>built up as duplicitous and evil
>actually does NOTHING wrong
Built up as duplicitous and evil
he just wanted to meet ventrue and be bros ):
W-who’s that looking in through the windows with the red eyes!?
>does nothing wring
>wanting to open 'it'
pick one
If only he knew how different things could have been
>The Father... is it the Father, behind him?!
He was trying to get a fuckin Head Honcho vampire so he could become a walking god.
THAT'S when the bad shit would have started.
Fuck vampires and fuck the Masquerade
I didn't choose to be a blood sucking monster, I'll do whatever the fuck I want.
>Play a Ventrue
>Do everything he says with a smile without needing to be told twice
>seems to genuinely appreciate my service and begin seeing me as a useful agent
>even stops being rude to me when giving missions unlike if you do it any other way
>never once has to use Dominate to tell me to do something
>still calls the Blood Hunt on me later in the game
Was I just getting Diplomacy'd hard, or did they run out of time before they could implement a path where LaCroix stopped hating you before the endgame?
>"We sent him to retake LA as a joke!"
fuck this kike and his bullshit.
he was gonna crack & *sipp* that mummy like a can of white monster
he actually did it, the absolute gangrel
They did implement it. After the meeting "Cain", you can choose to go to LaCroix, he calls off the blood hunt, and then you go to wipe out the Kuei Jin. You still have to go through the blood hunt section though.
That's what I mean. He calls the blood hunt on you because he wants to get rid of you, and even if you've told him to fuck off in every interaction with him up that point if you go back to him he'll still call it off. I was wondering if they were going to put a way in to avoid that entirely if you kiss ass enough, or if I he was just being polite the whole time while still hating me.
Initially I thought being a Tremere would be awesome, just being immortal learning magic and reading books at my leisure but the more I learn about their internal hierarchy the less and less I like the clan
>internal hierarchy
I know you want to tell us more about it. Do it.
Fucker should've stuck with Napoleon
>or if I he was just being polite the whole time while still hating me.
It was less him hating you and more "oh, this one is actually a useful tool"
And then you stopped being useful. Or, to be more precise, you were more useful dead than you were alive.
This I’m not familiar with their lore other than they started by committing diablerie on a Tzimisce
Also I hate that clan Gangrel are supposed to be loners and less involved in politics yet most of the Sabbat are Gangrel or are at least filled with them.
If you told LaCroix to fuck off you wouldn't get the option to go back to him. Kissing his ass is the thing that unlocks his ending.
Do you guys think that grout faked his own death?
Not that user. But I can explain, I've played a lot of WoD in my time.
First of all. The Tremere started by committing diablerie on Salubri, not Tzimisce. They started shit with the Tzimisce, but their origin wasn't from diablerizing then.
Secondly they practice what is called "the pyramid". Which is an actual pyramid scheme. You know how Heather becomes super insanely loyal to you after you let her drink your blood? That's called a Blood Bond, and you can even do it to another Vampire.
Anyone embraced into clan Tremere(under normal circumstances) is Blood Bound IMMEDIATELY, and never let loose from that leash.
Is that why Strauss wants to be buddies with you? To induct you into the pyramid?
Giovanni is the same way, switched to Tzimisce for that reason
Didn't ming xiao killed him?
I miss dad, bros...
Yes. Rogue Tremere are either killed ASAP, or inducted into the Pyramid ASAP. Strauss can't do either, due to the Prince, so he's testing to see if you're good enough to belong in the pyramid. If you are he plans to induct you, if you aren't he plans to kill you.
As an aside, Clan Salubri were(mostly) pacifistic healers, who wanted to transcend the Vampiric condition. They did have a warrior caste, but the vast majority were healers and generally just good people. The Tremere have genocided them. Less than 10 exist in the Modern Nights, if that. Probably closer to 2-3. And they are actively being hunted.
The Giovanni also genocided a clan. The Cappadocians. But the Giovanni were a 'bloodline'(think a sub-clan within a clan) of the Cappadocians, before they betrayed them.
I didn't play vtmb for a while so I forgot some details. But can you explain this to me?
Jack killed ship crew and opened sarcophagus (with the key I assume) to plant c4. Then key was missing, then turns out what quei jin have it. What happened? How did they get the key?
Are old anarchs gone forever lorewise?
The pyramid is also very competitive, much moreso than typical vampire societies. Even the Tremere equivalent of unpaid interns have to constantly watch their back in fear of an upstart who wants their position killing them and taking their position
The fact that there was a skeleton left there says otherwise.
Oh yeah. It's a shithole. I was just trying to give a bit of the basics. Part of the problem is that Vampires are political creatures by nature, and Tremere live in large groups more than any other clan(except maybe Assamites and Nossies). The other part is that the Tremere are just massive massive cunts.
don't vamps actually just age to where they'd be if they were a human when theyre killed instead of ashing
Does someone else think's what choise at the end is bullshit?
I mean sarcophagus supposed to have powerful vamp inside. Everyone say what it should not be opened. And the only two choices you have are "to open it" and "let some sic fuck to open it". Why?
I'm not very smart
Explain pls.