lasers when the second strongest shield will take half that
>Devs dropped their cutscenes all over the world and its up to you to find them to have any form of character in the game
the cutscenes encourage the core gameplay of exploration
it gives you a lot of reason to explore the great landscape by giving you a personal reason to go out and look for things on your own time and at your own pace
many times i was struck by inspiration while just wandering the overworld because i saw something familiar in the landscape that i thought i saw before
its actually very fun

That it's pretty and darkness is bad.

Zelda games from OoT onwards have always had more to it than that. Beat up Ganon was the backdrop to character building, stop being retarded.

Hookshot/ grappling hook could be awesome

Boat could be useful I guess if it's more water based

Co-op should be optional, I want to be able to get through by myself

Weapon durability could be worked on, how though?

You can get them back easy

The clothing option is great, I like that customisation for Link, the way you upgrade armour is also cool by just exploring the world

The cutscenes where neat but how you viewed them was tedious

>There is no enviomental storytelling in Breath of the Wild
Litteral ruins flooding hyrule field with nothing but yourself to try and work out what happened to it all

at the same time I've never felt that I've interrupted anything and knew it was time to lay upon them a thrashing. They do feel more like monsters with actual needs and brains, but they are also monsters and deserve to have their effort of hunting undone by stealing the meat and killing them.

>in the modern age where anyone with even the most basic grasp of Blender, Unreal, Unity, etc. Can sneeze up a half decent 3d model

Fuck off, it was bait.

this whole fucking thread is bait

the hylian shield can tank like 25 guardian lasers, dude, and when you finish the tarry town quest you can buy a new one if it breaks, and it can last for an untold amount of normal hits that aren't from guardian lasers. it's the only shield worth having and not surfing on.

>Weapon durability could be worked on, how though?
The ability to save certain weapons from the durability system. Either by upgrading them, or perhaps having certain weapon slots being 'magic' or some shit. Wow done. That was hard.
>The clothing is great
No it isn't, it is OBJECTIVELY broken. Just because you're a retard who never figured out how the system works doesn't mean its not broken. Clothing options is great, but the damage reduction system is LEGIT broken.

I wish a bokoblin would drag new to some cave and fuck me senseless before sharing me with his brethren

holy crap was my estimate far off the mark

i only got to the point of breaking it while trying to get 100% after finishing the game already and was killing way more than i would go through normally

durability can have a weapon repairing system or a way to go to a guy to have shit made, and to be made stronger and better at higher tiers, say up to like a +3 or +5 iteration to increase at least base durability and maybe a small increase to damage each time the repairing will also prompt you to keep repair materials on hand, and perhaps you can even unlock the ability to repair (but not make or upgrade) weapons yourself

Get BTFO you dumb shill.

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Lmao Op said enemies stupid, not NPC. And most of this list is copy/pasted enemies that just LOOK different but are the same. So, nice try.

That's a neat idea

The option to dress link how you want is great, the way the armour system overall works is kinda fucked but tollerable

Also your such a salty cunt holy shit you fucking retard

Lack of enemy variety is easily one of BOTW's biggest flaws. Like, the combat is simplistic and boring, okay. But they could've made up for it by giving us a few interesting enemies. But they didn't.

the master sword when powered up also lasts for 188 hits as fast as you can dole them out. With a damage buff from either armor or food I think you can kill like 11 guardians in a row with maybe a few hits left. No point not buffing damage with the MS, cause that's a waste. You can also use the pedestal in the forest as a way to repair the master sword back to full durability, just make sure to do it before it disappears and you have to wait the cooldown time.

phantom hourglass/spirit tracks exist

God of War 3. Reviewers back in the day even complained that it had too many enemies

lemme break it down for you if you don't already know, 1 point of armor equals 1 quarter heart damage reduction. the armor buffs stack on top, and those are as follows, level 1 is 4 points, level 2 is 12 points, and level 3 is 24 points. the highest armor rating you can get, while including the buff, is 112, which comes out to 28 which is your absolute max health including the DLC where you can get one last heart container. It doesn't start broken, but it sure gets broken later on.


really? you do fight the same enemies a lot of the time in that game, so I dunno how they got that feel from it. I has a good amount I think.

>And most of this list is copy/pasted enemies that just LOOK different but are the same.

No they all have their own AI and behavioural routines. Cry more faggot.

those animals listed just don't feel like they count, and the mention of non hostile are those enemies? Wolves are the only animal that has enough of a population to count them, bears are in a number of spots that are countable on your hands, and they aren't too threatening anyway.

>Octoroks (water/land/volcanic types)

This I was legitimately impressed by. The different octorock types were meaningful different from each other and resulted in different tactics for each.

If you go to the spot where Link died there are dozens of dead Guardians outlining the path he took before he fell. If you look around the Great Plateau you can see the ruins of Castle Town from OoT which line up with the original layout, with the Eastern Abbey being Hyrule Castle. There's deactivated Guardians frozen while climbing the walls there like they were looking for Link. I'm not saying BotW is great at environmental storytelling but there are moments.

the lava ones had an interesting way of attacking, the land ones had maybe one trick more than the water ones, I hated the Treasure ones, and in master mode there was also a specific type that held up the floating platforms.

>let's try BotW's approach one or two more times

Eh, we really don't need to. The original LoZ has the ideal level of gating and I'd be happy to have something more along those lines. BotW IMO really suffered from the lack of restrictions and progression, the best parts were when the game came up with clever ways of restricting what are otherwise incredibly strong abilities.

>the mention of non hostile are those enemies?

They're not. They're just a whole other level of assets which don't exist in other Zelda games but OP is too much of a seething shitter to acknowledge.

I'm all for having to go a certain route, with maybe a few things out of order, say 8 dungeons with maybe 3 of them being able to be switched around depending on where someone goes personally.

but when asked about enemies you bring up scarce hostile animals, which only really wolves and bears count as those, and non hostiles which was not the topic. Also Guardian Scouts ARE the Shrine Guardians, the ones up above that walk around are called Guardian Stalkers.

\BotW's biggest issue was that almost every action in the game had a single purpose: to make the final boss easier.

the final boss is so fucking piss easy when you have the master sword, adding plates upon plates of food and level 4 armor sets and it's just like slapping a corpse around.

people usually get bored with movies after watching them once so theres no point in discussing them

Exactly, and all the dungeons exist to give you a broken ability and remove part of the boss rush before Ganon.

I'll admit that the wind tunnel ability is useful for traveling, I turn off the thunder and shield, but I do keep the dying one on in case I somehow fall to my death even though I have three stamina wheels.

>brings up KH without any provocation

Barry, this is pathetic.

>This would be good if you actually had to do it to reach the shrine

Yeah, I did this the 'back way' too. The game would greatly benefit from more restrictions that lead you through certain parts in an appropriate way. I remember seeing the original emo with this and was excited assuming this would be a major area.

It's almost like if Zelda is the most popular video game franchise and that BOTW is the latest game of it's series. Hmm I wonder why people still talk about it...

You saw Edgar Allan Poe, the original emo?

>Filled to the brim with unique sidequests! Oh.. Wait. No.

They actually are though. It's just that you have to beat their respective divine beasts beforehand or otherwise unlock their major questlines somehow.

>This thread

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