Other urls found in this thread:
>installing spyware
No thanks.
No thanks, I’ll stick with civ 3
play civ 6
>paroting reddit and steam reviews
The "spyware" was removed months ago
I have been but I’ve never played a Civ game before and I have no goddamn clue what in the flying fuck I’m doing
I keep trying, but it's impossible to enjoy playing Civ against the AI for me now. Sure, it is a challenge against max level opponents, but not an interesting one because the AI always plays the same way and makes the same mistakes.
Not until they fix the AI
Pick a victory type and spam the related buildings.
1upt forever fucked up the AI. Firaxis is improving the ai with every patch bur for anything big we need mods
I almost bought it during the last sale since it was cheap, but the reviews said it had spyware in it so I didn't. Also, I heard it doesn't have Attila so why would I play it over 5?
Yes ma'am
this looks suspiciously like carafalsa's art
Why, when civ 4 is far better
>1upt forever fucked up the AI
Yeah. It makes the game infinitely better against human opponents though, it's just such a fucking long game to get a decent group of people playing together. Realistically we're a fair way off decent AI for games as complex as this.
I say the same thing in every thread, the spyware was removed a long time ago.
Also they replaced Attila with Tomyris. Same shit but more fun to play.
With GS, 6 is on par with 4. 6 does pretty much everything 4 and 5 do but mich better and add plenty of cool stuff. 4 is indeed lightyears ahead of 5 but not better than 6 since the xpac.
Doesn't the AI suck major ass?
t. never played 4
I did, after playing 5. Mainly with the realism invictus mod tho and on below prince. What makes you say 4 is SO MUCH BETTER?
Nice try Firaxis employee, the EULA still says they reserve the rights to collect ALL of your fucking information so it can be sold to marketing companies.
>hurr durr if you have nothing to hide
No, fuck off. Everyone has something to exploit. If you believe otherwise then post your SSN, date of birth and mother's maiden name right now.
How is the switch port?
user... if you've ever use the internet, all your data is stolen. Do you own a smartphone? Data stolen. I'm even ready to bet you have windows 10 and facebook you memeloving fuck. Also, I hope you know RedShell they removed is still used by tons of games, and if you care about your privacy, I suggest you leave society, because anyone who wants your data already has it. You have to go back.
Here comes this bullshit argument again.
>hurr everything is a botnet so just stop caring
you sound like a genuine marketer
It's amazing they managed to make it work, but it's gutted. Graphics are unironically mobile tier, it's vanilla, limited to small maps and the turn times must be atrocious.
Never said that, and I pirated the game. But yeah, everything is indeed a botnet, especially w10, facebook, your phone and the internet in general. Don't pretend you give the slightest fuck about privacy, but then go online. And I suggest you read a bunch of EULAs, data collection for marketing and sales forcasts has been around for as long as data collection and marketing were around. You really have to go back.
Her feet are not posted so I wont play civ6
I did. I won't do that again.
>mfw barbarians with giant death robots
>playing proprietary games that are spyware 100% of the time
>sexualizing the KING of Poland
Absolutely haram
Is it wrong to praise King by worshipping her feet?
It's degenerate. Jadwiga is for spreading religion and holding a staff.
I'm so happy they added GDR back into the game
>Code Geass.png
Not my fault she is cute in this artstyle.
What is this. I need source please
Sounds good. I'll pirate it and give it a go.
Reminder that there is a steamworks patch available for civ 6, so there's absolutely no reason to buy it anymore.
That means she must have clean and pure feet.
I'm not a poorfag though and don't need to break the law to play the games I want
honestly this
Are we in a perpetual loop of the same thread? It's the same posts verbatim for like a week now.
First time on Yea Forums?
How does that work?
Stop bragging, be humble, sit down.
It's OP, he keeps making these threads because he's desperate to discuss VI and call V an abomination over and over. Personally I like both so whatever, but yeah these threads are getting real irritating.
Just play it and you'll find out as you go along. You won't play optimally but for your first game that's nothing weird. There's some good info on the civ wiki (not the civlopedia but that works too).
Just played my first game as the Maori. I wasn't able to win until around turn 370 and that was only due to how OP spies and rock bands are.
While I can play domination and science civs at at LEAST an emperor/immortal level, I have struggles with cultural civs on King, since going for culture often means that I fall behind in science, which means I could very easily be a war target if I'm not careful.
Any tips on how to play cultural civs better? What should I prioritize in terms of early districts and what are the most efficient ways to ensure growth in your cities?
Only temporarily it did. It's back now in even more aggressive form, datamining while out of the game.
Weird, since GS I think CV come too fast and without really pursuing them. Grab son GW, a few wonders, don't fall back on science, then spam national parks, ski resorts, rockbands and seaside resorts. Don't forget to have open borders with everyone the whole game.
> turn times must be atrocious
This plus the AI is a retarded troll.
Fun fact:
Outside of Lithuania, Hungary and Poland Jadwiga was almost universally hated by the church and the nobility of other European countries
And despite all of that, she was a kind and genuine ruler and she stayed that way until her death
I'm Australian you cunt, 01 May 1986 and Patricia.
Build more terraformers and crawlers.
If a city has less than 3 terraformers and less than 5 crawlers you are doing it wrong, build more.
Yes. Turn time is about 20 minutes if you dont want to mess up districts.
All the leaders are kinda gross though. I just want to play as a white guy.
If people want my data so much how come they remove me from their services when my data contains "The holocaust was greatly exaggerated for the sake of milking victimhood, which is bullshit because Jews started WWII and deserved far worse than they got"?
>Civ 6 lewds from the timeline where 4x and RTS never died out but instead MMOs and Cawadoody FPS's were a flash in the pan are leaking into this reality
I couldn't be more erect but lord help me I'm trying.
If you're against the AI, building up friendships through delegations and embassies, open borders, and trade should keep you protected from military conflict. By the time that war becomes an eventuality due to ideological differences, etc. you should have amassed a military that can defend your territory sufficiently. Defense is as much more about positioning and attrition than offense, which requires sacrifices even for the cheating AI. The issue is that it won't protect other civilizations from snowballing off of each other, so you can end up in a situation where SOMEONE who may or may not be November Bazinga is accumulating more tourism than you just because of the size of their empire.
>Early districts
It depends. Honestly, delay theater squares unless you aren't interested in any particular wonders. I prioritize wonders over theater squares because getting the former guarantees the latter are better. First district is usually campus or commercial hub, still. You need to at least keep up in science, as shitty as that is.
Settling is the first step, harvesting resources when appropriate is the second. Use your trade routes wisely and make sure you're playing around the housing cap.
what is this word salad
I haven't played this one. Am I able to completely fuck over another nation by sanctioning them with my powerhouse economy?
Tvtropes will ruin your vocabulary.
Nope, the closest you can come is denying other players the resources they desperately need for a functioning military (horses, iron, coal, oil) or gain enough political clout to fuck with people in the world congress.
Well you can pillage all their tiles, trade routes and bankrupt them with war reparations and luxuries, then steal their treasury while spawning rebels in their cities and sabotaging their dams or nuclear reactors.
>since GS I think CV come too fast and without really pursuing them
I'm actually convinced you have to actively try to not get a cultural victory in order to have a chance of getting a diplomatic victory. If you aim for diplomatic victory but you're willing to pursue another victory condition if it comes within reach first, you'll end up with a cultural victory every time.
How often will you build Holy Sites in a city and when? I figured that gathering Faith generation is very important because of National Parks and Rock Bands.
Also, it was unfortunate because my biggest roadblock to winning, China, was able to completely conquer his Macedonian neighbor to the point where he was gaining 500 science per turn by Turn 300. I was able to continually ally him for a while but he ended up denouncing and DoWing me with GDRs after my Spies got caught fucking with his Spaceports too many times. I managed to barely squeeze out enough tourism to win right before his GDRs were about to rape my cities due to my Level 4 Rock Band gathering 12000+ tourism per concert over by the Dutch, the 2nd highest culture civ next to me.
>Civ 6
The game Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Art depicting a human being in a way that inspires lustful or affectionate response in the viewer
A lot of people believe that, due to quantum physics considering all possible outcomes of a given event until forced to choose, that those other possible outcomes it didn't pick become their own timelines, separate from ours.
Because quantum physics resolves entangled information in ways we don't understand yet, some people think that information could leak from one timeline into another.
Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate. A style of gameplay involving spreading across the land, consuming resources, and destroying all in your way.
Real time strategy. Genre of game featuring collecting resources, building a base, training an army, and using that army to destroy other people's resources / base / armies.
Game where over 100 people's characters can all interact with each-other at the same time.
Regenerating health cover-based military shooter which tries to win itself regardless of the player's input
Game played where the camera's perspective is within the eyes of the character you control, and wherein gameplay involves left clicking on things to make the things fall over
>flash in the pan
A thing that has intense popularity but the popularity is brief and fades rapidly.
>this reality
Probably means "This timeline" rather than "This reality".
It will keep running while exited from the game. This isn't redshell btw.
>I just want to play as a white guy
Not him but I build 1 holy site early just to get a religion and that's it. I build them in every city if I go for religious victory combined with all the religious wonders, or if I play something like Mali that has absurd faith adjacency, and pick the golden age dedication that buys civilian units with faith.
Sounds clutch.
I tend to build holy sites only if I know it's going to be favorable for me to do so. If you think you're going to get a golden age early game, strong faith generation benefits any playstyle because of the ability to shit out settlers and builders with faith. National parks and rock bands come so late in the game that you should be able to reliably afford them even with pretty mild faith generation, but it doesn't hurt to bring a couple good holy sites online when you can afford to do so (when it isn't more appealing to get another, more relevant district, a wonder, etc.).You can always opt for resorts if you can't afford a naturalist, too.
>I like Boudica but not in the waifu way
What an idiot
Reminds me of Kristina of Sweden
he even posts the same canned response when you call out CIV 6 for being spyware
Instead of picking some random nobodies from the ass end of some failed state who happened to be female
Why don't we take leaders that already exist, and make female versions of them?
shit that's even worse than Redshell ever was
AI can post on Yea Forums now. You can see their posts in any thread for the latest AAA release. They fucking LOVE to call anyone who says their game is shit an "idiot" or a "shill".
There's also a version that used to >imply that the opinion of some random hypothetical roastie was important, but I haven't seen it in a couple of weeks.
It's another episode of best girl falls in love with dumb MC
For all the Jadwiga, Cleo, Vicky and Eleanors, they don't hold a candle to Theodora, Catherine, Isabelle, Maria, Dido and Wu Zetian.
I miss Civ V leader screens
The closest would be to buy diplomatic favor, which you can use in the world congress to sabotage another civ by banning a luxury resource they depend on or keeping their borders from expanding. Really minor stuff which I'm convinced is never ever worth it, because you'd have to outvote all the other civs who always go for the proposal that benefits them. Sabotaging with spies is more fun, but being an economic powerhouse doesn't really make you any more effective at that than any other civ. If anything you'll just get punished for being ahead, since everyone else will focus all their spies on you, and you have to use all your spies just to protect your own shit.
Too many of the potentially fun mechanics you can play with as a peaceful civ are limited in some way so you don't get too much advantage by being ahead, which would make the game too easy. Which is kinda silly, since there's no such limit on how much military advantage you can get by being ahead.
Why they hated her?
>Boudicia husbandoing OP
>Capturing Isabelle's cities and gifting them to OP
How do I get this to happen to me?
>She was a kind and genuine ruler
Based Merciful Fate poster
The leaders in 5 look like porcelain dolls. I like the new ones' expressiveness. It gives them more personality. I do miss the setpieces though. I wish they kept those instead of having the leaders stand in front of blurry backdrops.
did she allowed poor peasants to have snu-snu with her?