What is the appeal of a "game" that literally doesn't have gameplay of any kind and that forces you to wait real time before progressing?
What is the appeal of a "game" that literally doesn't have gameplay of any kind and that forces you to wait real time...
Escapism. It's like real life except I can afford a comfy home and have friends.
Its a simple town builder with cute animal characters. That's the appeal.
I don't know.
Never got the purpose of life sims.
>this game isn't actually a game
Most fucking reddit thing anyone can say. Neck yourself, OP.
its a real life simulator based around collecting crap, paying off loans, pimping your crib, and making friends (or driving away everyone who ruins your utopia)
kill yourself newfriend.
>orces you to wait real time before progressing?
Time Travel nigga.
How about you learn what a newfag actually is first, hmm? The rope is waiting for you.
ADHD Zoomers such as yourself who need a constant dopamine rush and have the attention-span of a retarded goldfish will never understand.
I mean, I get why someone can like it but it just doesn't appeal to me. Having to wait around for shit to happen and getting to "know" the people in your town is the worst part. And as far as escapism goes I prefer a game like Pikmin.
>brings up reddit and gets called out for being new
>immediately retorts with a /pol/ tier post
you're not making your case any better
r/Yea Forums whores
>telling someone to kill themselves online is /pol/ and isn't just slang a term that's been used by everyone since the dawn of the internet
Nice job, bucko.
Also Pikmin is my number one favorite series and Animal Crossing is my second. You're just retarded. A large chunk of Pikmin games is waiting around for shit to get done.
why do tehy make them so hot
>I mean, I get why someone can like it but it just doesn't appeal to me.
Ok...and? Were you expecting someone to reveal some overlooked aspect of the game that would give you a new perspective on it, or were you just hoping to get validation on your totally one-of-a-kind opinion from anonymous strangers on a cartoon message board?
The difference is in Pikmin the player is actually forced to be proactive by the clock which contributes to the game's sense of urgency. If you read my post you would know my biggest problem with AC is the waiting aspect.
Yes to both actually, don't you have any idea how this site works?
Because you play this game for 30mins a day over the course of a whole year +. This game is designed to discourage binges.
>my biggest problem with AC is the waiting aspect.
actually disregard this, my biggest problem with AC is that it essentially has no challenge and requires no skill whatsoever. In that sense it isn't even a game.
>Official home of 12:40 PM Welcome to Animal Crossing
What a strange title. For a video game.
Animal Crossing: Tropical Resort
Screencap it bitches.
It's nice to have a game that gives you a reason to turn on the console every day
It's also super chill
Maybe I should get it for Switch when it comes out then considering I haven't had a reason to turn mine on since Odyssey came out.
You could say the same thing about Stardew Valley.
Which amiibo costumes do you hope to see in Mario Maker 2, Yea Forums?
There are challenges though, such as catching all the first and bugs. Or getting a high hha rating. Or collecting all the paintings and fossils. You can create challenges for yourself too, like growing hybrid flowers. The problem is that your head as been cucked to the point that you need someone to tell you what to do and by completing that task, you process it as "fun" according to your programming. Its a pity desu desu
is even better if you have a qt gf thats into it.
I just want the Sanrio costumes back. And I'd also like the Sanrio villagers to be back in the Switch Animal Crossing, but who knows if Nintendo would be willing to get the license for those again.
As long as we get to date the residents, I don't give a fuck about anything else.
Animal Crossing is completely different from Pikmin in how they progress.
Days in Pikmin are 10-15 minutes and days in Animal Crossing are 24 hours, but you don't fucking wait around like you would in a Pikmin game because of how much longer the days are, that's retarded and stupid.
The point of Animal Crossing is pick it up once every day to see what's new, tinker around and then once you get bored you stop playing for the day, sometimes that may takes 5 hours, sometimes it might only take 15 minutes. The game doesn't demand to be played for 99999 hours in a single weekend, it respects the player and allows you to take things at your own pace, you could only play just 20 minutes a day to do the usual routines and keep up.
You couldn't miss the point of Animal Crossing any harder, which is really disappointing to see from someone who is a fan of Pikmin because out of everyone I would expect someone like you to understand but apparently not.
It's the same way Tamagotchi is a video game, it's alive and active all the time and the player can observe it to see what it's up to and even interact with it.
A lot of the challenges in Animal Crossing are self imposed challenges, which helps with the free and laid back nature of the game. Nothing bad happens to you if you do nothing, but if you do things you will be rewarded, and Animal Crossing excels in the aspect.
Stuff such as filling up the museum with fauna and fossils, getting a bigger house by paying off your debt, completing a furniture set, it's just chill. Playing Animal Crossing fills you with memories of going out into your backyard as a kid and finding a cool bug and capturing it in a glass jar, stuff like that. It's just a nice warming experience.
These games are destroyed by the mere fact that you can cheat the system with clock setting manipulation
Not him, but I still don't understand why someone would play a video game for 15 minutes and enjoy it. It's the same mentality as my mom who played Farmville or mobile games and I just don't derive pleasure from shaking some trees, picking up junk, and doing a task for some koala then moving on. I don't mind dailies in MMOs even because when they're over, I can still do other stuff but in Animal Crossing I just stand around or go stare at the wall. That's not fun, I just don't understand why a game would be made to not be played. Wouldn't it be better if bells were harder to get and there was a world 10 times larger with different places like a desert, where you could find special fossils under some pyramid? Or big mountains with yeti and bear and wolf neighbors living in cave houses? The game could be so much better but it's a Nintendo mobile game as it is and it's sad. I want to like Animal Crossing, I really do.
Personally I just wanna fuck the dog
It's for women.
> I want to like Animal Crossing, I really do.
Fuck off, you don't, because you hate everything that it's about and instead want it to be just another open world rpg.
Get absolutely stuffed.
I can't do escapism. At all. It just doesn't fit in my brain.
I can plan for a fictional goal just fine, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of achieving fictional goals. I just can't get my head around the idea of wanting to be somewhere else just to -be- someone else, rather than to -do- something else.
You sound mad.
The game is meant to be laid back and something familiar you can come back to every now and then. Some people just don't like having to go to different places so they can meet the characters they like, or just to get bells for that outfit or furniture they've been looking forward to.
If you're having to try this hard to like Animal Crossing then most likely it's not the game for you.
I actually do want to enjoy it. I want a little village of close friends that I can do meaningful things with, not just trade their trash back and forth. I also want more villages or wilderness areas to connect to with a train maybe, not open world bullshit. If Animal Crossing took some lessons from the Sims and added interesting climates and options and more than just tree shaking and interior design, it'd be great. Hell, just add Harvest Moon elements and go full farm mode.
He's right though.
You say you want to like Animal Crossing, but only if it's stops being Animal Crossing.
>open world RPG
You mean like Gothic II or Dark Souls?
It's the only series that doesn't stress me out the more I play it.
>Banned on PSN for telling too many people kys
>Banned Xbox live for telling too many people kys
>5 diamond league of legends accounts banned
>Banned on DotA
>Banned on StarCraft 2
>Banned on heroes of the Storm
Picking up fruit is the happiest I've ever been in a game
If you're talking about Pocket Camp then it's supposed to be shallow to encourage you spend moneys.
Is there a single player game where you can be banned?
I have no fucking idea how to NOT get banned in most games, except by just not playing the game at all (which defeats the point).
Other people can play games and not get banned, but I have no fucking idea how they do it.
If there were a single player game with some difficulty settings, I could practice.
I wanna fuck a qt anthro dog.
fishing and bug catching are fun too
>bug catching is fun
You set your own challenges in Animal Crossing.
Just don't talk and you will never get banned. Kys is a trigger word in most games and will get you auto banned. Honestly though, taliking shit is the only fun thing in moba games now. They're all so sterile and repetitive that finding someone that returns bantz is all you're playing for. Games are usually coin flips at higher levels. It's decided by whichever team gets the most off role players
>tfw they didn't take this chance to sub in higher level vocab in the 英語版
Animal crossing died after おいだせ.
>Just don't talk and you will never get banned.
That was literally the second thing I tried (the first being playing normally). It doesn't work. You get banned for "Griefing" or "Trolling" or "Being an Asshole" or "Being disrespectful".
There is tons of shit to do and discover in Animal Crossing, you're just not looking hard enough. It's the complete opposite of "what you see is what you get" because there is so much shit hidden below the surface level that you could play it every day for years and still constantly discover new things.
The games don't wear all of their features and ideas on their sleeve, these games are very secretive and hide things out of plain view for the player so when they discover something themselves by exploring, it's exciting and new.
For instance, in Left 4 Dead, I can be singlehandedly carrying a shit team, being absolutely silent, just powering through the objectives, and 4 out of 5 times they'll votekick anyway. They must hate people that play the game well.
But if I intentionally play poorly, I get kicked as well. You'd expect it to happen in that case, though.
You have to also be a meta sheep and be a pushover
I would routinely ignore meta in ow and just type kys if someone started shit, which they always did. League will also ban you for picking non meta champs.
Let's be honest guys... there's only a matter of time before there is an animal crossing mobile game.
>What is the appeal of a "game" that literally doesn't have gameplay of any kind and that forces you to wait real time before progressing?
Because you're supposed to fap to Isabelle while you wait ya dumb nigger.
>don't you have any idea how this site works?
People find reason to take offense at others enjoyment, than proceed to make multiple threads about it in an attempt to drag them down.
I guess so. I've only been playing the original for about a week and I don't dislike it. I just want more, which will come as I build up a collection I suppose. All I want are ultimately more climate options and different animals with better scripted personalities and interactions. Why not add an actual Mushroom Kingdom or DK island or Hyrule? Why not have a mythological beasts and underground towns to choose from? There's so much room for improvement is all I'm trying to say.
You mean besides pocket camp?
I expect a cash shop to show up at some point in the mainline games. It wouldn't take much to go full gacha.
What I'd really like to know is what people mean when they say "Asshole" or "Troll".
Because to me, those are people who either enjoy hurting others, or who focus entirely on their own selfish wants and don't care about others.
I am neither, though dear fucking god I -wish- I were a sociopath because of how frustrating it is to care about people who keep staying shit and getting rekt.
I mean, phone "games" are popular so
Ah whatever. I've been trying for two decades now and it ain't done shit, I doubt anyone here has any idea.
You have my pity
user do you need someone to talk to
But that’s not Reese.
If I could figure out why people intentionally keep making bad decisions that get them hurt, and then think -I'm- the bad guy when I either try to stop them or just ignore them and let them hurt themselves, I'd love to know.
There is more climate, you've only been playing for a fucking week. There's summer, autumn, spring and winter and each season has it's own plethora of things to do, meaning it's impossible to get truly everything out of the game until you've played it for a full year, and even then there are still missable events and holidays that you can miss out on.
As for animals, there are over 300 of them, user. You don't think this is like Stardew Valley where it's just the same set of characters for every playthrough, do you?
And please, the next time I see an out of place Mushroom Kingdom or Hyrule in any of my Nintendo games, I'm going to scream. I never liked the crossover shit where nearly every new Nintendo game now has to have Question Blocks and Tri-Forces and Mario Costumes and Link Costumes, it's so fucking oversaturated now. Holy shit I'm happy you don't make video games.
my gf (inb4 tfw no gf) is lv 176 without paying anything
Based Japaneseposter
Honestly, new leaf would be better for a new comet. Check your TV around 3 in the morning to see aliens.
I'm still waiting for the switch one. I played 3 years out of new leaf and never found the UFO or the genie.
To play a game that I have to make time for to do certain things
its secretly a good depression game because you look forward to doing things or at least implants that idea in those very far down
>Hard to swallow pills
nes games are not coming back, the best we can hope for is something like original mini-games like the island one which is good, on the 3ds at least and tetris attack
Also game will never have date mechanics, stop wasting precious kb wishing for it
pic is mint being better than pecan
fuck off furry nigger