If you're stuck in a game just look it up no point in struggling and ruining your own joy.
If you're stuck in a game just look it up no point in struggling and ruining your own joy
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. weakling who cannot face adversity and knows only instant gratification
who this cutie
I do this and I save scum if I play emulated games
nice thighs with shorts and thigh highs are actual best taste and you cannot change my mind
Not him but I like your smile
It's magical instant love
Can i see your asshole
That's not a girl, is it?
>get stuck on boss
>look at guide to beat it
>you're supposed to make the boss beatable by NOT taking an item several hours ago in the game
>no way to undo without reloading a several hour old save
To this day I still haven't beaten human revolution because the boss fights are so shit.
she's cute
yes she is
Maru chan
is that really in a game?
Cute boy
>the link doesn't actually go anywhere
That boss was easy as fuck even with the chip how bad are you at video games
In human revolution there's an upgraded chip you're told to get that's supposed to fix a bug in your cyborg brain and is later used to hack you and disable all your abilities during a boss fight including health bonuses and regen
Based todd coercing me with loli mods.
Lets go play it then
But what if I'm stuck in life?
Thanks Tod.
Wow I like this image. I just wish the hands were not dof. Cameraman deserves points for this one
thank you todd senpai
I want to hold that hand
Yes this post right here, mods.
read the bible, duh
Which version?
But it's not ruining my joy, it's instead bringing me more joy when I finally beat the game.
Fucking pussy faggot.
You know you can beat HR without upgrades right? The chip doesn't make anything unbeatable.
>oversized boobs
ruined her
Is she Malay?
I try my best for at least 30 minutes to figure something out, then resort to that if I have to. It usually just turns out that I was overthinking it.
that mouse seemed super comfy at the end.
KJV is the one and only correct version.
[Winslow going home]
great movie
It's impossible to change someone's mind who's right
That's a tranny.
Thanks anyway Todd.
the original ratatouille
god damn it i just want a short-haired, gloomy-eyed girl with a voice like Chris Connor is that too fucking much to ask
Mousehunt. It was a good movie. Fuck the critics.
so is no one gonna be the basedboy and tell us her name or what
S Meriweather.
Ultraviolet Darling.
wonder if the real chick knows this exists
I just clicked my handy Sauce button that comes with Yea Forums X. Led to her instagram account. She's complaining about about all the people who think she's a boy. Looks like that yellow van exploder Yea Forums got to her before I could.
Here's what everyone is looking for
why are spic girls so hot bros?
Well, that clears that up
She does, see
worst thread on Yea Forums
She's a cute piece of fuckmeat. I seriously wonder whose lucky enough to rail this kind of bitch, clearly its not outright chads due to her being a weeb.
>It was a good movie. Fuck the critics
Kill yourself
>is a full spic
Even better cause you can listen to hot gibberish as you ram her.
Mexican best girls
>i dont eat many veggies or fruits
imagine the size of those logs
I've literally never seen the unedited version of that pic
She's a normie "weeb", ironic weeb tbqh.
They focus all their hotness in their teen and early adult years and then age like an old burrito in the fridge.
I bet they make very big splash when they land in the toilet haha
Ah you're right. Forgot girls can do that.
>I seriously wonder whose lucky enough to rail this kind of bitch
Some neckbeard or ugly ass faggot,
No I am not baiting or kidding, I have legit seen ugly guys with these kind of girls.
white mexicans are so fucking hnnnnhhhgg
That's just ordinary paranoid common sense.
I guarantee you that every linux-using freetard who ever played the game noped right out of that (((upgrade))).
A diet poor in fiber makes you shit small, hard pebbles
This is a guy, isn't it?
>"i used to like white skinned boys but now i've become partial to darker skinned boys"
its fucking over
No, you bitter homosexual retard.
>Implying my penis can tell the difference
But that's wrong, there are plenty of hot Latina milfs on the Spanish channel. Does not compute.
they dont age gracefully at all, unless you happen to keep them in a healthy lifestyle
would put dick on log?
Well they aren't going to put the average looking ones on there user.
They just are bro. They are called spicy/caliente for a reason. Only brainrotting /pol/ thinks all Latinos look like 4 foot stunted mountain Mexicans who are more Injun from the Azteca days than anything else. The majority of middle class Mexicans or Hispanics in general look and are Spanish descent.
Looking things up in most games tends to ruin my joy entirely. I think my only real exception to this was a handful of puzzles in the sam and max games. I have no idea how some of those puzzles were supposed to be solved by a human.
Bro those are clearly exceptions to the rule, plus do you honestly think a channel would let their weather girl look like a fridge that popped out 5 kids? fuck no. There are some who actually take care of themselves, but most latin women age like absolute shit, almost as bad as asian women when they start to age. and yes I know this applies to all women, but these two races start aging like shit once they approach their 30's
Asian girls are tops. You're gay and wrong if you even try to dispute this.
she looks like she fucks white men
I don't know bro, compared to the troglodytes you see in CNN with those white women who are supposed to be the best, Latina women in most Hispanic channels blow those women out of the park in complete hotness. Latina women are just better and MILFs turning fat are more of the exception than the rule.
People is accustomed to trannies looking like a human got run over by a roller and then had reconstructive surgery, so I understand.
Asian is a little broad. You need to be more specific, like japanese, malaysian, etc
Okay, all the ones that aren't brown.
What's with the influx of non-english speaking morons on here lately?
I do this if it takes me longer than twenty minutes to solve a puzzle.
Ummm, chinks and flips are trash tho
why did one of them disappear?
t. still in his weeb yellow fever phase
What's that point in life where you've fully accepted you're never going to get a cute girl, but you still refuse to fall and become a provider to a used up slut?
Damn 3D boobs don't look very good.
Tattoos are disgusting don't even fucking reply to me trying to say otherwise.
S Meriweather
So is the entire rest of the male population, apparently.
That's all you can focus on that? Sad!
I don't see a penis, but that pose has me very nervous. That's a tuck pose, I've seen it plenty on here
Most ok cupid users are literally faggots like that guy and people too poor to have a phone for tinder.
Yeah I'd fuck that
Looks like sasha grey with shorter hair.
I miss sasha grey. Now she's a slut turned SJW... and old.
wtf? i love mexicans now!?
also, moar and name
Triggered tranny, time to dilate.
that one has mistranslations out the ass which is why the mormons are fucked
This is one of those very few pictures that's so cute and sexy that I could EASILY masturbate to, and I usually need a doujin or something to get off.
Streamed Wings of Vi today. Finally killed TerraVine, Kratarac and made it to the Ancient Contructs. Then I went to Yakuza Kiwami, sang a song with Haruka, Told her that her mommy is dead, brought her to a gambling parlor which had loaded mechanical cheating dice. Beat the cheaters up that accused Haruka and Kiryu of cheating got my 100,000 yen back, drop Haruka with the homeless to meet Nishikiyama, Tells me to give him some fucking 10 billion yen Pendant, told him fuck you and he sic his goons on Kiryu, Kiryu beats then up then goes on a stroll to the local Battling Cages and hit a home run on Majima Goro's Face.
Made $5 out of the stream from a random dono so thats great.
Click the reverse search button you sill cutie.
This isn't a trans girl is it? Please just be a girl. She's beautiful as fuck.
just did friendly user and I found more
If she's beautiful why the fuck does it matter?
how do you find it cute on such disgusting scene?
pleasepleaseplease PLEEEEEEAAAASE be a boy
Fuck me
That's because you're a retarded weeb who's conditioned himself to like 2D-poo-pee.
How desperate could you possibly be?
How the fuck do I cope
Reproductive purposes and heterosexuality.
>Let me find an angle that adds 200 pounds to my form.
What a horrible angle lol.
I'm in the right place then.
shes hispanic? i thougght she was indian or soemthing
This is 4channel how desperate do you think.
I just like her asshole peeking out
That's gay dude
din dins
you might have autism
>dark butthole
What's his/her name? I'd like to fap
absolutely sinful
>tfw thought I was gay for the longest time
>relationship with my fiancee ended after 7 years due to him stealing money from me and other stuff
>Find myself wanting pussy more and more and wishing I had some big-titted girl to fuck
I'm so off my game after 7 years of monogamy. God, I just want to fuck a girl who has some huge knockers so damn badly.
just get an escort. women aren't worth the trouble. just go get it out of your system.
I need a fucking source naw!!!!
Congratulations on getting well.
And then you accidentally get her pregnant and she takes everything from you. Don't do it, user. That shit ain't worth it.
is this her?
>tfw no weeb mexican gf
nah she posts ahegao pics
>my ex looked like her
yes I'm still mad after 3 years
ugh even worse
Why the fuck is he just playing with it?
Damn I love those eyes.
tfw into kinda homely/trashy looking girls like this with mediocre bodies and small unshapely tits
really gets me going and I have no idea why
at least im not a pedophile
Yeah, it's her
This is not her
Applying makeup is hungry work
Well, I wanna fuck someone with big tits. I've had nothing but ass for 7 long years.
I'd still fuck another cute trap. But, man. I just need the biggist titties ever in my hand. It's crazy how breast-obsessed I've been finding myself these last few months.
I don't wanna pay for it. It's not that I'm a poorfag or anything. But, I'd rather blow my money on another new gun or video games or a nice trip somewhere. Sex isn't worth money, as much fun as it is.
bless you user, this is probably rare shit youre posting of Meriweather
Japanese prons are 4 hours long, he does much more
Does she have any nudes?
She's posed like the TOO SOON girl.
dumb dead meme, no pun intended
waiting for when someone leaks nudes. hate that this bitch teases so hard
>She always wears that shirt
i'm scrolling through her twitter, can't find jackshit boss
I'm That's understandable, but something can really be said about just spending the money for a couple hours of good sex and then you don't really feel that need for it so bad for a while.
scrolled through her entire twitter, no nudes.
Why post a screencap of the picture instead of the actual picture?
This isn’t porn btw guys it’s “Lewds” lmao.
just ask her you retard
twitter image protection for me, too lazy to see if I can drag and drop it etc. firefox's screenshot function is surprisingly fast.
exactly. She takes pics of 80% nudity but never full on.
Bitch has a pay site, the fuck you think?
she doesn't have any, just another Jess Nigri teasing us
>1926 patreons
god damn being a cute girl with nice tits makes life easy
I've been noticing the same shit, it's kind of annoying. I have ESL friends online who don't speak/type half as badly
You're lucky, she's got awful greasy pit hair and pubes
>awful greasy pit hair and pubes
>3D thot thread
Back to Yea Forums
Go on Yea Forums for video games, get on thread. Thread post hot women.
Feel sad, go to bed and feel sad.
Thanks Yea Forums
sauce por favor
>thread is still up
Those tendies aren't going to microwave themselves, I guess.
they are mostly mexshitcans and monkeys form Brazil
I am sorry user but you have caught the straight.
That's the cue for me to sleep I guess.
Shadman is a good artist and his recent femboy comic is great.
This is a video game thread, it's not OP's fault that 99% of posters ITT should be banned and have their posts deleted.
no u
Of course.
>femboy comic
These words are incompatible unless there is a “not” between them
>That's the cue for me to sleep
After a productive day of jacking off to trannies.
It's a double-edged sword, you get free money and if you're smart you'd never actually have to work a day in your life again but then a bunch of thirsty fags desperate for attention keep trying to fuck you and shit
It's probably like playing Pichu - you constantly take recoil damage but the positives outweigh the negatives
Danika Mori
why tf this thread still up