>brooding serious boy >kind gentle girl >Serious and somewhat edgy broody boy with some issues here and there gets some help and healing from sweet, kind and gentle girl
Does Yea Forums like or approve of this formula/cliche/trope?
What other games has the brooding boy and kind gentle girl pairing type of formula?
>Therion's story basically revolves around this girl >everyone ignores her Honestly almost any idea can be done well as long as the execution for it is done well
>shipping therion with anyone but primrose Nope. brooding serious boy and kinbd gentle girl are incompatible due to upbringing. now damaged girl and broody serious boy is god tier because both have gone through enough shit to loathe society and commit crime. therion and ophelia simply wouldn''t be able to understand each other . therion and primrose would fuck like rabbits day 1.
Mason Foster
that's because while it's obvious the princess has a thing for therion his interactions with herr pale in comparison to his interactions with others in the cast so it's easier assumed therion would sooner be with X than her.
Liam Nguyen
I prefer autistic genius boy with energetic girl. He can brood a little but too much and it's not as good.
William Hall
Brooding boy x pure girl is the ultimate money maker.
I mean he went from a blonde pure girl with dead parents that's rich to a blonde pure girl with dead parents but is a priest. In the end Therion wins at least
Angel Robinson
>quiet and overly serious girl, maybe even lacking emotions >capable and expressive boy who just can't leave girl be >she learns emotions and doesn't want to part from boy >they fall in love
Swap the sexes. Serious and somewhat edgy girl with some issues here and there gets some help and healing from sweet, kind and gentle boy. Now you have my money.
Adam Diaz
>Evil character(s) with no regard to morals >Uses the "We live in a society" argument