I burn video games I’m done with just to pollute the “air” and piss off the climate change libpedos
I burn video games I’m done with just to pollute the “air” and piss off the climate change libpedos
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I burn video games because they're shit.
I normally don't burn things because I wasn't molested as a child.
do we have one shred of evidence (not even proof, just something to support the theory) that climate change is due to pollution and not just natural?
Didn't think so.
>this arbitrarily placed line represents where carbon emissions were before we had carbon emissions
Literally meaningless.
Lamao LOL! BASED and boompilled bro! #Trump2020 #Truckers4lyf
literally what did truckers do to piss off the left now
do they not know that onions and iphones get shipped to their state using trucks and shipping containers
I buy Witcher 3 for cheap to burn each copy because I hate the culture surrounding it
Spoilers: Literally nothing that America does to make themselves "greener" will amount to jack shit because China doesn't give a single fuck and will happily continue belching smog into the atmosphere.
Why the hell idiots keep pushing for America to change and ignoring the reality of the situation is just beyond me.
>natural means it won't be bad for us
China is the worlds leading investor in green technology and environmental programs. They're aware of what they've done.
USA is still the country with the highest emissions per capita. Stop with the china meme.
natural means what we're doing doesnt change it one way or the other you fucking nonce
But we could still work to prevent it. The sheer stupidity of this board amazes me every time.
Yes, a fuck ton of it.
At it's most foundational level, the greenhouse effect is basic chemistry and physics. It can be modeled at smaller scales with DIY shit you probably have at home. And we are putting out a ton of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Putting aside the actual numbers, specific predictions, etc: The fact that carbon emissions increase the earth's average temperature (emphasis on AVERAGE, there is still localized cold spots which can actually be colder then the average colder tmepatures in the past) is undeiably true, as much as something like the liedenfrost effect or water displacing when solids are placed into it.
So even if you don't buy the specific data/values/predictions (You should, mind you), you should believe the basic idea that it's happening and yes, we are at least heavily contributing to it.
China is litterally one of the fastest improving countries.
no you can't prevent what's a) already happening and b) will happen whether you try to intervene or not
you're a fucking moron
You can reduce its damage to our civilization. Spouting insults at everyone won't make you win an argument.
>doing something meaningful like cleaning the plastic out of the oceans is too hard so I'm just gonna bitch about co2 forever instead
Based libshit scum.
no you can't reduce damage you fucking dumb redditor. the damage is done. we're past prevention and remedies.
how does plastic in the ocean in any way have any thing at all to do with climate change you ding*s
This is a meme and mostly propaganda on their part
Not with that attitude.
You just try to excuse not wanting to do anything for your selfish reasons saying that you can't do anything.
no, i don't actually give a flying fuck. what's your excuse?
>what's your excuse?
??? What did user mean by this?
I'm more of a Blendtec guy myself, but good on you OP.
> i don't actually give a flying fuck
My point exactly.
Why are you so mad?
Any actual arguments? Did you read it?
why aren;t you doing anything about it? you're here on Yea Forums's video game board, using electricty, supporting consumeristic wasteful habbits (such as video games)
what's your excuse for not doing anything about it? mine is i don't care. your turn.
To be fair China isn't doing as bad of a job fighting this as people think. But I agree, the focus should be on developing green technology to export and international agreements, not whatever the fuck Americans are fussing over. Aditionally, in the United States, the primary focus should domestically be on agriculture, not muhh cars.
I kekked.
I'm very proud of you son.
>fell for american propaganda
What can any of us actually do? The changes have to be made from the government.
I burn letters that I write, to you, to make you love me.
I don't really burn games anymore. Maybe sometimes cd-i or dreamcast games, because I don't have a console that can play those from usb or other means and i don't want to emulate.
but something like psx games. can play those on ps2 or ps3 without burning the game on disc.
exactly. kill yourself. you can't do anything so stop acting so high and mighty. it's happening and it's not stopping, and you being condescending and grandstanding on fucking Yea Forums isn't changing anything.
You just described yourself :v
The thing is that people are thinking the problem is "Humans are causing climate change", which isn't true. The real issue is "Humans are speeding up climate change to an extent that may bring about changes that could make the Earth harder to inhabit for Humans".
Reminder that it's already too late stop and it's better to accelerate it
Humans ARE causing climate change, greenhose emissions cause less radiant heat to be escape the earth that gets transmitted here from the sun.
>I don't have a counterarguement, the post